Setting up Nodejs for WebStorm - webstorm

I've been trying all say to get syntax and autocomplete working in WebStorm. I've installed WebStorm 7 EAP. Right now, I'm trying to get this simple script to highlight properly:
How do I get WebStorm to accept app.listen(3000)?

I think the best solution which became available in one of the recent EAPs is to download library via Setting | JavaScript | Libraries | Download. Select TypeScript community stubs there and add express.js. TypeScript library file will improve completion and highlighting in pure JavaScript project. Also please see WEB-8801.


Xcode failed to load #rpath/libvulkan.1.dylib [duplicate]

I am trying to run a Swift app on my iPhone 4s. It works fine on the simulator, and my friend can successfully run it on his iPhone 4s. I have iOS 8 and the official release of Xcode 6.
I have tried
Restarting Xcode, iPhone, computer
Cleaning & rebuilding
Revoking and creating new certificate/provision profile
Runpath Search Paths is $(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks
Embedded Content Contains Swift Code is 'Yes'
Code Signing Identity is developer
Below is the error in entirety
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/LONGSERIALNUMBER/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/LONGSERIALNUMBER/ mmap() error 1 at
address=0x008A1000, size=0x001A4000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map() mapping
For me none of the previous solutions worked. We discovered that there is an "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries" flag in the Build Settings that needs to be set to YES. It was NO by default!
Build Settings > Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
After setting this, clean the project before building again.
For keen readers some explanation
The most important part is:
set the Embedded Content Contains Swift Code (EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT) build setting to YES in your app as shown in Figure 2. This build setting, which specifies whether a target's product has embedded content with Swift code, tells Xcode to embed Swift standard libraries in your app when set to YES.
The flag was formerly called Embedded Content Contains Swift Code
Surprisingly enough, all i did was "Clean" my project (shift+cmd+K) and it worked. Did seem to be related to the certificate though.
I started getting this error when I removed:
from Runpath Search Paths in my build settings. Replacing it fixed everything up again (thank goodness for source control!)
I don't know how it got there, but it appears to be needed for a binary to find its embedded Swift runtime.
For the device, you also need to add the dynamic framework to the Embedded binaries section in the General tab of the project.
In Xcode 8 the option for Embedded Content Contains Swift Code option is no longer available.
It has been renamed to "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = YES"
Xcode 13 here (13.1 with react-native).
Created a clean react-native project and saw /usr/lib/swift as an entry in Runpath Search Paths.
After adding that, my project finally ran without crashing!
Nothing helped from what was suggested before.
I think it's a bug when certificates are generated directly from Xcode. To resolve (at least in Xcode 6.1 / 6A1052d):
go to the Apple Developer website where certificates are managed:
select your certificate(s) (which should show "Managed by Xcode" under "Status") and "Revoke" it
follow instructions here to manually generate a new certificate:
go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > [your Apple ID] > double-click your team name > hit refresh button to update certificates and provisioning profiles
I was having this issue with running my Swift tests (but not my app). It turns out that the test needed to have more than #executable_path/Frameworks in it's Runpath Search Paths build setting for the test target. Setting the Runpath Search Paths to the following worked a charm for me:
OK, sharing here another cause of this error. It took me a few hours to sort this out.
In my case the trust policy of my certificate in Keychain Access was Always Trust, changing it back to defaults solved the problem.
In order to open the certificate settings window double click the certificate in the Keychain Access list of certificates.
This issue occurs again in Xcode 10.2. You must download and install the following package from Apple. It provides Swift 5 Runtime Support for Command Line Tools.
You have to set the Runpath Search Paths to #executable_path/Frameworks as showed in the following screenshot of Build Settings:
If you have any embedded frameworks made in Swift, than you can set to YES the Build Options Embedded Content Contains Swift Code.
I think Apple has already summarized it under Swift app crashes when trying to reference Swift library libswiftCore.dylib
Cited from Technical Q&A QA1886:
Swift app crashes when trying to reference Swift library
Q: What can I do about the libswiftCore.dylib loading error in my
device's console that happens when I try to run my Swift language app?
A: To correct this problem, you will need to sign your app using code
signing certificates with the Subject Organizational Unit (OU) set to
your Team ID. All Enterprise and standard iOS developer certificates
that are created after iOS 8 was released have the new Team ID field
in the proper place to allow Swift language apps to run.
Usually this error appears in the device's console log with a message
similar to one of the following:
[....] [deny-mmap] mapped file has no team identifier and is not a platform binary:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000120021088
Triggered by Thread: 0
Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C3DCD586-2A40-4C7C-AA2B-64EDAE8339E2/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C3DCD586-2A40-4C7C-AA2B-64EDAE8339E2/ mmap() error 1 at address=0x1001D8000, size=0x00194000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map() mapping /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C3DCD586-2A40-4C7C-AA2B-64EDAE8339E2/
Dyld Version: 353.5
The new certificates are needed when building an archive and packaging
your app. Even if you have one of the new certificates, just resigning
an existing swift app archive won’t work. If it was built with a
pre-iOS 8 certificate, you will need to build another archive.
Important: Please use caution if you need to revoke and setup up a new
