User redirect with POST in iframe - web-services

I am building one of my first MVC 4 applications and I need some help with redirecting users.
I have a windows form application where I use a AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser to redirect the user to a specific URL , a SOAP web service to be precise, aswell as sending HTTP POST and HEADER data aswell.
This is done like so:
oHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + "\n" + "\r";
sPostData = "ExchangeSessionID=" + SessionID;
oPostData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sPostData);
axWebBrowser2.Navigate2(ref oURL, ref o, ref o, ref oPostData, ref oHeaders);
I am looking to replicate this functionality in my MVC application, but am unsure of the how this can be done.
I was hoping to have this within an iframe, but can't find a way of sending the POST and HEADER data from this. This is what I have been trying so far:
ViewBag.URL = TempData["URL"];
ViewBag.SessionID = TempData["SessionID"];
ViewBag.FullURL = TempData["URL"] + "?ExchangeSessionID=" + TempData["SessionID"];
return View();
<iframe src="#ViewBag.FullURL" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
Basically I was trying to append the data to the end of the URL hoping this would work for the HTTP POST part. This is what I ended up with:
The user is being directed to the page, but the web service is giving me an error ( which tells me it is now receiving the POST data).
Can some please help me to try and fix this, or even give me advice on how to go about this another way. Like I said, I'm fairly new to MVC applications and I'm not entirely sure what I'm tryin to do is even possible.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

I've decided to answer this question myself incase anybody is looking to do something similar in the future.
The first step was to create my iframe:
<iframe name="myframe" src="" width="100%" height="700px"></iframe>
Next I want to create a form with a button which, when pressed, will post the data to the url while targeting the iFrame (Note the target attribute of the form):
<form action="#ViewBag.URL" method="post" target="myframe">
<input type="hidden" name="ExchangeSessionID" value="#ViewBag.SessionID" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
So what happens is, when the button is pressed, the form posts the ExchangeSessionID to the target URL and then the page response is displayed inside the iFrame.


django redirect after post with post parameters after update

I was looking for help but couldn't find any suitable solution.
I would like to ask about redirect after POST.
Situation looks as below step by step:
Simple search form with POST with parameter called 'find' within form. Search form appears on every site and if i call search on site with devices i'm checking referrer and i'm doing query for device model fields and results go to devices.html template. Same situation is when I search within localization site, checking for referrer and querying for model fields of localization model and returning query result in localization.html template.
When I try to update device i'm opening new edit device template with url '/edit/device/dev_id' when every field of this model is shown so i can update some fields manually.
After commiting changes on edit site device 'post' goes to url 'update/device/dev_id' and changes to device are saved properly.
The problem is how can I redirect after updating device to step number one where are the results of search view for devices?
If i redirect after update ('update/device/dev_id') device to 'request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')' i'm getting 'edit/device/dev_id' url ?
Worth to mention is that method POST for search form sends text search input to action="/search" and then after checking referrer shows results, so there is nothing like 'action="search/find".
I know that in web browser we can do few times previous click to show search results incuding POST parameters but it is not the point.
If you have any ideas how to redirect to search results (method POST, 1 point) after updating please let me know.
Regards AD
I will try to simplify the question ( too much code to paste ):
Given search below in template:
<form class="navbar-form navbar-left" action="/search" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="find" placeholder="Search">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" >Search</button>
def search_dev(request):
<--query updating_fields in instance considering only 1 search result-->
redirect ? (to search query with POST )
Is it possible to go back to search results after some changes to instance ( for example update ) considering only 1 search result ?

Don't refill Django forms with Browser Back Button

I'm asking a question and the answer could help me a lot. When I'm filling my Django form, I press a validate button in order to store data form. Then, I am redirected on a new page (form resume page, home page, ...).
But in my browser, if I click on Back Button, my form is already filled with previous data and I can modify data.
My question is : How I can prevent browser from refilling form data when navigating back with Django ?
I found this Stackoverflow question : there
But the answer doesn't seem to work. It's an old answer and I'm supposing it exists an other way to do that ?
I used <form action="" method="post" autocomplete="off"> .. </form> and it seems working with Firefox.
This is front-end approaching but this would be easy to use if you can use JS and jQuery.
add this code below your HTML Template:
$(window).load(function() {
$('form').get(0).reset(); //clear form data on page load
You can disable the back button in your success page after filling the form.
or reset the form : document.getElementById('form').reset();
this may help

