Handling variable data using << operator - c++

I have a piece of code for sending data to remote side, it is acting a little like picojson, for example:
server::value::object obj;
obj["cmd"] = server::value("test");
obj["url"] = server::value(url);
obj["code"] = server::value(std::to_string(code));
server::value v(obj);
As long as there is something to send, there will be a block like this.
These lines are used in so many places in my project that I'm thinking of using a function or << operator to replace it, which should be able to handle variable arguments.
A << operator version would be like:
Data d << "cmd" << "test"
<< "url" << url
<< ... << ...
<< "code" << code;
Is this a good idea doing so? How to implement it?

I would write it differently:
d << add_value("cmd", "test")
<< add_value("url", url)
<< add_value(..., ...)
<< add_value("code", code)
Why? It's clearer and allows better type control.
So you create a class, say __add_value_temp which holds both the name and the value, a function add_value that creates this class, and write a << operator
Data &operator<<(Data &d, const __add_value_temp &val){
return d;
Better yet - instead of __add_value_temp you can use an std::pair, and use std::make_pair instead of add_value!
Data &operator<<(Data &d, const std::pair<std::string,std::string> &val){
return d;
Data d;
d << std::make_pair("cmd", "test")
<< std::make_pair("url", url)
<< std::make_pair(..., ...)
<< std::make_pair("code", code)
(last note: might be smart to write the operator<< templated on the types of the pair, so that you can pass things by reference and generally maybe avoid unneeded copying)

Designing an API like that is not a good idea, because it is extremely error-prone.
A seemingly similar idea worked fine with output streams for a simple reason: the data that you put into the stream for output is treated uniformly. Anything that you put into << as an argument becomes part of the output, apart from stream manipulators, which control how the output is to be presented.
Your API is different: odd items are treated differently from the even ones. Moreover, it is a mistake to send an odd total number of operands. If for some reason you forget to put a string code on one of the lines, all values would silently become codes on the subsequent lines. Such API is very fragile, so I would strongly recommend agains it.
I think an API that lets your users add items in pairs would work better. If your compiler is C++11 compliant, you could also use uniform initialization syntax:
Data d = {
{"cmd", server::value("test")}
, {"url", server::value(url)}
, {"code", server::value(std::to_string(code))}


How to use this manipulator

This is a exercise for school, so please provide just hints and no complete examples ;-)
I have my own manipulator:
template<typename T, typename Tr=char_traits<T> >
ios_base& toggle(basic_ios<T,Tr>& io)
if(io.flags() & ios::scientific)
{ io.unsetf(ios::scientific); io.flags(ios::fixed); }
else { io.unsetf(ios::fixed); io.flags(ios::scientific); }
return io;
I wrote this, because I have to write a manipulator with the form ios_base& my_manip(basic_ios&).
If I use it like this (without using return value):
... that works fine. But if I use it like that:
toggle(cout) << 54444.6456555 << endl;
That does not work (Because std::ios_base does not have operator<<() as stated below).
In general I do not get what ios_base& my_manip(basic_ios&) could be useful for... Do you have a hint/example?
You guys already helped me a lot! What I still do NOT understand, is the motivation to pass a basic_ios and give back ios_base (because that is suggested to do in the exercise I have to solve...). What could be a possible scenario to use this???
The problem with the manipulator is that it returns an std::ios_base& rather than a std::ostream& you can write to. You could change the manipulator to take an std::ostream& as parameter and return the reference received. However, the output stream class defines output operators which take pointers to functions:
std::ostream& std::ostream::operator<< (std::ios_base& (*)(std::ios_base&)) { ... }
That is, you can just insert manipulators pretty much the way you would do it with, e.g., std::hex:
std::cout << std::hex << 123 << ' ' << std::dec << 123 << '\n';
In addition to the issue which Dietmar addressed: io.flags()
& ios::scientific does not return a bool, and the conversion
to bool probably doesn't do what you want. You need something
along the lines of:
if ( (io.flags() & ios::floatfield) == ios::fixed ) {
io.setf( ios::scientific, ios::floatfield );
} else if ( (io.flags() & ios::floatfield) == ios::scientific ) {
io.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield );
} else {
// Whatever you want to happen first time around...
Despite being part of a variable with a type named ...flags,
floatfield is not a flag, but a field which can take on at
least three values: fixed, scientific and its default value
in which neither of these are set. (basefield and
adjustfield behave similarly.)
Note too the use of the two argument form of ios::setf; it is
designed especially for these bitfield format parameters, and
resets the bits in its second argument before setting the ones
in its first.
I might add that you probably do not want to call io.flags
in your manipulator; this sets all of the formatting flags to
the value you give, effectively resetting all other formatting
flags. If you're only outputting floating point, this may not
be a problem (although showpos, showpoint, uppercase and
possibly unitbuf might be relevant), but you never know.

