NSArray displays next element with buttonPressed method - nsarray

I have an array of strings and I want to access the next element in that array every time I press a button in my app, I don't want to have a duplicate string pop up, so I want to go through the whole array, and then start over after I reach the end of the array... so each button press will show the next element in the array..my buttonPressed method is in the viewDidLoad method.

set index = 0
on button press:
increment index
if index is equal to strings.length then set index = 0

You're probably going for something like this:
#interface ViewController() {
int index;
// ...
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
index = 0;
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender {
if (index == yourArray.count)
index = 0;
NSString *nextItem = [yourArray objectAtIndex:index];
// Use the string you just got...


Parse through Vector2-List and compare findings

The basic logic of my game is:
the player goes from random room to random
there is a set of rooms that randomly repeat
each room he passes the counter goes up
he has a button where he can signal, if he goes through a room that he already passed
if a room repeats and he presses the button, he goes to the next random room and the counter goes up
if a room repeats and he didnt notice, he is set back to the unnoticed room and the counter goes back to the repeating room
The result of the following code is, that the room doesnt change at all, when he reaches the trigger at the end of the room. But there are no compiler errors.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class RoomHandler : MonoBehaviour
public List<Vector2> PassedRoomsAndCounter;
Vector2 roomAndCounter;
int roomCounting = 1; //position in ascending order
int roomNumber = 1; //unique number of current room
bool RepetitionWasSignaled;
float CountOfRepeatedRoom;
void Update()
//Has Repetition button been pressed?
bool InputRepetition = Input.GetButtonDown("Submit");
if(InputRepetition == true){
RepetitionWasSignaled = true;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col){
print("Trigger "+col.gameObject.name);
//collided with Scene Trigger?
if(col.gameObject.tag == "SceneTrigger"){
roomNumber = Random.Range(1,6);
roomAndCounter = new Vector2(roomNumber,roomCounting);
for(int i = 1; i < PassedRoomsAndCounter.Count; i++) { //Go throught all entries
if(PassedRoomsAndCounter[i].x == roomNumber){ //RoomNumber already passed?
if(RepetitionWasSignaled == true){ //Repetition Button pressed?
SceneManager.LoadScene(roomNumber); //Yes - go to next normal room
CountOfRepeatedRoom = PassedRoomsAndCounter[i].y;

My Debugger Says I Have A Segfault Error But Cannot Tell Me Where, Happens In Very Specific Circumstance

