Which string-finding algorithm is appropriate for this? - c++

I have a big string say "aaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbcccccccccccddddddddddd" (but maybe longer) and I have a collection of lots of little strings. I want to count (overlap is OK) how many times the little strings are found in the big string. I care only about speed. KMP seemed good but it looked like Rabin-Karp dealt with multiple but was slow.

The problem with most string searching algorithms is that they will take at least time O(k) to return k matches, so if you have a string with say 1 million "a"s, and 1 million queries of the little string "a", then it will take around 1 million, million iterations to count all the matches!
An alternative linear time approach would be to:
Construct a suffix tree of the big string: O(n) where n is len(big string)
Precompute the number of suffixes below each node in the suffix tree: O(n)
For each small string, find the node in the suffix tree that has the small string as a suffix: O(m) where m is len(small string)
Add to the total count the number of suffixes below that node. (Each suffix corresponds to a different match of the small string in the big string)
This will take time O(n+p) where n is the length of the big string, and p is the total length of all the small strings.
Example Code
As requested, here is some small(ish) example code in Python that uses this approach:
from collections import defaultdict
class SuffixTree:
def __init__(self):
"""Returns an empty suffix tree"""
self.nodes=[-1] # 0th node is empty string
def add(self,s):
"""Adds the input string to the suffix tree.
This inserts all substrings into the tree.
End the string with a unique character if you want a leaf-node for every suffix.
Produces an edge graph keyed by (node,character) that gives (first,last,end)
This means that the edge has characters from T[first:last+1] and goes to node end."""
origin,first,last = 0,len(self.T),len(self.T)-1
nc = len(self.nodes)
self.nodes += [-1]*(2*len(s))
for last_char_index in xrange(first,len(T)):
last_parent_node = -1
while 1:
parent_node = origin
if first>last:
if (origin,c) in E:
key = origin,T[first]
edge_first, edge_last, edge_end = E[key]
span = last - first
A = edge_first+span
m = T[A+1]
if m==c:
E[key] = (edge_first, A, nc)
nodes[nc] = origin
E[nc,m] = (A+1,edge_last,edge_end)
parent_node = nc
E[parent_node,c] = (last_char_index, Lm1, nc)
if last_parent_node>0:
nodes[last_parent_node] = parent_node
last_parent_node = parent_node
if origin==0:
origin = nodes[origin]
if first <= last:
span = edge_last-edge_first
while span <= last - first:
origin = edge_end
if first <= last:
edge_first,edge_last,edge_end = E[origin,T[first]]
span = edge_last - edge_first
if last_parent_node>0:
nodes[last_parent_node] = parent_node
if first <= last:
span = edge_last-edge_first
while span <= last - first:
origin = edge_end
if first <= last:
edge_first,edge_last,edge_end = E[origin,T[first]]
span = edge_last - edge_first
return self
def make_choices(self):
"""Construct a sorted list for each node of the possible continuing characters"""
choices = [list() for n in xrange(len(self.nodes))] # Contains set of choices for each node
for (origin,c),edge in self.E.items():
choices=[sorted(s) for s in choices] # should not have any repeats by construction
return choices
def count_suffixes(self,term):
"""Recurses through the tree finding how many suffixes are based at each node.
Strings assumed to use term as the terminating character"""
C = self.suffix_counts = [0]*len(self.nodes)
choices = self.make_choices()
def f(node=0):
if len(X)==0:
t+=1 # this node is a leaf node
for c in X:
if c==term:
first,last,end = self.E[node,c]
return t
return f()
def count_matches(self,needle):
"""Return the count of matches for this needle in the suffix tree"""
while i<len(needle):
if key not in E:
return 0
first,last,node = E[key]
while i<len(needle) and first<=last:
if needle[i]!=T[first]:
return 0
return self.suffix_counts[node]
for needle in small_strings:
print needle,'has',x,'matches'
It prints:
a has 11 matches
ab has 1 matches
abc has 0 matches
However, in practice I would recommend you simply use a pre-existing Aho-Corasick implementation as I would expect this to be much faster in your particular case.

