Check if UTF-8 string is valid in Qt - c++

In Qt, is there a way to check if a byte array is a valid UTF-8 sequence?
It seems that QString::fromUtf8() silently suppresses or replaces invalid sequences, without notifying the caller that there were any. This is from its documentation:
However, invalid sequences are possible with
UTF-8 and, if any such are found, they will be replaced with one or
more "replacement characters", or suppressed.

Try with QTextCodec::toUnicode and passing a ConverterState instance. ConverterState has members like invalidChars. They are not documented via doxygen though, but I assume them to be public API, as they are mentioned in the QTextCodec documentation.
Sample code:
QTextCodec::ConverterState state;
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
const QString text = codec->toUnicode(byteArray.constData(), byteArray.size(), &state);
if (state.invalidChars > 0) {
qDebug() << "Not a valid UTF-8 sequence.";

The ConverterState way, which has already been reported here by Frank Osterfeld, works even if the text hasn't got a "BOM (Byte Order Mark)" (*).
(*) Unlike QTextCodec::codecForUtfText(), which needs a BOM in the text in order to know that it's in Utf-8.


Qt UTF-8 File to std::string Adds extra characters

I have a UTF-8 encoded text file, which has characters such as ²,³,Ç and ó. When I read the file using the below, the file appears to be read appropriately (at least according to what I can see in Visual Studio's editor when viewing the contents of the contents variable)
QFile file( filePath );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) {
QString contents;
QTextStream stream( &file );
contents.append( stream.readAll() );
However, as soon as the contents get converted to an std::string the additional characters are added. For example, the ² gets converted to ², when it should just be ². This appears to happen for every non-ANSI character, the extra  is added, which, of course, means that when the a new file is saved, the characters are not correct in the output file.
I have, of course, tried simply doing toStdString(), I've also tried toUtf8 and have even tried using the QTextCodec but each fails to give the proper values.
I do not understand why going from UTF-8 file, to QString, then to std::string loses the UTF-8 characters. It should be able to reproduce the exact file that was originally read, or am I completely missing something?
As Daniel Kamil Kozar mentioned in his answer, the QTextStream does not read in the encoding, and, therefore, does not actually read the file correctly. The QTextStream must set its Codec prior to reading the file in order to properly parse the characters. Added a comment to the code below to show the extra file needed.
QFile file( filePath );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) {
QString contents;
QTextStream stream( &file );
stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8" ) ); // This is required.
contents.append( stream.readAll() );
What you're seeing is actually the expected behaviour.
The string ² consists of the bytes C3 82 C2 B2 when encoded as UTF-8. Assuming that QTextStream actually recognises UTF-8 correctly (which isn't all that obvious, judging from the documentation, which only mentions character encoding detection when there's a BOM present, and you haven't said anything about the input file having a BOM), we can assume that the QString which is returned by QTextStream::readAll actually contains the string ².
QString::toStdString() returns a UTF-8 encoded variant of the string that the given QString represents, so the return value should contain the same bytes as the input file - namely C3 82 C2 B2.
Now, about what you're seeing in the debugger :
You've stated in one of the comments that "QString only has 0xC2 0xB2 in the string (which is correct).". This is only partially true : QString uses UTF-16LE internally, which means that its internal character array contains two 16-bit values : 0x00C2 0x00B2. These, in fact, map to the characters  and ² when each is encoded as UTF-16, which proves that the QString is constructed correctly based on the input from the file. However, your debugger seems to be smart enough to know that the bytes which make up a QString are encoded in UTF-16 and thus renders the characters correctly.
You've also stated that the debugger shows the content of the std::string returned from QString::toStdString as ². Assuming that your debugger uses the dreaded "ANSI code page" for resolving bytes to characters when no encoding is stated explicitly, and you're using a English-language Windows which uses Windows-1252 as its default legacy code page, everything fits into place : the std::string actually contains the bytes C3 82 C2 B2, which map to the characters ² in Windows-1252.
Shameless self plug : I delivered a talk about character encodings at a conference last year. Perhaps watching it will help you understand some of these problems better.
One last thing : ANSI is not an encoding. It can mean a number of different encodings based on Windows' regional settings.

