make pycurl use different curl/libcurl installation - libcurl

I've got two installations of curl: one is in /usr/bin - should be the system one, another is in /usr/local/bin - I installed it from source. These two installations have different versions.
Pycurl is using the one from /usr/bin, whereas curl command now points to the one in /usr/local/bin - I've changed the $PATH var in my .bash_profile accordingly.
I didn't try to re-install pycurl.
Is there a way to tell pycurl to use the different libcurl installation, the one which comes along with /usr/local/bin/curl?
If pycurl re-installing is required, are there any additional flags needed to point pycurl to the needed libcurl version?
Thank you.

If you install pycurl by hand (, not pip), you can run:
python --curl-config=/usr/local/bin/curl-config install
(To install with pip, I would try moving /usr/local/bin first in your path so it will find the right curl-config, but I haven't tried this myself) If your installation of curl is not in /usr/local, you might also need to add the appropriate lib directory to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Maybe using python virtualenv could be of help.


pip not working on windows python 2.7.9

I've installed Python 2.7.9, which comes with already bundled with pip. I've check that it's there in the modules list.
But when I run pip install
I get
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
With install highlighted as the error?
What am I doing wrong?
Seems like you are running pip install from Python interactive console. Instead, you should run it from Windows console (cmd or PowerShell):
python2.exe -m pip install <package_name>
Where python2.exe is executable for Python2.7.9 (you may need to include full path to the executable file) and <package_name> is the name of package you want to install
Append C:\Python27\Scripts;in PATH variable
where C:\Python27\Scripts; is the path where pip script is located.
I faced the same issue and got to know that the error is because it is not able to find the pip.exe to execute.
You need to check the path : C:\Python27\Scripts
There, you will find the .exe file and if you run the command from that folder, the command should not give you the error or while running the command, please provide entire path instead of just pip command.
just put python before pip
python pip install <package_name>
To install try the following command:
python.exe -m install
what i would suggest is navigate to the location where pip is located and try with the following command :
Pip install
enter image description here
Probably you want to install Python Modules? I really did many tries, So Finally reached on point to install Python3.6. It offers most easiest way to install it's modules, Try this way
Soon's anwser worked for me, with slight difference, without 2 after python:
python.exe -m pip install <package_name>
What I don't understand, is that this should be equal to the command in interactive console as following, isn't it ?
pip -m install <pachage_name>

Some Confusion about easy_install without Root Access

I am so new to ssh/unix protocols that I hope I don't offend anybody.
I am using the cores at my university, and do not have root access. Thus, when I install python modules, I resort to the answer on these two related stack overflow posts:
1) How to install python modules without root access?
2) How to install python packages without root privileges?
In the second post, Col Panic highly recommends getting pip or easy_install on the cores, and if they are not already there, 'you should politely ask the admins to add it, explaining the benefit to them (they won't be bothered anymore by requests for individual packages)."
Following that piece of advice, I request that the admin put easy_install on all the cores. They did and after some proverbial futzing around with export, PATH and PYTHONPATH, I was able to get numpy and scipy on the cores and import them into iPython environment.
Unfortunately, there was some problems with matplotlib related to this question: ImportError: No module named backend_tkagg
I thought I could just ignore this problem related to SUSE by pickling everything and then plotting it on my laptop.
My Problem
I really do need NetworkX. I wrote down some notes on all the small intricacies that I used to install the other packages my last go, but failed this time around. Maybe I am forgetting something that I did last time?
nemo01.65$ easy_install --prefix=/u/walnut/h1/grad/cmarshak/xdrive/xpylocal networkx
TEST FAILED: /u/walnut/h1/grad/cmarshak/xdrive/xpylocal/lib/python3.3/site-packages does
NOT support .pth files
error: bad install directory or PYTHONPATH
You are attempting to install a package to a directory that is not
on PYTHONPATH and which Python does not read ".pth" files from. The
installation directory you specified (via --install-dir, --prefix, or
the distutils default setting) was:
and your PYTHONPATH environment variable currently contains:
Here are some of your options for correcting the problem:
* You can choose a different installation directory, i.e., one that is
on PYTHONPATH or supports .pth files
* You can add the installation directory to the PYTHONPATH environment
variable. (It must then also be on PYTHONPATH whenever you run
Python and want to use the package(s) you are installing.)
* You can set up the installation directory to support ".pth" files by
using one of the approaches described here:
Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.
My Attemps to Fix This
I really do networkx otherwise I have to adjust a bunch of my code that I want to put on the clusters.
1) I typed in:
export PYTHONPATH=/u/walnut/h1/grad/cmarshak/xdrive/xpylocal/lib/python3.3/site-packages
into the bash environment. No luck...
2) I asked another grad for some help. He suggested I install pip via easy_install, which I did and then use:
pip install --user networkx
When I type in:
find ./local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ | grep net
I get a ton of files that are all from the networkx library. Unfortunately, there is still some problems with dependencies.
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP. Really enjoy learning new things from your answers.
It looks like there are multiple versions of pip floating around (cf pip: dealing with multiple Python versions? ). Try installing pip using a specific version of easy_install. For example, this gave me a pip2.7
walnut.39$ easy_install-2.7 -U --user pip
Searching for pip
Best match: pip 1.5.6
Processing pip-1.5.6-py2.7.egg
pip 1.5.6 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing pip script to /u/walnut/h1/grad/rcompton/.local/bin
Installing pip2.7 script to /u/walnut/h1/grad/rcompton/.local/bin
Installing pip2 script to /u/walnut/h1/grad/rcompton/.local/bin
Using /net/walnut/h1/grad/rcompton/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.5.6-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for pip
Finished processing dependencies for pip
Then use pip2.7
walnut.40$ pip2.7 install --user networkx
Also, for non-root package installations, I've got the follow lines in my .bashrc:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