My Debugger (gdb) Is Saying That I Have a Segfault Error, But Cannot Tell Me Where It Is, Says ?? () For the Function.
I started Getting an Error in a very specific circumstance where I click on a weapon type item, then click on another usable item where my program segfaults. I removed most pointers from my code because at first I thought that was the problem, but it didn't change anything. I Could Not Find a Similar Bug online And Debugging Wasn't Very Helpful Because It Can't Tell Me Where Exactly The Error Is Coming From.
Relavant Player.h
class Player{
int HP; //player's Health Points
int SP; //player's Special Points
int maxHP; //maximum value for the player's health points
int maxSP; //maximum value for the player's special points
uint32_t money; //how much money the player has
float speed; //speed the player will move at (pixels per frame)
bool menuOpen; //boolean which is true when the inventory Menu is open
sf::Vector2f pos; //player's position
//tests if the player is colliding with any items
//in the room, accepts the memory address of the room
bool checkForItems(Room* r);
std::vector<int> ItemInventory; //the player's inventory of items.
std::vector<TextButton> itemButtons; //vector of TextButtons that correspond with each unique item in the player's inventory
std::map<std::string, int> ItemsList; //map that stores each unique item's name and it's quantity
Control openMenu; //control to open the menu
void ItemAttributes(int id); //makes the items do something depending on what was passed
bool removeItem(int id); //removes an item from the player's inventory
void useItem(Item it); //takes an Item* and passes it's ID to ItemAttributes
void updateButtons(); //updates the buttons based on the player's inventory
Item* EquipedWeapon; //stores the player's currently equipped weapon
//enum to store the player's direction for rotations
enum direction {
} currentDirection;
void setRotation();
//constructor for the player, initializes maxHP, maxSP, and their position:
Player(int maxhp, int maxsp, sf::Vector2f position);
int ItemButtonsTextSearchC(const std::wstring& text); //returns the index in itemButtons for a TextButton which *contains* the text parameter
int ItemButtonsTextSearch(const std::wstring& text); //returns the index in itemButtons for a TextButton which equals the text parameter
void setMoney(int amount); //sets the money variable
void setHP(int hp); //sets the HP variable
void setSP(int sp); //sets the SP variable
void menu(); //inventory menu, handles all things related to the player's inventory
void draw(); //draws the player to the screen
Methods In Player.cpp That Cause The Problem:
void Player::menu(){
//iterate through all the items listed in itemsList:
for(auto& p : ItemsList){
//get a pointer to the item by it's name:
Item item = *Materials::getItemFromName(p.first);
//convert the item's name to a wstring for easier use in parameters:
std::wstring wItemName = std::wstring(p.first.begin(), p.first.end());
//get the index of the item's corresponding button
//by searching the itemButtons vector for a button
//whose text matches this item's name:
int bIndex = ItemButtonsTextSearch(wItemName);
if(bIndex != -1){
//store the button's position:
sf::Vector2f buttonPosition = itemButtons.at(bIndex).getPosition();
//default the Y values to 150, we need a separate Y for each one
//because there are 4 columns of buttons for each type of item
float weaponY = 150, usableY = 150, collectibleY = 150, moneyY = 150;
//switch statement to determine the position of the button:
case Item::Weapon:
buttonPosition.x = 100;
buttonPosition.y = weaponY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
weaponY += 20.0f;
case Item::Usable:
buttonPosition.x = 375;
buttonPosition.y = usableY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
usableY += 20.0f;
case Item::Collectible:
buttonPosition.x = 650;
buttonPosition.y = collectibleY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
collectibleY += 20.0f;
case Item::Money:
buttonPosition.x = 925;
buttonPosition.y = moneyY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
moneyY += 20.0f;
//set the button's position now that it's X has been determined:
* below we will set the button's text to represent
* it's corresponding item's name as well as it's
* quantity then draw the button to the screen so
* that the client can see how many of each item
* they have, but then we change it back so that it
* doesn't break any comparisons with the button's
* Text (ItemButtonsTextSearch for example):
//text representing item's quantity to append to the end of the the item's name:
std::string QuantityText = "\tx" + std::to_string(p.second);
//wide string that will be the button's text:
std::wstring wQText = wItemName + std::wstring(QuantityText.begin(), QuantityText.end());
//set the button's text (it takes wchar_t* so we call .c_str() on wQText):
//draw the button with the temporary text to the screen:
//poll if the button was clicked, and if it was,
//we will call useItem on it's corresponding Item:
//change the button's text back to what it was, note: there
//is a possibility of the button being removed after calling
//useItem() because when an item's quantity hits 0, the