C++ output Unicode in variable

I'm trying to output a string containing unicode characters, which is received with a curl call. Therefore, I'm looking for something similar to u8 and L options for literal strings, but than applicable for variables. E.g.:
const char *s = u8"\u0444";
However, since I have a string containing unicode characters, such as:
mit freundlichen Grüßen
When I want to print this string with:
cout << UnicodeString << endl;
it outputs:
mit freundlichen Gr??en
When I use wcout, it returns me:
mit freundlichen Gren
What am I doing wrong and how can I achieve the correct output. I return the output with RapidJSON, which returns the string as:
mit freundlichen Gr��en
Important to note, the application is a CGI running on Ubuntu, replying on browser requests
If you are on Windows, what I would suggest is using Unicode UTF-16 at the Windows boundary.
It seems to me that on Windows with Visual C++ (at least up to VS2015) std::cout cannot output UTF-8-encoded-text, but std::wcout correctly outputs UTF-16-encoded text.
This compilable code snippet correctly outputs your string containing German characters:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
// ü : U+00FC
// ß : U+00DF
const wchar_t * text = L"mit freundlichen Gr\u00FC\u00DFen";
std::wcout << text << L'\n';
Note the use of a UTF-16-encoded wchar_t string.
On a more general note, I would suggest you using the UTF-8 encoding (and for example storing text in std::strings) in your cross-platform C++ portions of code, and convert to UTF-16-encoded text at the Windows boundary.
To convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 you can use Windows APIs like MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte. These are C APIs, that can be safely and conveniently wrapped in C++ code (more details can be found in this MSDN article, and you can find compilable C++ code here on GitHub).
On my system the following produces the correct output. Try it on your system. I am confident that it will produce similar results.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s="mit freundlichen Grüßen";
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
If it is ok, then this points to the web transfer not being 8-bit clean.
containing unicode characters
You forgot to specify which unicode encoding does the string contain. There is the "narrow" UTF-8, which can be stored in a std::string and printed using std::cout, as well as wider variants, which can't. It is crucial to know which encoding you're dealing with. For the remainder of my answer, I'm going to assume you want to use UTF-8.
When I want to print this string with:
cout << UnicodeString << endl;
Important to note, the application is a CGI running on Ubuntu, replying on browser requests
The concerns here are slightly different from printing onto a terminal.
You need to set the Content-Type response header appropriately or else the client cannot know how to interpret the response. For example Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8.
You still need to make sure that the source string is in fact the correct encoding corresponding to the header. See the old answer below for overview.
The browser has to support the encoding. Most modern browsers have had support for UTF-8 a long time now.
Answer regarding printing to terminal:
Assuming that
UnicodeString indeed contains an UTF-8 encoded string
and that the terminal uses UTF-8 encoding
and the font that the terminal uses has the graphemes that you use
the above should work.
it outputs:
mit freundlichen Gr??en
Then it appears that at least one of the above assumptions don't hold.
Whether 1. is true, you can verify by inspecting the numeric value of each code unit separately and comparing it to what you would expect of UTF-8. If 1. isn't true, then you need to figure out what encoding does the string actually use, and either convert the encoding, or configure the terminal to use that encoding.
The terminal typically, but not necessarily, uses the system native encoding. The first step of figuring out what encoding your terminal / system uses is to figure out what terminal / system you are using in the first place. The details are probably in a manual.
If the terminal doesn't use UTF-8, then you need to convert the UFT-8 string within your program into the character encoding that the terminal does use - unless that encoding doesn't have the graphemes that you want to print. Unfortunately, the standard library doesn't provide arbitrary character encoding conversion support (there is some support for converting between narrow and wide unicode, but even that support is deprecated). You can find the unicode standard here, although I would like to point out that using an existing conversion implementation can save a lot of work.
In the case the character encoding of the terminal doesn't have the needed grapehemes - or if you don't want to implement encoding conversion - is to re-configure the terminal to use UTF-8. If the terminal / system can be configured to use UTF-8, there should be details in the manual.
You should be able to test if the font itself has the required graphemes simply by typing the characters into the terminal and see if they show as they should - although, this test will also fail if the terminal encoding does not have the graphemes, so check that first. Manual of your terminal should explain how to change the font, should it be necessary. That said, I would expect üß to exist in most fonts.

