Converting text to mesh [closed] - c++

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to convert text (string+font) into mesh (vertices, indices, triangles etc), but I don't need to draw anything. I'll just get a string from one API and push it as vertices & indices to another. What's the simplest/easiest/best way of doing this? Font metrics and text placing are of course available and no other transforms are needed.
I'm currently working with VC++. However, any kind of OpenSource (C/C++, C#, VB,...) and "non-open but free" COM/.NET -libraries would be great.
I've heard of FreeType. Does it answer my prayers or is there something even better?
EDIT: As Nico Schertler commented, there seems to be Mesh.TextFromFont -function in DirectX -libs that probably does the trick. Thank you Nico! I'll update when I have time to test this in practise.

Mesh.TextFromFont sounded good but it didn't save the day since I couldn't figure out how to get the actual point/triangle data from the mesh -object.
But then I found this. In this project, GraphicsPath is used to create a point-path from a glyph. Then the points are coverted into Polygons and the polygons are then tesselated into triangles using Poly2Tri.
A quick browse through the source code and with some small modifications and code stripping I ended up with a nice .NET -dll with one simple static function that does everything I need.

To convert a text into a mesh you can use the ttf2mesh library. This library consists of just one C-file and allows to open truetype font (.ttf) and convert it glyphs to a mesh objects in 2d or 3d space. There is an examples in the repository.
An interesting feature is the lack of dependency on any third party library (like libfreetype). Also in the examples there is a ttf2obj program that allows you to convert a font file to an OBJ file.


Store static environment in chunks [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have terrain separated by chunks and I would like to put environment (For example, rocks, trees, etc..) in each chunk randomly.
My question is related to how to implement such system in OpenGL.
What I have tried:
Solution: Draw the environment with instancing once for all the terrain (not a specific chunk)
Problem: I except the chunk to sometimes take a bit to load and because I am using threads the environment will appear as floating.
Solution: Draw the environment with instancing for each chunk.
Problem: To draw each chunk, I will need to bind the VBO for the chunk, draw the chunk, bind the VBO for the environment (and the VAO probably) and draw it.
I don't want to put so many glBindBuffer functions because I heard it is slow (Please correct me if I am wrong)
(Not tried) Solution: Somehow merge the vertices of the terrain with its environment and draw them together.
Problem: My terrain is drawn with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP so this is a first problem, the second problem(?) is that I don't know how well it will function (talking speed).
I tried looking up solutions on the internet but didn't seem to find any that relate to chunks.
Anyone know how other games that uses chunks do that? Is there a way to do it without causing a lot of speed decrease?

How to detect teeth using opencv [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on one project and in that i want to make teeth white. So for that need to find teeth part.I have tried equalizeHist, adaptiveThreshold, threshold,dilate, erode etc.But not getting exact teeth part.
So can anyone tell me how can i do it.I am using OpenCV c++ library.
In input i have this image
I have found this type of mask
So if i use this mask the image looks unnatural like this,
I see two problems. You find the correct region, but the boundary is imprecise. That's solvable by looking at the gradient of the hue, which will form a clear contour. If you use the HSL color model, the Lightness component will likely have a sharp contrast too.
Secondly, the bigger effect IMO is that you far overdo the whitening. This loses a lot of contrast between teeth. You probably want to just drop the yellow saturation, but don't touch the luminosity.
If you want to be really fancy, determine where the teeth edges are, and you can smooth out the luminosity elsewhere. This removes small stains on teeth.

Draw a matrix of numbers as an image with C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a quite specific question: I want to draw a matrix of numbers in a greyscale image. The higher the number the brighter the output. Is there a way to do that in a C++ programme without having dependencies to a graphic library like Qt?
I looked through some examples of ImageMagick, but I'm not sure how to implement its functions in C++.
In case someone stumbles upon this question:
a modified code of the example shown here was a handy and easy solution
It's hard without a library. SFML seems easy to use.
Also you have 3 other questions hidden in your question:
1- To save an image you can use sf::image::saveToFile
2- To get brighter number for higher number: You need to normalize your numbers to [MinColorYouWant MaxColorYouWant] (for example: [128,255]). Thus the normalization value corresponding to each number will become the color of the number.
3- SFML uses RGBA images by default. Just set the RGB channels equal to make it look greyscale.
EDIT 2 : I've fixed the example normalization from [128,256] to [128,255].

Modeling in OpenGL [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to model a seashell using a bunch of polygons, for example as shown in: link text
But I am new to OpenGL. How would I get started modeling this, and what would the procedure be like?
I am assuming you are going to generate the geometry procedurally instead of "sculpting it".
What you need to do is to generate your geometry just like in the mathematics example and store your it in vertex buffer objects (VBO). There are multiple ways of doing this, but generally you will want to store you vertex information (position, normal, texture coords if any) in one buffer, and the way these vertices are grouped into faces in another (called an index array).
You can then bind these buffers and draw them with a single call to glDrawElements().
Be careful that the vertices in the faces are all in the same winding order (counter-clockwise or clockwise) and the the winding order is specified correctly to OpenGL, or you will get your shell inside out!
VBOs are supported in OpenGL 1.4 and up. In the extremely unlikely event that your target platform does not support that (update your drivers first!) you can use Vertex Arrays. They do pretty much the same thing, but are slower as they get sent over the bus every frame.
While modelling objects procedurally (i.e. generating coordinates as numbers in the code) may be OK for learning purposes, it's definitely not the thing you want to do, as it gets very impractical if you have anything more complicated than a few triangles or a cyllinder). Some people consider procedural generation an art, but you need a lot of practice to achieve nice-looking (not to mention, realistic) results with that approach.
If you want to display a more complex, realistic model, the approach is to:
create the model in a modelling tool (like the free and powerful Blender)
save it to a file in a given format,
in your program, load the object from the file to memory (either to your RAM to display using Vertex Arrays or to your GPU memory directly using a Vertex Buffer Object) and display it.
Common format (though an old an inconvenient one) is .obj (Wavefront OBJ), Blender is able to save to that and you are likely to google an OpenGL OBJ loader (or you can roll your own - untrivial, but still easy).
An alternative is to create an export script for Blender (very easy, if you know Python) and save the model as a simple binary file containing vertices, etc; then load it in your application code very easily.

Best way to learn about Direct X [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to begin looking at Direct X, but don't just want to try and throw myself into it. What are some good resources to get ones feet wet?
I highly recommend Toymaker's tutorials. Helped me greatly when I was first starting out with DX and was just as good as a reference later on.
The other thing to do would to set up some small projects that use DX that increase in difficulty as you go. If you'd like a starter list (from easy to hard):
Compiling using DX libraries (I always remeber having trouble linking the libraries correctly in Visual Studio).
Change background colour.
See a model on-screen.
Moving the model with input.
A camera.
Apply a texture to your model.
Add multiple models to your scene.
Add lighting.
Create your a simple rectangle model and display a texture on it.
Get comfortable with all that and then have a look at shaders, advanced lighting and animation.
There are quite a few books on directX, but there is so much freely available information on the web these days, I would just jump right in there.
A good place to start is just to do a youtube search for DirectX Tutorials. In my opinion, this is a fun and interesting way to get started learning a new dev skill.