Matching against a large collection of strings sounds like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aho%E2%80%93Corasick_string_matching_algorithm for me. It does find matches one at a time, so Peter de Rivaz's idea might be better if there are a huge number of matches. On the other hand, Aho-Corasick doesn't need to keep the big string in memory - you can just stream it through - and is very practical to implement and tune - the Wikipedia link notes that the orginal fgrep used it.
Thinking about it, you can work round the mega-match problem. Aho-Corasick can be viewed as creating a deterministic finite state machine just capable of recognizing each of the strings it is searching for. The state of the machine corresponds to the last N characters seen. If you wish to match two strings and one is a suffix of the other you need to be careful that when you are in the state that says you have just matched the longer string that you also recognize that this means that you have just matched the shorter string. If you deliberately choose not to do this, then the counts you accumulate for the shorter string will be incorrect - but you know that they are too low by the number of times the longer string was seen. So if you modify Aho-Corasick so that only the longest match at each point is recognized and counted, then the cost of matching remains linear in the number of characters in the string you are searching, and you can fix up the counts at the end by going through the long strings and then incrementing counts for the shorter strings which are suffixes of the long strings. This will take time at most linear in the total size of the strings being searched for.

Building on another answer (and hopefully convince you this is the best type of answer), you can look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffix_tree and also go through the references listed there to learn about suffix trees if you really want the fastest solution for your problem, that also can make it possible to get the number of matches without iterating over all the matches, and the running times and memory requirements you get are the absolute best possible for any substring matching or match counting algorithm. Once you understand how the suffix tree works and how to build/use it, then the only additional tweak you need is store the number of distinct string starting positions that are being represented at each internal node of the tree, a minor modification that you can easily do efficiently (linear time, as already claimed) by recursively getting the count from children nodes and adding them up to get the count at a current node. Then these counts allow you to count substring matches without iterating over all of them.

If I understood correctly, your input string consists of many one-character blocks.
In this case, you can compress your text using the Run-length encoding.
For example:
s = aaabbbbcc
is encoded as:
encoded_s = (a3)(b4)(c2)
Now you may search for patterns in encoded text.
If you want a concrete algorithm, just search the web for patterns matching in Run-length encoded strings. You can achieve time complexity O(N + M), where N and M are the lengths of compressed text and compressed pattern. Both M and N in general are much smaller than original lengths, so it beats any standard pattern matching algorithm e.g. KMP.

1) I'd go with finite automata. Can't think of a specialized library right now, but the general-purpose PCRE can be used to construct an automata efficiently searching for the given substring. For substring "foo" and "bar" one can construct a pattern /(foo)|(bar)/, scan a string and get the "id" number of the matched substring by iterating the ovector checking which group matched.
RE2::FindAndConsume is good if you only need the total count, not grouping by substring.
P.S. Example using Boost.Xpressive and loading the strings from a map: http://ericniebler.com/2010/09/27/boost-xpressive-ftw/
P.P.S. Recently I've had a good time creating a Ragel machine for a similar task. For a small set of searched strings a "normal" DFA would work, buf if you have a larger ruleset then using Ragel scanners shows good results (here is a related answer).
P.P.P.S. PCRE has the MARK keyword which is super useful for that kind of subpattern classification (cf).
2) Quite some time ago I wrote a Trie-based thingie in Scala for that kind of load: https://gist.github.com/ArtemGr/6150594; Trie.search goes over the string trying to match the current position to a number encoded in the Trie. The trie is encoded in a single cache-friendly array, I expect it to be as good as non-JIT DFAs.
3) I've been using boost::spirit for substring matching, but never got to measuring how it fares against other approaches. Spirit uses some efficient structure for the symbols matching, perhaps the structure can be used on its own without the overhead of Spirit.
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
using qi::lit; using qi::alnum; using qi::digit; using qi::_val; using qi::_1; using boost::phoenix::ref;
static struct exact_t: qi::symbols<char, int> {
exact_t() {add
("foo", 1)
("bar", 2);}
} exact;
int32_t match = -1;
qi::rule<const char*, int()> rule =
+alnum >> exact [ref (match) = _1];
const char* it = haystack; // Mutable iterator for Spirit.
qi::parse (it, haystack + haystackLen, rule);


