c++ overriding a function only for a specific instance - c++

I was wondering whether there's a way to override a function for a specific instance only. For ex,
class A
void update();
int main()
A *first_instance = new A();
// I want this to have a specific update() function.
// ex. void update() { functionA(); functionB(); ... }
A *second_instance = new A();
// I want this to have a different update() function than the above one.
// ex. void update() { functionZ(); functionY(); ...}
A *third_instance = new A();
// ....so on.
Is there a way to achieve this?

I think virtual function is just what you want, with virtual function, different instances of the same type can have different functions, but you need to inherit the base class. for example
class A
virtual void update()
std::cout << "Class A\n";
class B: public A
virtual void update()
std::cout << "Class B\n";
class C: public A
virtual void update()
std::cout << "Class C\n";
int main()
A *first_instance = new A();
// I want this to have a specific update() function.
// ex. void update() { functionA(); functionB(); ... }
A *second_instance = new B();
// I want this to have a different update() function than the above one.
// ex. void update() { functionZ(); functionY(); ...}
A *third_instance = new C();
// ....so on.
each instance in the above code will bind different update functions.
Besides, you can also use function pointer to implement your requirement, but it is not recommended. For example
class A
this->update = u;
void (*update)();
void a_update()
std::cout << "update A\n";
void b_update()
std::cout << "update B\n";
void c_update()
std::cout << "update C\n";
int main()
A first_instance(a_update);
// I want this to have a specific update() function.
// ex. void update() { functionA(); functionB(); ... }
A second_instance(b_update);
// I want this to have a different update() function than the above one.
// ex. void update() { functionZ(); functionY(); ...}
A third_instance(c_update);
// ....so on.
Hope helps!

Hold a function in the class.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
class Foo
Foo(const function<void ()>& f) : func(f)
void callFunc()
function<void ()> func;
void printFoo() { cout<<"foo"<<endl; }
void printBar() { cout<<"bar"<<endl; }
int main()
Foo a(printFoo);
Foo b(printBar);

You may have noticed that the end brace of a class is often followed by a semicolon, whereas the end braces of functions, while loops etc don't. There's a reason for this, which relates to a feature of struct in C. Because a class is almost identical to a struct, this feature exists for C++ classes too.
Basically, a struct in C may declare a named instance instead of (or as well as) a named "type" (scare quotes because a struct type in C isn't a valid type name in itself). A C++ class can therefore do the same thing, though AFAIK there may be severe limitations on what else that class can do.
I'm not in a position to check at the moment, and it's certainly not something I remember using, but that may mean you can declare a named class instance inheriting from a base class without giving it a class name. There will still be a derived type, but it will be anonymous.
If valid at all, it should look something like...
class : public baseclass // note - no derived class name
virtual funcname ()
} instancename;
Personally, even if this is valid, I'd avoid using it for a number of reasons. For example, the lack of a class name means that it's not possible to define member functions separately. That means that the whole class declaration and definition must go where you want the instance declared - a lot of clutter to drop in the middle of a function, or even in a list of global variables.
With no class name, there's presumably no way to declare a constructor or destructor. And if you have non-default constructors from the base class, AFAIK there's no way to specify constructor parameters with this.
And as I said, I haven't checked this - that syntax may well be illegal as well as ugly.
Some more practical approaches to varying behaviour per-instance include...
Using dependency injection - e.g. providing a function pointer or class instance (or lambda) for some part of the behavior as a constructor parameter.
Using a template class - effectively compile-time dependency injection, with the dependency provided as a function parameter to the template.

I think it will be the best if you'll tell us why do you need to override a function for a specific instance.
But here's another approach: Strategy pattern.
Your class need a member that represent some behaviour. So you're creating some abstract class that will be an interface for different behaviours, then you'll implement different behaviours in subclasses of that abstract class. So you can choose those behaviours for any object at any time.
class A;//forward declaration
class Updater
virtual ~Updater() {};//don't forget about virtual destructor, though it's not needed in this case of class containing only one function
virtual void update(A&) = 0;
class SomeUpdater
virtual void update(A & a);//concrete realisation of an update() method
class A
Updater mUpdater;
explicit A(Updater updater);//constructor takes an updater, let's pretend we want to choose a behaviour once for a lifetime of an object - at creation
void update()