qDebug outputs QString UTF-8 non-Ascii symbols as like \uxxxx

I am trying to convert string (QString) in unicode to utf-8.
qDebug prints string like this:
"Fault code soap:Client: \u041F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0441 \u0438\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0438\u0444\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043C \u00AB16163341545811\u00BB \u043D\u0435 \u043D\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0435\u043D"
I have tried using QTextCodec like this but it outputs same unreadable string:
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QString readableStr = QString::fromUtf8(codec->fromUnicode(str));
What am I doing wrong?
I wonder what is going on but it happens when qDebug prints QString...
The following code
qDebug() << QString::fromUtf8("тест") << "тест" << QString::fromUtf8("тест").toUtf8().data();
prints out:
"\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442" тест тест
I don't know the exact thread on the Qt mailing list, but this behaviour was recently introduced, as qDebug is originally meant to debug an objects internal state. Non ASCII characters are now put out like this, which most people seem to dislike, but the developer or maintainer responsible wants to keep it this way.
I assume that the variable str has type QString. Your readableStr has the same contents as str. UTF-8 is an encoding of Unicode strings that uses 8 bit characters, that can be stored in a QByteArray. qDebug uses some special functions to display string in an console or debugging buffer to help you understand the contents of the string. If you put a QString in any GUI element you will see the expected readable content.

Can't read unicode (japanese) from a file

Hi I have a file containing japanese text, saved as unicode file.
I need to read from the file and display the information to the stardard output.
I am using Visual studio 2008
int main()
wstring line;
wifstream myfile("D:\sample.txt"); //file containing japanese characters, saved as unicode file
cout<<"While opening a file an error is encountered"<<endl;
cout << "File is successfully opened" << endl;
//wcout.imbue (locale("Japanese_Japan"));
while ( myfile.good() )
wcout << line << endl;
return 0;
This program generates some random output and I don't see any japanese text on the screen.
Oh boy. Welcome to the Fun, Fun world of character encodings.
The first thing you need to know is that your console is not unicode on windows. The only way you'll ever see Japanese characters in a console application is if you set your non-unicode (ANSI) locale to Japanese. Which will also make backslashes look like yen symbols and break paths containing european accented characters for programs using the ANSI Windows API (which was supposed to have been deprecated when Windows XP came around, but people still use to this day...)
So first thing you'll want to do is build a GUI program instead. But I'll leave that as an exercise to the interested reader.
Second, there are a lot of ways to represent text. You first need to figure out the encoding in use. Is is UTF-8? UTF-16 (and if so, little or big endian?) Shift-JIS? EUC-JP? You can only use a wstream to read directly if the file is in little-endian UTF-16. And even then you need to futz with its internal buffer. Anything other than UTF-16 and you'll get unreadable junk. And this is all only the case on Windows as well! Other OSes may have a different wstream representation. It's best not to use wstreams at all really.
So, let's assume it's not UTF-16 (for full generality). In this case you must read it as a char stream - not using a wstream. You must then convert this character string into UTF-16 (assuming you're using windows! Other OSes tend to use UTF-8 char*s). On windows this can be done with MultiByteToWideChar. Make sure you pass in the right code page value, and CP_ACP or CP_OEMCP are almost always the wrong answer.
Now, you may be wondering how to determine which code page (ie, character encoding) is correct. The short answer is you don't. There is no prima facie way of looking at a text string and saying which encoding it is. Sure, there may be hints - eg, if you see a byte order mark, chances are it's whatever variant of unicode makes that mark. But in general, you have to be told by the user, or make an attempt to guess, relying on the user to correct you if you're wrong, or you have to select a fixed character set and don't attempt to support any others.
Someone here had the same problem with Russian characters (He's using basic_ifstream<wchar_t> wich should be the same as wifstream according to this page). In the comments of that question they also link to this which should help you further.
If understood everything correctly, it seems that wifstream reads the characters correctly but your program tries to convert them to whatever locale your program is running in.
Two errors:
And do not mix cout and wcout.
Also check that your file is encoded in UTF-16, Little-Endian. If not so, you will be in trouble reading it.
wfstream uses wfilebuf for the actual reading and writing of the data. wfilebuf defaults to using a char buffer internally which means that the text in the file is assumed narrow, and converted to wide before you see it. Since the text was actually wide, you get a mess.
The solution is to replace the wfilebuf buffer with a wide one.
You probably also need to open the file as binary.
const size_t bufsize = 128;
wchar_t buffer[bufsize];
wifstream myfile("D:\\sample.txt", ios::binary);
myfile.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, 128);
Make sure the buffer outlives the stream object!
See details here:

