Appropiate std container for (only) insertion and iteration [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
General use cases for C++ containers
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Which will be the std container to use if I only want to insert a lot (10.000-100.000) of small (int,floats and doubles) items and then iterate over all of them (order is not important)? (Note: the number of items is unknown at the start)
I have noticed that unsorted_set, list and forward_list have O(1) for insertion and O(n) for iteration. Is there any other which also has that complexity? Which one of those is the fastest? (if there is significant differences in memory use i will also be interested in knowing about them.
(I'm only interested in std containers, not Boost or other libraries ones)

My bet is std::vector with a call to std::vector::reserve().

vector might be a good choice. It is same as array in memory consumption. O(1) insertion(If you are inserting at the end) and O(n) iteration. It's simplest of containers and is a good choice if deletion or random insertion is not on your list.

All of the classes in your question have optimal complexity for what you want, but std::vector may be faster, in particular if you know how many elements you want to insert approximately, i.e. you have an upper bound available.
I suppose that performance may differ depending on your compiler, compiler version and the number of elements you want to insert. Sorry for not providing more specific help.

Well according to me it depends on what you want to do with the elements in the container.
If you want to insert elements at some positions, then list is the fastest because arrays and vectors have to move all the items after the insert position, one step forward.
On the other hand, if you want to access an item at a position, then arrays and vectors are faster.
Moreover, other than these there are container adapters as well like queue, stack, priority_queue etc.
So again, it all depends on your implementation and what you want from the container of elements.


C++: What are the reasons for choosing a linked list / deque over a vector? [duplicate]