You can use local classes, yet, personally, I consider the "hold function in the class" approach mentioned in the other answer better. I'd recommend the following approach only if doFunc must access internals of your base class, which is not possible from a function held in a member variable:
class ABase {
void Func () { this->doFunc (); }
virtual void doFunc () = 0;
virtual ~ABase () { }
ABase* makeFirstA () {
class MyA : public ABase {
virtual void doFunc () { std::cout << "First A"; }
return new MyA;
ABase* makeSecondA () {
class MyA : public ABase {
virtual void doFunc () { std::cout << "Second A"; }
return new MyA;
int main () {
std::shared_ptr<ABase> first (makeFirstA ());
std::shared_ptr<ABase> second (makeSecondA ());
first->Func ();
second->Func ();
From a design patterns point of view, the "local classes" approach implements the template method pattern, while the "hold a function(al) in a member variable" approach reflects the strategy pattern. Which one is more appropriate depends on what you need to achieve.


Override virtual method with static method

Is there any specific reason why I cannot override virtual method from base class with static one?
Anyone knows why it would be bad idea?
#include <cstdio>
class Foo
virtual void SomeMethod() = 0;
class Bar : public Foo
static void SomeMethod() override
void SomeFunctionWithFoo( Foo *p )
int main()
Bar o;
SomeFunctionWithFoo( &o );
Instead I have to do this:
#include <cstdio>
class Foo
virtual void SomeMethod() = 0;
class Bar : public Foo
void SomeMethod() override
static void StaticSomeMethod()
void SomeFunctionWithFoo( Foo *p )
int main()
Bar o;
SomeFunctionWithFoo( &o );
I think as long as you don't need to access member variables, your function can be static, so that it can serve behaviour without object. In the same time such static function can serve behaviour when using interface. But maybe I am wrong and I am missing something?
With one method and two classes, it is not problem, but I have case of 10 such methods inside class, and many classes that inherit.
In real world scenario, such possibility would make my code simpler.
Summary: member functions have an invisible first parameter that your static method doesn't have.
Details: Member functions (effectively) are effectively all static methods that have an "invisible" first parameter, which is the Bar* this parameter, which tells the method which instance of the class to use. So the signature of virtual void SomeMethod() is, under the covers, actually static void SomeMethod(Foo*), but static StaticSomeMethod() doesn't have the same number of parameters.
C++ is mostly able to pretend this parameter doesn't exist, but overrides are one case where it pops up. You also see it occur when trying to bind a member function to a std::function, where you have to explicitly pass the this as the first pointer.

Is there a way to reference the class of the current object

I'm making a class which has a method that launches some threads of member functions in the same class. I'm quite new to threads in c++, especially when classes are involved but this is what iv'e come up with.
class A
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFunc, this);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
My question is, if i can get the name of the current object, because now if i create a class B which inherits from A but overwrites FooFunc, FooFunc from class A will be called when i do:
B b;
So i'm looking for a way to replace std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFunc, this) with something like std::thread fooThread(&this->GetClass()::FooFunc, this). I could just make StartThreads virtual and overwrite it in derived classes, but It would be better just to write it once and being done with it. Is there a way to do this or something that results in the same thing?
In case of that your this is known at compile-time then static metaprogramming to the rescue.
C++, Swift and Rust (and now Scala also) are static languages that has a lot of compile time tricks to do for problems like that.
How? In your case templates could help you.
Also, you don't need it to be a member function, it can be a friend function (so that you can easily use templates).
class A
template<typename T>
friend void StartThreads(const T& obj);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
template<typename T>
void StartThreads(const T& obj) {
std::thread fooThread(&T::FooFunc, obj);
WARNING: This ONLY works if the class is known at compile time, i.e.
class B: public A {
B b;
A &a = b;
StartThreads(a); // Will call it AS IF IT IS A, NOT B
Another solution:
Functional programming to the rescue, you can use lambdas (or functors using structs if you are on C++ prior to C++11)
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread([=](){ this->FooFunc(); });
// Forward declaration
class A;
// The functor class (the functor is an object that is callable (i.e. has the operator (), which is the call operator overloaded))
struct ThreadContainer {
A &f;
ThreadContainer(A &f): f(f) {}
void operator() ();
class A
// To allow access of the protected FooFunc function
friend void ThreadContainer::operator() ();
void StartThreads()
// Create the functor
ThreadContainer a(*this);
// Start the thread with the "call" operator, the implementation of the constructor tries to "call" the operand, which here is a
std::thread fooThread(a);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
class B: public A {
virtual void FooFunc() {
std::cout << "overridden\n";
void ThreadContainer::operator() () {
You've looked at using a virtual FooFunc() directly, and somehow surmised that it doesn't work. (I won't address the accuracy of that here, as that is being brought up in the question's comments.) You don't like the idea of moving the virtual function earlier in the process. So why not move it later? There is a somewhat-common paradigm out there that uses non-virtual wrappers to virtual functions. (Usually the wrapper is public while the virtual function is protected or private.) So, something like:
class A
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFuncCaller, this); // <-- call the new function
void FooFuncCaller() // <-- new function layer
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
Of course, if the direct call to the virtual Foofunc works, might as well use that. Still, this is simpler than using templates or custom functor classes. A lambda is a reasonable alternative, with the benefit of not changing your class' interface (header file).
Thanks for all of your answers, it turned out that my question was unrelated and that i messed up some other members in the class.
Thanks for your answers giving me some insight into other ways you can do the same thing using different methods. (https://stackoverflow.com/users/9335240/user9335240)

