As it stands right now im trying to save an entire list of images in the form of cv::Mats inside of a vector for later processing. Right now I have something that looks like this:
image = readimage();
cv::Mat mat = cv::Mat((length, width, CV_8UC4, image));
cv::Mat temp = mat.clone();
This actually works. For exceptionally small lists of images it will store them just fine. However as I get to large amounts of images the program consistently crashes saying Abort() was called, and upon inspection it says it's throwing a cv::exception.
Does anyone know why this is? I've thought about changing the vector to a vector of pointers to cv::Mats in order to save space (cloning seems expensive) but I'm not sure how well that will work.
Can anyone help?
EDIT1: The exact error being thrown is failed to allocated X bytes. I assume this is because it's eating up all of the available memory somehow (even though I'm sitting on 8 gigs of memory and definitely have memory free).
The below code also seems to work.
std::vector<cv::Mat*> ptrvec;
ptrvec.push_back(new cv::Mat((length, width, CV_8UC4, image)));
This one doesn't have a problem with memory (I can push all the images I want to it) but I get an access violation when I try to do
cv::imshow("Test Window", *ptrvec[0]);
Is there a chance I'm hitting the upper limit of 32 bit? I'm more than capable of recompiling this into a 64 bit project.
You may be running out of memory when you store 3000 color images 800 x 600 in a vector. Storing Mat pointers in memory will not solve your problem, since the data is still allocated in RAM.
Check whether there is enough memory in your system to store all the images. If not you can upload images in batches, for example, process the first 500 images, then process the next 500 images, etc.
In your program you allocate the vector on the stack. Allocating on the heap is recommended when you need a large block of memory (your case). So can try to allocate the vector on the heap instead (provided that you have enough memory to store the vector). See, stack vs heap, or this cpp-tutorial for more information.
My computer totally crashes if I am trying to store all video frames in a vector. I know it is memory problem according to some other posts. Is there any other way I can store all video frames in just one container. I am trying this:
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
CvSeq* seq = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(Mat), storage);
but I could not get seq elements from seq. Did anyone tried this before?
The crash is due to memory full. It is important to allocate appropriate memory before I allocate video frames into the array and replace the old matrix with new one when the buffer is full.
To store these, you need to have enough memory available in ram, which is not possible. You will need to have think of something else. What you’re saying isn’t possible.
I want to create the vector of matrices to stores as many images as possible.
I know that,it is possible as written below:
vector<Mat> images1;
and during the image acquisition from the camera and i would save the images at 100fps with resolution of 1600*800 as below:
Where InputImage is the Mat and given by the camera. Since creating video during the acquisition process either leads to frame missing in the video or reduction in aquisition speed.
Later after stopping the image acquisition and before stopping the program, I would write the images into video as written below:
VideoWriter writer;
writer = Videowriter("video.avi",-1,100,frameSize(1600,800),false);
for (vector<Mat>::iterator iter = images1.begin(); ier != images1.end(); iter++)
Is it correct, since I am not sure the images1 can store the images around 1500 images without overflow.
You don't really have to worry about "overflow", whatever that means in your context.
The bigger problem is memory. A single frame takes (at 8 bits per color, with 3 colors) 3 * 1600 * 800 == 3.84Mb. At 100fps, One second of footage requires 0.384Gb of memory. 8GB of memory can only hold about 20 seconds of footage. You'll need almost 24GB of memory before you can hold a whole minute. There's a reason that the vast, vast, vast majority of Video Encoding Software only keeps a few frames of video data in memory at any given time, and dumps the rest to the hard drive (or discards it, depending on what purpose the software is serving).
What you should probably be doing (which is what programs like FRAPS do) is dumping frames to the hard drive as soon as soon as you receive them. Then, when recording finishes, you can either call it a day (if raw video footage is what you need) or you can begin a process of reading the file and encoding it into a more compressed format.
Pre-allocate your image vector in memory so that you just need to copy the frames without real-time allocation.
If you have memory problems, try dumping the frames to a file, the OS will hopefully be able to handle the I/O. If not try memory mapped files.
I am creating a visual panel that is consistent of one large (IplImage*) over which a method iterates to place into relative positions updates of a graph.
it looks like this
in the code, each iteration, these "placeholders" / "slots" are updated with a corresponding graph image (from a plotting object which creates an image) at a corresponding position (positions are created and placed into a map relative to how many graphs I am plotting)
The reason I do not directly plot onto the panel is because I constructed this panel such that it accepts and displays any IplImage to place into a "slot", which I do later on.
