Based on this excellent screencast and example, I've been able to unit test my Ember (RC7) app successfully, writing to model objects and such. I'm having trouble with integration testing. I even tried the most basic sort of test, as seen below, but to no avail. Any tips on what I'm doing wrong?
I'm getting this error from the console:
LOG: 'App ready'
INFO: 'generated -> route:application', Object{fullName: 'route:application'}
LOG: 'NeedsAuthMixin: user not authenticated (1).'
INFO: 'Rendering application with ', Object{fullName: 'view:application'}
INFO: 'Rendering login with ', Object{fullName: 'view:login'}
LOG: 'Transitioned into 'login''
LOG: 'testing... login screen loads OK 1'
LOG: 'Transitioned into 'login''
Chrome 28.0.1500 (Mac OS X 10.6.8) Integration Tests - load login page FAILED
Expected 1 assertions, but 0 were run
Background: As you can see, as my app loads, it checks for user authentication, whereupon it transitions to a login page if user isn't authenticated.
This is the code that calls the test (generated from coffeescript):
asyncTest("test: load login page", function() {
console.log("testing... login screen loads OK 1");
return visit("/login").then(function() {
return ok(1 === 1, "Value equal 1.");
My Karma config file is here.
I think it will work if you use test() instead of asyncTest()
I'm sorry if this is a silly question, it's my first time trying to integrate the PayPal payment button into my Django website
I was following a tutorial and everything works fine when I used the HTML script from the PayPal developer website:
I tested the payments and they went through successfully.
this is the working script
<!-- Set up a container element for the button -->
<div id="paypal-button-container"></div>
<!-- Include the PayPal JavaScript SDK -->
<script src="¤cy=USD"></script>
// Render the PayPal button into #paypal-button-container
// Set up the transaction
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
return actions.order.create({
purchase_units: [{
amount: {
value: '88.44'
// Finalize the transaction
onApprove: function(data, actions) {
return actions.order.capture().then(function(orderData) {
// Successful capture! For demo purposes:
console.log('Capture result', orderData, JSON.stringify(orderData, null, 2));
var transaction = orderData.purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0];
alert('Transaction '+ transaction.status + ': ' + + '\n\nSee console for all available details');
// Replace the above to show a success message within this page, e.g.
// const element = document.getElementById('paypal-button-container');
// element.innerHTML = '';
// element.innerHTML = '<h3>Thank you for your payment!</h3>';
// Or go to another URL: actions.redirect('thank_you.html');
on the final step i should add the id where the payments go, i added the client id from my sandbox app as i followed on the tutorial.
then the payment process failed with a bunch of warnings and errors on the console log.
those are the warnings, i'm not sure if they are relevant
and the error
Error: Api: /smart/api/order/2CE30645TN292790N/capture returned status code: 500 (Corr ID: 6059f74d7d86c)
{"ack":"error","message":"Unhandled api error","meta":{"calc":"6059f74d7d86c","rlog":"rZJvnqaaQhLn%2FnmWT8cSUueWscmrtUHe5Y1Bd%2FeqyvyOTq66rSXAciiXRg7dClMl1o2iporwJbYz7mI0k8X%2B5vvp6t7dnU%2B%2B_17b646b9bfe"},"server":"BW5u5z-ag5VIFXCeo-FvfHOppMovQjbfurKdnROZjue_puvEq8w7pr9g-JTUa_N93X-G1W0ItCQpDtpWzP0fjVwpK7fYmKtRr_M6AiZCc9I8jT1o-HkaNIQVCchIVE2wBsEFPkUDKrguIXjpL9HKQHXFhio_DKQgF46f__hfehX6OcSyf8EqFzCq0v_aKUbo2cn6qm-ns-fO2ozMUq0o7RWyqIHd0mDJoV8auE6OUquFw6fW65nkyx9HcNmBdsVrYFstFxkpY2W"}
at e.n.dispatch (¤cy=USD&intent=capture&commit=true&vault=false&renderedButtons.0=paypal&renderedButtons.1=card&debug=false&applePaySupport=false&supportsPopups=true&supportedNativeBrowser=false:1317:19688)
at e.n.resolve (¤cy=USD&intent=capture&commit=true&vault=false&renderedButtons.0=paypal&renderedButtons.1=card&debug=false&applePaySupport=false&supportsPopups=true&supportedNativeBrowser=false:1317:18745)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (¤cy=USD&intent=capture&commit=true&vault=false&renderedButtons.0=paypal&renderedButtons.1=card&debug=false&applePaySupport=false&supportsPopups=true&supportedNativeBrowser=false:1317:38897)
is there an additional step or any solutions to make this work, thank you
For testing in sandbox, create a new Sandbox business account for a new sandbox country, such as US, and then make a new sandbox REST app for that business account with a new client ID.
