How can I use Clojure-CLR on Unity3d? - clojure

How can I use Clojure-CLR on Unity3d?

The complex answer is "maybe you can", the pragmatic answer is "no, you can't".
Sylwester suggested this is a duplicate of using it with Mono, which isn't really true, because Unity uses its own fork of Mono(one that's very old...2.6?), so something that's compatible with Mono won't necessarily have compatibility with Unity.
ClojureCLR requires the DLR(though they've been moving away from it), which means it's incompatible with Unity, since the DLR requires Mono 2.8+.
That said it's possible to add the DLR as a dependency, and to compile ClojureCLR to .dlls and access it from Unity, this is what I did, however my experience was that I could get a lot of my code to run fine in the development environment, but when I'd build the game, everything would break, it'd just ignore the Clojure stuff.
If Unity moves to a higher version of Mono, or ClojureCLR gets rid of dependence on the DLR, I don't see any reason Unity couldn't support it, and I actively look forward to it. But for the moment, it's not practical.
If a work-around exists(and it probably does), I never managed to figure it out.

People in the Clojure community have gotten something working.
From #swannodette "Looks like #ra and #timsgardner got Clojure running inside Unity last night"


What is the current status of C++ AMP

I am working on high performance code in C++ and have been using both CUDA and OpenCL and more recently C++AMP, which I like very much. I am however a little worried that it is not being developed and extended and will die out.
What leads me to this thought is that even the MS C++AMP blogs have been silent for about a year. Looking at the C++ AMP algorithms library it seems nothing at all has happened for over a year.
The only development I have seen is that now LLVM sort of supports C++AMP, so it is not windows only, but that is all, and not something which has been told far and wide.
What kind of work is going on, if any, that you know of?
What leads me to this thought is that even the MS C++AMP blogs have been silent for about a year. Looking at the C++ AMP algorithms library it seems nothing at all has happened for over a year.
I used to work on the C++AMP algorithms library. After the initial release, which Microsoft put together I built a number of additional features and ported it to newer versions of VS. It seemed like there was a loss of momentum around C++AMP. I have no plans to do further work on the project.
Make of this what you will. Perhaps someone from Microsoft can clarify things?
I've found that AMD is still using the C++AMP..
and there are some forum references where Intel is mentioning it too.
The main thing I see is that we the programmers are finally starting to play with the idea that we can use the GPU for ordinary tasks also. Especially now that the HBMs are coming to the APUs you could do a lot on a relatively cheap system.
So no copying of data to graphic card or main memory, but keep it in a BIG HBM "cache" where it can be accessed "real-time" i.e. without GPU latency.
So Microsoft build a really really nice technology which will become relevant only in next few years i.e. when the hardware is finally "user friendly".
But the thing can become obsolete if they wont advance as others do. Not that something wouldn't work in C++ AMP, but because the speed of change is so big lately that programmers wont risk to start using it, if they don't see some advancements... at least a blog or two per year, where they tested something with it so that you see Microsoft still believes in it.
FWIW we are also using C++AMP in the financial world. very successful relatively easy to code. CUDA is probably a safer choice but if anyone is considering learning AMP i suggest brush up on your basic STL first then read up on array views.
I'm still using amp. Right now I'm making a gpu path tracer (hopefully) for games use.
It seams that amp doesn't have much documentation at the moment or many new updates sadly. Its definitely something I would like to see updated and used more, but it seams dead.

Starting with OpenGL and C++, proper path?