Django redirect page does not update the view

I'm using the Django Framework on Google App Engine.
I have multiple forms on the same view, to submit to different URL.
Trouble is after I get a form submitted: even if the called method update the datastore and some data, the previous page (where the forms are put in) is not refreshed, showing the updated data.
I could solve this problem using jQuery or some javascrip framework, appending dinamically content returned by the server but, how to avoid it?
Am I wrong somewhere?
A part of "secure.html" template
<form action="/addMatch" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<br />
{% for m in matches%}
{{m.description}} ---> {{m.reward}}
{% endfor%}
the "/addMatch" URL view:
def addMatch(request):
form = MatchForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user = User.all().filter('facebookId =', int(request.session["pbusr"]))
m = Match(user=user.get(),description =form.cleaned_data["description"],reward=form.cleaned_data["reward"])
return HttpResponseRedirect("/secure/")
else:"Not valid")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/secure")
The view method whose seems not working:
def secure(request):
user = User.all().filter('facebookId =', int(request.session["pbusr"]))
u = user.get()
if (u.facebookFanPageId is not None and not u.facebookFanPageId == ""):
model["fanPageName"] = u.facebookFanPageName
model["form"] = MatchForm()
model["matches"] = u.matches
return render(request,"secure.html",model)
Based on what you posted, it seems like you're redirecting properly and are having database consistency issues. One way to test this would be to look at the network tab in the Google Chrome developer tools:
Click on the menu icon in the upper right
Click on "Tools"
Click on "Developer Tools"
Click on "Network" in the thing that opened up at the bottom of the screen.
Now, there will be a new entry in the network tab for every request that your browser sends and every response it receives. If you click on a request, you can see the data that was sent and received. If you need to see requests across different pages, you might want to check the "Preserve log" box.
With the network tab open, go to your page and submit the form. By looking at the network tab, you should be able to tell whether or not your browser issued a new GET request to the same URL. If there is a new request for the same page but that request has the old content, then you have a datastore consistency issue. If there was NOT a new request that yielded a response with the data for the page, then you have a redirect issue.
If it turns out that you have a datastore consistency issue, then what's happening is the data is being stored, but the next request for that data might still get the old data. To make sure that doesn't happen, you need what's called "strong consistency."
In a normal App Engine project, you get strong consistency by putting entities in the same entity-group and using ancestor queries. I'm not certain of what database/datastore you're using for Django and how the different database layers interact with App Engine's consistency, so this could be wrong, but if you can give your users the right key and then fetch them from that key directly (rather than getting all users and filtering them by key), you might get strong consistency.

Form action and its usage in Django

First Quesiton:
This form submits to demo_form?name=ABC
<form action="demo_form" method="get">
name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Is there a way to make it submit to demo_form/ABC/?
Second Question:
Even if users don't use my form, if they use a web crawler to simply visit demo_form?name=ABC or demo_form/ABC/, it would yield the same result. I want to prevent that. What's the best way of making those two URLs only valid if the user submit the name via my form? I am learning django so hopefully the solution would work with django framework.
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to make it submit to demo_form/ABC/?
You could intercept the submission in JavaScript, construct the URL manually, then set location. That would break if JS wasn't available.
More sanely, you could send an HTTP 301 redirect response when you get the request for demo_form?name=ABC
What's the best way of making those two URLs only valid if the user submit the name via my form?
Generally speaking, visiting a form should not be a pre-requisite for anything involving a GET request. A large portion of the point of GET is that the results are bookmarkable, linkable, etc.
It would be more understandable if it was a POST request, as those are intended to change data on the server and you will want to protect against CSFR. The standard protection against CSRF is a token stored in the form and in a cookie

Cross Site Scripting with Hidden Inputs

My company gave me the task of resolving all security issues with a particular application. The security tream reported a cross site scripting error. The error lies in the following input field:
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value="${param.eventId}"/>
The report from security wasn't very detailed, but the say they can make a POST request to the page that has the above tag including the following malicious code:
And that when the page reloads, it will have the following:
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value=""><sCrIpt>alert(83676)</sCrIpt></value>
I am trying to "be the hacker" and show the vulnerability. But I can't figure out how they manage to get that script in there. I am guessing they include it as a URL parameter in the GET request for the form, but when I try to do it myself I get a 403 error. Does anyone know how the vulnerability can be shown?
I know there is a number of XSS questions on the site, but none seem to hit this topic.
So, I am not sure why, but my original hunch was correct. The script can be put on as a URL parameter. For some reason though, this was not working with our staging site. Only with running the application locally. I am not sure why, but this works (only locally):
Doing that, you see an alert box pop up. I am planning to fix it using JSTL functions.
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value="${fn:escapeXml(param.eventId)}"/>
Install [TamperData][1] add-on in firefox browser which let you edit the data before submitting. Doesn't matter if it's in POST or GET.
By using this hidden fields can be edited.
What you want to do to fix the problem, is to HTMLAttributeEncode the value before putting it inside the value-attribute. See OWASP ESAPI or MS AntiXSS for methods for doing HTML attribute encoding.
Seeing how the attack string is URL encoding, I think you guess about including it as a GET parameter seems reasonable.
I used the OWASP ESAPI API as the legacy jsp's didn't have JSTL available. This is what I used:
<input type="hidden" name="dataValue" value="<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTMLAttribute(dataValue)%>">
You can also use the API to filter request.Parameter() which I also needed, as in:
String userURL = request.getParameter( "userURL" )
boolean isValidURL = ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("URLContext", userURL, "URL", 255, false);
if (isValidURL) {
String name = (String) request.getParameter("name");
name = ESAPI.validator().getValidInput("name ", name , "SafeString", 35, true);