For later going live, if the receiving business account is in one of the countries listed here, ensure there is a bank or visa card on the account that is capable of withdrawing funds automatically, in order for that account to be able to receive payments. This seems to be a special regulatory requirement in those countries, but have the account owner contact PayPal's general business or customer support if they need more information
I'm using the
java version "1.8.0_91"
Grails Version: 3.0.9 & Groovy Version: 2.4.5
I'm not sure where is is being inserted at. I've added the appid to application.yml, application.groovy, src\main\resources\
DEBUG com.the6hours.grails.springsecurity.facebook.SpringSecurityFacebookGrailsPlugin - Facebook security config: [appId
:********, secret:********, apiKey:Invalid, domain:[classname:com.spontorg.FacebookUser, appUserConnectionPropertyName:u
ser], useAjax:true, autoCheck:true, jsconf:fbSecurity, permissions:[email, user_friends, public_profile], taglib:[langua
ge:en_US, button:[text:Login with Facebook], initfb:true], autoCreate:[enabled:true, roles:[ROLE_USER, ROLE_FACEBOOK]],
filter:[json:[processUrl:/j_spring_security_facebook_json, type:json, methods:[POST]], redirect:[redirectFromUrl:/j_spri
ng_security_facebook_redirect], processUrl:/j_spring_security_facebook_check, type:redirect, position:720, forceLoginPar
ameter:j_spring_facebook_force], beans:[:], host:localhost]
DEBUG com.the6hours.grails.springsecurity.facebook.FacebookAuthUtils - Redirect to
afterwards the URL redirect is
then i get an error 72, and some message about the app is setup for public access, etc.
It was me, i must have copy/pasted that in and never looked closely enough. IDK?
I checked the source code & it was pretty clearly pulling that value, rechecked and DOH!
finally got it, you need to match the host: with the value you put in ont the facebook app or it pukes again with a different error.
appId: '###########'
secret: 'asfd!##$asfdasfd!#'
classname: 'com.domain.FacebookUser'
type: redirect
permissions: ['email','user_friends','public_profile']
I'm trying to use loopback angular SDK to login but instead I'm getting back a 401 unauthorized response.
User.login({ rememberMe: true }, {email: $, password: $scope.user.password})
.then(function() {
var next = $location.nextAfterLogin || '/';
$location.nextAfterLogin = null;
.catch(function(x) {
$scope.authError = 'Wrong Credentials';
Also i can see the user with the given credentials in the datasource that I've defined for the User model.
So basically, I have a boot script that creates a default user
username: 'admin',
email: '',
password: 'admin'
}], on_usersCreated);
And I also have created a custom User model that extends the built-in User model.
Why am I getting a 401 unauthorized response when trying to login? I have even tried to login via the explorer, but with no success.
I debugged the build-in User model and the login method; and it seems that it cannot find the user with the given email. I can see it though in the mongodb database.
Inspect the ACL records of User model, starting you app in debug mode and viewing console: DEBUG=loopback:security:acl slc run.
I don't see anything wrong with your code. Are you sure the values you're passing into the function are correct? Try logging $ and $scope.user.password before calling User.login.
See my new example here:
The tutorial part is not complete, you can look around the source code to get an idea of what you're doing different.
I am implementing error logging in my EmberJS application much as is described here and it's working pretty well. The only part that is throwing me off is how to properly handle error calls from the Ember RSVP onerror event.
Errors produced from within the Ember run loop are nicely formatted with message and stack properties, but errors raised from RSVP give back a standard XHR response and no additional context. Is it possible to access any information about what Ajax call was being executed when this error occurred?
I am using Ember 1.3.1 and Ember Data 1.0.0+b6.
I'm using a dirty workaround to get context from RSVP internals. You can overwrite RVSP.Promise._onerror method and include some data. 'this' object has _label property which contains sometime useful info about model.
My solution is still not ideal but it is something.