Installing EWSWrapper?

How to install ewswrapper for python off of their site on a windows, (sadly), 64 bit machine with python 2.7.
The Link to the site is here.
Thank you for your help.
The generally recommended way to install python packages is using a package manager like pip or (gasp) easy_install. However, there are a few exceptions like this one.
On Windows, there may be a pre-built package for you to download. In this case, the link is
You'll need to unzip the file with 7zip, and place the resulting directory in your site-packages path. You can locate your system's site-packages path by looking at this SO answer: How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?
Additionally, EWSWrapper will require a few dependencies that you should be able to get in pip.
pip.exe install python-ntlm suds
If you don't have pip, you can install it: How do I install pip on Windows?
Just so you know, this isn't the normal way a package is installed. Perhaps someone should let them know...

How can I install python-Orange on ubuntu 12.10

sudo apt-get install python-Orange
sudo apt-get install python-orange
doesn't work
sudo python install
sudo python build
is not working as well.
Can anyone help??
Python has two tools for easy installation of all programs that are listed on the Python Package Index, also known as PyPi: These are easy_install and pip. Both retrieve very recent versions of Orange (and of any other package that is updating its PyPi entry regularly).
I installed Orange on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) with
pip install orange.
You will see lots of log lines indicating that Pip is downloading and compiling Orange for you. Simply wait. When pip is ready, fire up python and try to import orange. If that works, quit python and try the GUI with python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Orange/OrangeCanvas/orngCanvas.pyw (you probably want to create a shell alias or bash script for that one :-)
NOTE: on 12.04 I needed to first upgrade 'distribute' itself with sudo easy_install -U distribute but this was clearly indicated by pip.
You need to extract the dowloaded tarball on that page to a folder and then change directory to that folder. Then the sudo python instructions will work (but you should 'build' the application before you 'install' it).
go to the given link ""
download the package and extract the file
install with given command
python build
python install
note:- during installation make sure that your net is working because it downloads required packages. Also it may ask for C++ or gcc compilers while installing and could be terminate just read the errors care fully and install requires packages from the synaptic package manage in ubuntu.

How to reinstall PIL on mac OS X Snow Leopard

I have been for hours on this. I needed to get jpeglib and PIL reinstalled.
I installed jpeg lib from, please tell me if that's right.
I still have to reinstall PIL. I installed Fink, for apt-get, but still am not clear how to uninstall completely PIL before installing it.
And then installation, do i do apt-get install py-pil only? I see different instructions here and here. Which way should I go? I also can't figure out, does sudo python install reinstall python 2.6, or it just installs whichever thing i am in the directory of? However:
[petarpetrov#/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL]$ sudo python install
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
thanks in advance
Don't muck about with fink. That uses a completely separate install of Python and all its dependencies. It really won't help with your actual problem.
Secondly, you're trying to run things from inside site-packages - this is wrong. Go back to the directory where you downloaded PIL (or download it again, if you don't still have it) and run sudo python install.
And no, it won't reinstall Python - it uses python to run the setup of the directory you're in.