There's a well known image (cheat sheet) called "C++ Container choice". It's a flow chart to choose the best container for the wanted usage.
Does anybody know if there's already a C++11 version of it?
This is the previous one:
Not that I know of, however it can be done textually I guess. Also, the chart is slightly off, because list is not such a good container in general, and neither is forward_list. Both lists are very specialized containers for niche applications.
To build such a chart, you just need two simple guidelines:
Choose for semantics first
When several choices are available, go for the simplest
Worrying about performance is usually useless at first. The big O considerations only really kick in when you start handling a few thousands (or more) of items.
There are two big categories of containers:
Associative containers: they have a find operation
Simple Sequence containers
and then you can build several adapters on top of them: stack, queue, priority_queue. I will leave the adapters out here, they are sufficiently specialized to be recognizable.
Question 1: Associative ?
If you need to easily search by one key, then you need an associative container
If you need to have the elements sorted, then you need an ordered associative container
Otherwise, jump to the question 2.
Question 1.1: Ordered ?
If you do not need a specific order, use an unordered_ container, otherwise use its traditional ordered counterpart.
Question 1.2: Separate Key ?
If the key is separate from the value, use a map, otherwise use a set
Question 1.3: Duplicates ?
If you want to keep duplicates, use a multi, otherwise do not.
Suppose that I have several persons with a unique ID associated to them, and I would like to retrieve a person data from its ID as simply as possible.
I want a find function, thus an associative container
1.1. I couldn't care less about order, thus an unordered_ container
1.2. My key (ID) is separate from the value it is associated with, thus a map
1.3. The ID is unique, thus no duplicate should creep in.
The final answer is: std::unordered_map<ID, PersonData>.
Question 2: Memory stable ?
If the elements should be stable in memory (ie, they should not move around when the container itself is modified), then use some list
Otherwise, jump to question 3.
Question 2.1: Which ?
Settle for a list; a forward_list is only useful for lesser memory footprint.
Question 3: Dynamically sized ?
If the container has a known size (at compilation time), and this size will not be altered during the course of the program, and the elements are default constructible or you can provide a full initialization list (using the { ... } syntax), then use an array. It replaces the traditional C-array, but with convenient functions.
Otherwise, jump to question 4.
Question 4: Double-ended ?
If you wish to be able to remove items from both the front and back, then use a deque, otherwise use a vector.
You will note that, by default, unless you need an associative container, your choice will be a vector. It turns out it is also Sutter and Stroustrup's recommendation.
I like Matthieu's answer, but I'm going to restate the flowchart as this:
When to NOT use std::vector
By default, if you need a container of stuff, use std::vector. Thus, every other container is only justified by providing some functionality alternative to std::vector.
std::vector requires that its contents are move-constructible, since it needs to be able to shuffle the items around. This is not a terrible burden to place on the contents (note that default constructors are not required, thanks to emplace and so forth). However, most of the other containers don't require any particular constructor (again, thanks to emplace). So if you have an object where you absolutely cannot implement a move constructor, then you will have to pick something else.
A std::deque would be the general replacement, having many of the properties of std::vector, but you can only insert at either ends of the deque. Inserts in the middle require moving. A std::list places no requirement on its contents.
Needs Bools
std::vector<bool> is... not. Well, it is standard. But it's not a vector in the usual sense, as operations that std::vector normally allows are forbidden. And it most certainly does not contain bools.
Therefore, if you need real vector behavior from a container of bools, you're not going to get it from std::vector<bool>. So you'll have to make due with a std::deque<bool>.
If you need to find elements in a container, and the search tag can't just be an index, then you may need to abandon std::vector in favor of set and map. Note the key word "may"; a sorted std::vector is sometimes a reasonable alternative. Or Boost.Container's flat_set/map, which implements a sorted std::vector.
