Regex to extract value at fixed position index - regex

I have the following string of characters:
- extract the value at this position
I would like to extract the value 1 (the 1 at the end of the string) using regex.
So basically a regex that acts as a charAt(index).
I need this solution for a 3rd party application that only supports regular expressions. Note that the application cannot access capture groups and does not support negative lookbehinds.

In C#:
in JS:

You could try:
It won't work in Javascript, but perhaps it will work in your app.
It means: a single character preceded (?<= ... ) by the beginning of the string ^ plus 21 characters .{21} . So, in the end, it returns the 22th character.

The 22nd character is in capture group 1.
But what system are you in that requires this instead of normal string processing?

Depends how you want to match it ( x distance from the beginning or x distance from the end )
/(.).{2}$/ Third from the end (capturing group 1)
/^.{21}(.)/ 22nd character (capturing group 1)
$str = '73746174652C313A312C310D';
$char = preg_replace('/(.).{2}$/','$1',$str); //3rd from last
preg_match('/(.).{2}$/',$str,$chars); //3rd from last
$char = $chars[1];
preg_match('/^.{21}(.)/',$str,$chars); //22nd character
$char = $chars[1];
var str = '73746174652C313A312C310D';
var ch = str.replace(/(.).{2}$/,'$1'); //3rd from last
var ch = str.match(/(.).{2}$/)[1]; //3rd from last
var ch = str.match(/^.{21}(.)/)[1]; //22nd character
If you're having to use the result of the First match: bit of your tool, run it twice:
73746174652C313A312C310D - ^.{21}. = 73746174652C313A312C31
73746174652C313A312C31 - .$ = 1


match everything but a given string and do not match single characters from that string

Let's start with the following input.
Input = 'blue, blueblue, b l u e'
I want to match everything that is not the string 'blue'. Note that blueblue should not match, but single characters should (even if present in match string).
From this, If I replace the matches with an empty string, it should return:
Result = 'blueblueblue'
I have tried with [^\bblue\b]+
but this matches the last four single characters 'b', 'l','u','e'
Another solution:
Regex demo
If you regex engine support the \K flag, then we can try:
This pattern says to match:
blue match "blue"
\K but then forget that match
| OR
.*? match anything else until reaching
(?=blue|$) the next "blue" or the end of the string
On JavaScript, we can try the following replacement:
var input = "blue, blueblue, b l u e";
var output = input.replace(/blue|.*?(?=blue|$)/g, (x) => x != "blue" ? "" : "blue");

How do I replace the nth occurrence of a special character, say, a pipe delimiter with another in Scala?

I'm new to Spark using Scala and I need to replace every nth occurrence of the delimiter with the newline character.
So far, I have been successful at entering a new line after the pipe delimiter.
I'm unable to replace the delimiter itself.
My input string is
val txt = "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December"
println(txt.replaceAll(".\\|", "$0\n"))
The above statement generates the following output.
I referred to the suggestion at but when I enter the number in the curly braces, I only end up adding the newline after 2 characters after the delimiter.
I'm expecting my output to be as given below.
How do I change my regular expression to get the desired output?
My friend suggested I try the following statement
println(txt.replaceAll("(.*?\\|){2}", "$0\n"))
and this produced the following output
Now I just need to get rid of the pipe symbol at the end of each line.
You want to move the 2nd bar | outside of the capture group.
txt.replaceAll("([^|]+\\|[^|]+)\\|", "$1\n")
//val res0: String =
// January|February
// March|April
// May|June
// July|August
// September|October
// November|December
Regex Explained (regex is not Scala)
( - start a capture group
[^|] - any character as long as it's not the bar | character
[^|]+ - 1 or more of those (any) non-bar chars
\\| - followed by a single bar char |
[^|]+ - followed by 1 or more of any non-bar chars
) - close the capture group
\\| - followed by a single bar char (not in capture group)
"$1\n" - replace the entire matching string with just the first $1 capture group ($0 is the entire matching string) followed by the newline char
For the general case of N repetitions, regex becomes a bit more cumbersome, at least if you're trying to do it with a single regex formula.
The simplest thing to do (not the most efficient but simple to code) is to traverse the String twice.
val n = 5
txt.replaceAll(s"(\\w+\\|){$n}", "$0\n")
.replaceAll("\\|\n", "\n")
//val res0: String =
// January|February|March|April|May
// June|July|August|September|October
// November|December
You could first split the string using '|' to get the array of string and then loop through it to perform the logic you want and get the output as required.
val txt = "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December"
val out = txt.split("\\|")
var output: String = ""
for(i<-0 until out.length -1 by 2){
val ref = out(i) + "|" + out(i+1) + "\n"
output = output + ref
val finalout = output.replaceAll("\"\"","") //just to remove the starting double quote