I need some specific and some general advice. I'm a fairly proficient Java programmer and a very experienced web programmer, but I would like to get into software development and I've been tackling C++. I have a great idea for a game I'd like to do, and I realize it will be a huge undertaking--but I'm looking at it more for an opportunity to learn C++, wrapping, really whatever I run into in the dev process...
But I can't get my foot in the door conceptually! I can handle the C++ aspect fine, it's just setting up the graphics, the RIGHT way, that's confusing me. I've run through a bunch of tutorials for OpenGL with C++ that all say the different things, none of which I can really get to work...
Some say to use GLUT and GLEW. Some say GLUT is dead and that FreeGLUT is the thing now. Some ignore those entirely and use a bunch of files like "glaux.h" that I can't seem to find--and other tutorials devoted to AVOIDING "glaux.h"... Most tutorials I've found come with the caveat in the comments that their version of OpenGL is dated and I should be using newer libraries-- and still others with 3rd party libraries like Ogre and Aurora.
I've been looking through a bunch of books and tutorials that ALL have an almost completely different setup for using OpenGL with C++. I realized there is probably not one right way of doing it, per se, but I'm looking for the way that is the most current, most popular, and will maximize the usefulness of the project as far as my learning... Any links to tutorials or advice in general is much appreciated.
BTW, I'm using Visual Studio Express 2010 (good idea?). My game won't be too graphically intense (isometric 2d) but will require a TON of logic and a TON of data, which is why I want to speed things up by using C++. Any other insights on better ways of doing it than using c++ for login AND graphics (from an industry perspective) are also very valuable to me! Thanks in advance!
Assuming you're learning OpenGL as a learning experience, I would recommend you this:
Use GLEW, no argument. Just do it, everyone does
Code only to the core profile. By default, OpenGL accepts old command (eg fixed function pipeline) that will later disappear, and you don't want to waste your time on that. Specifically: learn about VBO's, texture's, and, most of all, learn about shaders.
Forget about glaux and glut. Freeglut is a good and very standard option. A less obvious choice would be qt, but it's QGLWidget allows you to easily make gl calls, and not worry about context creation and all that. And it's dead easy to add gui options, which is always very nice to have when programming graphics.
To actually learn OpenGL, I would recommend Nehe has that problem where more than half of the stuff is useless to learn, and there's a lot of fluff (window creation et al) around it.
But, I wouldn't really recommend OpenGL as a way to learn real-time graphics programming. Your alternatives are not limited to DirectX. I learned a ton of graphics coding from working with Ogre3D. You still have all the concepts at your disposal that you need to know (working low level with Vertex and Index buffers, Textures, shaders), and implements tons of stuff to make your life easier. You might not learn the ins and outs of a specific API, but you will learn all you need to know conceptually. When I became a graphics programmer, I hadn't written a line of DirectX code, but I got to grips with our engine really swiftly. I learned the actually calls very easy after that. Know the hardware, and the concepts. The actual implementation changes over time anyway.
Oh, and just in case I haven't repeated it enough. LEARN SHADERS
The best tutorial around is (arguably, as anything "best") Nehe opengl tutorial. At least, this tutorial has been suggested for many years.
Also since you come from a Java background you might prefer C# bindings for opengl from frameworks such as Tao, but the actual setup might be harder than say, downloading samples and running them.
It's easy to see where the variety of choices available for OpenGL with C++ would be a bit bewildering. For the most part, Java gives two a pretty clear-cut choice between two possibilities (do you want a scene graph or not?)
The situation with C++ is certainly more complex.
Glut: This is basically an OpenGL-oriented application framework. It was apparently written primarily to allow examples to be short, but still work. The original implementation has some pretty well-known bugs, and hasn't been updated in over a decade. I would only use it in roughly the originally-intended context: short samples/examples/demos.
glaux: The story here is sort of similar to GLUT. It has some memory leaks that have been known but unfixed for over a decade now. It was never portable in any case. I'd avoid this one completely.
GLEW/GLEE: These allow relatively easy use of the functions added in newer versions of OpenGL from OpenGL implementations (e.g., Microsoft's) that haven't been updated to include headers/libraries to provide access to them directly. I prefer Glee by a small margin because it initializes itself automatically, but both work fine.
FreeGLUT: This has been updated more recently, and some of the bugs expunged. It still hasn't done much to improve the basic design of GLUT though. Probably a better choice for short demos/samples, but still not (IMO) suitable for much serious use.
Ogre3D: This is much bigger than any of the preceding libraries. It's a full-blown scene graph library, with texture loading, defined file format, etc. A solid library, but be aware that if you use it, you won't normally use OpenGL directly at all (e.g., on Windows, it can render via either OpenGL or Direct3D without changing the source code at all).
OpengSceneGraph: More often used for scientifically-oriented applications, but most closely comparable to Ogre3D.
FLTK: a small, lightweight GUI library that runs on top of OpenGL.
GLFW: In the same general spirit as GLUT, but it's been updated much more recently, doesn't have nearly as many bugs, and is (IMO) a nicer design -- minimal but still suitable for "real" use.
You should be using OpenGL if you want to write portable 3D applications. Windows, Linux and Mac OS X supports it.
You might want to take a look at NeHe tutorials. It's one of the best OpenGL tutorials available on the web.
My understanding is that if you want simple support for a recent version of OpenGL you'll have to leave Windows-land, so try take it in stride when getting started is ... complicated.
I think OpenGL is probably the right choice. You might also want to consider DirectX (which is better supported on Windows), but I'm personally not a big fan of it. You could also learn C# and use XNA, but if you want to learn C++ it just defeats the purpose. (I also can't help mentioning there's a good chance you could make it fast enough without C++)
I have to agree with the others that NeHe's tutorials are pretty much classic. You might also want to consider the OpenGL Red Book, but that costs money.
Regarding the 3rd paragraph, GLUT is old (and for that matter so is GLU), but if you see a good tutorial that uses them, I don't see anything wrong with them. Once you have your feet wet you might want to consider ditching GLUT and using SDL which I believe is a lot more 'alive'.
As far as GLEW goes, I've used it with success and it's nice if you want to do something fancy like shaders on Windows. However, I would say don't worry about it at first, because it will increase your setup time and keep you from getting to the fun stuff :)

