How to use CallFuncND in cocos2d for android - cocos2d-android

I want to call a method thrice with different parameters and need to have some delay between calling them,inorder to this i want to use CCCallFuncND,but i unable to implement it in my code, please help me do that by giving a simple example of how to call CCCallFuncND.
My Code is :
this.runAction(CCCallFuncND.action(this, "shift_sec", "1"));
public void shift_sec(String v) {
System.out.println("Coming into this method. : "+v);

I will illustrate with example:
CCCallFuncND.action(this, "hitCallback", data)
this--> is target i.e sender
"hitCallback"-------> is the string which being called.
data -----------> is an object to be send
public void hitCallback(Object sender,Object data){
CCSprite hitSpotSprite = (CCSprite)data;
hitSpotSprite = null;
in your case
shift_sec(String v){} being modified to
shift_sec(Object sender,Object data){}


Mock a scheduleWithFixedDelay method using EasyMock

How can I mock the start() function in the following code using easyMock?
class A {
public runOnce(Integer a) {
// do something
public void start() {
executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> runOnce(12), 0, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
I tried in the following way which is not working:
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = createMock(ScheduledExecutorService.class);
executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(anyObject(), eq(0), eq(1000), eq(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
A a = createMockBuilder(A.class).addMockedMethod(A.class.getDeclaredMethod("runOnce", Integer.class)).createMock();
Can someone suggest how can I fix it?
I see two problems here. First, you are not injecting the mocked executorService into your A instance. I will assume you can use a constructor to do that.
A a = createMockBuilder(A.class)
.addMockedMethod(A.class.getDeclaredMethod("runOnce", Integer.class))
Then, matchers need to take the correct types in parameter. So here scheduleWithFixedDelay expects long. So the expect should be
expect(executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(anyObject(), eq(0L), eq(1000L), eq(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)))
Doing this makes everything run smoothly.

Writing List of Items using JdbcBatchItemWriter

Currently i am using JpaItemWriter to write the list of objects as below which is working fine.
Now i want to change the JpaItemWriter to JdbcBatchItemWriter due to performance issue.
public class MyItemWriter implements ItemWriter<List<MyDomainObject>> {
public void write(List<? extends Lists<MyDomainObject>> items) {
JpaItemWriter<MyDomainObject> writer = new JpaItemWriter<>();
for(List<MyDomainObject> o : items)
Suggest a sample snippets which uses the JdbcBatchItemWriter to write the List of objects will helps. Tried using the ItemSqlParameterSourceProvider it did't help ending up in org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: No value supplied for the SQL parameter exception
You example is not correct. You are creating a JpaItemWriter in the write method, so a new instance is created on each call to write. This is probably the cause of your performance issue.
More importantly, lifecycle methods of the delegate writer (open/update/close) will not be honored (it is not the case for JpaItemWriter which does not implement ItemStream but this would be a problem if the delegate is an item stream). Your MyItemWriter implementation should be something like:
public class MyItemWriter implements ItemWriter<List<MyDomainObject>> {
private JpaItemWriter jpaItemWriter;
public MyItemWriter(JpaItemWriter jpaItemWriter) {
this. jpaItemWriter = jpaItemWriter;
public void write(List<? extends Lists<MyDomainObject>> items) {
for(List<MyDomainObject> o : items) {
this. jpaItemWriter.write(o);
Now if you want to use the JdbcBatchItemWriter to write a list of lists, see Spring Batch - Using an ItemWriter with List of Lists.
Edit: Added a sample code of how to set the delegate as requested in comments:
public ListUnpackingItemWriter<T> itemWriter() {
JdbcBatchItemWriter<T> jdbcBatchItemWriter = null; // configure your jdbcBatchItemWriter
ListUnpackingItemWriter<T> listUnpackingItemWriter = new ListUnpackingItemWriter<>();
return listUnpackingItemWriter;

C++ how to have seperate versions of the same method?

