Create an array with external file in C++ - c++

I have 4 days of training in C++, so bear with me.
Two data files are required to evaluate a multiple-choice examination. The first file
(booklet.dat) contains the correct answers. The total number of questions is 50. A sample
file is given below:
The second file (answer.dat) contains the students’ answers. Each line has one student
record that contains the following information:
The student’s answers (a total of 50 answers) in the same format as above (* indicates no answer)., followed by Student ID and Student Name. Example:
I have a homework assignment to write a C++ program that counts the total number of correct answers by each student and outputs this information to another file called report.dat. In this file, the student’s IDs, names and scores must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. For the sample files given above, the output should be as follows:
6555 MAHMUT 10
6448 SINAN 12
6550 CAGIL 49
Here's what I have so far:
include <iostream>
include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char booklet[50] answers[50]
int counter
// Link answers with booklet.dat
booklet = ifstream
return 0;
// Link answers with answers.dat
answers = ifstream
return 0;
while (booklet==answers)
cout << "The student had">>counter>> "answers right";
I'm not even sure I am in the correct direction. I know I need to create an array from the file booklet.dat and another one from the file answer.dat. Then the comparison has to be made and the matches between the two have to be counted.
I don't expect anyone to do the assignment for me, i just need a nudge in the right direction.

1.) On your Syntax:
a) Each line in C++ has to end with an ";". There are some lines in your excample which don't. (Normally your compile should point at this or the following line with an error)
b) Multiple variable definitions need a "," in between two different variables.
2.) I would recommend you to use something like that:
(have a look at C++ Reference fstream)
EDIT: just a little outline, which is not complete in this form, just to give you and idea ;-)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int nr_of_students = 1000; /* Or any number you'd like to analyze */
int stud_nr[nr_of_students];
string stud_name[nr_of_students];
int stud_count[nr_of_students];
fstream in_out;"filename.dat",fstream::in); // fstream::in for reading from file
// fstream::out for writing to this file
for(lines=0;(in_out>>answers && lines<nr_of_students);lines++)
in_out >> stud_nr[lines]; /* EDIT: sorry hat some index confusions here... */
in_out >> stud_name[lines];
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
/* comparison between the booklet_array and the answers_array */
/* Count up the stud_count[lines] for each right comparison */
/* some simmilar code for the output-file */
else cout << "Error reading " << "filename.dat" << endl;
return 1;
3.) Your code would also get more performance with vectors.
A good Tutorial would be: Tutorial part I
and you find part 2 in the comments there
4.) you can achieve a more dynamic code with argc and argv**, just google for that
I hope these comments help you a little bit to carry on ;)

You are already on the right direction. Basically you want to load the answer key into an array for fast comparison and then you need to check the answers of each student and each time they get a correct answer you increment a counter and write the ID, name and score for each student. There are problems with your code such as missing semicolons.
Also please note that returning exits a function and that no statements after an unconditional return are executed, returning from main terminates your program.
The normal approach to open a file for reading is:
int main()
std::ifstream input_file("inputfilename");
// since the answer key is one line
// and each students answer , id and name are also one line
// getting that line using std::getline() would be sufficient
std::string line;
std::getline(input_file, line);
// line would now contain the entire first line except the newline character
std::getline(input_file, line);
//now line would now contain the second line in the file
return 0;
Writing to a file is similar we use ofstream to open a file for writing.
Like so:
int main()
std::ofstream output_file("outputfilename");
// lets say we have a string and an int that we want to write
std::string line_to_write("Hello File");
int number = 42;
output_file << line_to_write << number; // writes the string and then 42 on the same line
output_file << '\n'; // writes the newline character so that next writes would appear on another line
return 0;
For references to the standard library and C++ in general when you need to know the available functions to do something I recommend cppreference here are the specific pages on ifstream and ofstream.