Can a base class know if a derived class has overridden a virtual method?

The same question exists for C#, but does not apply to C++.
class Base
void dispatch()
if (newStyleHasBeenOverridden()) //how to find this out?
oldStyle(1, 2);
virtual void oldStyle(int, int) { throw "Implement me!"; }
virtual void newStyle(int) { throw "Implement me!"; }
class Derived:public Base
void newStyle(int) override
WARNING: This solution is not cross-platform in that it relies on a GCC extension and some undefined behavior.
GCC allows a syntax to grab the pointer to the function from the vtable of this by saying this->*&ClassName::functionName. It is probably not a good idea to actually use this, but here's a demo anyway:
#include <iostream>
class Base {
void foo() {
auto base_bar_addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&Base::bar);
auto this_bar_addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(this->*&Base::bar);
std::cout << (base_bar_addr == this_bar_addr ? "not overridden" : "overridden") << std::endl;
virtual void bar() { };
class Regular : public Base { };
class Overriding : public Base {
virtual void bar() { };
int main() {
Regular r;
Overriding o;
And for posterity:
ICC allows the syntax, but it has a different meaning, which is the same as just saying &Base::bar, so you'll always think it isn't being overridden.
Clang and MSVC reject the code outright.
This is a design problem.
However, in the interest of answering the actual question, there are a couple ways you could accomplish this without a redesign (but really, you should redesign it).
One (terrible) option is to call the newstyle method and catch the exception that occurs if it's not overridden.
void dispatch() {
try {
} catch (const char *) {
oldStyle(1, 2);
If newStyle has been overridden, the override will be called. Otherwise, the base implementation will throw, which dispatch will catch and then fall back to oldStyle. This is an abuse of exceptions and it will perform poorly.
Another (slightly less terrible) approach is to make the base implementation of newStyle forward to oldStyle.
void dispatch() {
virtual void newStyle(int) { oldStyle(1, 2); }
virtual void oldStyle(int, int) { throw "implement me"; }
This at least moves in the direction of a better design. The point of inheritance is to allow high level code to be able to use objects interchangeably, regardless of their specialization. If dispatch has to inspect the actual object type, then you've violated the Liskov Substitution Principle. Dispatch should be able to treat all the objects the same way, and any differences in behavior should arise from the overridden methods themselves (rather than the existence of overrides).
Making things simpler, the dispatch decision is done by the Derived class. Abstract Base class is basically just an "interface" where the Derived class should implement all virtual functions.
The problem too sounded like an XY problem.
I thought this is what you want:
class Base // abstract class
virtual void oldStyle(int, int) = 0; // pure virtual functions
virtual void newStyle(int) = 0; // needs to be implemented
class Derived:public Base
Derived(bool useNewStyle): _useNewStyle(useNewStyle) {}
void newStyle(int) { std::cout << "new style"; }
void oldStyle(int, int) { std::cout << "old style"; }
void dispatch()
if (_useNewStyle) {
oldStyle(1, 2);
bool _useNewStyle = false;
Derived d(true); // use new style
d.dispatch(); // "new style"

How to automatically call a method or generate code if a subclass derived from a base class?

