SSIS web service task timeout value - web-services

I am trying to call a long running web service from WebServiceTask in SSIS, but the TimeOut value for it seems to be a max of 300 seconds or 5 mins. But i am afraid that it might get timed out.
is there a way to increase the timeout vale

Unfortunately no. The Web Service Task, as I see it, is one of those "after thoughts." It satisfies a check box but doesn't go beyond the surface of functionality. I have found that I have a better web service experience if I just use a script component.


Deploy function with long running time on Google Cloud Run

If I understood it well, Google Cloud Run will make an API publicly available. Once a request is received, an instance is started and the job is processed. Once the job done, the instance will be terminated. Is this right?
If so, I presume that Google determine when the instance should be shutdown when the HTTP response in sent back to the client. Is that also right?
In my case the process will run from 10 to 20 Minutes. Can I still send the HTTP response after so much time? Any Advice on how to implement that?
Frankly, all of this is well documented in the cloud run docs:
Somewhat, but this depends on how you configured your scaling
Also see above, but a request is considered "done" when the HTTP connection is closed (either by you or the client), yes
60 mins is the limit, see:
Any Advice on how to implement that?
You just keep the connection open for 20mins, but do note the remark on long living connections in the link above.

How to handle long requests in Google Cloud Run?

I have hosted my node app in Cloud Run and all of my requests served within 300 - 600ms time. But one endpoint that gets data from a 3rd party service so that request takes 1.2s - 2.5s to complete the request.
My doubts regarding this are
Is 1.2s - 2.5s requests suitable for cloud run? Or is there any rule that the requests should be completed within xx ms?
Also see the screenshot, I got a message along with the request in logs "The request caused a new container instance to be started and may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request"
What caused a new container instance to be started?
Is there any alternative or work around to handle long requests?
Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think that will be an issue unless you're worried about the cost of the CPU/memory time, which honestly should only matter if you're getting 10k+ requests/day. So, probably doesn't matter and cloud run can handle that just fine (my own app does requests longer than that with no problem)
It's possible that your service was "scaled to zero" meaning that there were no containers left running to serve requests. In that case, it would be necessary to start up a new instance and wait for whatever initializing/startup costs are associated with that process. It's also possible that it was auto-scaled due to all other instances being at their request limits. Make sure that your setting for max concurrent requests per instance is set greater than one - Node/Express can handle multiple requests at once. Plus, you'll only get charged for the total time spend, not per request:
In situations where you get very long (30 seconds, minutes+) operations, it may be a good idea to switch to some different data transfer method. You could use polling, where the client makes a request every 5 seconds and checks if the response is ready. You could also switch to some kind of push-based system like WebSockets, but Cloud Run doesn't have support for that.
TL;DR longer requests (~10-30 seconds) should be fine unless you're worried about the cost of the increased compute time they may occur at scale.

How to fix CloudRun error 'The request was aborted because there was no available instance'

I'm using managed CloudRun to deploy a container with concurrency=1. Once deployed, I'm firing four long-running requests in parallel.
Most of the time, all works fine -- But occasionally, I'm facing 500's from one of the nodes within a few seconds; logs only provide the error message provided in the subject.
Using retry with exponential back-off did not improve the situation; the retries also end up with 500s. StackDriver logs also do not provide further information.
Potentially relevant gcloud beta run deploy arguments:
--memory 2Gi --concurrency 1 --timeout 8m --platform managed
What does the error message mean exactly -- and how can I solve the issue?
This error message can appear when the infrastructure didn't scale fast enough to catch up with the traffic spike. Infrastructure only keeps a request in the queue for a certain amount of time (about 10s) then aborts it.
This usually happens when:
traffic suddenly largely increase
cold start time is long
request time is long
We also faced this issue when traffic suddenly increased during business hours. The issue is usually caused by a sudden increase in traffic and a longer instance start time to accommodate incoming requests. One way to handle this is by keeping warm-up instances always running i.e. configuring --min-instances parameters in the cloud run deploy command. Another and recommended way is to reduce the service cold start time (which is difficult to achieve in some languages like Java and Python)
I also experiment the problem. Easy to reproduce. I have a fibonacci container that process in 6s fibo(45). I use Hey to perform 200 requests. And I set my Cloud Run concurrency to 1.
Over 200 requests I have 8 similar errors. In my case: sudden traffic spike and long processing time. (Short cold start for me, it's in Go)
I was able to resolve this on my service by raising the max autoscaling container count from 2 to 10. There really should be no reason that 2 would be even close to too low for the traffic, but I suspect something about the Cloud Run internals were tying up to 2 containers somehow.
Setting the Max Retry Attempts to anything but zero will remedy this, as it did for me.