I'm sorry if I don't know the right word for what I'm trying to accomplish.
Basically I have an event handler object which only has a single member. The member is a Stage object.
When the event handler receives an event, I want it to simply use the stage object to call the relevant method. For example:
Event event; //this event is not part of my code, but rather the library I'm using.
Stage s; // my custom class object
EventHandler event_handler; //also my custom class object
event_handler.stage = &s;
if(event == SHUTDOWN) {
So what I'm trying to accomplish is that, there will be seperate scopes that my program goes into over time, and I want each scope to have access to the event_handler such that they can do something like:
void some_other_scope(EventHandler* eh) {
Stage* some_new_stage = new Stage(...);
eh->stage = some_new_stage;
This way, the original event code stays the same, and the event handler will be calling handle_shutdown on a different object than it was originally going to.
So what I want to do is to overload the handle_shutdown method so that there can be different implementations of it. I know how basic overloading works, it can be done by specifying different parameters, but is there any way to have different definitions of the same class method based on the file that the object was created in?
I was hoping to have several files, each with their own some_other_scope() function, and each file can redefine the handle_shutdown method to do different things based on what that file needs.
I'm sure there's a way to do what I want, I just don't know the right words to use.
It seems you want to use polymorphism:
class IStage
virtual ~IStage() = default;
virtual void handle_shutdown() = 0;
// ...
class Stage1 : public IStage
void handle_shutdown() override { /*Implementation1*/ }
// ...
class Stage2 : public IStage
void handle_shutdown() override { /*Implementation1*/ }
// ...
And then
struct EventHandler
std::unique_ptr<IStage> stage;
// ...
EventHandler event_handler;
event_handler.stage = std::make_unique<Stage1>();
if (event == SHUTDOWN) {
// Later
event_handler.stage = std::make_unique<Stage2>();
if (event == SHUTDOWN) {