Enterprise Distribution certificate. If you are an in-house Enterprise
developer you will need to be careful that you do not revoke a
distribution certificate that was used to sign an app any one of your
Enterprise employees is still using as any apps that were signed with
that enterprise distribution certificate will stop working
immediately. The above only applies to Enterprise Distribution
certificates. Development certs are safe to revoke for
enterprise/standard iOS developers.
As the AirSign guys state the problem roots from the missing OU attribute in the subject field of the In-House certificate.
Subject: UID=269J2W3P2L, CN=iPhone Distribution: Company Name, OU=269J2W3P2L, O=Company Name, C=FR
I have an enterprise development certificate, creating a new one solved the issue.
Let's project P is importing custom library L, then you must add L into
P -> Build Phases -> Embed Frameworks -> +. That works for me.
This error message can also be caused when upgrading Xcode (and subsequently to a new version of Swift) and your project uses a framework built/compiled with an older/previous version of Swift.
In this case rebuilding the framework and re-adding it will fix the problem.
The most easy and easy to ignored way : clean and rebuild.
This solved the issue after tried the answers above and did not worked.
I was having the same problem after moving to a new mac, and after hours, trying all the suggested answers in the questions, none of this worked for me.
The solution for me was installing this missing certificate.
Found the answer here.
Change Copy Pods Resources for the target from:
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Wishlist/"
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Wishlist/"
I solved by deleting the derived data and this time it worked correctly. Tried with Xcode 7.3.1GM
After having tried out everything, I finally found out, that the build seems not always include every detail again and again. Maybe for speeding up the process...
In order to ensure WHOLE packaging before running on a device, make a Clean first: Shift-Cmd-K.
Then build with: Cmd-B.
After that run it on your device.
Kind regards to all you nice guys in that place!
In my case, it was just the name of my target :
I renamed it like this : MyApp.something and the same issue appeared.
But I saw in the build Settings window, my product module name has been changed like this MyApp-something.
So, I removed the dot in my target name (MyAppSomething) and the issue was gone.
For me, having tried everything with no success, what worked was to remove #executable_path/Frameworks from the Packaging section (don't know how it came to be in there in the first place)
We had a unity project that creates an xcode project that includes libraries that use swift.
We tried each and every reasonable suggestion on this thread.
Nothing worked. Code runs fine on new devices, and crashes on iOS<=12
It seems that swift is so smart, that even if you set it to "ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_LIBRAIES"="YES" it does not include the swift libraries.
What actually solved the problem for us is to include a dummy swift file in the project.
The file must contain calls to dispatch, foundation libraries.
Apparently this hints mighty-xcode to force include the libraries, but this time for real.
Here is the dummy file we added that made it work:
import Dispatch
import Foundation
class ForceSwiftInclusion {
init() {
// Force dispatch library.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Force foundation library.
let uuid = UUID().uuidString
For unity, also add project.AddBuildProperty(target, "SWIFT_VERSION", "Swift 5"); to your post processing for creating the xcode project.
What worked for me in Xcode 11 was going to General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content and changing the "Embed" option for the framework in question to "Embed & Sign"
None of the solutions worked for me. Restarting the phone fixed it. Strange but it worked.
none of these solutions seemed to work but when I changed the permission of the world Wide Developer cert to Use System defaults then it worked. I have included the steps and screenshots in the link below
I would encourage you to log the ticket in apple bug report as mentioned here as Apple really should solve this massive error:
I had the same issue for Xcode 13+ when I create a release build. Had to waste my time on troubleshooting this issue. Finally I was able to fix the issue with following step.
I added a new entry for Release in Runpath Search Paths in Build Settings -> Linking.
After adding that, I could run my app without crashing!
Xcode 7.2, iOS 9.2 on one device, 9.0 on other. Both had the error. No idea what changed that caused it, but the solutions above for the WWDR were correct for me. Install that cert and problem solved.
There are lot's of answers there but might be my answer will help some one.
I am having same issue, My app works fine on Simulator but on Device got crashed as I Lunches app and gives error as above. I have tried all answers and solutions . In My Case , My Project I am having multiple targets .I have created duplicate target B from target A. Target B works fine while target A got crashed. I am using different Image assets for each target. After searching and doing google I have found something which might help to someone.
App stop crashing when I change name of Launch images assets for both apps . e.g Target A Launch Image asset name LaunchImage A . Target B Lunch Image asset name LaunchImage B and assigned properly in General Tab of each target . My Apps works fine.
For me building a MacOS command line Swift app that depended on 3rd party Swift libs (e.g. SQLite) none of the above solutions seemed to work. What did work was directly adding the following path to my Runpath Search Paths in the Build Settings:
Doing that did give a warning at runtime saying that Xcode had found 2 versions of libswiftCore - which makes sense. Except that not including that line resulted in Xcode not finding any versions of libswiftCore.
Anyway, that'll do for me even if it doesn't seem right - my app is just a utility that I'm not intending to distribute and at least it runs now!
I have multiple version of Xcode installed at the same time. The framework was built with a newer version of Xcode. The app that I tried to compile was with an older version of Xcode. When I cleaned and compiled both the framework and the app with the same version of Xcode then things worked.