I have some classes that describe abilities / behaviours, such as flying, or driving etc. Each of these classes has a specific method that must be called to load some data - For example, Flyable has loadFlyData(), Drivable has loadDriveData(). For each class the method name is unique.
I have many derived classes that may inherit from one or more of these behaviour classes. Each of these derived classes has a method called loadData(), in which we should call all the parent behaviour classes methods such as loadFlyData(), loadDriveData() etc.... Is there a way to automatically generate this method using metaprogramming ? Since there are many derived classes, it may be more maintainable if I can generate these methods using metaprogramming...
Behaviour classes : (An object class may have any of these behaviours, and will have to call that classes "load" method...
class Flyable {
void loadFlyData() {
class Drivable{
void loadDriveData() {
All object classes derive from Object:
class Object {
virtual void loadData() {
A derived class:
class FlyingCar : public Object, public Flyable, public Drivable {
virtual void loadData() override {
// How to automatically generate code so that the next two lines are called:
Sure is possible. You'll need however to employ some conventions so the code can be generic. See it live.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Flyable{
int loadConcreteData(){
cout << "Flyable\n"; return 0;
struct Drivable{
int loadConcreteData(){
cout << "Drivable\n"; return 0;
class Object{
virtual void loadData(){
template<class ...CS>
struct ConcreteLoader : Object, CS... {
void loadData() override {
int load[] = {
class FlyingCar : public ConcreteLoader<Flyable,Drivable>{
int main() {
FlyingCar fc;
return 0;
Changes that need mentioning:
The return type of each concrete Load function had to be changed. This is to facilitate the "array trick" in expanding the parameter pack.
The names of all the load functions are the same, again for the same reason.
Reason (1) may become obsolete once c++17 and fold expressions roll out.
You can make a free function loadXData() that will become a noop if your class isn't X:
namespace detail
void loadFlyData(Flyable* ptr) { ptr->loadFlyData(); }
void loadFlyData(...) {}
void loadDriveData(Drivable* ptr) { ptr->loadDriveData(); }
void loadDriveData(...) {}
class FlyingCar : public Object, public Flyable, public Drivable{
virtual void loadData()override{
//How to automatically generate code so that the next two lines are called:
Though I think using a common name loadData and just calling it for all variadic parents might be preferable:
template<typename... Policies>
struct ComposedType : Object, Policies...
virtual void loadData() override {
int arr[] = {
((void)Policies::loadData(), 0)...
using FlyingCar = ComposedType<Drivable, Flyable>;
The above loadData could be simplified in C++1z:
virtual void loadData() override {
((void)Policies::loadData(), ...);

Can i pass a function from a class to a constructor of another class and store it there to call later? C++

So basically I'm making buttons in a game, and the buttons are a called Button.
The class i want the function from to store is called SoccerLevelsClass. I've tried looking into function pointers, but I'm not sure what's going on though i think it's the correct thing to do.
I want to save the function of SoccerLevelsClass as a member of Button.
Would i do something like this?
#ifndef MenuButton
#define MenuButton
class Button
void (*SoccerLevelsClass::function)();
#include <MenuButton.h>
function=func; //something like this
I know the code is probably way off, but I'd like to know if anybody has any suggestions.
All i really want to know is if it's possible.
Yes, this can be done - either with function pointers like in your example, or with lambdas if you can use C++11.
However, since you want to call a bound function of another class, you would need to pass/store pointer to an instance of that class as well to do that, unless the function is static.
In C++11, this is trivial:
std::function<void(void)> _f;
void apply() {
Bar(void (Foo::* f)()) {
_f = std::bind(f, Foo());
In C++03, this is a little tricky. Note in both versions I construct a temporary to call the member function, but I'm not sure whether it is necessary to store an instance of the class.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
struct Foo
Foo() { }
void stuff() {
std::cout << "hi\n";
struct Bar
void (Foo::* _f)();
void apply() {
Bar(void (Foo::* f)()) {
_f = f;
int main()
Bar bar(&Foo::stuff);
For what you are trying to do I would use the observer pattern:
class IFootballObserver
virtual void OnBallKicked() = 0;
virtual ~IFootballObserver() {}
class Fooball
Fooball(IFootballObserver& obs)
: mObs(obs)
// Call the observer interface at any time like so:
IFootballObserver& mObs;
class Button : public IFootballObserver
// Football could be passed in/owned by something else
Button() : mFootball(*this) { }
void DoSomething()
// Called when foot ball is kicked
virtual void OnBallKicked()
Fooball mFootball;
I find this easier than using function pointers/std::function. Plus you could have a vector of observers and notify many objects of events.