There are now four variations of these, each with their own needs.
Use a map when the search tag is not the same thing as the item you're looking for itself. Otherwise use a set.
Use unordered when you have a lot of items in the container and search performance absolutely needs to be O(1), rather than O(logn).
Use multi if you need multiple items to have the same search tag.
If you need a container of items to always be sorted based on a particular comparison operation, you can use a set. Or a multi_set if you need multiple items to have the same value.
Or you can use a sorted std::vector, but you'll have to keep it sorted.
When iterators and references are invalidated is sometimes a concern. If you need a list of items, such that you have iterators/pointers to those items in various other places, then std::vector's approach to invalidation may not be appropriate. Any insertion operation may cause invalidation, depending on the current size and capacity.
std::list offers a firm guarantee: an iterator and its associated references/pointers are only invalidated when the item itself is removed from the container. std::forward_list is there if memory is a serious concern.
If that's too strong a guarantee, std::deque offers a weaker but useful guarantee. Invalidation results from insertions in the middle, but insertions at the head or tail causes only invalidation of iterators, not pointers/references to items in the container.
Insertion Performance
std::vector only provides cheap insertion at the end (and even then, it becomes expensive if you blow capacity).
std::list is expensive in terms of performance (each newly inserted item costs a memory allocation), but it is consistent. It also offers the occasionally indispensable ability to shuffle items around for virtually no performance cost, as well as to trade items with other std::list containers of the same type at no loss of performance. If you need to shuffle things around a lot, use std::list.
std::deque provides constant-time insertion/removal at the head and tail, but insertion in the middle can be fairly expensive. So if you need to add/remove things from the front as well as the back, std::deque might be what you need.
It should be noted that, thanks to move semantics, std::vector insertion performance may not be as bad as it used to be. Some implementations implemented a form of move semantic-based item copying (the so-called "swaptimization"), but now that moving is part of the language, it's mandated by the standard.
No Dynamic Allocations
std::array is a fine container if you want the fewest possible dynamic allocations. It's just a wrapper around a C-array; this means that its size must be known at compile-time. If you can live with that, then use std::array.
That being said, using std::vector and reserveing a size would work just as well for a bounded std::vector. This way, the actual size can vary, and you only get one memory allocation (unless you blow the capacity).
Here is the C++11 version of the above flowchart. [originally posted without attribution to its original author, Mikael Persson]
Here's a quick spin, although it probably needs work
Should the container let you manage the order of the elements?
Will the container contain always exactly the same number of elements?
Does the container need a fast move operator?
Yes: std::vector
No: std::array
Do you absolutely need stable iterators? (be certain!)
Yes: boost::stable_vector (as a last case fallback, std::list)
Do inserts happen only at the ends?
Yes: std::deque
No: std::vector
Are keys associated with Values?
Do the keys need to be sorted?
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: boost::flat_map (as a last case fallback, std::map)
No: boost::flat_multimap (as a last case fallback, std::map)
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: std::unordered_multimap
No: std::unordered_map
Are elements read then removed in a certain order?
Order is:
Ordered by element: std::priority_queue
First in First out: std::queue
First in Last out: std::stack
Other: Custom based on std::vector?????
Should the elements be sorted by value?
Yes: boost::flat_set
No: std::vector
You may notice that this differs wildly from the C++03 version, primarily due to the fact that I really do not like linked nodes. The linked node containers can usually be beat in performance by a non-linked container, except in a few rare situations. If you don't know what those situations are, and have access to boost, don't use linked node containers. (std::list, std::slist, std::map, std::multimap, std::set, std::multiset). This list focuses mostly on small and middle sided containers, because (A) that's 99.99% of what we deal with in code, and (B) Large numbers of elements need custom algorithms, not different containers.

