cannot load such file -- motion/project/ with rubymotion - rubymotion

hello I got a project rubymotion, when I do rake he said
can not load such file - motion/project/ so I verified my rakefile
I have:
$:. unshift ("/Library/RubyMotion/lib")
require 'motion/project/'
and /Library/RubyMotion/lib
I have my repertoire motion in I'm project.
So I do not see what is missing.
my ruby version is: 1.9.3-P448
thank you in advance

I'd recommend using this:
require 'motion/project/template/ios'


Installation of Spatialite with Django on windows 10

I am struggling to find out how to install spatialite for geodjango on windows but I don't know what I am doing wrong. I follow the instructions as per the django page but the tutorial doesn't say what to do after getting the binarys of spatialite
I have tried to put them everywhere but every time I get the same error:
Exception Value:
Unable to load the SpatiaLite library extension as specified in your SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH setting
I tried to put the mod_spatialite.dll file everywhere and try to set to SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH but it seems I can't get the solution
Any suggestions would be appriciated
Extracting the binary into Python installation folder eg: C:\Users\huy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39.
Then add SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH = "mod_spatialite". This works for me.

vcpkg: qtdeclarative-everywhere-src-5.15.0.tar.xz "Transferred partial file"

I try installing QT5 using vcpkg on Windows 10. Unfortunately, when executing ./vcpkg.exe install qt5:x64-windows, I get a long list of errors, must useful information being:
-- Downloading Failed. Status: 18;"Transferred a partial file"
Failed to download file.
If you use a proxy, please set the HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY environment
variables to "https://user:password#your-proxy-ip-address:port/".
Otherwise, please submit an issue at
Error: Building package qt5-declarative:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED
Please ensure you're using the latest portfiles with `.\vcpkg update`, then
submit an issue at including:
Package: qt5-declarative:x64-windows
Vcpkg version: 2020.06.15-nohash
As I am using the current version and was successful downloading and installing opencv as well as eigen3, I don't think proxy is being an issue.
I was able to download the file itself and hoped, I could manually paste it at the required position in the code (is this possible?) or use a different mirror. I would be glad if someone could give me guydance, as I am new to vcpkg.
Thanks in advance
Edit: As suggested by #drescherjm, I pasted the file in the vcpkg\downloads folder. Now I am looking at the File does not have expected hash error. How do I solve that issue?

koji build : 'no package found for'

I'm using a koji to build a package. In error, it's saying:
Error: Package: pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.10-14.el6.x86_64 (build)
What does it exactly mean?
'' is in the package 'cluster'. Then I built the clusterlib, and add it into my build, but didn't fix the problem after I put 'cluster' into 'BuildRequires' since another problem 'no package found for cluster' came out.
I think I'm not on the correct track.
I didn't fix it, but did some work around to avoid it. It's '.so', so I don't think the python module I build really need it here. So I commented it out from the spec file. and Just ensure I have these packages installed at the server before I install the new python module. chap 4 full_title_helper.rb causes RuntimeError (Circular dependency detected...)

I was working my way through Hartl's Ruby on Rail's Tutorial chapter 4 when I ran into a problem. My project loaded just fine in the rails server until I added the full_title_helper.rb file.
I get:
RuntimeError (Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant FullTitleHelper):
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:1:in 'top (required)'
app/controllers/static_pages_controller.rb:1:in 'top (required)'
I tried adding config.middleware.delete Rack::Lock to my development.rb file as per this suggestion but that didn't help.
I tried switching from rails 4.0.2 to 4.0.0; that didn't work.
My full_title_helper.rb is directly from Hartl's page
module ApplicationHelper
# Returns the full title with minor modifications depending on the page
def full_title(page_title)
base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
if page_title.empty?
"#{base_title} | #{page_title}"
What do I do to fix this?
My mistake, I mis-named the helper file. Thanks to anyone who looked at this question.

error was received while processing Paperclip::Errors::CommandNotFoundError

I'm sharing the solution I didn't find in any posts in the hopes of saving someone else some time and trouble.
After ImageMagick is correctly installed:
$ which convert
$ /opt/local/bin/convert
I added Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/opt/local/bin/" to routes.rb rather than development.rb as recommended in the paperclip documentation.
If there's any reason not to include Paperclip.options in routes.rb, I'd like to know!
Actually, paperclip's documentation recommends to set Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/opt/local/bin/" in the environment config file (development.rb or production.rb for example).