//button corresponding with that item is removed, therefore
//we need a check after the useItem() call to make sure that
//we don't get an index out of bounds error:
if(ItemButtonsTextSearchC(wQText) != -1)
void Player::useItem(Item it){
int itemID = it.getItemID();
void Player::ItemAttributes(int id){
case 0: //sword
//EquipedWeapon = Materials::getItem(id);
case 1: //ultra potion of healing
bool Player::removeItem(int id){
//this will be set to true as soon as we find the item:
bool found = false;
//loop through ItemInventory and remove the first occurance of id
//if it exists, otherwise found will remain false:
for(int i = 0; i < ItemInventory.size(); i++){
if(ItemInventory.at(i) == id){
ItemInventory.erase(ItemInventory.begin() + i);
found = true;
//if the item was not found in the inventory, there is no need to
//continue, we can just return false because we know that it isn't
//in the player's inventory so it can't be removed in the first place:
return false;
//get an iterator for the item ID's corresponding name in itemsList:
auto itr = ItemsList.find(Materials::itemNames[id]);
//check to make sure the item is actually listed; it will be
//but this is a safeguard in case something breaks:
if(itr != ItemsList.end()){
//decrement the item's quantity:
//if there are none remaining, we remove it from the itemsList entirely:
if(itr->second <= 0)
//update the buttons based on the new changes:
//return true because if it got to this point,
//the item was found and removed:
return true;
int Player::ItemButtonsTextSearchC(const std::wstring& text){
if(itemButtons.size() > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < itemButtons.size(); i++){
std::wstring bTxt = itemButtons.at(i).getText();
if(bTxt.find(text) != std::string::npos)
return i;
return -1;
int Player::ItemButtonsTextSearch(const std::wstring& text){
if(itemButtons.size() > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < itemButtons.size(); i++){
std::wstring bTxt = itemButtons.at(i).getText();
if(bTxt == text)
return i;
return -1;
void Player::updateButtons(){
//first we clear the vector of itemButton:
//loop to go through each unique item in ItemsList map
//and make a button for each one:
for(auto& p : ItemsList){
//convert the item's name into a wstring (textbutton constructor takes wchar_t*, wstring is easier to work with):
std::wstring wName = std::wstring(p.first.begin(), p.first.end());
//add the new button to itemButtons
TextButton btn(sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::Magenta, sf::Color::White, wName.c_str(), 18);
//make sure button presses only register once
//add the button to the itemButtons vector:
bool Player::checkForItems(Room* r){
//itemIndex will == the ID of any item we collided with, if there
//was no item it returns -1
int itemIndex = r->checkForItemCollision(player.getGlobalBounds());
if(itemIndex >= 0){
//get item ID from the item we just collided with:
int itemID = r->getItem(itemIndex).collect();
//remove the item from the room and add it's ID to ItemInventory:
//get the item's name and add it to itemsList if it doesn't exist.
std::string itemName = Materials::itemNames[itemID];
//if the item's name is listed in itemsList, we increment it's
//quantity, else we add it and initialize it's quantity to 1:
if(ItemsList.count(itemName) != 0){
} else {
ItemsList.insert(std::make_pair(itemName, 1));
//update the buttons in case a new item was obtained:
//return true because item was found:
return true;
//return false, item wasn't found:
return false;
When I click a button, it should delete the first occurance of that item's numeric ID from itemInventory, then in itemsList it should decrement the quantity (the map's value) and if that's <= 0, it should remove that entirely. UpdateButtons clears the entire vector of buttons and makes new ones from itemsList, one button for each key. The Item class has an enum for what type of item it is, the sword (item ID 0) is a weapon, the potion (item ID 1) is a usable item, when i click on the sword (does nothing currently), then add a usable item (the potion) and click the new button that was created for usable, it has an error. This doesn't happen unless I click the sword's button first, in any other circumstance it doesn't error when I use all of the item, then add more to my inventory and use them all again. I suspect it's an error with how i'm updating buttons and removing the keys, but I can't find it. All Item Types are in the same vector of buttons, and the item type pretty much only determines where the button will be positioned.
In Player::menu, you have a loop, for(auto& p : ItemsList). Within that loop, you call a sequence (useItem(item) -> ItemAttributes(itemID) -> removeItem(id) -> ItemsList.erase(itr)) that can modify the ItemsList map you are iterating thru. This invalidates the iterators currently referring to p, so when you try access the next element in the map you get Undefined Behavior because the (internally used) iterator is no longer valid.
One possible remedy is to change your for loop to use your own iterators, and increment the iterator at the top of the loop body (before you modify the map):
for (auto it = ItemsList.begin(); it != ItemsList.end(); ) {
auto &p = *it;
// rest of for loop

