RPC C++ Dynamic Library [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am student of M.Sc Computer Science. I have been given a project on C++ Analytics Library. I have been asked to implement some key analytics functions, design a library to implement these functions, and to make the library available via Remote Procedure Call interface.
I don't have programming background except what I learned about C++ during my course. I can do the coding for analytics function but I am stuck on RPC stuff? I could not find good resources on RPC or honestly if I say that I am not understanding from where to start on RPC? There are a lot of RPC information but could not relate to my project. I am supposed to design library for windows environment.
So far this is what I am planning to do-
I am using Visual Studio 2012 (Trial Edition)
Create IDL interface file where I am going to define all procedure or functions.
Using MIDL complier, generate client and server stub files.
and then link and compile the server and client using stub and header file.
Do you guys think that I am on right track for my project?
If yes, is there any help or best resource available for writing IDL interface file?
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. I am not looking for the code. I am looking for the help in regards to RPC.


A typical tech stack using vowpal wabbit? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi I want to see an example tech stack where vowpal wabbit is used.
This can be actual application which people are using or an imaginary one which illustrates how VW fits.
We are currently facing a common legacy code problem. Our back end is a collection of web services implemented in C++ using relational DB and Front end is Javascript based web app build on top of those webservices.
Now We want to extend our backend to provide some analytics services which uses machine learning functionality. Having seen around, I quite liked Apache Spark + ML + GraphX as graph already heavily features in our server logic. But the problem is they are not C++. Though they can be made to integrate with it, but as we will be writing lot of our own stuff, We will have to write non-C++/Javascript code, which is currently not under consideration.
Vowpal Wabbit is another candidate that meets our criteria but I am not sure how it would fit over-all right from raw-data storage to application logic. Hence the question.
As I recall VW could be built as static library (check examples in its ./library folder). And perhaps as dynamic library too. Thus it could be just incorporated in your legacy c++ app.
Vowpal can be used as a library and the source code include examples of using the API in C++. We are using it in an iOS application with no problems. The only slight oddity is the need to use boost::program_options to initialize the library and various methods. If you were motivated, you could further develop the API to accept arguments. The maintainers seem to actively encourage the development of patches and features.

How to create a simple COM component in C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How to create a simple COM component in C++, and then to consume it in my C# project.
I don't want to use ATL. Are there any simple step by step instructions or a complete procedure to get started. (I have done googling but not found any desired content).
Any help will be appreciated.
empty DLL project
exports from the DLL to be used by COM: DllGetClassObject and friends
implementation of COM object factory
implementation of the COM object itself
type library is recommended to be embedded for better integration with C#
COM object registration
All steps assume understanding of COM basics, of course. ATL covers most of this right from the start, a project created from template is taking you immediately to details of #4 above.
If you are looking for some sample to start from, you can find pretty close ones:
COM in C++
Writing a shell extension in plain C++

making MFC/ATL COM application platform Independent [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a rather huge project that has lot of generic C++ classes, some C++ classes with reference to MFC. The UI is all written is MFC. Application uses ATL / COM to expose objects to scripting languages such as VBA and Python. There are thousands of scripts written in VBA and python.
My next project is to make this application work on many different platforms. However when run on Windows I expect that already existing VBA scripts run. Any suggestions on what is the best way to approach at this is greatly appreciated. Please suggest programing languages or tools that could be used.If I can make use of existing c++ code base better but not necessary. Scriptable objects need to maintain the same interface as before and they should run with no Or very minimal changes to them. Also is there a easy way to move the scripts written in python 2.7 to python 3.x ?

Integrating a program written in C with another one written in C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a project where I need to integrate 2 simulation software packages; as in the output from one is to be used as input for the other one, and vice versa. The exchange of information happens at every time-step of the simulation, so it occurs very frequently. Both simulation packages have support for plugins: one of them supports plugins written in C, and the other supports plugins written in C++. Is there an elegant way to integrate these two plugins to make the software packages talk to each other? I thought about reading/writing files to hard drive, but I'm hoping that there is a better way to do this.
Thanks all!
Is SOAP or RESTful service an option? That would work in both C and C++
You definitely can use files to do that, but I wouldn't recommend writing them to the disk, but to use a Memory-mapped file. There are several libraries that implement this functionality, such as Boost C++. Java has the FileChannel class that handles it

Interact with a C++ application throught CakePHP [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm wondering Which solution could be the best to interact with a C++ application and its data through CakePHP over a Windows environment.
I was thinking about creating an API, with Delphi or Java for example, which could work with JSON requests and which at the same time would be linked to the C++ application.
This is a very generic question but I would like to have any feedback about this or know if anyone have tried something similar before and what solution was implemented for it.
First, you need to define "best": Most performant, easiest to implement, best scalable, most portable...?
If you can modify the C++ application, I would not create a component in the middle (what you suggest to write in Delphi or Java) but instead add an interface which PHP can access directly. If you cannot do this then you need to create such a component, of course. In this case, roughly the same options exist as for embedding the interface in the C++ app:
A simple approach is to use sockets (see Interprocess communication within PHP with a continuous process?). A more heavyweight approach is http://activemq.apache.org/.
And of course you can expose a webservice (SOAP, REST, XML or JSON...). This is certainly a very portable interface but probably not the fastest (more layers in between).