c++ frameworks yes or no

I am familiar with QT/gtk+ libs under linux. I've just roughly had a look at available c++ frameworks like Reason and Platinum. Does anyone have any experience working with any of them? Are they any good, should I consider learning them? I am not a big fan of frameworks though.
Keep using Qt or gtk+.
They're very good, and you already know them.
I am not a fan of frameworks either, which is maybe why I haven't heard of those you mention. Having said that, check out POCO. Looks much better than Qt or gtk+ to me if you don't need GUI.
I worked on a project that had to run on multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, Windows CE). We used WxWidgets for the UI. The libraries and the tools weren't perfect. But it compiled and ran on all the platforms without any issues.
The platform is completely open source, so you have the benefits therein.
In the end, I was glad we used it as apposed to porting the UI layer multiple times.
boost asio: the framework for those who are not framework fans ;-). (and this question still lacked a boost answer)
I've started working a little bit with Platinum C++. The documentation is really lacking. That said, you can get some things off the ground relatively quickly. What I worry about is investing deeper into it and finding bugs without support or that it gets dropped as a project (or never really adopted) -- it is version
I sounds like you are practiced in keeping the general application mechanics independent and abstracted from one another. It may be worth writing your own small 'framework' and plugging in functionality from other projects with a small wrapper - particularly boost, as mentioned above. This is the direction I am going.

"Nobody should be using MFC any more" Why?

