Fatal Python error: Couldn't create autoTLSkey mapping with C++ binding - c++

when trying to create a sub process from python binding, i have this error :
"Fatal Python error: Couldn't create autoTLSkey mapping"
If i just run the script from the terminal, there is no problem.
Does anyone have any informations about this ?

And for others not on 2.7.2 this could also be a memory limit issue. In my uwsgi settings file I had:
limit-as = 512
reload-on-as = 256
reload-on-rss = 192
But these were too low. So if you have a similar limit then increase them.


HTCondor - Partitionable slot not working

I am following the tutorial on
Center for High Throughput Computing and Introduction to Configuration in the HTCondor website to set up a Partitionable slot. Before any configuration I run
and get the following output.
I update the file 00-minicondor in /etc/condor/config.d by adding the following lines at the end of the file.
SLOT_TYPE_1 = cpus=4
and reconfigure
sudo condor_reconfig
Now with
I get this output as expected. Now, I run the following command to check everything is fine
condor_status -af Name Slotype Cpus
and find slot1#ip-172-31-54-214.ec2.internal undefined 1 instead of slot1#ip-172-31-54-214.ec2.internal Partitionable 4 61295 that is what I would expect. Moreover, when I try to summit a job that asks for more than 1 cpu it does not allocate space for it (It stays waiting forever) as it should.
I don't know if I made some mistake during the installation process or what could be happening. I would really appreciate any help!
EXTRA INFO: If it can be of any help have have installed HTCondor with the command
curl -fsSL https://get.htcondor.org | sudo /bin/bash -s – –no-dry-run
on Ubuntu 18.04 running on an old p2.xlarge instance (it has 4 cores).
UPDATE: After rebooting the whole thing it seems to be working. I can now send jobs with different CPUs requests and it will start them properly.
The only issue I would say persists is that Memory allocation is not showing properly, for example:
But in reality it is allocating enough memory for the job (in this case around 12 GB).
If I run again
condor_status -af Name Slotype Cpus
I still get something I am not supposed to
But at least it is showing the correct number of CPUs (even if it just says undefined).
What is the output of condor_q -better when the job is idle?

Request-URI Too Long': URI length exceeds the configured limit of 2048 characters

I had this configuration , i use play 2.6 and i cant use Netty and POST
http.server.parsing.max-uri-length = 16k
http.client.parsing.max-uri-length = 16k
http.host-connection-pool.client.parsing.max-uri-length = 16k
http.max-uri-length = 16k
max-uri-length = 16k
akka.http {
parsing {
max-uri-length = 16k
But throw this exception
akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl(play-dev-mode)] Illegal request, responding with status '414 Request-URI Too Long': URI length exceeds the configured limit of 2048 characters
From my original Post here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63390208/1029251
This took me way to long to figure out. It is somehow NOT to be found in the documentation.
Here is a snippet to put in your application.conf which is also configurable via an environment variable and works for BOTH dev and prod mode:
# Dev Mode
play.akka.dev-mode.akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = 16384
play.akka.dev-mode.akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = ${?PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH}
# Prod Mode
akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = 16384
akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length = ${?PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH}
You can then edit the config or with an already deployed application just set PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH and it is dynamically configurable without the need to modify commandline arguments.
env PLAY_MAX_URI_LENGTH=16384 sbt run
Since you're running in dev mode, add the akka.http.parsing.max-uri-length=16k configuration setting to the command line:

grails FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.Execution failed fro task ':boot run'

got this error while I tried to run my very first grail app..:(
enter image description heregot this error while I tried to run my very first grail app..:(
Some steps you can follow to resolve...
Check the JDK and Grails, both need to be same 32 bit or both need to be same 64 bit
Execute this on command prompt: java -Xmx2048m -Xms256m
Then rebuild and run app
The initial memory allocated to your JVM is bigger than the maximum JVM memory size you allocated via your -Xmx parameter.
see What are the Xms and Xmx parameters when starting JVMs?

