I have a compojure app with a set of routes and handlers.
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/stuff/:id" [:as request] (stuff/get-stuff request))
(POST "/stuff/" [:as request] (stuff/create-stuff request))
Each handler validates its input, like so
(defn create-stuff
The validation code is based on Metis, and looks like this:
(metis/defvalidator :create-stuff-validator
[:db :presence])
(defn validate-request
[request request-validator ok-function]
(let [validation-result (request-validator request)]
(if (empty? validation-result)
(ok-function request)
(bad-request validation-result))))
My problem is that code in create-stuff is duplicated across each of the route handlers; i.e the get-stuff function looks like the create-stuff handler. The only thing that differs is their validator function and their the-validation-went-well-function.
How can I abstract this duplication in a idiomatic Clojure manner?
Since this is a functional language, I suggest passing the functions that differentiate the handlers into a generic handler function.
;;; in core.clj
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/stuff/:id" [:as request]
(POST "/stuff/" [:as request]
;;; in handlers.clj
(defn handle
[validator action request]
(let [validation-result (validator request)]
(if (empty? validation-result)
(action request)
(bad-request validation-result))))
Stylistically, I suggest that the code would be easier to read if you avoid the smurf naming convention. The namespace tells us if you are validating, or that "stuff" is what you are operating on, you don't need to include it in the name of the function. Also, the fact that you are passing an argument that should be callable is sufficient, you don't need to put fn in the name of the function, the fact that it is passed as the ok branch tells us it is the thing to do when things go ok.
;;; in core.clj
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/stuff/:id" [:as request]
(POST "/stuff/" [:as request]
;;; in handlers.clj
(defn handle
[validator ok request]
(let [errors (validator request)]
(if (empty? errors)
(ok request)
(bad-request errors))))
if you can reduce verbosity without losing clarity, you improve correctness, because errors hide in verbosity.
I have a route for which I have to get all of parameters from body.
I have no choice because it will be called from a third party system so I have to work with simple tools. I also don't have complete control of the data that is passed and I need everything anyway. I need every field but I don't know what those are.
One of the solutions would be to cherry-pick all fields that can be submitted and use optional parameters, but that's not ideal because I'll have to test that by hand for all request types.
And as I figured out there are at least 30 different submitted fields in my request which are needed to be concatenated for HMAC request validation. You can guess how my handler looks like... (Hint: {Field :- s/Str ""})
And I have one more request that is going to be at least this big but different. And I plan more in the future. Oof.
So: How do I get all of the submitted body parameters without any deserialization?
HTTP Body string, parameter map or InputStream are completely acceptable solutions. At this point anything is better than specifying all of that by hand. (VIM macros -- thanks for all your help)
My code:
(ns api.compojure-api
(:require [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[schema.core :as s]
[ring.util.http-response :refer :all]
(def app
(context "/something" []
(POST "/api/:variable" req
:middleware [;;ring.middleware.params/wrap-params ;; This does nothing
;;muuntaja.middleware/wrap-params ;; This does nothing
(fn [handler]
(println "request" request) ;; This prints the request but params are not there, they are not deserialized
(handler request))
([request respond raise]
(println "request" request)
(handler request respond raise))))]
;; :body-params [some-body-param :- s/Str] ;; This works if I know the fields. But I don't want to know or specify.
;; :coercion nil ;; stops coercing the output, but I need to not coerce the input into String or Object too.
(println (:params req)) ;; this prints only value from path (`:variable`), but not from body.
I've tried multiple things but nothing worked so far.
I can't copy the methods from compojure examples that wrap whole routes because compojure.api.sweet is different from plain compojure.
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[metosin/compojure-api "1.1.13"]
[ring/ring-core "1.8.0"]
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.6"]
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.1"]
All of these solutions return nil:
How to get all the params of a POST request with Compojure
muuntaja.middleware/wrap-format middleware (and together with wrap-params in both orders) also doesn't do anything.
I also tried to print (slurp (:body req)) and ring.util.request/body-string but it's empty. In fact this is the output of (println (:body req)):
#object[org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP 0x12335807 HttpInputOverHTTP#12335807[c=0,q=0,[0]=null,s=EOF]]
Which says that parameter s=EOF. But I've set the content type to form and added some data to the body.
I hope I can explain this in such a way that it makes sense!
I'm using Liberator to prototype some web services that I need to expose to clients and have route(s) defined like so:
(defroutes fish
(context "/fish"
(ANY "/cod/:id/count"
(cod-fish id))))
(def handler
(-> fish
The intention of path-wrapper is to output some information about the matched path. It currently looks like so:
(defn path-wrapper
(fn [request]
(println "in" (:request-method request) (:uri request))
(let [response (handler request)]
(println "out")
This prints out what you'd expect:
in :get /fish/cod/123/count
However, what I'd like it to print out is:
in :get /fish/cod/:id/count
That is, the path that matched rather than the URI that matched it.
I'm almost certain that the answer is in Clout somewhere but I don't seem able to find it! :(
Any advice?
In cases like this I'm fond of putting in a debugging statement like:
(let [response .... ]
(log/errorf "in: request was: %s"
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint request))
and look for the data you want in the output (then remove the statement) or if you have a working and modern emacs+cider environment you can add debugging to the function with C-uC-cC-c and catch the value of request that way. If the data you wan't is available it will likely be in that output. If you are not using a logging framework then remove the log and with-out-str parts and just call pprint directly.