Extend the time the Windows service is stopped

I need the service to stop long enough. Approximately 5-10 minutes. Now on windows 10, my service system kills after 60 seconds without waiting for it to finish correctly. Saw a similar issue for C# using the net function RequestAdditionalTime. But I need a C++ implementation on the API.
setting the key value in the registry did not affect
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WaitToKillService set to 300000
You should not mess with global registry settings.
When stopping your service please call SetServiceStatus with SERVICE_STOP_PENDING and set dwCheckPoint and dwWaitHint to a proper value. And according to the documentation for dwWaitHint call ServServiceStatus multiple times until you are done and the service is stopped (SetServiceStatus(h, SERVICE_STOPPED, ...)).

Is there an AWS / Pagerduty service that will alert me if it's NOT notified

We've got a little java scheduler running on AWS ECS. It's doing what cron used to do on our old monolith. it fires up (fargate) tasks in docker containers. We've got a task that runs every hour and it's quite important to us. I want to know if it crashes or fails to run for any reason (eg the java scheduler fails, or someone turns the task off).
I'm looking for a service that will alert me if it's not notified. I want to call the notification system every time the script runs successfully. Then if the alert system doesn't get the "OK" notification as expected, it shoots off an alert.
I figure this kind of service must exist, and I don't want to re-invent the wheel trying to build it myself. I guess my question is, what's it called? And where can I go to get that kind of thing? (we're using AWS obviously and we've got a pagerDuty account).
We use this approach for these types of problems. First, the task has to write a timestamp to a file in S3 or EFS. This file is the external evidence that the task ran to completion. Then you need an http based service that will read that file and calculate if the time stamp is valid ie has been updated in the last hour. This could be a simple php or nodejs script. This process is exposed to the public web eg This script returns a http response code of 200 if the timestamp file is present and valid, or a 500 if not. Then we use StatusCake to monitor the url, and notify us via its Pager Duty integration if there is an incident. We usually include a message in the response so a human can see the nature of the error.
This may seem tedious, but it is foolproof. Any failure anywhere along the line will be immediately notified. StatusCake has a great free service level. This approach can be used to monitor any critical task in same way. We've learned the hard way that critical cron type tasks and processes can fail for any number of reasons, and you want to know before it becomes customer critical. 24x7x365 monitoring of these types of tasks is necessary, and helps us sleep better at night.
Note: We always have a daily system test event that triggers a Pager Duty notification at 9am each day. For the truly paranoid, this assures that pager duty itself has not failed in some way eg misconfiguratiion etc. Our support team knows if they don't get a test alert each day, there is a problem in the notification system itself. The tech on duty has to awknowlege the incident as per SOP. If they do not awknowlege, then it escalates to the next tier, and we know we have to have a talk about response times. It keeps people on their toes. This is the final piece to insure you have robust monitoring infrastructure.
OpsGene has a heartbeat service which is basically a watch dog timer. You can configure it to call you if you don't ping them in x number of minutes.
Unfortunately I would not recommend them. I have been using them for 4 years and they have changed their account system twice and left my paid account orphaned silently. I have to find a new vendor as soon as I have some free time.