Filling a cstring using <cstring> with text from a textfile using File I/O C++

I began learning strings yesterday and wanted to manipulate it around by filling it with a text from a text file. However, upon filling it the cstring array only prints out the last word of the text file. I am a complete beginner, so I hope you can keep this beginner friendly. The lines I want to print from the file are:
"Hello World from UAE" - First line
"I like to program" - Second line
Now I did look around and eventually found a way and that is to use std::skipary or something like that but that did not print it the way I had envisioned, it prints letter by letter and skips each line in doing so.
here is my code:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream myfile;"output.txt");
int vowels = 0, spaces = 0, upper = 0, lower = 0;
//check for error
if ( {
cout << "Error opening file: ";
char statement[100];
while (!myfile.eof()) {
myfile >> statement;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
cout << statement << " ";
I'm not exactly sure what you try to do with output.txt's contents, but a clean way to read through a file's contents using C++ Strings goes like this:
if (std::ifstream in("output.txt"); in.good()) {
for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line); ) {
// do something with line
std::cout << line << '\n';
You wouldn't want to use char[] for that, in fact raw char arrays are hardly ever useful in modern C++.
Also - As you can see, it's much more concise to check if the stream is good than checking for std::ifstream::fail() and std::ifstream::eof(). Be optimistic! :)
Whenever you encounter output issues - either wrong or no output, the best practise is to add print (cout) statements wherever data change is occurring.
So I first modified your code as follows:
while (!myfile.eof()) {
myfile >> statement;
This way, the output I got was - all lines are printed but the last line gets printed twice.
We understood that data is being read correctly and stored in statement.
This raises 2 questions. One is your question, other is why last line is printed twice.
To answer your question exactly, in every loop iteration, you're reading the text completely into statement. You're overwriting existing value. So whatever value you read last is only stored.
Once you fix that, you might come across the second question. It's very common and I myself came across that issue long back. So I'm gonna answer that as well.
Let's say your file has 3 lines:
Initially your file control (pointer) is at the beginning, exactly where line 1 starts. After iterations when it comes to line3, we know it's last line as we input the data. But the loop control doesn't know that. For all it knows, there could be a million more lines. Only after it enters the loop condition THE NEXT TIME will it come to know that the file has ended. So the final value will be printed twice.

searching a name in the csv file on C++

I am a young programmer who is trying to learn c++. i have a working csv.file. but i want to search for a specific number assigned to the name and then displays the name of what i'm looking for. i have the file here:
2,Ivysaur, grass
3,Venusaur, grass
4,Charmander, fire
5,Charmeleon, fire
6,Charizard, fire
7,Squirtle, water
8,Wartortle, water
9,Blastoise, water
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream ip("pokedex.csv");
string pokedexnum[9];
string pokemonName[9];
string pokemonType[9];
cout<<"please enter a pokemon number:"<<" ";
while (ip.good()){
getline( ip, pokedexnum[0]);
getline( ip, pokemonName[0]);
getline( ip, pokemonType[0]);
cout<<"the pokemon that is:"<< " "<<pokedexnum[0]<< "is the pokemon called:"<< pokemonName[0];
ifstream close("pokedex.csv");
return 0;
when it runs
please enter a pokemon number: 1
the pokemon that is: is the pokemon called:8,Wartortle, water
could you please point out what i am doing wrong?
Among the issues in this code:
You're not using std::getline correctly for comma-separated data. The result is each pass is consuming three lines from your input file; not three values from each line.
You're also not using ip.good() correctly as a while-condition.
You're retaining your test value in the array, which will be overwritten on the first iteration pass, so it is lost.
You're ignoring potential IO failures with each std::getline invoke.
You're overwriting slot-0 in your arrays with each loop iteration.
Minor, ifstream close("pokedex.csv"); clearly isn't doing what you think it is. That just creates another fstream object called close on the given file name.
The later may be intentional for now, but clearly broken in the near future.
In reality, you don't need arrays for any of this. All you're doing is reading lines, and seem to want to test the input number against that of the CSV data first column, reporting the line that you find, then ending this.
So do that:
Read the input value to search for.
Open the file for scanning.
Enumerate the file one line at a time.
For each line from (3), use a string stream to break the line into the comma separated values.
Test the id value against the input from (1). If the same, report the result and break the loop; you're done.
The result is something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
std::cout<<"please enter a pokemon number: ";
long num;
if (std::cin >> num && num > 0)
std::ifstream ip("pokedex.csv");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(ip, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::string id, name, skill;
if (std::getline(iss, id, ',') &&
std::getline(iss, name, ',') &&
std::getline(iss, skill))
char *endp = nullptr;
long n = std::strtol(id.c_str(), &endp, 10);
if (id.c_str() != endp && n == num)
std::cout << "The pokemon that is: " << num << " is called: " << name << '\n';
Admittedly untested, but it should work.
Whether you want to store the items in arrays at this point is entirely up to you, but it isn't needed to solve the somewhat abstract problem you seem to be attempting, namely finding the matching line and reporting the name from said-same. If you still want to store them in arrays, I suggest you craft a structure to do so, something like:
struct Pokemon
int id;
std::string name;
std::string skill;
and have a single array of those, rather than three arbitrary arrays that must be kept in sync.
Four issues jump out at me:
You store the user's input into pokemonType, but then also use pokemonType for reading data from your CSV file. The file input is going to overwrite the user input.
Your file input loop always references index 0. All of the lines from your data file are going into element 0. That's the main reason that even if the user inputs 1, the output is from the last line of the data file.
Your file reading loop is structured like you want to put one part of each data line into a different array, but what you've written actually reads three lines on every iteration, storing those lines into the three different arrays.
This isn't affecting your output, but the code ifstream close("pokedex.csv"); is written like you want to close the file stream you opened, but I do believe what this line actually does is create a new ifstream called close, and opens pokedex.csv attached to it. In other words, it's just like your other line ifstream ip("pokedex.csv"); but with close as the variable name instead of ip.
You are going to want to look into something called "string tokenization". Start with some web searches, apply what you read about to your code, and of course if you hit another snag, post a new question here to Stack Overflow, showing (as you did here) what you tried and in what way it isn't working.
Elaborating on #3, here's what how your data file is being read:
at the end of the 1st iteration of the file-reading loop, ...
pokedexnum[0] is "1,Bulbasaur,grass"
pokemonName[0] is "2,Ivysaur, grass"
pokemonType[0] is "3,Venusaur, grass"
at the end of the 2nd iteration of the file-reading loop, ...
pokedexnum[0] is "4,Charmander, fire"
pokemonName[0] is "5,Charmeleon, fire"
pokemonType[0] is "6,Charizard, fire"
at the end of the 3rd iteration of the file-reading loop, ...
pokedexnum[0] is "7,Squirtle, water"
pokemonName[0] is "8,Wartortle, water"
pokemonType[0] is "9,Blastoise, water"
And that's why
<< "is the pokemon called:"<< pokemonName[0];
is the pokemon called:8,Wartortle, water