Sorry if i'm misunderstanding or perhaps is's a typo in the question though:
(let [response handler]
(println "out")
looks like it's returning the handler itself rather than the result of calling that handler, should it be :
(let [response (handler request)]
(println "out")
I am trying to understand compojure middlewares :
The following code is from the compojure template :
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes site-defaults))
Is it equivalent to the following ?
(def app
(-> app-routes
(wrap-defaults api-defaults)))
I am unsure about this since in the following code my-middleware2 is called before my-middleware1
(def app
(-> api-routes
(wrap-defaults api-defaults)
You are correct:
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes site-defaults))
Is equivalent to:
(def app
(-> app-routes
(wrap-defaults api-defaults)))
The arrow is called the Thread-First Macro and allows you to write nested s-expressions in a linear way.
In your second example, it makes sense that my-middleware2 is called before my-middleware1 when an HTTP request comes in. You are creating a Ring Handler, not calling the middleware directly.
(def app
(-> api-routes
(wrap-defaults api-defaults)
Is expanded to:
(def app
(my-middleware2 (my-middleware1 (wrap-defaults app-routes api-defaults))))
When an HTTP request comes in, my-middleware2 handles it first, does something to it (i.e. extracts the session data), and then passes it along to the next middleware until one of them returns an HTTP response.
Note: I took out the parens from (my-middleware1) and (my-middleware2). When used like that it means that my-middlware1 is a function that when called with no arguments, returns a middleware function. This might be what you wanted but is not common practice.
I have a ring middleware which does some check on request maps with the header values.
For the check I have to hit the database.
If a defroutes as a set of routes starting with acommon URI pattern.
I don't want a middleware to run for any random URL that matches the pattern before getting handled.
I only want middleware to run for a certain set of URIs that I am suing inside of defroutes only. The reason being there is a database access in the middleware which I want to avoid for 404 responses having the same pattern.
Here is comporoute, a ring handler without any macro magic, aimed at composability and extensibility.
Even though it's in early alpha state it has precise docstrings already. It has a feature called inner middleware to solve the issue you are having. You may (and should) use it only for what you need it for and leave the rest to Compojure.
Given your Compojure handler/app is called compojure:
(defn demo-middleware
"A test midleware associng :bar to :foo of request"
(fn [request]
(handler (assoc request :foo :bar))))
(defn demo-handler [request]
(str "id is " (get-in request [:params :id]) " "
":foo is" (:foo request))))
(def app
[demo-middleware ;; all handlers in this vector are
;; wrapped via demo-middleware
["/:id" :demo-with demo-handler]]]
["/:id" :demo-without demo-handler]]]
:page-not-found compojure)
At the shell
curl http://localhost:8080/demo-without-middleware/1234
id is 1234 :foo is
curl http://localhost:8080/demo-with-middleware/1234
id is 1234 :foo is :bar
# Everything else will be handled by compojure.
Dependency vector [comporoute "0.2.0"]
I'm trying to pull a value out of the url query string however I can return what I believe is a map, however when i use the below code, it doesn't process it as expected. Can anyone advise how I access specific values in the returned querystring datastructure?
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/" [] (layout (home-view)))
(GET "/remservice*" {params :query-params} (str (:parameter params))))
You'll need to wrap your handler in compojure.handler/api or compojure.handler/site to add appropriate middleware to gain access to :query-params. This used to happen automagically in defroutes, but no longer does. Once you do that, the {params :query-params} destructuring form will cause params to be bound to {"foo" "bar"} when you hit /remservice with foo=bar as the query string.
(Or you could add in wrap-params etc. by hand -- these reside in various ring.middleware.* namespaces; see the code of compojure.handler (link to the relevant file in Compojure 1.0.1) for their names.)
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/remservice*" {params :query-params}
(str params)))
(def handler (-> my-routes compojure.handler/api))
; now pass #'handler to run-jetty (if that's what you're using)
If you now hit http://localhost:8080/remservice?foo=bar, you should see {"foo" "bar"} -- the textual representation of your query string parsed into a Clojure map.
In the default app for compojure 1.2.0, the querystring middleware seems included by default. You can inspect the request as such.
(GET "/" request (str request))
It should have a lot of stuff, including the params key.
{ . . . :params {:key1 "value1" :key2 "value2} . . . }
As such, you can include a standard Clojure destructuring form to access the query parameters in your response.
(GET "/" {params :params} (str params))
Your page should then look like the following.
{"key1" "value1", "key2" "value2"}
As noted in the comment by Michal above, however, the keys are converted to strings and if you'd like to access them you need to use the get function rather than the more convenient symbol lookups.
(GET "/" {params :params} (get params "key1"))
;;the response body should be "value1"
With compojure 1.6.1 HTTP-request-destructuring works for me in a such way:
add [ring/ring-defaults "0.3.2"] in :dependencies in project.clj (because compojure.handler namespace was deprecated since 1.2 in favor of the [ring-defaults])
add [ring.middleware.defaults :refer :all] in :require in your.routes.namespace
add (def site (wrap-defaults app site-defaults)) in your.routes.namespace, where app is declared via (defroutes app ...
add :ring {:handler your.routes.namespace/site} in project.clj
I had luck in compojure 1.1.5 not needing a wrapper and being able to use the :as directive
(GET "/tweet/:folder/:detail" [folder detail :as req]
(twitter-controller/tweet folder detail (-> req :params :oauth_verifier))