How do I connect an SDK to Visual Studio? - c++

I'm very new to SDK. I don't know how to add SDKs I downloaded to Visual Studio.
To be more specific, I've downloaded the SDK from LEAP MOTION for Windows:
I am currently using Visual Studio 2012 and writting in C++.
I just want to know how to connect the SDK to VS, so I can use the methods provided by the
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Import the DLL Libraries into your code using the reference adding and the using or import reference (depending prog language). There are DLL for X86 and X64 arquitectures, select the full filled compliment version for your project and machine. When your code has no errors pleas, copy the DLL into the Release and Debug folder manually or you will have runtime exceptions.

There should be some documentation on the Leap Motion website, if it's compatible with Visual Studio. Also, check out this link, it might help:


Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

visual studio 2015. c++ console application converted in setup project with all dll

So i'm fairly new to VS and coding and I've recently made a small snake game in a C++ console application project, which works fine but i would like to get it to work on another PC without VS. The closest i have found to answering my question were these other StackOverflow questions here and here. i have installed the vs installer projects extension to try make it a setup project and include the required dependencies but i cant work out how to do this. Does anyone have any info to guide me through my last step of this problem or am i completely on the wrong track?
If the application uses dynamic runtime (which is the default), it uses the VS DLL files. To provide them, the Visual Studio Runtime Redistributable for that particular VS version needs to be installed on the target machine (as mentioned in your second link).
So that means you need to setup the installer that way. I didn't use it, but there might be some options that the resulting setup can either contain or download and install the VS redistributable automatically.
See also here: How to install redistributable with visual studio setup? (but it is for VS 2013, there might be some changes in 2015)
Well, you don't tell us what kind of project your C++ console app is...
Using only C++, your app can be built with different versions of the CRT, like for instance:
V120 (VS-2013)
V120_XP (VS-2013 w/ XP support)
V140 (VS-2015)
V140_XP (VS-2015 w/ XP support)
Even on VS 2015, you can choose the version of the CRT you want, and use an older version, if needed.
Anyway, the target computer will need the DLLs for the correct CRT version.
Microsoft provides them. You can either ship them with your product, if you have a custom installer, or use the installer provided by Microsoft.
MSDN - Determining Which DLLs to Redistribute
For instance, using V120:
Your project might also use .NET.
In such a case, you also need to install the correct version in the host machine.

How to package/send a program (Visual Studio 2013)

I would like to send a program I've been working on to a friend so that he can test it for me, but I don't know exactly how to do so. Should I just put the release folder in a .zip file and send it to him like that, and tell him to run the .exe? Or is there an installer that I can sort of "package" it in?
I've created a C++ program using Visual Studio 2013 on Windows. Thanks for your help.
If you zip it up they may need additional runtime libraries installed (VC redistributables) on their OS. You can also use installer software to help manage this. Which one you choose is up to you but zipping it up may be the easiest way if they're willing to manually install the required VC Redistributable package. Just make sure you include all dependencies your application requires to run.
Keep in mind that the debug version of the VC runtime is not part of the redistributable package and cannot (legally) be deployed. You will need to send them Release mode versions of the application.
I would suggest using
You can easily post loads of code, public/private and can share the link
easily with anyone you like.
You could send the actual file of your program to him,
but for him to use it he would have to have the EXACT same
integrated development environment(IDE) as you.
For Example:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

Compile Visual Studio projects without having Visual Studio installed?

Is there a way to compile a Visual Studio 2012 project without having the VS installed? I need to compile C++ stuff for windows quite rarely and buying the product is not justified as there's no profit (community projects). In most of the cases the project and solution files will be available. If there's a way to compile the code with SDK, could you please share an example?
You can download visual studio express for free. Whenever you build a solution, the bin folder in your project folder will contain the compiled code.
EDITED: (per MS website)
Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop enables the creation of desktop apps in C#, Visual Basic, and C++, and supports Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, and Win32.
Sign in to Visual Studio within 30 days with your Microsoft account to synchronize your settings across multiple machines and register your product.
Your best bet is likely going to be using msbuild which will allow you to build a solution or project without having Visual Studio installed.
If you have the free version VC++ Express installed (and thus the compiler toolchain), you might find it more interesting to use Eclipse CDT as IDE on top. At least the newer versions (I think since Helios) support using the native MS toolchain. You can import from native
VS projects also.
Eclipse is the more powerful IDE IMHO, and will additionally support other toolchains (either cross compiling, or Windows alternatives as MinGw GCC).

missing DLL file when i run my application on another machine?

I am using visual studio 2013 with ISLE 2013 to create a windows form application,
it is the first time i use this style,
I successfully built the application but the problem comes after i setup the application on another PC is says msvcp120.dll is missing!
I have searched the web for this problem and I could not find anything?
any ideas?
I am not a windows guy but I will try to answer, as I did some small research. I found information here. It says:
"This file is the dynamic linking library designed as a Microsoft C Runtime Library, usually comming with Microsoft® Visual Studio®. It is a collection of link libraries that contains instructions for the standard C library functions. It is used by almost all Windows programs compiled from C or C++ source code. This library is used for the applications written under Visual Studio."
So, I am guessing it is a microsoft thing. A runtime library that is required to run c/c++ projects built with visual studios. Download the .dll from a source online (just google) and include it into your project directory. If it helps, include that file in your installation file.
Until anybody who is working with windows and has any idea about that dll answers you question, this answer can help you to get started.
found the solution I should add the Visual C++ runtime library installer
Don't download single DLL's from which you know hardly anything from random sites.
From your Visual Studio 2013 installation directory, check C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\1033 and you'll see vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe files that need to be run on your target system.
Use the x64 variant for 64 bit apps. It will install MSVCP120.dll for one, and some other DLL's as well.
Msvcp120.dll is the dll for standard c++ library. When you develop an application using standard c++ in VS 2013, the application defaults to Msvcp120.dll(Msvcp110.dll in VS2012). The client computer should install Visual c++ 2013 Redistributable.
Some dependencies that are on your system because you have Visual Studio installed will not be on the target system. You will need to include them in your installer or install a redistributable package on the target machine.
As there are many options and listing them all here would be too much and also redundant, you may want to visit the Microsoft site for this task and read up on all those options before you decide which you chose.
You can download the .dll file from DLL Store and paste that file into the directory where you have installed the setup.
Hope it will help you.