Is there ever a reason to use std::list? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Under what circumstances are linked lists useful?
(17 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
After having read this question and looking at some results here, it seems like one should altogether completely avoid lists in C++. I always expected that linked lists would be the containers of choice for cases where I only need to iterate over all the contents because insertion is a matter of pointer manipulation and there is never a need to reallocate.
Apparently, because of "cache locality," lists are iterated over very slowly, so any benefit from having to use less reserve memory or faster addition (which is not that much faster, it seems, from the second link) doesn't seem worth it.
Having said that, when should I, from a performance standpoint, use std::list over std::deque or, if possible, std::vector?
On a side note, will std::forward_list also have lots of cache misses?
std::list is useful in a few corner cases.
However, the general rule of C++ sequential containers is "if your algorithm are compatible, use std::vector. If your algorithms are not compatible, modify your algorithms so you can use std::vector."
Exceptions exist, and here is an attempt to exhaustively list reasons that std::list is a better choice:
When you need to (A) insert into the middle of the container and (B) you need each objects location in memory to be stable. Requirement (B) can usually be removed by having a non-stable container consisting of pointers to elements, so this isn't a strong reason to use std::list.
When you need to (A) insert or delete in the middle of the container (B) orders of magnitude more often than you need to iterate over the container. This is also an extreme corner case: in order to find the element to delete from a list, you usually need to iterate!
Which leads to
you need (A) insert or delete in the middle of the container and (B) have iterators to all other elements remain valid. This ends up being a hidden requirement of case 1 and case 2: it is hard to delete or insert more often than you iterate when you don't have persistant iterators, and the stability of iterators and of objects is highly related.
the final case, is the case of splicing was once a reason to use std::list.
Back in C++03, all versions of std::list::splice could (in theory) be done in O(1) time. However, the extremely efficient forms of splice required that size be an O(n) operation. C++11 has required that size on a list be O(1), so splice's extreme efficiency is limited to the "splicing an entire other list" and "self-splicing a sublist" case. In the case of single element splice, this is just an insert and delete. In the case of sub range splice, the code now has to visit every node in the splice just to count them in order to maintain size as O(1) (except in self-splicing).
So, if you are doing only whole-list splices, or self-list subrange splices, list can do these operations much faster than other non-list containers.
When should I, from a performance standpoint, use std::list
From a performance standpoint, rarely. The only situation that comes to mind is if you have many lists that you need to split and join to form other lists; a linked list can do this without allocating memory or moving objects.
The real benefit of list is stability: elements don't need to be movable, and iterators and references are never invalidated unless they refer to an element that's been erased.
On a side note, will std::forward_list also have lots of cache misses?
Yes; it's still a linked list.
The biggest improvement that std::list can provide is when you're moving one or more elements from the middle of one list into another list. This splice operation is extremely efficient on list while it may involve allocation and movement of items in random access containers such as vector. That said, this comes of very rarely and much of the time vector is your best container in terms of performance an simplicity.
Always profile your code if you suspect performance problems with a container choice.
You chose std::list over std::deque and std::vector (and other contiguous memory containers) when you frequently add/remove items in the middle of your container, see also.