Regex find most center

I need to manully hyphante words that are too long. Using hyphen.js, I get soft hyphens between every syllable, like below.
I want to find the hyphen closes to the middle. All words will be more than 14 characters long. Regex that works in or node/js example.
Basically, find the middle character excluding hyphens, check if there is a hyphen there, then step backwards one step and then forwards one step, then backwards to steps etc.
re-spon-si-bil-i-ties => [re-spon-si,-bil-i-ties]
com-pe-ten-cies. => [com-pe,-ten-cies.]
ini-tia-tives. => [ini-tia,-tives]
vul-ner-a-bil-i-ties => [vul-ner-a,-bil-i-ties]
Here's a simple js approach based on string splitting. There could be a binary search style algorithm as you mentioned which would avoid the array allocation but that seems overkill for these small data sets.
function halve(str) {
var right = str.split('-');
var left = right.splice(0, Math.ceil(right.length / 2));
return right.length > 0 ? [left.join('-'), '-' + right.join('-')] : left;
console.log(halve('none')); // no hyphens returns ["none"]
You can work this out with this method:
Get middle point of string
From the middle point, and checking each character in both directions (left from middle, right from middle) check if that position is the - character. Set the index to the first such match.
If it matches that character, stop the loop and split the string on that index, otherwise return the original word.
words = [
split = '-'
for(word of words) {
if(word[m-offset] == split) i = m-offset
else if(word[m+offset] == split) i = m+offset
else offset++
}while(offset<=m && i == null)
if(i!=null && i>0) console.log([word.substring(0,i),word.substring(i)])
else console.log(word)
You can achieve this with:
var words = [
for(var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i){
var matches = words[i]
new RegExp(
'^((?:[^-]+?-?){' // Start the regex
words[i].replace( /-/g, '' ).length/2 // Round down the halfway point of this word's length without the hyphens
+'})(-.+)?$' // End the regex
.slice( 1 ); // Remove position 0 because it is the entire word
console.log( matches );
Regex explanation for re-spon-si-bil-i-ties:
^( - start the capture group leading up to the half way point
(?:[^-]+?-?) - find everything not a hyphen with an optional hyphen after it. Make the hyphen optional so that the second capture group can greedily claim it
{8} - 8 times; this will get us half way
) - close the half way capture group
(-.+)?$ - greedily get the hyphen and everything after it till the end of the string

How to find any non-digit characters using RegEx in ABAP

I need a Regular Expression to check whether a value contains any other characters than digits between 0 and 9.
I also want to check the length of the value.
The RegEx I´ve made: ^([0-9]\d{6})$
My test value is: 123Z45 and 123456
The ABAP code:
I´m expecting a result in LT_RESULTS, when I´m testing the first test value '123Z45', because there is a non-digit character.
But LT_RESULTS is in nearly every test case empty.
Your expression ^([0-9]\d{6})$ translates to:
^ - start of input
( - begin capture group
[0-9] - a character between 0 and 9
\d{6} - six digits (digit = character between 0 and 9)
) - end capture group
$ - end of input
So it will only match 1234567 (7 digit strings), not 123456, or 123Z45.
If you just need to find a string that contains non digits you could use the following instead: ^\d*[^\d]+\d*$
* - previous element may occur zero, one or more times
[^\d] - ^ right after [ means "NOT", i.e. any character which is not a digit
+ - previous element may occur one or more times
const expression = /^\d*[^\d]+\d*$/;
const inputs = ['123Z45', '123456', 'abc', 'a21345', '1234f', '142345'];
console.log(inputs.filter(i => expression.test(i)));
You can also use this character class if you want to extract non-digit group:
DATA(l_guid) = '0074162D8EAA549794A4EF38D9553990680B89A1'.
DATA(regx) = '[[:alpha:]]+'.
DATA(substr) = match( val = l_guid
regex = regx
occ = 1 ).
It finds a first occured non-digit group of characters and shows it.
If you want to just check if they are exists or how much of them reside in your string, count built-in function is your friend:
DATA(how_many) = count( val = l_guid regex = regx ).
DATA(yes) = boolc( count( val = l_guid regex = regx ) > 0 ).
Match and count exist since ABAP 7.50.
If you don't need a Regular Expression for something more complex, ABAP has some nice comparison operators CO (Contains Only), CA, NA etc for you. Something like:
IF L_VALUE CO '0123456789' AND STRLEN( L_VALUE ) = 6.

How to Split the message in as3?

Hi, am trying to split the word rtmp://,False#&all this word.The word sample is dynamically added I don't know the count.
I want to split /sample/ how to do this kindly help me?
You want the string.split() method
var array:Array = myString.split("/"); //returns an array of everything in between /
In your case this will return
[0]->?rtmp:/ [1]-> [2]->sample [3]->test?22082208,False#&all
If you're looking for everything aside from the test?22082208,False#&all part and your URL will always be in this format you can use string.lastIndexOf()
var pos:int = string.lastIndexOf("/", 0); //returns the position of the last /
var newString:String = string.substr(0, pos); //creates a new string starting at 0 and ending at the last index of /
You can do this (and almost everything) with regex:
var input:String = "rtmp://,False#&all";
var pattern:RegExp = /^rtmp:\/\/.*\/([^\/]*)\/.*$/;
trace(input.replace(pattern, "$1")); //outputs "sample"
Here is the regex in details:
^ : start of the string
rtmp:\/\/ first string to find "rtmp://"
.* anything
\/ first slash
([^\/]) capture everything but a slash until...
\/ ...second slash
.* anything
$ the end
Then $1 represents the captured group between the parenthesis.