How to read individual lines of a text file using C++

Ok, so its been a while since i messed with reading and writing file and i have just about forgot everything i learned. So, i am currently just trying to figure out how to read specific lines from a text file and output that said line into the command prompt. Here is my code that i am having issues with:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
ifstream input;
int lineN=0;
string line[lineN];"input.txt");
getline(input, line[lineN]);
cout << line[lineN];
As it currently is, it will read the first line of the text file no problem. However, if i change the variable lineN(which stands for line number) to 1 to read the second line, it crashes the prompt. I have no idea what it is i am doing wrong. I have tried researching this problem, but everyone's answer is too vague (That or i'm just too dumb). If you could help me out that would great.
The problem is that you define here an empty array of strings and arrays are not dynamic:
int lineN=0;
string line[lineN];
When you change lineN to 1, nothing changes in the array, and you'll get out of bound !
The bettter way would be to use vectors:
vector<string> line;
Read in a temporary string:
string current_line;
getline(input, current_line);
and add it to your vector:
Putting all this in a nice loop would be more useful:
string current_line;
while (getline(input, current_line)) {
You may access any line later, by using line[i] exactly with your array, as long as i< line.size(). Or you may iterate easily throug all its content:
for (string x : line) { // means for every x in line[]
cout<< x<<endl;
you allocate a array of size 0 ...
you will find answer of what will happen can be found here:
C++ new int[0] -- will it allocate memory?

enhancing a program - complete failure

good day everyone.
im having some trouble trying to figure out how to enhance my program.
here's the question:
Write a program to compute numeric grades for a course. The course records are in a file that will serve as the input file. The input file is in exactly the following format: Each line contains a student’s last name, then one space, then the student’s first name, then one space, then ten quiz scores all on one line. The quiz scores are whole numbers and are separated by one space. Your program will take its input from this file and send its output to a second file. The data in the output file will be the same as the data in the input file except that there will be one additional number (of type double) at the end of each line. This number will be the average of the student’s ten quiz scores. If this is being done as a class assignment, obtain the file names from your instructor. Use at least one function that has file streams as all or some of its arguments.
i managed to do the first part successfully. below is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream infile("grades.txt",ios::in);
if(!infile){cerr<<"file could not be found!";exit(1);}
fstream outfile("average.txt",ios::out);
if(!outfile){cerr<<"file could not be created!";exit(1);}
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
int grades[10];
char c;
int x;
cout<<"how many students?";
for(int k=0;k<x;k++)
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
outfile<<fname<<" "<<lname<<" ";
double sum=0;
for(int j=0;j<10;j++)
outfile<<grades[j]<<" ";
double avg=0;
return 0;
im not able to do part (a) of the second part. i tried initializing the grades[10] array to zeros, but im not getting any correct output. any help? thank you.
Enhance the program you wrote for (Problem 10) in all the following
a-The list of quiz scores on each line will contain ten of fewer quiz
scores. (If there are fewer than ten quiz scores, that means
that the student missed one or more quizzes.) The average score is
still the sum of the quiz scores divided by 10. This amounts to
giving the student a 0 for any missed quiz.
b-The output file will contain a line (or lines) at the beginning of
the file explaining the output. Use formatting instructions to
make the layout neat and easy to read. c- After placing the desired
output in an output file, your program will close all files and then
copy the contents of the “output” file to the “input” file so
that the net effect is to change the contents of the input file.
Use at least two functions that have file streams as all or some of
their arguments. If this is being done as a class assignment,
obtain the file names from your instruction.
here's how my code looks now
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
fstream infile("grades.txt",ios::in);
if(!infile){cerr<<"file could not be found!";exit(1);}
fstream outfile("average.txt",ios::out);
if(!outfile){cerr<<"file could not be created!";exit(1);}
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
int grades;
int sum=0;
int linecount=0;
char c;
outfile<<lname<<" "<<fname<<" ";
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){if(infile>>grades)outfile<<grades<<" ";else {outfile<<"0 ";break;} sum+=grades;}
return 0;
but im getting just a black space when i run the program. im not able to fix the loop to read from all the lines of the file.
As of the first part: Your code doesn't exactly solve the problem as given. The problem as given doesn't say you enter a number of students, but you should process all students in the file, no matter how many they are. Also, you neglected the part: "Use at least one function that has file streams as all or some of its arguments."
Anyways, I'd advise you to read the file line by line, and then process each line individually using ostringstream. That way, detecting that no more grades follow works the same way as detecting that no more students follow in part 1.
Hint: Look at the stream error status, especially fail, and use a while loop in part 1, and break in part 2.