.NET Core React Project Doesn't See NPM modules

I'm trying a React/Redux .NET core (2.0) web project in Visual Studio 2017. And I've installed font-awesome using npm. It's there and I can see it in the node_modules folder, but I'm not sure if the web project should see it automatically or if I have to drag it into my dist folder and edit my layout page to see it. I'm not against doing that, but as a VS programmer, I'm used to things being a bit more automatic mainly for the sake of package updates. I'm not really confortable editting the vendor.js or vendor-manifest.json files.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? (no guesses, please.)
I was looking for an answer to a similar question and came across FA's package specifically for React. They have some good instructions on this page.

Can't run tslint-eslint-rules for TSlint in WebStorm 2016

I have installed TSLint and it works just fine with WebStorm 2016.
But after this I have tried to install tslint-eslint-rules. Followed instructions on github and added "rulesDirectory": "node_modules/tslint-eslint-rules/dist/rules" to my custom tslint.config file. But still tslint-eslint-rules seems not to work you get an error in WebStorm
(node_modules\tslint\lib\ruleLoader.js:29 throw new Error....)
Can somebody confirm that this eslint ported to TypeScript rules actually can't work with standard TSLint or is this some sort of WebStorm 2016 problem?
Works for me.
Please make sure that your local tslint package is specified in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Typescript | TSLint, TSLint package:, and that path/to/project/node_modules/tslint-eslint-rules/dist/rules is added to 'Additional rules directory:' there.
Also, try re-opening the project after changing your settings

Template requires newer script versions than project contains

I try to use the breeze/angular template for MVC 4. However, during start up I get this:
Package installation error
Could not add all required packages to the project. the following packages failed to install from .../ mvc 4\packages
jquery.ui.combined.1.9.2 unable to find version 1.9.2 of package.
Now I see that the folder contains jQuery.UI.Combined.1.8.24, so I was wondering:
Is there a way to edit the project so that it (maybe always) uses the latest versions of the packages by default?
Should I just press OK and afterwards install jquery.ui through nuget afterwards?
Is there a clever way to fix this?
I know there has to be a solution due to the uglyness of getting an error by default when using a custom template. I've been googling my ass off without any results :(
Hope to update the templates soon and get MS to republish. You can't update the template easily yourself.
Fortunately, this particular issue is easy to workaround by adjusting your code to use latest jQuery or rollback to 1.8.x.
I can't use the latest verison of jQuery so I manually updated the jQuery files to 1.9. Also, check your nuget manager for updates. Breeze released 1.3.6 which will update the appropriate dependent project libraries (my jQuery files were untouched).
As of Visual Studio 2012 Update 3, the Breeze/Angular SPA template is totally broken. The jQuery update fix worked with VS2012 Update 2, but some change or another in Update 3 has made VS not play nice with the sample.
It isn't ideal, but given that Update 4 is just around the corner, we might need to hold our breaths in anticipation of a post-Update 4 fix. :(

getting started with SBT for lift

I am a complete newbie to SBT and scala world. I wanna create a lift application and while exploring on how to do it i stumbled everywhere that i must use SBT. So i went to the github wiki page and followed the instructions for windows. I downloaded the jar given there and created sbt.bat and put both the files in c:\sbt and added it to my path. Then i went c:\liftprojects and typed sbt.
It did something but as given everywhere i expected a wizard of some sort which will ask me what kind of project i wanna build and stuff and generate the directory structure just like mvn:archetype:generate but it didnt do anything. It just ran some downloads and created two dirs
scala 2.8.1
in github wiki it says sbt follows maven bir structure but i cannot see it here.
Am i doin something the wrong way. Im stuck on this. All i need is to know how to create a lift app or a scala project.
To get started with Lift 2.4 my recommendation is to clone the examples repository
git clone
Then you can use one of the project templates in that repo, with both 2.8 and 2.9 Scala versions. For example, a good way to start with Lift is using the basic project (with Scala 2.8.1 in this example)
cd lift_24_sbt/scala_28/lift_basic/
Start sbt by typing
On Windows use sbt.bat. Inside the sbt console, type
Open a web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080 to open the Lift application. To stop the application server, simply type jetty-stop.
You can use this template project, or the other templates in that repo, as a starting point for your applications.
Lift wiki contains a lot of useful information. Specifically, you can follow the instructions getting started section here.