Unable to get CAP_CHOWN and CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE working for regular user

My requirement
My python server runs as a regular user on RHEL
But it needs to create files/directories at places it doesn't have access to.
Also needs to do chown those files with random UID/GID
My approach
Trying this in capability-only environment, no setuid.
I am trying to make use of cap_chown and cap_dac_override capabilities.
But am totally lost of how to get it working in systemctl kind of environment
At present I have following in the service file:
#cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/my_server.service
And following on the binary itself:
# getcap /usr/bin/linux_capability_test.py
/usr/bin/linux_capability_test.py = cap_chown,cap_dac_override+ei
But this here says, that it will never work on scripts:
Is there a way for non-root processes to bind to "privileged" ports on Linux?
With the current setting, the capabilities I have for the running process are:
# ps -ef | grep lin
testuser 28268 1 0 22:31 ? 00:00:00 python /usr/bin/linux_capability_test.py
# getpcaps 28268
Capabilities for `28268': = cap_chown,cap_dac_override+i
But if I try to create file in /etc/ from within that script:
file_name = '/etc/junk'
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
It fails with 'Permission denied'
Is that the same case for me that it won't work ?
Can I use python-prctl module here to get it working ?
setuid will not work with scripts because it is a security hole, due to the way that scripts execute. There are several documents on this. You can even start by looking at the wikipedia page.
A really good workaround is to write a small C program that will launch your Python script with hard-coded paths to python and the script. A really good discussion of all the issues may be found here
Update: A method to do this, not sure if the best one. Using 'python-prctl' module:
1. Ditch 'User=testuser' from my-server.service
2. Start server as root
3. Set 'keep_caps' flag True
4. Do 'setgroups, setgid and setuid'
5. And immediately limit the permitted capability set to 'DAC_OVERRIDE' and 'CHOWN' capability only
6. Set the effective capability for both to True
Here is the code for the same
import prctl
prctl.securebits.keep_caps = True
prctl.cap_permitted.limit(prctl.CAP_CHOWN, prctl.CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE)
prctl.cap_effective.dac_override = True
prctl.cap_effective.chown = True`
Based upon our discussion above, I did the following:
This starts the server with both those capabilities as inheritable.
Wrote a small C, test code to chown file
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
int ret = 0;
ret = chown("/etc/junk", 160, 160);
return ret;
Set following on the gcc'ed binary
chown testuser:testuser /usr/bin/chown_c
chmod 550 /usr/bin/chown_c
setcap cap_chown,cap_dac_override=ie /usr/bin/chown_c
The server does following to call the binary
import prctl
prctl.cap_inheritable.chown = True
prctl.cap_inheritable.dac_override = True
And I was able to get the desired result
# ll /etc/junk
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 8 22:33 /etc/junk
# python capability_client.py
# ll /etc/junk
-rw-r--r-- 1 testuser testuser 0 Aug 8 22:33 /etc/junk

How to debug "could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer"

I'm running a django-celery application on Ubuntu-12.04.
When I run a celery task from my web interface, I get the following error, taken form postgresql-9.3 logfile (maximum level of log):
2013-11-12 13:57:01 GMT tss_usr 8113 LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
tss_usr is the postgresql user of the django application database and (in this example) 8113 is the pid of the process who killed the connection, I guess.
Have you got any idea on why this happens or at least how to debug this issue?
To make things work again I need to restart postgresql which is extremely uncomfortable.
I know this is an older post, but I just found it because I had the same error today in my postgres logs. I narrowed it down to a PDO select statement. I'm using Zend Framework 1.10.3 on Ubuntu Precise.
The following pdo statement generated an error if $opinion is a long text string. The column opinion is type Text in my postgres table. The query succeeds if $opinion is under a certain number of characters. 1000 characters works fine. 2000 characters fails with "could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer".
$select = $this->db->select()
->from( 'datauserstopics' )
->where("opinion = ?",trim($opinion))
->where("datatopicsid = ?",trim($tid))
->where("datausersid= ?",$datausersid);
$stmt = $this->db->query($select);
I circumvented the problem by using:
->where("substr(opinion,1,100) = ?",trim(substr($opinion,1,100)))
This is not a perfect solution, but for my purposes, the select statement using substr() suffices.
Note that I have no problem inserting long strings into the same table/column. The disconnect problem only appears for me on the PDO select with relatively long text strings.
I'm getting it in 2017 with 9.4, I have no text fields, don't know what a PDO is. My select statement is about 50 bytes long, I'm trying to fetch an int4 and a double precision. I suspect the error message can mean multiple things.
I've since found https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/142350/postgres-could-not-receive-data-from-client-connection-reset-by-peer which indicates it could be a problem with the client configuration. My client is libpg and PQconnectdb() is giving me a CONNECTION_OK return. It works at least partly.
For me, restarting the hypervisor where both the Postgres and the application using it helped. I've seen stack traces in dmesg before, though.