What's the correct way to read a text file in C++?

I need to make a program in C++ that must read and write text files line by line with an specific format, but the problem is that in my PC I work in Windows, and in College they have Linux and I am having problems because of line endings are different in these OS.
I am new to C++ and don't know could I make my program able read the files no matter if they were written in Linux or Windows. Can anybody give me some hints? thanks!
The input is like this:
James White 34 45.5 10 black
Miguel Chavez 29 48.7 9 red
David McGuire 31 45.8 10 blue
Each line being a record of a struct of 6 variables.
Using the std::getline overload without the last (i.e. delimiter) parameter should take care of the end-of-line conversions automatically:
std::ifstream in("TheFile.txt");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
// Do something with 'line'.
Here's a simple way to strip string of an extra "\r":
std::ifstream in("TheFile.txt");
std::string line;
std::getline(input, line));
if (line[line.size() - 1] == '\r')
line.resize(line.size() - 1);
If you can already read the files, just check for all of the newline characters like "\n" and "\r". I'm pretty sure that linux uses "\r\n" as the newline character.
You can read this page:
and here is a list of all the ascii codes including the newline characters:
Edit: Linux uses "\n", Windows uses "\r\n", Mac uses "\r". Thanks to Seth Carnegie
Since the result will be CR LF, I would add something like the following to consume the extras if they exist. So once your have read you record call this before trying to read the next.
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
If you know the number of values you are going to read for each record you could simply use the ">>" method. For example:
fstream f("input.txt" std::ios::in);
string tempStr;
double tempVal;
for (number of records) {
// read the first name
f >> tempStr;
// read the last name
f >> tempStr;
// read the number
f >> tempVal;
// and so on.
Shouldn't that suffice ?
Hi I will give you the answer in stages. Please go trough in order to understand the code.
Stage 1: Design our program:
Our program based on the requirements should...:
...include a definition of a data type that would hold the data. i.e. our
structure of 6 variables.
...provide user interaction i.e. the user should be able to
provide the program, the file name and its location. able to
open the chosen file. able to read the file data and
write/save them into our structure. able to close the file
after the data is read. able to print out of the saved data.
Usually you should split your code into functions representing the above.
Stage 2: Create an array of the chosen structure to hold the data
#define MAX 10
strPersonData sTextData[MAX];
Stage 3: Enable user to give in both the file location and its name:
string sFileName;
cout << "Enter a file name: ";
ifstream inFile(sFileName.c_str(),ios::in);
->Note 1 for stage 3. The accepted format provided then by the user should be:
We use two \ backslashes instead of one \, because we wish it to be treated as literal backslash.
->Note 2 for stage 3. We use ifstream i.e. input file stream because we want to read data from file. This
is expecting the file name as c-type string instead of a c++ string. For this reason we use:
Stage 4: Read all data of the chosen file:
while (!inFile.eof()) { //we loop while there is still data in the file to read
So finally the code is as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#define MAX 10
using namespace std;
int main()
string sFileName;
struct strPersonData {
char c1stName[25];
char c2ndName[30];
int iAge;
double dSomeData1; //i had no idea what the next 2 numbers represent in your code :D
int iSomeDate2;
char cColor[20]; //i dont remember the lenghts of the different colors.. :D
strPersonData sTextData[MAX];
cout << "Enter a file name: ";
ifstream inFile(sFileName.c_str(),ios::in);
int i=0;
while (!inFile.eof()) { //loop while there is still data in the file
inFile >>sTextData[i].c1stName>>sTextData[i].c2ndName>>sTextData[i].iAge
cout << "Reading the file finished. See it yourself: \n"<< endl;
for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
return 0;
I am going to give you some exercises now :D :D
1) In the last loop:
for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
Why do I use variable i instead of lets say MAX???
2) Could u change the program based on stage 1 on sth like:
int main(){
...return 0;
I hope i helped...