What is better, a STL list or a STL Map for 20 entries, considering order of insertion is as important as the search speed

I have the following scenario.The implementation is required for a real time application.
1)I need to store at max 20 entries in a container(STL Map, STL List etc).
2)If a new entry comes and 20 entries are already present i have to overwrite the oldest entry with the new entry.
Considering point 2, i feel if the container is full (Max 20 entries) 'list' is the best bet as i can always remove the first entry in the list and add the new one at last (push_back). However, search won't be as efficient.
For only 20 entries, does it really make a big difference in terms of searching efficiency if i use a list in place of a map?
Also considering the cost of insertion in map i feel i should go for a list?
Could you please tell what is a better bet for me ?
1)I need to store at max 20 entries in a container(STL Map, STL List etc). 2)If a new entry comes and 20 entries are already present i have to overwrite the oldest entry with the new entry.
This seems to me the job for boost::circular_buffer.
In general the term circular buffer refers to an area in memory which is used to store incoming data. When the buffer is filled, new data is written starting at the beginning of the buffer and overwriting the old.
The circular_buffer is a STL compliant container. It is a kind of sequence similar to std::list or std::deque. It supports random access iterators, constant time insert and erase operations at the beginning or the end of the buffer and interoperability with std algorithms. The circular_buffer is especially designed to provide fixed capacity storage. When its capacity is exhausted, newly inserted elements will cause elements either at the beginning or end of the buffer (depending on what insert operation is used) to be overwritten.
The circular_buffer only allocates memory when created, when the capacity is adjusted explicitly, or as necessary to accommodate resizing or assign operations. On the other hand, there is also a circular_buffer_space_optimized available. It is an adaptor of the circular_buffer which does not allocate memory at once when created, rather it allocates memory as needed.
For the fast search, I think that with just 20 elements (if their comparison isn't too complicated) you're ok with a "low-cost" container like this and normal linear search, in my opinion it would be difficult to achieve better performance with other STL containers.
Maintain order of insertion, or allow fast searching: choose one.
std::map is not an option here because it doesn't maintain the order of insertion. Besides, it's an associative container. You should choose between a list, a deque and a vector. In terms of performance your best bet is a list, since you can pop off an element from the back and insert a new one at the front (or vice-versa) without any shifting or performance penalty.
The cost of insertion in a map, just as a sidenote, isn't expensive it all: it's in the order of O(log n). Practically irrelevant in the case of 20 elements. The same holds for a std::set.
With only 20 elements, I would not worry much about which container you use. If you determine that the container chosen is in fact a detriment to the performance of your application, it should be relatively easy to swap out the container chosen and replace it with a more-efficient container later.
With that being said, for a large number of elements, the std::deque would probably give you the best all-around efficiency for what you are trying to accomplish. Unlike std::vector, std::deque allows for removal from the front without needing to move all of the other elements. Unlike std::list, std::deque allows for random access of its elements.
You just need to implement a priority queue. STL Map doesn't work.
It depends on the size of the elements.
I know from my own experience that for five integers an unordered array of integers searched with linear search is faster than a set, a list or insertion sort and binary search on an ordered array.
The O() notation of an unordered array may be much worse than any of the other options but the normally unseen C in O(N+C) + C is so much smaller.
A list, set or map (anything that uses dynamic memory and is linked by pointers) will be dominated by cache misses, memory allocations and indirect reference penalties.
You need a Priority Queue implemented on an array.
See the Binary Heap for an implementation.
Do you already know that this is a bottleneck?
My advice would be to first use what is more natural to read while programming and only optimize it when you see that the performance is not what you need.
My suggestion would be to make a circular buffer. But that only works if "old" is determined by when it was inserted, and not some field.
If you need to have a proper LRU, then you should probably go and look at something like
But with 20 entries as your max, it will be very hard to you to find a complex algorithm that is actually faster than the trivial lineary check of every element.