I know that IplImages are outdated and horrible on memory management if not correctly released, however, I am using a library which uses the old opencv, so for convenience of everything (because I've attempted to convert everything to Mat, but that complicates things more), I continue with IplImages
I've located where things go wrong, and that is here:
void RsPanel::updateComponents()
for (int i = 0; i < totalspots; i++) {
CvRect rectangle = cvRect(positionMap[i].x, positionMap[i].y, slotSize.width, slotSize.height);
cvSetImageROI(window, rectangle);
img = slots[i].getImage();
cvCopy(img, window);
cvShowImage(name, window);
more precisely here:
img = slots[i].getImage();
from what I understand, the memory leakage results from not releasing the previous "img" properly, however when i use cvReleaseImage to release, things just crash (because from what I understand, it needs to be done after I am done with using the image.
I have tried releasing "img" and cvCloneImage-ing the one from the slot (slots[i]->getImage()), however this gives me the same memory problem
without releasing, within a minute, the program accumulates to 1.7GB of RAM, and gives me a cv out of memory error.
The way I do it, I suppose, is not the most efficient, but my struggles with memory management (coming from a Java background) are still in need of their learning moments
Any tips to approach this?
Thank you in advance!
I searched for this kind of error and found a lot. unfortunately no thread really helped me.
I have image files which I save in an array or a vector or what ever.
After about 1.8 GB (~1439 Images) the error std::bad_alloc at memory location occurs. So I tried to declared the array in different ways but every time the same error occurs.
Image* img;
Image img[180000];
Image* img = new Image[180000]
vector<Image> img;
(The 180k would be 1 minute of Frames). Its not really important to record 1 minute but it would be nice to save more than ~1439 Frames. Or at least to understand why this error occurs or rather why it occurs at 1.8 GB.
Maybe someone could help or explain that to me?
PS: i use a 32bit System
The problem is, the time to save the images in an folder or something takes to long. Maybe I have to find a compression which allows me to save just the necessary information of the image in the array and then I can restore the frames when I am done.
I heard that you can convert an image just in a x and a y "line" which holds all these information. But how this works is another issue.
The answers from Mark Ingram were exactly what I needed to understand the problem. Thanks for that
edit: oh i see i explained my problem not enough. I did`t have the Images and load them in my programm. I have a Camera which records the frame with a frequency of 50Hz so while recording i have no time to save the frames.
You've ran out of memory. On a 32bit system (on Windows at least) you can only allocate up to a maximum of ~2GB of memory. You need to dynamically load your data only when needed, and when you no longer need the image data, throw it away again.
In reality, the limit will be lower than 2GB, as memory is allocated in blocks (i.e. it isn't allocated contiguously). This means you will experience heap fragmentation if you mix small and large object allocations, and that will drastically reduce the amount of memory you can actually allocate.
Store the images in a folder and load one at a time.
Dynamic memory allocation is your friend.
There is nothing I could think of to accomplish by loading 18,000 images together. You are never going to process it even on a super computer.
We have a line scan camera which produces 300 line images per second. We want to display the lines on a image view in the way of FIFO so that the last line of the view displays the most recent line image while shifting previous lines above for the line update.
If I can access video memory in C like old days, I would just do
memcpy(videoMem, videoMem+lineWidth*pixelSize, pixelSize*lineWidth*(nLines-1));
But I don't know if this is the best I can do even with direct video memory access.
Now I understand it's not possible nor desirable to access video memory directly. In that case, what is the best method? Any opinion from expert would be appreciated.
It is Desktop PC Application in Windows 7.
As I expected, It seems that I have to deal with a kind of circular buffers. Tricky part in my case is that writing the buffer is line-by-line while reading is screen-by-screen. So end pointer reaches physical end of the buffer, additional memory copy is needed to pass the screen memory into video. I guess Bip buffer would be a solution for this. Any other idea?
You cannot memcpy memory that is overlapping, that is the purpose of memmove. Nevertheless, you can use memcpy as long as the copy occurs in the right order. Try it on your platform to see if it works.
The main implementation issue is if having two separate writes causes flicker. If this is the case, you have to write the new image to a buffer first and then write the entire buffer all at once to the video memory.
Generally speaking you don't read video memory. The data to be displayed should be in its own region of memory. Summing up you have 3 areas of memory:
data to be displayed
display buffer
video memory (or its equivalent)
The standard process is to write 1->2, then 2->3 in one step. If you have no flicker, however, you can go directly 1->3 with no buffer. Other than this, there is no magic algorithm beyond what you have written