Object instantiation through factory method not giving desire result

In below code snippet I do require to instantiate the object through factory method in order to call the selected adapter (i.e. adapterTwovalue)but while calling through factory method i am not able to get the desire results. When we assign static declared object's address (i.e adapter = &at) it works but with factory i usually get the blank output.
I tried as well with (adapter = new adapterTwo()) to instantiate the object but output string is giving blank results. As per my requirement i need to populate the all the getters in connect function which is pure virtual function to frame the response.Anybody can suggest how to achieve this using factory method.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IAdapter
enum FactoryList { AdapterOnevalue = 0, AdapterTwovalue };
virtual void connect() = 0;
static IAdapter* CreateList(FactoryList);
virtual ~IAdapter() {}
class LibraryOne
string property;
void SetConnection(string property)
this->property = property;
string getConnection()const
return property;
class LibraryTwo
string broker;
void SetBroker(string broker1)
this->broker = broker1;
string getBroker() const
return broker;
class AdapterOne : public IAdapter
LibraryOne one;
string constring;
void SetClientconnection(string constring)
string GetClientconnection()
return one.getConnection();
void connect()
constring = GetClientconnection();
//Adapter to use library two
class AdapterTwo : public IAdapter
LibraryTwo two;
string brokerstring;
void SetClientbroker(string constring)
string GetClientbroker()
return two.getBroker();
void connect()
string constring = GetClientbroker();
cout << "final value=" << constring;
IAdapter* IAdapter::CreateList(FactoryList SelectList)
IAdapter *ListObject;
switch (SelectList)
case AdapterOnevalue:
ListObject = new AdapterOne();
case AdapterTwovalue:
ListObject = new AdapterTwo();
ListObject = NULL;
return ListObject;
int main()
IAdapter *adapter = 0;
//LibraryTwo obj;
AdapterTwo at;
//cout << at.GetClientbroker();
//adapter = &at; it works
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);//it doesn't work
//Just do the operation now
return 0;
You can see the complete solution in below share link.
Here is the explanation.
(1) setClientBroker() or all other adapters related setter functionality needs to be implement as a virtual function in Interface with default parameter value " " (blank string).
(2) you need to always use override keyword (c++11) feature in derive class for setters so that compiler will cross check during compilation whether proper virtual method is being overridden or not.
(3) instead of using local raw pointer , always use smart pointer . below is the
implementation link for the same.
With your code I expect the output: final value=.
It will not print final value=amqp cause you need to call SetClientbroker("amqp") on the right adapter object (adapter in your example).
Anyway, I would think about putting a virtual method SetString in the base class, so you could simply do:
int main()
IAdapter *adapter = 0;
//LibraryTwo obj;
//AdapterTwo at;
//cout << at.GetClientbroker();
//adapter = &at; it works
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);//it doesn't work
//Just do the operation now
return 0;
EDIT after the comment:
You need to cast the object, at this point (as suggested by #Aconcagua).
But IMHO it's not elegant at all. I think you are going to loose the benefits gained with the factory method.
IAdapter* adapter = nullptr;
AdapterTwo at;
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
You have created two independent objects here (as calling new within createList): at and the one adapter points to.
AdapterTwo at;
Now sure you get the expected output if you let adapter point to at, but how could the other object be aware of the string you set in the first one?
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
adapter->SetClientbroker("amqp"); // (*) !!!
You need to set the broker at the other object, too. As being different objects, you even can set the brokers independently:
AdapterTwo at;
IAdapter* adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
adapter->SetClientbroker("aconcagua"); // (*) !!!
Output now would be (if you called connect on both objects):
final value=amqp
final value=aconcagua
Only: The marked lines ((*)) won't compile as your base class does not provide the appropriate setter!
There are now different solutions for this problem. You could, for instance, just cast the object:
// if you are REALLY 100% sure the object is of appropriate type:
// if NOT:
AdapterTwo* a2 = dynamic_cast<AdapterTwo*>(adapter);
// appropriate error handling
You could find a more generic name for the set/get Broker/ClientConnection functions, have them already pure virtual within IAdapter and override them in the two implementing adapter classes, so you could then just call adapter->setXYZ("ampq");. [Edit: according to your comment to the question, not an option in the given case]
My personal favourite is providing an additional parameter to your createList function such that the setter would already be called within the factory - possibly with appropriate default: empty string, if you opt for a std::string parameter, or nullptr in case of char const*. You'd only call the setter if the parameter is not matching the default, of course... Alternatively, you could have two overloads.

CoreDispatcher in a unit test with reactive extensions

I have the following bit of code in my Windows 8 Store app:
public static void ConvertUpdateStreamToCollection<T>(this IObservable<UpdateInfo<T>> input, ObservableCollection<T> list)
.Subscribe(upInfo => UpdateList(upInfo, list));
That ObserveOnDispatcher is there b.c. this will often be called on a background thread, and when it updates the observable list I will need it to be on the UI dispatcher. To first order this looks like it works fine when I run the app.
But I wish to test this with unit tests. I'm using the built in MSTest. The ObserveOnDispatcher throws, however, complaining there is no valid Window from which to get a CoreDispatcher.
I've seen work arounds for WPF in other places in Stack overflow. But that looks like just something to make the dispatcher run. This error seems more fundamental. Is there a known workaround?
(edit: better formatting now that I have a keyboard instead of a phone)
There's another way to achieve the same functionality:
Is fairly equivalent to:
.ObserveOn(new DispatcherScheduler(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher))
Now, instead of that DispatcherScheduler, have a class like:
public static class Schedulers
public static IScheduler Dispatcher {get; internal set;}
And change usage to:
void Main()
// For normal usage, we'll set this to the proper DispatcherScheduler
Schedulers.Dispatcher = new DispatcherScheduler(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher);
// Do stuff
new Thingy().DoStuff();
// for testing usage, we'll set this to be the immediate scheduler
Schedulers.Dispatcher = Scheduler.Immediate;
// Do stuff
new Thingy().DoStuff();
public class Thingy
public void DoStuff()
var query = Observable.Range(0, 10).ObserveOn(Schedulers.Dispatcher);