Should use an insertion sort or construct a heap to improve performance?

We have large (100,000+ elements) ordered vectors of structs (operator < overloaded to provide ordering):
std::vector < MyType > vectorMyTypes;
std::sort(vectorMyType.begin(), vectorMyType.end());
My problem is that we're seeing performance problems when adding new elements to these vectors while preserving sort order. At the moment we're doing something like:
for ( a very large set )
std::sort(vectorMyType.begin(), vectorMyType.end());
ValidateStuff(vectorMyType); // this method expects the vector to be ordered
This isn't exactly what our code looks like since I know this example could be optimised in different ways, however it gives you an idea of how performance could be a problem because I'm sorting after every push_back.
I think I essentially have two options to improve performance:
Use a (hand crafted?) insertion sort instead of std::sort to improve the sort performance (insertion sorts on a partially sorted vector are blindingly quick)
Create a heap by using std::make_heap and std::push_heap to maintain the sort order
My questions are:
Should I implement an insertion sort? Is there something in Boost that could help me here?
Should I consider using a heap? How would I do this?
Thanks for all your responses. I understand that the example I gave was far from optimal and it doesn't fully represent what I have in my code right now. It was simply there to illustrate the performance bottleneck I was experiencing - perhaps that's why this question isn't seeing many up-votes :)
Many thanks to you Steve, it's often the simplest answers that are the best, and perhaps it was my over analysis of the problem that blinded me to perhaps the most obvious solution. I do like the neat method you outlined to insert directly into a pre-ordered vector.
As I've commented, I'm constrained to using vectors right now, so std::set, std::map, etc aren't an option.
Ordered insertion doesn't need boost:
std::upper_bound(vectorMyTypes.begin(), vectorMyTypes.end(), newType),
upper_bound provides a valid insertion point provided that the vector is sorted to start with, so as long as you only ever insert elements in their correct place, you're done. I originally said lower_bound, but if the vector contains multiple equal elements, then upper_bound selects the insertion point which requires less work.
This does have to copy O(n) elements, but you say insertion sort is "blindingly fast", and this is faster. If it's not fast enough, you have to find a way to add items in batches and validate at the end, or else give up on contiguous storage and switch to a container which maintains order, such as set or multiset.
A heap does not maintain order in the underlying container, but is good for a priority queue or similar, because it makes removal of the maximum element fast. You say you want to maintain the vector in order, but if you never actually iterate over the whole collection in order then you might not need it to be fully ordered, and that's when a heap is useful.
According to item 23 of Meyers' Effective STL, you should use a sorted vector if you application use its data structures in 3 phases. From the book, they are :
Setup. Create a new data structure by inserting lots of elements into it. During this phase, almost all operation are insertions and erasure. Lookups are rare on nonexistent
Lookup. Consult the data structure to find specific pieces of information. During this phase, almost all operations are lookups. Insertion and erasures are rare or nonexistent. There are so many lookups, the performance of this phase makes the performance of the other phases incidental.
Reorganize. Modify the content of the data structure. perhaps by erasing all the current data and inserting new data in its place. Behaviorally, this phase is equivalent to phase 1. Once this phase is completed, the application return to phase 2
If your use of your data structure resembles this, you should use a sorted vector, and then use a binary_search as mentionned. If not, a typical associative container should do it, that means a set, multi-set, map or multimap as those structure are ordered by default
Why not just use a binary search to find where to insert the new element? Then you will insert exactly into the required position.
If you need to insert a lot of elements into a sorted sequence, use std::merge, potentially sorting the new elements first:
void add( std::vector<Foo> & oldFoos, const std::vector<Foo> & newFoos ) {
std::vector<Foo> merged;
// precondition: oldFoos _and newFoos_ are sorted
merged.reserve( oldFoos.size() + newFoos.size() ); // only for std::vector
std::merge( oldFoos.begin(), oldFoos.end(),
newFoos.begin(), newFoos.end(),
std::back_inserter( merged );
// apply std::unique, if wanted, here
merged.erase( std::unique( merged.begin(), merged.end() ), merged.end() );
oldFoos.swap( merged ); // commit changes
Using a binary search to find the insertion location isn't going to speed up the algorithm much because it will still be O(N) to do the insertion (consider inserting at the beginning of a vector - you have to move every element down one to create the space).
A tree (aka heap) will be O(log(N)) to insert, much better performance.
Note that a tree will still have worst case O(N) performance for insert unless it is balanced, e.g. an AVL tree.
Why not to use boost::multi_index ?
NOTE: boost::multi_index does not provide memory contiguity, a property of std::vectors by which elements are stored adjacent to one another in a single block of memory.
There are a few things you need to do.
You may want to consider making use of reserve() to avoid excessive re-allocing of the entire vector. If you have knowledge of the size it will grow to, you may gain some performance by doing resrve()s yourself (rather than having the implemetation do them automaticaly using the built in heuristic).
Do a binary search to find the insertion location. Then resize and shift everything following the insertion point up by one to make room.
Consider: do you really want to use a vector? Perhaps a set or map are better.
The advantage of binary search over lower_bound is that if the insertion point is close to the end of the vector you don't have to pay the theta(n) complexity.
If you want insert an element into the "right" position, why do you plan on using sort. Find the position using lower_bound and insert, using, well, `insert' method of the vector. That will still be O(N) to insert new item.
heap is not going to help you, because heap is not sorted. It allows you get get at the smallest element quickly, and then quickly remove it and get next smallest element. However, the data in heap is not stored in sort order, so if you have algorithms that must iterate over data in order, it will not help.
I am afraid you description skimmed to much detail, but it seems like list is just not the right element for the task. std::deque is much better suited for insertion in the middle, and you might also consider std::set. I suggest you explain why you need to keep the data sorted to get more helpful advice.
You might want to consider using a BTree or a Judy Trie.
You don't want to use contiguous memory for large collections, insertions should not take O(n) time;
You want to use at least binary insertion for single elements, multiple elements should be presorted so you can make the search boundaries smaller;
You do not want your data structure wasting memory, so nothing with left and right pointers for each data element.
As others have said I'd probably have created a BTree out of a linked list instead of using a vector. Even if you got past the sorting issue, vectors have the problem of fully reallocating when they need to grow, assuming you don't know your maximum size before hand.
If you are worried about a list allocating on different memory pages and causing cache related performance issues, preallocate your nodes in an array, (pool the objects) and insert these into the list.
You can add a value in your data type that denotes if it is allocated off the heap or from a pool. This way if you detect that your pool runs out of room, you can start allocating off the heap and throw an assert or something to yourself so you know to bump up the pool size (or make this a command line option to set.
Hope this helps, as I see you already have lots of great answers.