A regex for maximal periodic substrings

This is a follow up to A regex to detect periodic strings .
A period p of a string w is any positive integer p such that w[i]=w[i+p]
whenever both sides of this equation are defined. Let per(w) denote
the size of the smallest period of w . We say that a string w is
periodic iff per(w) <= |w|/2.
So informally a periodic string is just a string that is made up from a another string repeated at least once. The only complication is that at the end of the string we don't require a full copy of the repeated string as long as it is repeated in its entirety at least once.
For, example consider the string x = abcab. per(abcab) = 3 as x[1] = x[1+3] = a, x[2]=x[2+3] = b and there is no smaller period. The string abcab is therefore not periodic. However, the string ababa is periodic as per(ababa) = 2.
As more examples, abcabca, ababababa and abcabcabc are also periodic.
#horcruz, amongst others, gave a very nice regex to recognize a periodic string. It is
I would like to find all maximal periodic substrings in a longer string. These are sometimes called runs in the literature.
Formally a substring w is a maximal periodic substring if it is periodic and neither w[i-1] = w[i-1+p] nor w[j+1] = w[j+1-p]. Informally, the "run" cannot be contained in a larger "run"
with the same period.
The four maximal periodic substrings (runs) of string T = atattatt are T[4,5] = tt, T[7,8] = tt, T[1,4] = atat, T[2,8] = tattatt.
The string T = aabaabaaaacaacac contains the following 7 maximal periodic substrings (runs):
T[1,2] = aa, T[4,5] = aa, T[7,10] = aaaa, T[12,13] = aa, T[13,16] = acac, T[1,8] = aabaabaa, T[9,15] = aacaaca.
The string T = atatbatatb contains the following three runs. They are:
T[1, 4] = atat, T[6, 9] = atat and T[1, 10] = atatbatatb.
Is there a regex (with backreferences) that will capture all maximal
periodic substrings?
I don't really mind which flavor of regex but if it makes a difference, anything that the Python module re supports. However I would even be happy with PCRE if that makes the problem solvable.
(This question is partly copied from https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/84592/compute-the-maximum-number-of-runs-possible-for-as-large-a-string-as-possible . )
Let's extend the regex version to the very powerful https://pypi.python.org/pypi/regex . This supports variable length lookbehinds for example.
This should do it, using Python's re module:
Fiddle: https://regex101.com/r/aA9uJ0/2
You must precede the string being scanned by a dummy character; the # in the fiddle. If that is a problem, it should be possible to work around it in the regex.
Get captured group 2 from each match to get the collection of maximal periodic substrings.
Haven't tried it with longer strings; performance may be an issue.
(?<=(.)) - look-behind to the character preceding the maximal periodic substring; captured as group 1
(?=...) - look-ahead, to ensure overlapping patterns are matched; see How to find overlapping matches with a regexp?
(...) - captures the maximal periodic substring (group 2)
(\w*)(\w*...\w\3)\4+ - #horcruz's regex, as proposed by OP
(?!\1) - negative look-ahead to group 1 to ensure the periodic substring is maximal
As pointed out by #ClasG, the result of my regex may be incomplete. This happens when two runs start at the same offset. Examples:
aabaab has 3 runs: aabaab, aa and aa. The first two runs start at the same offset. My regex will fail to return the shortest one.
atatbatatb has 3 runs: atatbatatb, atat, atat. Same problem here; my regex will only return the first and third run.
This may well be impossible to solve within the regex. As far as I know, there is no regex engine that is capable of returning two different matches that start at the same offset.
I see two possible solutions:
Ignore the missing runs. If I am not mistaken, then they are always duplicates; an identical run will follow within the same encapsulating run.
Do some postprocessing on the result. For every run found (let's call this X), scan earlier runs trying to find one that starts with the same character sequence (let's call this Y). When found (and not already 'used'), add an entry with the same character sequence as X, but the offset of Y.
I think it is not possible. Regular expressions cannot do complex nondeterministic jobs, even with backreferences. You need an algorithm for this.
This kind of depends on your input criteria... There is no infinite string of characters.. using back references you will be able to create a suitable representation of the last amount of occurrences of the pattern you wish to match.
Personally I would define buckets of length of input and then fill them.
I would then use automata to find patterns in the buckets and then finally coalesce them into larger patterns.
It's not how fast the RegEx is going to be in this case it's how fast you are going to be able to recognize a pattern and eliminate the invalid criterion.

How to find number of words in a phrase with spaces removed by checking v. dictionary

I have a word, for example "ilikesamsung", and a dictionary of words, for example:
I want to calculate number of spaces in this word, if we break it into the dictionary words. In the above example, the string is broken into "i like samsung", and there are 2 spaces.
How can it be done?
Problem has 2 parts-
Output Yes if this word can be broken.
Calculate number of spaces
What I have tried:
I have solved First part by Dynamic Programming.,
For the second part:
I have extended DP method to solve part2 . I took an array and I stored index at which word ends. arr[]={1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}
this gives answer 3.
I want answer 2, for this array should be {1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}.
Any advises?
You can use Dynamic Programming for this task:
f(0) = 0
f(i) = MIN { f(i-j) + (Dictionary.contais(s.substring(i-j,i)?1:INFINITY } for each j=1,...,i
The above finds the number of words in your string, so the final answer is f(#characters)-1
The idea is to do an "exhaustive search" - for a given new character - try to connect it to a word, and recursively invoke on what's left from the string.
This can be done pretty efficiently with DP techniques.