Why doesn't the string class have a << operator (operator<<) predefined so that strings work like ostringstreams?

It seems to me that defining the << operator (operator<<) to work directly with strings is more elegant than having to work with ostringstreams and then converting back to strings. Is there a reason why c++ doesn't do this out of the box?
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
string& operator<<(string& s, T a) {
ostringstream ss;
ss << a;
return s;
int main() {
string s;
// this prints out: "inserting text and a number(1)"
cout << (s << "inserting text and a number (" << 1 << ")\n");
// normal way
ostringstream os;
os << "inserting text and a number(" << 1 << ")\n";
cout << os.str();
Streams contain additional state. Imagine if this were possible:
std::string str;
int n = 1234;
str << std::hex;
str << n;
return str; // returns "0x4d2" (or something, I forget)
In order to maintain this additional state, strings would have to have storage for this state. The C++ standards committee (and C++ programmers in general) have generally frowned upon superfluous resource consumption, under the motto "pay only for what you use". So, no extra fields in the string class.
The subjective answer: is that I think the std::string class was quite poorly designed to begin with, especially compared to other parts of C++'s excellent standard library, and adding features to std::string is just going to make things worse. This is a very subjective opinion and feel free to dismiss me as a raving lunatic.
The problem with the idea of strings being output streams is that they would become too heavy.
Strings are intended to "hold string data", not to format some output. Output streams have a heavy "state" which can be manipulated (see <iomanip>) and thus has to be stored. This means that, of course, this has to be stored for every string in every program, but almost none of them are used as an output stream; so it's a huge waste of resources.
C++ follows the "zero overhead" design principle (or at least no more overhead than totally necessary). Not having a string class which doesn't add any unnecessary overhead would be a huge violation of this design principle. If this was the case: what would people do in overhead-critical cases? Use C-strings... ouch!
In C++11, an alternative is to use the operator+= with std::to_string to append to a string, which can also be chained like the operator<< of the output stream. You can wrap both += and to_string in a nice operator<< for string if you like:
template <class Number>
std::string& operator<<(std::string& s, Number a) {
return s += std::to_string(a);
std::string& operator<<(std::string& s, const char* a) {
return s += a;
std::string& operator<<(std::string& s, const std::string &a) {
return s += a;
Your example, updated using this method: http://ideone.com/4zbVtD
Probably lost in the depths of time now but formatted output was always associated with streams in C (since they didn't have "real" strings) and this may have been carried over into C++ (which was, after all, C with classes). In C, the way to format to a string is to use sprintf, a variation on fprintf, the output-to-stream function.
Obviously conjecture on my part but someone probably thought similarly to yourself that these formatting things in the streams would be brilliant to have on strings as well, so they subclassed the stream classes to produce one that used a string as it's "output".
That seems the elegant solution to getting it working as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you would have had formatting code duplicated in streams and strings.

C++: Is it possible to get a std::string out of an object that overloads the << operator?

I have an object that can be printed to the console with std::cout << obj, but I can't get a std::string out of it, because it doesn't seem to implement something like a .string() method. I thought I might be able to use that overloaded operator to just get string representations of everything instead of having to implement a function to do it myself every time I need it, though having found nothing on the subject makes me think this isn't possible.
Use a std::ostringstream. It is a C++ stream implementation which writes to a string.
You can use a std::ostringstream.
std::ostringstream os;
os << obj;
std::string result = os.str();
There are different ways of doing it, you can manually implement it in terms of std::ostringstream, or you can use a prepacked version of it in boost::lexical_cast. For more complex operations, you can implement a in-place string builder like the one I provided as an answer here (this solves a more complex problem of building generic strings, but if you want to check it is a simple generic solution).
It seems that the linked question has been removed from StackOverflow, so I will provide the basic skeleton. The first think is to consider what we want to use with the in-place string builder, which basically is avoiding the need to use create unnecessary objects:
void f( std::string const & x );
f( make_string() << "Hello " << name << ", your are " << age << " years old." );
For that to work, make_string() must provide an object that is able to take advantage of the already existing operator<< for the different types. And the whole expression must be convertible to std::string. The basic implementation is rather simple:
class make_string {
std::ostringstream buffer;
template <typename T>
make_string& operator<<( T const & obj ) {
buffer << obj;
return *this;
operator std::string() const {
return buffer.str();
This takes care of most of the implementation with the very least amount of code. It has some shortcomings, for example it does not take manipulators (make_string() << std::hex << 30), for that you have to provide extra overloads that take the manipulators (function pointers). There are other small issues with this implementation, most of which can be overcome by adding extra overloads, but the basic implementation above is enough for most regular cases.

