How to save a related, inline django model when parent is saved in the admin? - django

In my models, I have an Event class, a Volunteer class, and a Session class. The Session class has a foreign key field for an Event and a Volunteer, and is a unique coupling of both, as well as a date and time. Taken together, Volunteer and Event I think technically have a ManyToMany relationship.
Using the pre-packaged Django admin, I edit Volunteers and Events with their own admin.ModelAdmin classes respectively. Sessions are edited inline in the Events ModelAdmin.
When I add a new Session to an event in the admin interface, with a Volunteer, I need the Volunteer's hours field to be automatically updated, to reflect however many hours the newly added session lasted (plus all past sessions). Currently, I just have a calculate_hours function in the Volunteer model, which iterates over all sessions each time it is called and finds the sum of the hours. I tried to call it with a custom save function in Session, but it appears never to be called after the Event save function. I would try it in Event, but I have no way to isolate which Volunteers need their hours recalculated. The hours field IS updated if I manually go over to the Volunteer admin page, edit, and then save the Volunteer, but this is pretty unacceptable.
I see that there are many questions on SO about Django problems when saving inline objects on the admin site, particularly with ManyToMany fields. I'm not sure, after reading many of these questions, if what they say applies in my case--maybe I need to receive a signal somewhere, or include a custom save in a special place, or call save_model in my admin.ModelAdmin class... I just don't know. What is the best way to go about this?
Code can be found here:,

First of all, the relationship you're describing is what called a ManyToMany "through" (you can read about it in the documentation here).
Secondly, I don't understand why you need the 'hours' to be a field at all. Isn't a function enough for this? why save it in the database in the first place? you can just call it every time you need it.
Finally, it seems to me you're doing a lot of extra work that I don't understand - why do you need the volunteer time boolean field? If you link a volunteer with an event isn't that enough to know that he was there? And what's the purpose of "counts_towards_volunteer_time"? I'm probably missing some of the logic here, but a lot of that seems wasteful.


Saving ModelForm progress values to session in Django

I have flow where users can create (model) forms. If form is valid, object gets saved and flow continues, but selection is in multiple pages. I need to keep current state of created object, which cannot be saved before it's completely valid.
One thing I can do is to always pass things around those views in the ModelForm to make sure, that user never loses data, but I also wanna make sure, that if he leaves the flow and comes back, he doesn't lose data, that he already entered previously.
That's why I decided I wanna save all the fields to session.
Is this correct approach?
How would you do this?
Where would you put this session logic?
What's best way of getting the fields from incomplete form to be saved?
Please don't give me advice on how to use session, I am talking more about high level logic and architecture than specific implementation.
I should describe my flow a bit more. Model has 3 fields.
normal dropdown (foreign key referencing another model)
another foreign key, but this time not done by select, but it's own separate page with lots of filters to help user pick the right (foreign) model
Flow is not linear, because user can start in different parts of page.
Sometimes user can go to page, where he has first 2 fields + button "Browse", which takes you to selection page for 3rd field. Then after he selects field there, he comes back.
But sometimes he selects first this field and then comes to screen with 2 remaining fields, where he needs to fill those.
django-formtools offers a great way to do this using Form wizard.
The form wizard application splits forms across multiple Web pages. It
maintains state in one of the backends so that the full server-side
processing can be delayed until the submission of the final form.
More info here
to save in session:
request.session["variable_name"] = "value"
to get from session request.session["variable_name"]. sure you can use request.session.get("..") in both too

Django example of a form that submits multiple instances into a database?

I need a django form that submits multiple separate requests, and can't find an example of how to do this without a lot of customization. I.e., suppose there is a form that is used by a car repair shop. The form will list all the possible repairs that the shop is capable of doing, and the user will select which repairs they want to have done (i.e., using checkboes.)
Each repair can be assigned to a different mechanic. Each repair can also be cancelled or declared to be done, independent of the other repairs. That seems to require that each repair become a separate instance in a database.
Additionally, each repair job can be only performed by certain mechanic. So I need the ability to associate each repair job to it's own unique list of mechanics to choose from.
Has anyone seen an example of a django form, that does something like this? Thanks.
This is what formsets (and model formsets) are for.
It's been a while since the question is asked and I had the same problem:
I solved it by instance =, then setting the different attributes, then, then deleting the
HOWEVER this means that all fields that are eventually overwritten in the save method stay after the frist call to save()... This bit me hard!
How did you end up doing it?

Detect which fields change in a Django ModelForm

I have an app where user submitted data needs to go through a verification process before it shows up on the site. At the moment this means they cannot edit the item without removing it from the site (so our admins can check it's okay).
I'd like to write another model where I can store revisions. Basically three fields where I store the date submitted, a boolean saying if the user is ready for that revision to be considered and a third where I store all the changes (as a pickled/JSON dict).
The problem I have at the moment is I don't want to bombard the admins with a complete listing each time. I only want them to see the changed fields. This means I need a way of generating a list of which fields have changed when the user submits the edit ModelForm so I only save this data in the revision.
There are probably several ways of doing this but my post-pub-quiz brain is slightly numb and can't think of the best way. How would you do it?
In terms of where this would go, I'd probably write it as an abstract ModelForm-inheriting class that other forms use. I'd override save() to stop it writing the data directly back to database (I'd want to redirect it through this fancy new revisions model).
Come to think of it, is there an app that already does this generically?

