I have a console application that uses GetAsyncKeyState();, but if the user is on looking at another window and pressed a button, GetAsyncKeyState(); picked it up (I already knew that).
Without having to do GetActiveWindow();, how else could I check if my window is the one on top?
EDIT: GetConsoleWindow() == GetForegroundWindow() worked.
This thing worked for me:
HWND name;
printf("Mine window is active\n");
printf("Mine window is not active\n");
To get the active Window you can call GetActiveWindow. GetFocus will return the handle of the window that has the input focus. This window can be a control as well. So you can check against your window handle and see if it has the focus.
I want to handle the clicks on child windows the same as clicks on parent window - how can I do that in winapi?
Currently, I can move the parent window by pressing anywhere on it but not on the child windows, because then it won't move. How can I change that?
The answer that works:
if (hWnd==parent)
else return HTTRANSPARENT;
Capture the mouse click on the desired child controls(s), and then send a WM_SYSCOMMAND message with SC_DRAGMOVE (0xF012, aka SC_MOVE OR'ed with 2) as the wParam parameter to the parent window. That will invoke a drag operation on the parent window.
This is a widely known trick, and well documented online (just not by Microsoft) if you do a search for SC_DRAGMOVE.
I'm having a problem receiving message in WM_KEYDOWN. WM_KEYDOWN works just fine until I click any button in my app. From that point it no longer receives my input from the keyboard. How to fix it?
If you are using Win32 controls such as CreateWindowEx(NULL, L"BUTTON", ... this is expected Each control is actually a child window and is capturing all of the window messages after it has focus.
Once the button is clicked you can capture the WM_COMMAND - BM_CLICK message to then call SetFocus(hwnd) to refocus on your window (as Giswin mentioned).
Probably your window has no focus before you click any button on your app. you can add code somewhere in your app to set focus programmatically:
or use winapi:
Just in case anyone is wondering, I (unsurprisingly) noticed the same behavior for handling WM_CHAR responses in my WindowProcedure callback as well. As soon as you click a button, the focus changes from the main window to the button control (which is a child window) and keyboard presses no longer have any effect.
As suggested by #NTSCCobalt, adding a simple SetFocus(main window handler) in your WM_COMMAND cases will solve the problem, e.g.
case DEL__BUTTON:{
<Button specific code>
return 0;
I have a multi-threaded application that may display a MessageBox for a user's interaction. The message box itself is displayed from a worker thread, after a user picks a context menu command from the app's system tray icon, so the user can technically continue using the app while the message box is displayed. This works great until a user issues "Exit" command, at which point I need to find a way to close any open message boxes.
I did my homework and I was able to obtain HWND handle for the main (dialog) window of the message box (using this method.) I checked the HWND to be correct using Spy++, so HWND itself is not the issue. What happens is that when I do PostMessage(hMsgBoxWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); from another thread to the message box, it simply ignores this message and doesn't close.
Any idea how to close the message-box by its window handle?
MessageBox() simply does not process WM_CLOSE in all sitations:
SendMessage/PostMessage WM_CLOSE to MessageBox window does not always work
You should use PostThreadMessage to post to the threads specific message queue
I have a basic QDialog with it's WindowFlags set to Qt::Popup so that it appears as a typical popup overlay.
On Windows, everything works great and if you click outside the main window or really anywhere else it goes away. But on Mac OSX, if you click the menu bar at the top or resize the window, the popup just stays where it is. I have absolutely no internal handling of the mouse enter/leave/move/press events for the popup, so the closing of it is not something I'm even handling... it's just automatic on Windows.
Any idea I can get it to close when the main application is no longer the current context on the system?
You may install native event filter and to close active popup dialog (QApplication::activePopupWidget()) when user will click out of main window. See the following answer for information how to install native filter.
I made a very simple MFC application that call a Dialog when I click in a button, and send a MessageBox after 5 seconds.
The problem is, when I was in the second dialog and I dismiss the MessageBox from the parent (not click OK button of MessageBox. I click in a blank part of the second dialog) I cannot close this dialog (The second dialog) when I click OK or CANCEL button.
Part of Code:
Main Dlg:
BOOL Cmult_rc_testDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
SetTimer(1, 5000, NULL);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
void Cmult_rc_testDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
CDlg1 a;
void Cmult_rc_testDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
The second Dialog is default code generated by MFC wizard.
Not sure I understand your question entirely . . . it sounds like you're trying to close the parent window when the message box is still shown?
If that's the case, the parent window owns the message box, and is not allowed to acquire focus until the message box is closed. You could try using
::MessageBox(NULL, L"oi", L"MessageBox", MB_OK);
instead of MessageBox, which will create a message box that allows you to focus back on the original window still (The :: means to use the global namespace version of MessageBox, which is the Windows native call as opposed to MFC).