#RSVP _onerror hack
#put this before creating application
oldMethod = Em.RSVP.Promise.prototype._onerror
Em.RSVP.Promise.prototype._onerror = (reason) ->
reason.label = this._label
App = Ember.Application.create(options)
And little improved code to hook on standart onerror method
Ember.RSVP.configure('onerror', (error) ->
#handle situation when user in other tab logout from application.
if error.status == 401 #not authorized
window.location = '/login'
niceError = unless error.stack
message = {
label: error.label,
status: error.status,
statusText: error.statusText,
state: error.state(),
readyState: error.readyState,
responseText: error.responseText.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '').substr(0,100)
new Error(Ember.inspect(message))
#here is method to send notification about error
MessageApp.errorHandler('RSVP', niceError)
There seems to be very few to no up to date resources on integration of Facebook login with the cakephp Auth component online. I have found the following resources:
Old Bakery Article using cakephp 1.3? and an older version of Facebook SDK
Cakephp Plugin by webtechnick that seems to be in development
Other than this I found no definitive resources. I wanted the integration to be as flexible (without the use of a magic plugin) as possible. So after much research I finally baked a decent solution which I am sharing here today. Please contribute as I am rather new to cake.
Integration of Cakephp 2.x Auth with Facebook Auth for seamless user authentication
To start off you should read up on the fantastic cakePHP Auth Component and follow the Simple Authentication and Authorization Application tutorial from the cakephp book 2.x (Assuming you have also followed the first two tutorials from the series. After you are done, you should have managed to build a simple cakePHP application with user authentication and authorization.
Next you should download the facebook SDK and obtain an App ID from facebook.
First we will copy the Facebook sdk in to App/Vendors. Then we will import and initialize it in the AppController beforeFilter method.
public function beforeFilter() {
App::import('Vendor', 'facebook-php-sdk-master/src/facebook');
$this->Facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'App_ID_of_facebook',
'secret' => 'App_Secret'
$this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
We are initializing the Facebook SDK in AppController so that we will have access to it through out the application. Next we will generate the Facebook login URL using the SDK and pass it to the view. I normally do this in the beforeRender method.
Note: The above configuration details (appId & secret) should preferably be saved in App/Config/facebook.php. You should then use cake Configure.
public function beforeRender() {
$this->set('fb_login_url', $this->Facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri' => Router::url(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'), true))));
$this->set('user', $this->Auth->user());
We will update our layout so that we can display this link to facebook login for all users who have not logged in. Notice how we have set redirect_uri to our applications User/login action. This is so that once facebook has authenticated a user, we can log him in using cake::Auth as well. There are various benefits to this, including the solution for this question.
<!-- App/Views/Layouts/default.ctp just after <div id="content"> -->
if($user) echo 'Welcome ' . $user['username'];
else {
echo $this->Html->link('Facebook Login', $fb_login_url) . ' | ';
echo $this->Html->link('Logout', array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'logout'));
When the user clicks the login link, facebook SDK will login the user and redirect them to our app Users/login. We will update this action for handling this:
// App/Controller/UsersController.php
// Handles login attempts from both facebook SDK and local
public function login()
// If it is a post request we can assume this is a local login request
if ($this->request->isPost()){
if ($this->Auth->login()){
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Username or password. Try again.'));
// When facebook login is used, facebook always returns $_GET['code'].
// User login successful
$fb_user = $this->Facebook->getUser(); # Returns facebook user_id
if ($fb_user){
$fb_user = $this->Facebook->api('/me'); # Returns user information
// We will varify if a local user exists first
$local_user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('username' => $fb_user['email'])
// If exists, we will log them in
if ($local_user){
$this->Auth->login($local_user['User']); # Manual Login
// Otherwise we ll add a new user (Registration)
else {
$data['User'] = array(
'username' => $fb_user['email'], # Normally Unique
'password' => AuthComponent::password(uniqid(md5(mt_rand()))), # Set random password
'role' => 'author'
// You should change this part to include data validation
$this->User->save($data, array('validate' => false));
// After registration we will redirect them back here so they will be logged in
$this->redirect(Router::url('/users/login?code=true', true));
// User login failed..
And we are done! Most of the heavy lifting is done by this action as you can see. You should preferably move some of the above code in to UserModel. So here's a summary of what is going on.
At first we check if the login request is send from the login form of our application # Users/login. If it is, then we simply log the user in. Otherwise we check if the user exists in our database and if he does log him in or create a new user, and then log him in.
Be careful to verify the user here with more than their email, like their facebook_id. Otherwise there is a chance the user could change their facebook email and hijack another user of your application.
Happy Coding!