Unable to execute unit tests in a maven project from within intellij - unit-testing

I have inherited a legacy project with 100s of tests, and dependencies defined within the pom.
All of the tests run when I execute a mvn clean install from the command line, but when I try to execute one of these tests in debug mode from within Intellij i get the following error.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
How can I get intellij to recognise these dependencies when trying to run a test in debug mode from the ide?

I managed to solve this by simply changing the working directory location in the Run configuration to point to the correct classpath location. The default location had been taken from a parent project.

It would be very convenient if one was able to debug tests from within IntelliJ. I have run into similar issues with my massive project and have found a workaround for it.
When wishing to debug a test, I have often found it useful to use a remote debugging session like so:
mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" -Dtest=com.autofunk.TheFunkImplTest test -DfailIfNoTests=false
You can then attach to the above using a remote debug session from within IntelliJ on port 8000.
Therefore, when debugging tests I first check to see whether a simple debug from within Intellij works. If not, I run the above and then attach to it using a debug configuration like so:

IntelliJ execute unit tests without mvn command.
a IntelliJ plugin: MvnRunner

You can run tests using the maven project window in IntelliJ
View - Tool Windows - Maven Projects
Then under the project or module you wish to test open the lifecycle goals and click test.
This will run the currently configured test goal. Now the report is logged into the target directory
I use
to view the test results.
You can access this screen once the plugin is installed from the Project window again right click on the projects root and select "Show Test Results" (should be below the maven icon)
Good luck


How to set up cypress run for TypeScript in WebStorm

I have a project build in TypeScript and I would like to use cypress run to run my unit test. Everything works when I trigger command line from terminal, but how can I set up cypress run with WebStorm IDE under Run/Debug Configuration? The only possibility is to set up npm command but my project is using pnpm not npm.
So how can I set up cypress run under Run/Debug configuration?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for Cypress (feel free to upvote and comment WEB-32819 to increase its priority and to be notified on updates). But you can still use Node.js run configurations to start your scripts.
I'd also suggest trying a third-party Cypress-Pro plugin

Debugging Unit tests with Atom (Vue application)

Is there a way to debug, via breakpoints, unit tests on a VueJS project?
I currently have the default Vue CLI setup and am using the official Vue plugin for Mocha-Webpack, as configured by the CLI. I am trying to figure out how to connect any of the debugger packages in Atom with the cli command that runs our unit tests.
The desired outcome is that I can add a breakpoint within Atom IDE and run 'vue-cli-service test:unit' and have it stop at each breakpoint so we can properly debug out unit tests. A nice to have would also be the ability to run individual tests as well with the ability to debug with breakpoints.
I have searched and have not been able to find anything. Out tests are running as expected but being able to debug them would be a huge help. Thanks!

TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid but can't see MSTest.exe

I'm getting the following error on a TFS2013 build:
TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid ''.
Looking here, it would seem that the answer to this is to change the test runner from VS test runner to MSTest. However, when I try to edit the Test Run in the build definition, the test runner option is set to Visual Studio Test Runner and greyed out. What determined what is shown in this box, and how can I add MSTest?
I have installed VS2012 agents for handling tests on the server.
I fixed this by installing VS2013 on the build agent
We had the same problem as the OP but, because the TFS server is considered a production box (other departments use it for other things), we were not permitted to install VS2013 on the server. The same applied to any third party tools needed for builds, they were a pain to integrate into the build.
I eventually worked round this by using another dev box to act as a build server for TFS. By installing the Build Server component of TFS on the dev box and setting up a controller and build agents on that box, TFS could pass the responsibility for the actual build to the dev box, on which we could install anything, without compromising the TFS server itself.
While it is not perfect - an extra box and VS2013 license needed - it is by far the easiest way to avoid poluting a production TFS box. Alternatively, nominate a developer's own box and install the build agent there - the environment is ready built, it will simply slow down a little during a build.
Look at section Define Multiple Test Runs of this article. It is very informative and explains different configuration in dept. Hope this helps !!!

Run Django doctests from PyCharm

PyCharm's test runner does a great job with unit tests, likewise the run command contextually recognizes if you are in a unit test in a helpful way. Is there any way to get it to do the same with doctests running within the Django environment? (As opposed to Python doctests, which PyCharm supports -- but which don't work for a Django project because the run environment isn't set up correctly.)
I don't believe it's possible.
My approach has been to create a "Django tests" configuration and specify a target, custom settings and options. (Menu: Run -> Edit Configurations... -> Click on the + icon to create a new configuration) I do something like this when I'm working in a particular module and simply change the settings appropriately to get the set of tests you want.
Not as nice as having it off the right-click run menu unfortunately.

Unit test results not showing in Sonar when building child projects in Jenkins

I have some maven projects configured in Jenkins, and I execute them from a parent project (which have them as <modules> in its pom.xml, the children have this project defined as <parent>).
The unit tests execute successfully for each project in Jenkins and it shows the results, but then in Sonar all projects appear as having no unit tests.
The sonar configuration for each project is
Do I have to do anything else in order for Sonar to pick up the results of the unit tests being executed?
Thanks in advance.
From what I see, I guess you're trying to run Sonar analyses with the Sonar Jenkins plugin "on-the-fly" mode, where you specify properties.
You have to understand that this mode does not support running tests: it can only reuse test reports (if you specify "sonar.dynamicAnalysis=reuseReports").
But as you are using Maven, why don't you just run the Sonar post-build action? (see documentation for that)