In C++, using operator<< to construct input for a function

I would like to be able write code that looks like this:
int n;
std::string s = "some string";
SomeFunction("hello world" << n << " " << s << std::endl);
Where SomeFunction() is a method of some other class. The point is that I would like to be able to construct input for certain method using operator<<, just the way one'd do when writing to standard output in C++. How can I do that?
Your first parameter would have to be a home-made type that overloads operator<< and builds some kind of parameter list.
Your class would probably contain an ostream and would forward the operator<< to it.
If the function takes a string rather than your mysterious string-building object, you would then need to convert your object back to a string.
You could do it aleady with ostringstream like this:
int n;
std::string s;
std::ostringstream oss;
SomeFunction( ( oss << "hello world " << n << " " << s << '\n' ).str() );
Thanks, but this solution is way too obvious. I am looking for the code to remain the same as in the sample. – Alexander Sandler 54 secs ago
A surprising bias against obvious solutions?
Your syntax just cannot be achieved (in general[1]) without the macro that you describe in the first comment. Period.
[1] In specific cases you might be able to force the issue by overloading to ostream& operator<<(std::string, myspecifictype). In practice this will give you nothing but headaches because just about every use of the << operator will subsequently result in ambiguous overload resolutions

Transparently manipulating strings inserted into an ostream

I'd like to provide an std::ostream that may or may not, from the user's point of view, encrypt its contents.
Imagine some random function that uses an std::ostream&:
void write_stuff( std::ostream& stream ) {
os << "stuff";
Whether stuff is output in cleartext or is encrypted is dependent on how the stream argument was initialized.
I'm thinking about inheriting from std::basic_streambuf, but I'm not sure it's the best way to go. I think the ideal scenario is some sort of filter object which is run before the contents are actually output. That way it'd be easy to chain operations, e.g. encrypting and then hex-encoding, which is a benefit that making my own basic_streambuf does not seem to give (not easily at least).
Any advices?
UPDATE: I followed the strategy laid out by the accepted answer. I found this article on writing a custom streambuf which performs XOR obfuscation to be extremely helpful as a starting point.
A streambuf can be implemented in terms of another arbitrary streambuf that's either passed in as an argument to the constructor or set with a special member function. And that allows you to stack streambuf implementations like you were thinking of.
You could even make a manipulator that uses the ostream's rdbuf function to get the current streambuf, call a function on your streambuf that sets the 'stacked' streambuf, and then calls rdbuf again to replace the ostream's streambuf with your own.
aes_ctr_streambuf encrypter(key);
zlib_streambuf compressor;
::std::cout << stack_streambuf(encrypter) << stack_streambuf(compressor);
It is hard to describe in short what you have to do in order to create an I/O stream for the new source or sink. Luckily, Jonathan Turkanis and CodeRage, LLC have created very nice building blocks with exceptional documentation that can help you save hundreds of hours of research and development of new streams. The library is called Boost.Iostreams.
The second example in documentation exactly shows how to solve your problem.
Also, note that they already have an output stream with zip compression. So maybe you don't even need to write a single line of code.
Good luck!
I'm not sure that what I'm about to suggest is exactly what you need (and its too complicated to be a comment), but have you ever heard of the stream manipulators ?
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main(int, char**)
int a = 10;
std::cout << "a: " << a << std::endl; //outputs: "a: 10"
std::cout << "a: " << std::hex << a << std::endl; //outputs: "a: a"
std::cout << "a: " << std::dec << a << std::endl; //outputs: "a: 10"
You may indeed use a similar pattern (this matches what you actually call a "filter" object) to somehow change the state of your custom stream object.