Finding if a string matches a pattern

At one point in my app, I need to match some strings against a pattern. Let's say that some of the sample strings look as follows:
Hi there, John.
What a lovely day today!
Lovely sunset today, John, isn't it?
Will you be meeting Linda today, John?
Most (not all) of these strings are from pre-defined patterns as follows:
"Hi there, %s."
"What a lovely day today!"
"Lovely sunset today, %s, isn't it?"
"Will you be meeting %s today, %s?"
This library of patterns is ever-expanding (currently at around 1,500), but is manually maintained. The input strings though (the first group) is largely unpredictable. Though most of them will match one of the patterns, some of them will not.
So, here's my question: Given a string (from the first group) as input, I need to know which of the patterns (known second group) it matched. If nothing matched, it needs to tell me that.
I'm guessing the solution involves building a regex out of the patterns, and iteratively checking which one matched. However, I'm unsure what the code to build those regexes looks like.
Note: The strings I've given here are for illustration purposes. In reality, the strings aren't human generated, but are computer-generated human-friendly strings as shown above from systems I don't control. Since they aren't manually typed in, we don't need to worry about things like typos and other human errors. Just need to find which pattern it matches.
Note 2: I could modify the patterns library to be some other format, if that makes it easier to construct the regexes. The current structure, with the printf style %s, isn't set in stone.
I am looking at this as a parsing problem. The idea is that the parser function takes a string and determines if it is valid or not.
The string is valid if you can find it among the given patterns. That means you need an index of all the patterns. The index must be a full text index. Also it must match according to the word position. eg. it should short circuit if the first word of the input is not found among the first word of the patterns. It should take care of the any match ie %s in the pattern.
One solution is to put the patterns in an in memory database (eg. redis) and do a full text index on it. (this will not match according to word position) but you should be able to narrow down to the correct pattern by splitting the input into words and searching. The searches will be very fast because you have a small in memory database. Also note that you are looking for the closest match. One or more words will not match. The highest number of matches is the pattern you want.
An even better solution is to generate your own index in a dictionary format. Here is an example index for the four patterns you gave as a JavaScript object.
"Hi": { "there": {"%s": null}},
"What: {"a": {"lovely": {"day": {"today": null}}}},
"Lovely": {"sunset": {"today": {"%s": {"isnt": {"it": null}}}}},
"Will": {"you": {"be": {"meeting": {"%s": {"today": {"%s": null}}}}}}
This index is recursive descending according to the word postion. So search for the first word, if found search for the next within the object returned by the first and so on. Same words at a given level will have only one key. You should also match the any case. This should be blinding fast in memory.
My first thought would be to have the regexp engine take all the trouble of handling this. They're usually optimised to handle large amounts of text so it shouldn't be that much of a performance hassle. It's brute force but the performance seems to be okay. And you could split the input into pieces and have multiple processes handle them. Here's my moderately tested solution (in Python).
import random
import string
import re
def create_random_sentence():
nwords = random.randint(4, 10)
sentence = []
for i in range(nwords):
sentence.append("".join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(random.randint(3,10))))
ret = " ".join(sentence)
print ret
return ret
patterns = [ r"Hi there, [a-zA-Z]+.",
r"What a lovely day today!",
r"Lovely sunset today, [a-zA-Z]+, isn't it?",
r"Will you be meeting [a-zA-Z]+ today, [a-zA-Z]+\?"]
for i in range(95):
monster_pattern = "|".join("(%s)"%x for x in patterns)
print monster_pattern
print "--------------"
monster_regexp = re.compile(monster_pattern)
inputs = ["Hi there, John.",
"What a lovely day today!",
"Lovely sunset today, John, isn't it?",
"Will you be meeting Linda today, John?",
for i in inputs:
ret = monster_regexp.search(i)
if ret:
print ".",
print "x",
I've created a hundred patterns. This is the maximum limit of the python regexp library. 4 of them are your actual examples and the rest are random sentences just to stress performance a little.
Then I combined them into a single regexp with 100 groups. (group1)|(group2)|(group3)|.... I'm guessing you'll have to sanitise the inputs for things that can have meanings in regular expressions (like ? etc.). That's the monster_regexp.
Testing one string against this tests it against 100 patterns in a single shot. There are methods that fetch out the exact group which was matched. I test 10000 strings 80% of which should match and 10% which will not. It short cirtcuits so if there's a success, it will be comparatively quick. Failures will have to run through the whole regexp so it will be slower. You can order things based on the frequency of input to get some more performance out of it.
I ran this on my machine and this is my timing.
python /tmp/scratch.py 0.13s user 0.00s system 97% cpu 0.136 total
which is not too bad.
However, to run a pattern against such a large regexp and fail will take longer so I changed the inputs to have lots of randomly generated strings that won't match and then tried. 10000 strings none of which match the monster_regexp and I got this.
python /tmp/scratch.py 3.76s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 3.779 total
Similar to Noufal's solution, but returns the matched pattern or None.
import re
patterns = [
"Hi there, %s.",
"What a lovely day today!",
"Lovely sunset today, %s, isn't it",
"Will you be meeting %s today, %s?"
def make_re_pattern(pattern):
# characters like . ? etc. have special meaning in regular expressions.
# Escape the string to avoid interpretting them as differently.
# The re.escape function escapes even %, so replacing that with XXX to avoid that.
p = re.escape(pattern.replace("%s", "XXX"))
return p.replace("XXX", "\w+")
# Join all the pattens into a single regular expression.
# Each pattern is enclosed in () to remember the match.
# This will help us to find the matched pattern.
rx = re.compile("|".join("(" + make_re_pattern(p) + ")" for p in patterns))
def match(s):
"""Given an input strings, returns the matched pattern or None."""
m = rx.match(s)
if m:
# Find the index of the matching group.
index = (i for i, group in enumerate(m.groups()) if group is not None).next()
return patterns[index]
# Testing with couple of patterns
print match("Hi there, John.")
print match("Will you be meeting Linda today, John?")
Python solution. JS should be similar.
>>> re2.compile('^ABC(.*)E$').search('ABCDE') == None
>>> re2.compile('^ABC(.*)E$').search('ABCDDDDDDE') == None
>>> re2.compile('^ABC(.*)E$').search('ABX') == None
The trick is to use ^ and $ to bound your pattern and making it a "template". Use (.*) or (.+) or whatever it is that you want to "search" for.
The main bottleneck for you, imho, will be iterating through a list of these patterns. Regex searches are computationally expensive.
If you want a "does any pattern match" result, build a massive OR based regex and let your regex engine handle the 'OR'ing for you.
Also, if you have only prefix patterns, check out the TRIE data structure.
This could be a job for sscanf, there is an implementation in js: http://phpjs.org/functions/sscanf/; the function being copied is this: http://php.net/manual/en/function.sscanf.php.
You should be able to use it without changing the prepared strings much, but I have doubts about the performances.
the problem isn't clear to me. Do you want to take the patterns and build regexes out of it?
Most regex engines have a "quoted string" option. (\Q \E). So you could take the string and make it
^\QHi there,\E(?:.*)\Q.\E$
these will be regexes that match exactly the string you want outside your variables.
if you want to use a single regex to match just a single pattern, you can put them in grouped patterns to find out which one matched, but that will not give you EVERY match, just the first one.
if you use a proper parser (I've used PEG.js), it might be more maintainable though. So that's another option if you think you might get stuck in regex hell