Is it true that "Nobody should be using MFC any more"
And why is that?
Arguably, no-one should ever have used MFC (speaking as someone who has been exposed to it since MFC 1.0). There were always better technologies around for GUI development, from Gupta's SQLWindows and Borland's Delphi to Microsoft's very own Visual Basic. And nowadays we have .NET or, perhaps more MFC-like, Qt.
MFC itself was a series of hacks,and often wilful misuses of the C++ language. Of course, if you have a big MFC project, you are probably stuck with it.
No, it is not true. Statements like that are always wrong, because for every project and every situation you have to evaluate the libraries and languages again. And simply discarding MFC for no good reason is wrong.
Even though MFC has been around for years and a lot of people don't want to use it anymore for new projects, it still can be the best choice depending on the project. Yes, .NET and it's UI libs are in most situations the better choice for new projects today. But if you want a small memory footprint, very fast startup time or your app has to run on very limited computers, MFC still can be a good choice.
For example, Netbooks (or whatever you want to call them) are popular, and not all of them have the .NET framework installed. And those who only have 512MB-1GB RAM, you might not want your app to use that framework.
And of course, there are other non-.NET libraries besides MFC you could use. But MFC is still a good choice.
It is just an older technology: there are newer, shinier technologies out there that are far easier to use...
It's slightly hard to see a good reason why a new project would use MFC/C++ ... unless it is the technology a dev team knows. A team experienced in C++ & MFC who jumps wholesale into .NET/WPF on a new project is going to lose a lot of time.
Joel wrote a good article on this way back (I think), but I can't find it. Basically, you need a business reason to switch technology. "It's old and ugly and we want to be cool with WPF" is not a business reason.
Some days I feel a little like Paul Bunyan in the sense that I'm swinging my MFC Ax and taking down lots of trees only to see those new fangled chainsaws show up. Everyone says how much better the chainsaw is, so i learn to use the chainsaw and I start cutting down those trees, and then the feller-buncher shows up, and everyone says how much better the feller-buncher is, so i learn to use the feller-buncher and I cut down more trees.
I'm not saying the AX is better than the feller-buncher - its not - but if you already own the ax, and you already know how to use the ax, and all you need to do is cut down a tree...
Sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't.
FWIW - just about the entire Windows SDK is predicated on a macro; its almost like #ifdef and #define are an entire development language in of itself.
If you watch the Project Centennial talk from Build 2015 it shows Adobe still using MFC in their Adobe products. They are using mfc100 from VS2010 to make a UWP app from Win32/COM/MFC components, so MFC is still being used.
Until Microsoft provide a C++ UI Framework with the UI elements that desktop apps use Ribbons/ToolBar/Menus/Dialog etc, then MFC might still remain popular even with all its quirky bits.

What's the C++ GUI building option with the easiest learning curve - VS/Qt/wxWidgets/etc.?