Size of UTF-8 string in bytes

I am using QString to store strings, and now I need to store these strings (converted to UTF-8 encoding) in POD structures, which looks like this :
template < int N >
struct StringWrapper
char theString[N];
To convert raw data from the QString, I do it like this :
QString str1( "abc" );
StringWrapper< 20 > str2;
strcpy( str2.theString, str1.toUtf8().constData() );
Now the question. I noticed that if I convert from normal string, it works fine :
QString str( "abc" );
std::cout<< std::string( str.toUtf8().constData() ) << std::endl;
will produce as the output :
but if I use some special characters, like for example :
QString str( "Schöne Grüße" );
std::cout<< std::string( str.toUtf8().constData() ) << std::endl;
I get a garbage like this:
I am obviously missing something, but what exactly is wrong?
What is a maximum size of an UTF-8 encoded character? I read it here it is 4 bytes.
The first question you need to answer is what is the encoding of your source files is? QString default constructor assumes it's Latin1 unless you change it with QTextStream::setCodecForCStrings(). So if your sources are in anything else than Latin1 (say, UTF-8), you get a wrong result at this point:
QString str( "Schöne Grüße" );
Now, if your sources are in UTF-8, you need to replace it with:
QString str = QString::fromUtf8( "Schöne Grüße" );
Or, better yet, use QObject::trUf8() wherever possible as it gives you i18n capabilities as a free bonus.
The next thing to check is what is the encoding of your console is. You try to print a UTF-8 string to it, but does it support UTF-8? If it's a Windows console, it probably doesn't. If it's something xterm-compatible using a Unicode font on a *nix system with some *.UTF-8 locale, it should be fine.
To your edited question:
I don't see any reason not to trust Wikipedia, especially when it refers to a particular standard. It also mentions that UTF-8 used to have up to 6 bytes characters, though. From my experience, 3 bytes is maximum you get with reasonable native language characters like Latin/Cyrillic/Hebrew/Chinese/Japanese. 4 bytes are probably used for something much more exotic, you can always check the standards if you are really curious.
The first thing that goes wrong is your stated assumption. QString doesn't store UTF-8, it stores unicode strings. That's why you need to call str1.toUtf8(). It creates a temporary UTF-8 string.
The second part is just how UTF-8 works. It's a multi-byte extension of ASCII. üß aren't ASCII characters, and you do expect that both characters get a multi-byte representation. std::cout apparently doesn't expect UTF-8. This depends on the std::locale used.