Unity3D: Error when creating Grid layout with List<Transfrom>

Unity3D 2018.2
Problem: Grid not being populated by list, not responding correctly to
the List<> being filled with Transforms, contains at least 1 item in List<> so it should not be empty. Something is not being transferred right
I'm trying to create a Grid Layout in a scroll view, which is filled with buttons containing transforms kept in a List<>
I get the transforms from checking a GameObject which will usually have 0-25 child transforms in it.
Once it gets all the child transforms from the parent's GameObject, check which child has a tag called "Satellite". After fill the Grid with the List<> containing those certain gameObject.transforms.
Clicking the buttons in the grid should contain the transform, for example OnMouseEnter() in the script if I use Debug.Log(transform.name) it should display it.
Here is the code I'm using which contain no errors, the grid is empty so I'm not receiving the transforms correctly but I don't know what is wrong with the code. Thank you for the help.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SatelliteGridControl : MonoBehaviour {
private List<Transform> satelliteListFromPlanet;
private GameObject buttonTemplate;
private GridLayoutGroup gridGroup;
private Sprite[] iconSprites;
// Use this for initialization
void OnEnable()
satelliteListFromPlanet = new List<Transform>();
for (int i = 1; i <= satelliteListFromPlanet.Count; i++)
SatTransfrom newSatellite = new SatTransfrom();
newSatellite.iconSprite = iconSprites[Random.Range(0, iconSprites.Length)];
// Get Satellites
private void getSatellitesInPlanet()
satelliteListFromPlanet = new List<Transform>();
// Get current planet
Transform currentPlanet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<HandleCamera>().targetToLookAt;
// Check inside for satellites
foreach (Transform satellite in currentPlanet)
// Check transform for tag
if (satellite.CompareTag("Satellite"))
// Add each transform from planet to array
// Handle Grid
private void GenInventory()
if (satelliteListFromPlanet.Count < 6)
gridGroup.constraintCount = satelliteListFromPlanet.Count;
gridGroup.constraintCount = 5;
foreach (SatTransfrom sat in satelliteListFromPlanet)
GameObject newButton = Instantiate(buttonTemplate) as GameObject;
newButton.transform.SetParent(buttonTemplate.transform.parent, false);
public class SatTransfrom : Transform
public Sprite iconSprite;
In OnEnable you first call getSatellitesInPlanet to populate your list satelliteListFromPlanet.
But right after you finished you call
satelliteListFromPlanet = new List<Transform>();
Which resets your list to a new empty one.
Than you have a loop
for (int i = 1; i <= satelliteListFromPlanet.Count; i++)
{ //... }
But since satelliteListFromPlanet is an empty list at this moment nothing happens.
And finally when you call GetInventory your list is still empty so
foreach (SatTransfrom sat in satelliteListFromPlanet)
Is executed never since there are no elements in satelliteListFromPlanet.
Now to the second problem:
You have
for(int i = 0; i< sateliteLostFromPlanet.Count; i++)
But inside of this loop you do
... So what happens to your List during running this loop?
It grows bigger 1 elememt each loop so your loop condition i < sateliteListFromPlanet.Count will allways be true since after every execution your list is 1 element longer and i is 1 bigger!
Result: You add more and more elements to the same list "forever" until your device runs out of memory.

wxScrolledWindow add and remove elements

I have a wxScrolledWindow object filled with elements (pictures) (every element add with the class ThumbNail which uses dc.paint). I would like to dynamically change the elements with new once (not the same number) (change of folder by the user).
How can I empty all the items in wxScrolledWindow object and put new once back in? And then reset the scrollbars.
_ScrolThumbs = new wxScrolledWindow(_pMainPanel);
wxGridSizer *m_swSizer = new wxGridSizer(1,1,0);
_ScrolThumbs->SetSizer(m_swSizer); // Sets the window to have the given layout sizer.
std::vector<ThumbNail*> _Thumbs;
for(int i=0;i < FilePr::Instance()->GetNumThumbs() ;i++)
_Thumbs.push_back(new ThumbNail(_ScrolThumbs, PicName[i]));
_ScrolThumbs ->GetSizer()->Add (_Thumbs[i], 1, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
Then I tried to do this (when a button is hit):
wxWindowList& lst = _ScrolThumbs->GetChildren();
//if (!lst.empty())
std::cout << lst.size() << '\n';
while(!lst.empty()) //for(int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) //lst.size()
wxWindow *wnd = lst.back();
But putting new elements back in, like I did above does not work...
Any idea how to do this or were to find help on the web? Thanks!
// or

How to change button position in CMFCToolBar?

Can I change position of some button in CMFCToolBar ? For example set third button at begin of toolbar.
Just get the old button, insert it at the new position, delete the old one.
// Get button at position 3 and move it to position 1
auto *pButton = bar.Getbutton(2);
It is save to dereference the pointer because InsertButton creates a copy.
My version for few buttons:
// pIDs - array of buttons IDs
// nIDCounts - size of array
void ArrangeButtons(CMFCToolBar& wnd, const UINT* pIDs, UINT nIDCounts)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CMFCToolBarButton>> aBtns;
std::transform(pIDs, std::next(pIDs, nIDCounts), std::inserter(aBtns, std::end(aBtns)), [&](UINT nID)-> std::unique_ptr < CMFCToolBarButton > {
std::unique_ptr<CMFCToolBarButton> res;
CMFCToolBarButton* pBtn = wnd.GetButton(wnd.CommandToIndex(nID));
if ((pBtn != nullptr) && pBtn->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCToolBarButton))) {
res.reset(STATIC_DOWNCAST(CMFCToolBarButton, pBtn->GetRuntimeClass()->CreateObject()));
return std::move(res);
std::for_each(std::begin(aBtns), std::end(aBtns), [&](std::unique_ptr<CMFCToolBarButton>& btn) {
if (btn) {