I'm looking to be able to build GUI applications quickly and painlessly as possible. I'm competent (though not expert, and have no formal training) in C++, but have never used a GUI building toolkit or framework or anything. I am not a professional programmer and am totally inexperienced and ignorant when it comes to building GUI apps. Have spent hours researching trying to figure out what to do; only getting more confused and discouraged though.
Qt and wxWidgets seem like the most popular options for cross-platform apps, though cross-platform isn't necessarily all that important to me; Windows-only is fine if that means the fastest learning curve.
Qt seems cool and the Qt Creator is sweet looking with lots of good demos, except it has its own classes for everything, and I'm not overly keen on learning a bunch of stuff that's only applicable to the Qt platform itself rather than more generally. I suppose I could avoid using the Qt classes except for the GUI stuff where I have to use them, but I have no idea how wise or unwise that would be.
I was thinking Visual Studio would have the smallest learning curve, but when I open a test GUI app, I see a bunch of foreign looking stuff like carats (^) all over the place - I found online that these mean "handles", which I have trouble even understanding the definition or purpose of ("sort of like pointers but not really" is basically how I've read people define them).
I know pretty much nothing about wxWidgets, or how it compares with Qt.
So every option has a big learning curve - and ideally I'd like to know which one minimizes the time you have to spend learning the toolkit/framework itself. Since I'm likely never going to be making money from the programs I create, the time I spend learning a specific toolkit would be pretty costly. I just want to be able to make a functional program using the C++ knowledge I have, but in GUI form. At the moment it seems if I want to make a GUI app, I'd have to spend way more time learning the GUI framework I'd use than writing the functional part of the app itself.
Any input from people wiser and more experienced than me would be appreciated :)
First and foremost, start simple. There's a lot to the subject. If you are finding it hard, don't try and take it in all at once.
Most of the good GUI packages have tutorials. The best advice I can give is that you try each of them, or at least a couple of them. They are the best short introduction you can have to the library you choose and if they are any good they narrow down what you need to absorb at first. That will give you some basis for comparison, because they are each trying to do very similar things (and you will see some of them before you are done), but they have different feels. You will likely find you have a preference for one and that's the one to get serious with. It will also give you a sense of what's hard about GUI programming as separate from the particulars of one package, which, if you have only used one, you won't have seen. Personally I find this sort of knowledge very helpful, because it makes me less intimidated by particulars.
Here's a list of tutorials in one place, though you have likely seen them already:
Qt's tutorial
WxWidgets' tutorial
Gtkmm book. Not quite a tutorial, though there are lots of examples.
.NET tutorials, either for WinForms or for WPF.
Second, it sounds to me that you need to get some in depth understanding of the concepts of GUI programming, not just a particular library. Here there is no substitute for a book. I don't know all of them by a long shot, but the best of the bunch will not just teach you the details of a toolkit, they will teach you general concepts and how to use them. Here are some lists to start with though (and once you have titles, Amazon and Stack Overflow will help to pick one):
List of Qt books
WxWidgets book (PDF version)
There are tons of WPF and WinForms books. I can't make a good recommendation here unfortunately.
Third, take advantage of the design tools (Qt Creator, VS's form building and so on). Don't start by trying to read through all the code they generate: get your own small programs running first. Otherwise it's too hard to know what matters for a basic program and what doesn't. The details get lost. Once you've got the basics down though, Do use them as references to learn how to do specific effects. If you can get something to work in the design tools, then you can look at particular code they generate to be able to try on your own hand-written programs. They are very useful for intermediate learning.
I'm not overly keen on learning a bunch of stuff that's only applicable to the Qt platform itself rather than more generally.
I second the comment of GRB here: Don't worry about this. You are going to need to learn a lot specific to the toolkit no matter which toolkit you use. But you will also learn a lot that's general to GUI programming with any of the decent toolkits, because they are going to have to cover a lot of the same ground. Layouts, events, interaction between widgets/controls, understanding timers -- these will come up in any GUI toolkit you use.
However do be aware that any serious GUI package is an investment of time. You will have a much easier time learning a second package if you decide to pick one up, but every large library has its personality and much of your time will be spent learning its quirks. That is, I think, a given in dealing with any complex subject.
I suppose I could avoid using the Qt classes except for the GUI stuff where I have to use them, but I have no idea how wise or unwise that would be.
You do not need most of the non-GUI classes of Qt to use Qt's GUI properly. There are a handful of exceptions (like QVariant) which you'll need just because the GUI classes use them. I found you can learn those on a case-by-case basis.
Which is the easiest to learn is really going to depend on how you personally learn.