Dynamically sorted STL containers

I'm fairly new to the STL, so I was wondering whether there are any dynamically sortable containers? At the moment my current thinking is to use a vector in conjunction with the various sort algorithms, but I'm not sure whether there's a more appropriate selection given the (presumably) linear complexity of inserting entries into a sorted vector.
To clarify "dynamically", I am looking for a container that I can modify the sorting order at runtime - e.g. sort it in an ascending order, then later re-sort in a descending order.
You'll want to look at std::map
std::map<keyType, valueType>
The map is sorted based on the < operator provided for keyType.
Also sorted on the < operator of the template argument, but does not allow duplicate elements.
which does the same thing as std::set but allows identical elements.
I highly reccomend "The C++ Standard Library" by Josuttis for more information. It is the most comprehensive overview of the std library, very readable, and chock full of obscure and not-so-obscure information.
Also, as mentioned by 17 of 26, Effective Stl by Meyers is worth a read.
If you know you're going to be sorting on a single value ascending and descending, then set is your friend. Use a reverse iterator when you want to "sort" in the opposite direction.
If your objects are complex and you're going to be sorting in many different ways based on the member fields within the objects, then you're probably better off with using a vector and sort. Try to do your inserts all at once, and then call sort once. If that isn't feasible, then deque may be a better option than the vector for large collections of objects.
I think that if you're interested in that level of optimization, you had better be profiling your code using actual data. (Which is probably the best advice anyone here can give: it may not matter that you call sort after each insert if you're only doing it once in a blue moon.)
It sounds like you want a multi-index container. This allows you to create a container and tell that container the various ways you may want to traverse the items in it. The container then keeps multiple lists of the items, and those lists are updated on each insert/delete.
If you really want to re-sort the container, you can call the std::sort function on any std::deque, std::vector, or even a simple C-style array. That function takes an optional third argument to determine how to sort the contents.
The stl provides no such container. You can define your own, backed by either a set/multiset or a vector, but you are going to have to re-sort every time the sorting function changes by either calling sort (for a vector) or by creating a new collection (for set/multiset).
If you just want to change from increasing sort order to decreasing sort order, you can use the reverse iterator on your container by calling rbegin() and rend() instead of begin() and end(). Both vector and set/multiset are reversible containers, so this would work for either.
std::set is basically a sorted container.
You should definitely use a set/map. Like hazzen says, you get O(log n) insert/find. You won't get this with a sorted vector; you can get O(log n) find using binary search, but insertion is O(n) because inserting (or deleting) an item may cause all existing items in the vector to be shifted.
It's not that simple. In my experience insert/delete is used less often than find. Advantage of sorted vector is that it takes less memory and is more cache-friendly. If happen to have version that is compatible with STL maps (like the one I linked before) it's easy to switch back and forth and use optimal container for every situation.
in theory an associative container (set, multiset, map, multimap) should be your best solution.
In practice it depends by the average number of the elements you are putting in.
for less than 100 elements a vector is probably the best solution due to:
- avoiding continuous allocation-deallocation
- cache friendly due to data locality
these advantages probably will outperform nevertheless continuous sorting.
Obviously it also depends on how many insertion-deletation you have to do. Are you going to do per-frame insertion/deletation?
More generally: are you talking about a performance-critical application?
remember to not prematurely optimize...
The answer is as always it depends.
set and multiset are appropriate for keeping items sorted but are generally optimised for a balanced set of add, remove and fetch. If you have manly lookup operations then a sorted vector may be more appropriate and then use lower_bound to lookup the element.
Also your second requirement of resorting in a different order at runtime will actually mean that set and multiset are not appropriate because the predicate cannot be modified a run time.
I would therefore recommend a sorted vector. But remember to pass the same predicate to lower_bound that you passed to the previous sort as the results will be undefined and most likely wrong if you pass the wrong predicate.
Set and multiset use an underlying binary tree; you can define the <= operator for your own use. These containers keep themselves sorted, so may not be the best choice if you are switching sort parameters. Vectors and lists are probably best if you are going to be resorting quite a bit; in general list has it's own sort (usually a mergesort) and you can use the stl binary search algorithm on vectors. If inserts will dominate, list outperforms vector.
STL maps and sets are both sorted containers.
I second Doug T's book recommendation - the Josuttis STL book is the best I've ever seen as both a learning and reference book.
Effective STL is also an excellent book for learning the inner details of STL and what you should and shouldn't do.
For "STL compatible" sorted vector see A. Alexandrescu's AssocVector from Loki.