How to efficiently implement regular expression like .*a.*b.*?

I want to matching of filenames like Colibri does. I tried to solve it by regular expressions.
Searching in Colibri works that You type characters which are in order inside of a filename and it finds all files with these characters in order in the filename. For example for "ab" it finds "cabal", "ab", and "achab".
Simple insertion of .* between letters works (so searched string "ab" becomes regular expression .*a.*b.*), but I want to make it on large amount of files.
So far I have O(N*???), where N is amount of filenames and ??? is at best linear complexity (I assume my language uses NFA). I don't care about space complexity that much. What data structures or algorithms should I choose to make it more efficient (in time complexity)?
If you just want to check whether the characters of a search string search are contained in another string str in the same order, you could use this simple algorithm:
pos := -1
for each character in search do
pos := indexOf(str, character, pos+1)
if pos is -1 then
return pos
This algorithm returns the offset of the last character of search in str and -1 otherwise. Its runtime is in O(n) (you could replace indexOf by a simple while loop that compares the characters in str from pos to Length(str)-1 and returns either the offset or -1).
It will greatly improve your efficiency if you replace the . with a character negation. i.e.
This way you have much less backtracking. See This Reference
Edit* #yi_H you are right, this regex would probably serve just as well:
Your . is unnecessary. You'll get better performance if you simply transform "abc"
into ^[^a]*a[^b]*b[^c]*c.
string exp = "^";
foreach (char c in inputString)
string s = Regex.Escape (c.ToString()); // escape `.` as `\.`
exp += "[^" + s + "]*" + s; // replace `a` with `[^a]*a`
Regex regex = new Regex (exp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
if (regex.IsMatch (fileName))
yield return fileName;
For a limited character-set it might make sense to create lookup table which contains an array or linked list of matching filenames.
If your ABC contains X characters then the "1 length" lookup table will contain X table entries, if it is a "2 length" table it will contain X^2 entries and so on. The 2 length table will contain for each entry ("ab", "qx") all the files which which have those letters in that order. When searching for longer input "string" look up the appropriate entry and do the search on those entries.
Note: calculate the needed extra memory and measure the speed improvement (compared to full table scan), the benefits depend on the data set.