Personally, I've found Qt to be the easiest to learn so far. The GUI classes are rather nice to use, but I've found the non-GUI classes to be excellent, making it easy to avoid a lot of common issues you'd normally get with a more basic API. The documentation is excellent, IMO, as are the books, the examples, etc. It's also being very actively developed, with a few new technologies coming in the near future (like DeclarativeUI).
I've found Visual Studio/Windows API/.Net to be a good bit more complicated to learn. The API documentation on MSDN is rather complicated and not really organized in a manner that I find intuitive.
I've tried learning WxWidgets a few times, but I've never liked the API documentation.
All this is just my personal experience, YMMV of course. I'd say just dabble in all of them and see which one takes you the furthest, it won't hurt to try multiple.
As a person who learned C++ through Qt, I can only say that they work very well together. C++ purists (like I have become) will find lots of things in Qt not to their liking (the moc preprocessor, e.g., and the continued absence of exceptions for error reporting), but looking back, Qt provided a very gentle introduction to C++ for me.
And if you're like me, you throw in a handful of boost libs in each Qt project, because we want to write "real" C++, not the softened thing Qt uses :)
I would suggest wxWidgets. To me, it's pretty intuitive and looks nice.
Code::Blocks was built with it, so check that out to see if you like the graphics.
There are also a slew of bindings for wxWidgets, such as wxPython, wxErlang, and others, so if you decide to switch off of C++, you can take wxWidgets with you.
I also use wxWidgets and use it all the time for Windows-only applications (the only downside is that wxWidgets is notorious for large .exe filesizes, which may or may not be a problem for you). I found it very simple to use from the start, especially when combined with a GUI designer (personally I use wxDev-C++).
I've never used Qt, so I can't speak to its simplicity, but I doubt the difficulty is on a vastly different scale than that of wxWidgets. However, what I can say is that no matter what API you use (wxWidgets, Qt, WinAPI, etc) your code will be "locked into" that particular platform, so don't worry if you feel that learning Qt will lock you into the Qt platform (because the same thing will happen with any of those APIs).
If you're working solely on Windows however, you may want to do a few simple programs with WinAPI first. That way you have a basic understanding of the lowest level of Windows GUI programming before you move onto Qt/wxWidgets. That said, if you're really into cross-platform programming, then don't worry about that and go straight into Qt/wxWidgets.
I can't intelligently comment on the learning curve aspect, but a quick survey of StackOverflow questions shows about twice as many Visual C++ questions as Qt questions. Probably means that there is a larger support group in place for Visual C++. Might make learning it a little easier if there are more folks to help out.
No matter what you pick, I am quite sure it won't be easy and painless.
Having said that, I know that in some schools they use FLTK because they consider it relativelly easy to learn. I have never tried it.
In my everyday work I use WTL which is as close to the system as it gets while still providing some level of abstraction over pure Win32. I am not sure if I would consider it easy to learn, though, especially given the lack of documentation.
I recommend codegear C++ builder (previously known as borland C++ builder) from codegear which comes with a 30 trial. The nicest thing about it is that the GUI provides you with components that you drop onto a form in a WYSIWYG fashion and make functional by adding code to handle the events it fires. It comes with a whole bunch of compontents out of the box and you can add 3rd party components to it too, like the awesome ExpressQuantumGrid from devexpress, or write your own. It's very powerfull if you know what you're doing but intuitive enough that a beginner can write a database CRUD application in about 20 lines of very simple code.
Since nobody has mentioned it yet, for the sake of completeness, have a plug for the Fox toolkit. This is the one I used last time I did any C++ UI work of my own volition. There are also binding for this to Ruby and Python (the latter being many years out of date, though).
In general, the choice of a toolkit for self-directed work comes down to personal preferences for
the layout manager style
the event handler registration style
How native the widget set looks/can be made to look
If cross-platforming is not necessary, try .net + msvs or delphi. easy, all-in-one, no pain.
Qt is the best option for you. It's the easiest to learn, the most elegant and powerful and it is completely free.
Visual C++: This is an IDE, but it comes with its own GUI library called MFC. MFC is an old library with many quirks and it is difficult to learn and use. Many C++ programmers use it on Windows because it comes from MS, it's fast and it's free if you buy Visual C++. Since VC++ is an IDE, you can also use wxWidgets and Qt with it, although in your particular case I would recommend Qt Creator instead.
You seem to have experimented with Managed C++. Don't use that, even MS recommends that you only use Managed C++ as glue between C++ and C#.
wxWidgets: This one was a strong contender up to the day when Qt became free for commercial projects. It was always in the shadow of Qt and it is known that the documentation is not very good and the API is not as easy to learn as Qt's. Cross-platform MFC would be a good way to describe it.
C++ Builder: Borland made too many mistakes with C++ Builder and ended up getting out of the dev tools business altogether. It was a good product and I originally learned Windows GUI programming in one of the first versions, but I won't use it any more. There are better options and it is too expensive.