In Clojure passing a open file pointer into functions - clojure

In Conjure, I need to read in a long file, too long to slurp in, and I wish to pass the open file pointer into method, which I can call recursively, reading until it is empty. I have found examples using open-with, but is there a way to open a file and then read from it inside of a function? Points to examples or docs would be helpful.

Is this along the lines of what you have in mind?
(defn process-file [f reader]
(loop [lines (line-seq reader) acc []]
(if (empty? lines)
(recur (rest lines) (conj acc (f (first lines)))))))
(let [filename "/path/to/input-file"
reader ( ( filename))]
(process-file pr-str reader))
Note that if you (require '[ :as io]) you can use io/reader as a shortcut for invoking BufferedReader and FileReader directly. However, using with-open would still be preferable - it will ensure the file is closed properly, even in the event of an exception - and you can absolutely pass the open reader to other functions from within a with-open block.
Here's how you could make use of with-open in the scenario you use in the answer you've posted, passing the reader and writer objects to a function:
(with-open [rdr (io/reader "/path/to/input-file")]
(with-open [wtr (io/writer "/path/to/output-file")]
(transfer rdr wtr)))
I should also note that in my example scenario it would be preferable to map or reduce over the line-seq but I used loop/recur since you asked about recursion.
Here's the ClojureDocs page on the namespace.

Playing around I discovered the answer, so for any others looking, here is a version of my solution.
(defn transfer
[inFile outFile]
(.write outFile (.read inFile))
(transfer ( "fileIn.txt)
( "out.txt"))


Efficient serialization: spit, with-out-str, pr

I have a piece of code which looks as follows:
(defn dump [path blob]
(spit path
(with-out-str (pr blob))))
This is dumping out GBs of data. Is there am more efficient way of doing this? (without creating the intermediate string that with-out-str creates)?
The built in serilization functions use the dynamically bound variable *out* to define where they write to:
user> (def data [1 2 3 4 5])
user> (with-open [output ( "/tmp/data.edn")]
(binding [*out* output]
(prn data)))
user> (slurp "/tmp/data.edn")
"[1 2 3 4 5]\n"
So if you bind this to a file writer (remember to close it, and beware of lazy-evaluation and closing file descriptors) then all the output will go strait to that file. pr and prn will write in a format that makes sure it can be read back. The other print functions will write it a way that's easier for humans and not guaranteed for computers.

What is the idiomatic way of iterating over a lazy sequence in Clojure?

I have the following functions to process large files with constant memory usage.
(defn lazy-helper
"Processes a lazily"
(if-let [line (.readLine reader)]
(cons line (lazy-helper reader))
(do (.close reader) nil))))
(defn lazy-lines
"Return a lazy sequence with the lines of the file"
[^String file]
(lazy-helper (io/reader file)))
This works very well when the processing part is filtering or other mapping or reducing operation that works with lazy sequences quite well.
The problem starts when I have process the file and for example send every line over a channel to worker processes.
(doseq [line lines]
(blocking-producer work-chan line)))
The obvious downside of this is to process the file eagerly causing a heap overflow.
I was wondering what is the best way of iterating over each line in a file and do some IO with the lines.
It seems this might be unrelated how the file IO is handled, doseq should not hold onto the head of the reader.
As #joost-diepenmaat pointed out this might not be related to the file IO and he is right.
It seems the way I am working with JSON serialization and deserialization is the root cause here.
You can use (line-seq rdr) which "returns the lines of text from rdr as a lazy sequence of strings".
This turned out to be a problem with the JSON handling of the code and not the file IO. Explanation in the original post.

How to read all lines from stdin in Clojure

I'm writing a Brainf*** interpreter in Clojure. I want to pass a program in using stdin. However, I still need to read from stdin later for user input.
Currently, I'm doing this:
$ cat sample_programs/ | lein trampoline run
My Clojure code is only reading the first line though, using read-line:
(defn -main
"Read a BF program from stdin and evaluate it."
;; FIXME: only reads the first line from stdin
(eval-program (read-line)))
How can I read all the lines in the file I've piped in? *in* seems to be an instance of, but that only provides .read (one char), .readLine (one line) and read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) (seems very low level).
It's simple enough to read all input data as a single string:
(defn -main []
(let [in (slurp *in*)]
(println in)))
This works fine if your file can fit in available memory; for reading large files lazily, see this answer.
you could get a lazy seq of lines from *in* like this:
(take-while identity (repeatedly #(.readLine *in*)))
or this:
(line-seq ( *in*))
which are functionally identical.

rand-nth always yields the same result after compilation

I've project created via Leiningen with core.clj:
(ns cotd.core
(:use [clojure.repl :only (doc)]))
(defmacro eval-doc
(let [resulting-symbol (eval form)]
`(doc ~resulting-symbol)))
(defn- random-function-name []
(rand-nth (keys (ns-publics 'clojure.core))))
(defn -main
"Display random doc page"
[& args]
(eval-doc (random-function-name)))
And after compiling and running it always yields the same result:
$ java -jar cotd.jar
Returns the negation of x, a long.
Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow.
$ java -jar cotd.jar
Returns the negation of x, a long.
Note - uses a primitive operator subject to overflow.
But with two consecutive calls:
(eval-doc (random-function-name))
(eval-doc (random-function-name))))
It yields two different results in single "call".
What I've tried is googling, reading, etc. but I have no clues what's going on...
How to invoke this rand-nth dynamically?
The problem wasn't with rand-nth but because the resulting-symbol in the let statement is produced during the compilation phase. #beyamor provided answer here: Unable to get random (doc) from a namespace

Downloading image in Clojure

I'm having trouble downloading images using Clojure, there seems to be an issue with the way the following code works: -
(defn download-image [url filename]
(->> (slurp url) (spit filename)))
This will 'download' the file to the location I specify but the file is unreadable by any image application I try to open it with (for example, attempting to open it in a web browser just return a blank page, attempting to open it in Preview (osx) says it's a corrupted file)
I'm thinking this is might be because slurp should only really be used for text files rather than binary files
Could anyone point me in the right direction for my code to work properly? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
slurp uses underneath, which will convert the representation to a string, and this is typically not compatible with binary data. Look for examples that use input-stream instead. In some ways, this can be better, because you can transfer the image from the input buffer to the output buffer without having to read the entire thing into memory.
Since people seem to find this question once in awhile and I needed to rewrite this code again. I thought I'd add an example. Note, this does not stream the data, it collects it into memory and returns it an array of bytes.
(require '[ :as io])
(defn blurp [f]
(let [dest (]
(with-open [src (io/input-stream f)]
(io/copy src dest))
(.toByteArray dest)))
(use 'clojure.test)
(deftest blurp-test
(testing "basic operation"
(let [src ( (.getBytes "foo" "utf-8"))]
(is (= "foo" (-> (blurp src) (String. "utf-8")))))))
user=> (blurp "")
#<byte[] [B#15671adf>