Using QuerySet.update() versus in Django

I am curious what others think about this problem...
I have been going back and forth in the past few days about using QuerySet.update() versus Obviously if there are lots of fields being changed, I'd use save(), but for updating a couple of fields, I think it's better to use QuerySet.update(). The benefit of using QuerySet.update() is that you can have multiple threads running update() at the same time, on different fields of the same object, and you won't have race issues. The default save() method saves all the fields, so parallel save() from two threads will be problematic.
So then the issue is what if you have overloaded, custom save() methods. The best I can think of is to abstract whatever in the custom save() method into separate updater methods that actually uses QuerySet.update() to set a couple of fields in the model. Has anyone used this pattern?
What's a bit irritating is that in Django Admin, even in editing in change list mode where you are editing just one field, the entire model is saved. This basically means if someone have a change list open on his/her browser, while some where else in the system a field gets updated, that updated value will be thrown away when this user saves changes from the change list. Is there a solution to this problem?
The main reason for using QuerySet.update() is that you can update more than one object with just one database query, while every call to an object's save method will hit the database!
Another point worth mentioning is, that django's pre_save & post_save signals are only sent when you call an object's save-method, but not upon QuerySet.update().
Coming to the conflict issues you describe, I think it would also be irritating if you hit 'save' and then you have to discover that afterwards some values are the same as when you changed them, but some that you left unchanged have changed?!? Of course it's up to you to modify the admin's save_model or the object's save method to the bahaviour you suggest.
The problem you described about Django Admin is essentially about updating a model instance using an outdated copy. It is easy to fix by adding a version number to each model instance and increment the number on each update. Then in the save method of the model, just make sure what you are saving is not behind what is already in the database.
I want to make sure when there are parallel writes to the same object, each write updates a different fields, they don't overwrite each other's values.
Depending on the application, this may or may not be a sensible thing. Saving a whole model even if only a single field is updated can often avoid breaking integrity of data. Thinking about the following example about travel itinerary of three-leg flight. Assume there is an instance of three fields representing three legs and three fields are SF->LA, LA->DC, DC->NY. Now if one update is to update the first two legs to SF->SD, SD->DC, and another update is to update the last two legs to LA->SJ, SJ->NY, and if you allow both to happen with update instead of saving the full model instance, you would come out with a broken itinerary of SF->SD, LA->SJ, SJ->NY.

How can I easily mark records as deleted in Django models instead of actually deleting them?

Instead of deleting records in my Django application, I want to just mark them as "deleted" and have them hidden from my active queries. My main reason to do this is to give the user an undelete option in case they accidentally delete a record (these records may also be needed for certain backend audit tracking.)
There are a lot of foreign key relationships, so when I mark a record as deleted I'd have to "Cascade" this delete flag to those records as well. What tools, existing projects, or methods should I use to do this?
Warning: this is an old answer and it seems that the documentation is recommending not to do that now:
Django offers out of the box the exact mechanism you are looking for.
You can change the manager that is used for access through related objects. If you new custom manager filters the object on a boolean field, the object flagged inactive won't show up in your requests.
See here for more details :
Nice question, I've been wondering how to efficiently do this myself.
I am not sure if this will do the trick, but django-reversion seems to do what you want, although you probably want to examine to see how it achieves this goal, as there are some inefficient ways to do it.
Another thought would be to have the dreaded boolean flag on your Models and then creating a custom manager that automatically adds the filter in, although this wouldn't work for searches across different Models. Yet another solution suggested here is to have duplicate models of everything, which seems like overkill, but may work for you. The comments there also discuss different options.
I will add that for the most part I don't consider any of these solutions worth the hassle; I usually just suck it up and filter my searches on the boolean flag. It avoids many issues that can come up if you try to get too clever. It is a pain and not very DRY, of course. A reasonable solution would be a mixture of the Custom manager while being aware of its limitations if you try searching a related model through it.
I think using a boolean 'is_active' flag is fine - you don't need to cascade the flag to related entries at the db level, you just need to keep referring to the status of the parent. This is what happens with contrib.auth's User model, remember - marking a user as not is_active doesn't prompt django to go through related models and magically try to deactivate records, rather you just keep checking the is_active attribute of the user corresponding to the related item.
For instance if each user has many bookmarks, and you don't want an inactive user's bookmarks to be visible, just ensure that bookmark.user.is_active is true. There's unlikely to be a need for an is_active flag on the bookmark itself.
Here's a quick blog tutorial from Greg Allard from a couple of years ago, but I implemented it using Django 1.3 and it was great. I added methods to my objects named soft_delete, undelete, and hard_delete, which set self.deleted=True, self.deleted=False, and returned self.delete(), respectively.
A Django Model Manager for Soft Deleting Records and How to Customize the Django Admin
There are several packages which provide this functionality:
I'm developing one
It replaces default Manager and QuerySet delete methods to bring in logical deletion.
It completely shadows default Django delete methods with one exception - marks models which are inherited from PermanentModel instead of deletion, even if their deletion caused by relation.