Is there a RegEx that can parse out the longest list of digits from a string?

I have to parse various strings and determine a prefix, number, and suffix. The problem is the strings can come in a wide variety of formats. The best way for me to think about how to parse it is to find the longest number in the string, then take everything before that as a prefix and everything after that as a suffix.
Some examples:
0001 - No prefix, Number = 0001, No suffix
1-0001 - Prefix = 1-, Number = 0001, No suffix
AAA001 - Prefix = AAA, Number = 001, No suffix
AAA 001.01 - Prefix = AAA , Number = 001, Suffix = .01
1_00001-01 - Prefix = 1_, Number = 00001, Suffix = -01
123AAA 001_01 - Prefix = 123AAA , Number = 001, Suffix = _01
The strings can come with any mixture of prefixes and suffixes, but the key point is the Number portion is always the longest sequential list of digits.
I've tried a variety of RegEx's that work with most but not all of these examples. I might be missing something, or perhaps a RegEx isn't the right way to go in this case?
(The RegEx should be .NET compatible)
UPDATE: For those that are interested, here's the C# code I came up with:
var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"(\d+)");
if (regex.IsMatch(m_Key)) {
string value = "";
int length;
var matches = regex.Matches(m_Key);
foreach (var match in matches) {
if (match.Length >= length) {
value = match.Value;
length = match.Length;
var split = m_Key.Split(new String[] {value}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
m_KeyCounter = value;
if (split.Length >= 1) m_KeyPrefix = split(0);
if (split.Length >= 2) m_KeySuffix = split(1);
You're right, this problem can't be solved purely by regular expressions. You can use regexes to "tokenize" (lexically analyze) the input but after that you'll need further processing (parsing).
So in this case I would tokenize the input with (for example) a simple regular expression search (\d+) and then process the tokens (parse). That would involve seeing if the current token is longer than the tokens seen before it.
To gain more understanding of the class of problems regular expressions "solve" and when parsing is needed, you might want to check out general compiler theory, specifically when regexes are used in the construction of a compiler (e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book:Compiler_construction).
You're input isn't regular so, a regex won't do. I would iterate over the all groups of digits via (\d+) and find the longest and then build a new regex in the form of (.*)<number>(.*) to find your prefix/suffix.
Or if you're comfortable with string operations you can probably just find the start and end of the target group and use substr to find the pre/suf fix.
I don't think you can do this with one regex. I would find all digit sequences within the string (probably with a regex) and then I would select the longest with .NET code, and call Split().
This depends entirely on your Regexp engine. Check your Regexp environment for capturing, there might be something in it like the automatic variables in Perl.
OK, let's talk about your question:
Keep in mind, that both, NFA and DFA, of almost every Regexp engine are greedy, this means, that a (\d+) will always find the longest match, when it "stumbles" over it.
Now, what I can get from your example, is you always need middle portion of a number, try this:
The now look at variables $1, $2, $3. Not all of them will exist: if there are all three of them, $2 will hold your number in question, the other vars, parts of the prefix. when one of the prefixes is missing, only variable $1 and $2 will be set, you have to see for yourself, which one is the integer. If both prefix and suffix are missing, $1 will hold the number.
The idea is to make the engine "stumble" over the first few characters and start matching a long number in the middle.
Since the modifier /gis present, you can loop through all available combinations, that the machine finds, you can then simply take the one you like most or something.
This example is in PCRE, but I'm sure .NET has a compatible mode.