Is there a simple way to add a class to java.lang - classloader

Is there a simple way to add my own classes to java.lang (in the context of a desktop application, not applet/servlet). The idea is to get access to some methods that have been stupidly declared package private (such as Integer.getChars(...), and I don't want to copy all that code).
Simply declaring a class in the java.lang package triggers a SecurityException when my class loads.
I'm aware I could unzip the rt.jar and add my class there, but I'm looking for a method that doesn't require modifications to the installed JRE.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I want direct access to the methods, not roundabout detour access methods like reflection. the goal is to make a a call like Integer.getChars(int, index, chars) not only compile but also execute normally at runtime.

You can do it using Java Reflections
Class<Integer> clazz = Integer.class;
Method m = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("getChars", int.class, int.class, char[].class);
m.invoke(new Integer(1), 0, 0, new char[] {'1'});
// OR
//m.invoke(null , 0, 0, new char[] {'1'}); since getChars method is static and doesn't require an instance

Its possible to add classes to packages protected by the boot class-loader's SecurityManager by using the non-standard "-Xbootclasspath/p:" parameter (Oracle VM).
Classes added in this manner are "trusted", and since they are located before rt.jar in terms of search order, this can also be used to replace classes defined in the JRE.


Split functionalities of an application into plugins with Qt

Pretty much like the title says, I want to split some parts of my Qt application into plugins, so I
can add new functionalities at runtime. Ideally, plugins would be compiled separately and put into a
dedicated path for plugins; when the application launches, installed extensions are automatically
loaded, or can be reloaded at the user request at any time.
I should mention that the objects I want to put into plugins are not QObjects, but if it can make
the solution simpler it's acceptable that they inherit from QObject.
How can I do that? I want the simplest solution that's portable and doesn't require anything else
than Qt (no external dependencies).
Although I answer my own question, I'm more than interested to hear others'!
For a start, you need to have a common interface among your plugins. Here's an example:
class MyPlugin
virtual ~MyPlugin() {} // Needs to be virtual. Important!
// Put here your method(s)
virtual void frobnicate() = 0;
Do not name your interface like this, though. If your plugins represent video codecs, name it
"VideoCodec", for example. Some prefer to put an "I" before interfaces' name (e.g. IVideoCodec).
Also, some people would tell you to have public methods calling protected virtuals, but that's not
strictly necessary there.
Why an interface? That's because it's the only way the application can use plugins without knowing
the classes themselves beforehand. This means that because the application doesn't know the
classes, the plugin must allow creating the plugin component via a factory. In fact, the only
required function to declare is a factory function that creates a fresh instance of the "plugin".
This factory function could be declared as such:
extern "C" std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> MyPlugin_new();
(You need extern "C", otherwise you'll get trouble with QLibrary because of C++ name mangling ―
see below)
The factory function need not be without parameters, but the parameters must make sense for all types
of plugins. This could be a hashtable or a file containing general configuration information, or
even better, an interface for a configuration object, for instance.
Now the loading part. The easiest way is to use a QDirIterator initialized to the plugin
directory, iterate through all files and try to load them. Something along the lines of...
void load_plugins_from_path(const QString &plugin_dir)
QDirIterator it(plugin_dir, QDir::Files, QDir::Readable);
while (it.hasNext()) {
(it's written like it's a function, but it should be a method)
Do not try in any way to filter the files by extension or by using the QDir::Executable flag: this
will needlessly reduce the portability of the program―each OSes have their own file extensions, and QDir::Executable only work on unices (probably because there's no exec bit on Windows).
Here, the method load_plugins_from_path just loads plugins from one given path; the caller may
invoke that method over the elements of a list containing all the paths to search for plugins, for
example. try_load_plugin may be defined like this:
void try_load_plugin(const QString &filename)
QLibrary lib(filename);
auto factory = reinterpret_cast<decltype (MyPlugin_new) *>(lib.resolve("MyPlugin_new"));
if (factory) {
std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> plugin(factory());
// Do something with "plugin", e.g. store in a std::vector
decltype is used on MyPlugin_new so we doesn't have to specify its type
(std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> (*)()) and using it with auto will save you the trouble of changing
the code more than it needs to be, should you change the signature of MyPlugin_new.
This method just tries to load a file as a library (whether it's a valid library file or not!) and
attempts to resolve the required function, returning nullptr if either we're not dealing with a
valid library file or the requested symbol (our function) didn't exist. Note that because we do the
search directly in a dynamic library, we must know the exact name of the entity in that library.
Because C++ mangles names, and that mangling is dependent on the implementation, the only sensible
thing is to use extern "C" functions. Don't worry though: extern "C" will only prevent
overloading of that function, but otherwise all C++ can be used inside of that function. Also, even
though the factory function is not inside any namespace, it won't collide with other factory
functions in other libraries, because we use explicit linking; that way, we can have
MyPlugin_new from plugin A and MyPlugin_new from plugin B, and they will live at separate
Finally, if your set of plugins is too diverse to be expressed by one interface, one solution is to
simply define (possibly) multiple factories inside of your plugins, each returning a pointer to a
different kind of interface.
Qt already has a class called QPluginLoader that does what you're trying to achieve.

Cross-compiling plugins for multiple DCCs

Been using Haxe off and on for a few years, and I feel like this is something the compiler might be abusable for:
Is is possible to add target such that when a Haxe class is compiled, it can introspect the compiled code and generate boilerplate in C++? An example:
In Autodesk Maya to create a plugin node, you have to have a number of special functions overridden in a child class. Attributes on the node have to be declared first in the header, then declared statically in the cpp file, and finally added in a particular way (with error checks) in one of the function overrides. Apart from that, you have to write functions that register and de-register the plugin from the system. The pattern is just non-trivial enough that simple search / replace isn't good enough; you have to replace text in different patterns in different places, and also add function calls depending on the type of attributes and the attribute's settings.
A node with the same behavior in Foundry's Modo is very different-- you have to define three classes and compose functionality.
In both cases, the way you access data from within the node is also different, so if you were to wrap a single C++ function for both programs you'd be doing a lot of work outside the function just to prep the data in an agnostic way.
I'd like to be able to write a single node using Haxe code and generate C++ code from the Haxe class. In the case of Maya, it would subclass from MPxNode and provide the proper function overrides. In the case of Modo, it would generate the required classes properly. And in the future if I wanted to target Cinema 4D, I would add an additional target and compile against that SDK to create its version of the same functionality (probably a Tag).
I've actually done this partly in Python (generating C++ code with stubs for node functionality) and while it works, I've always been curious if there could be a better way to do this through Haxe directly. But again, it's something where the compiler would have to be aware of the structure of the Haxe class and the data within it in order to generate the proper code for each target.
Thanks in advance!

Using tcmalloc - How to load the malloc extensions properly?

In file gperftools-2.2.1/src/gperftools/malloc_extension.h, it reads:
// Extra extensions exported by some malloc implementations. These
// extensions are accessed through a virtual base class so an
// application can link against a malloc that does not implement these
// extensions, and it will get default versions that do nothing.
// NOTE FOR C USERS: If you wish to use this functionality from within
// a C program, see malloc_extension_c.h.
My question is how exactly can I access these extensions through a virtual base class?
Usually to load a class from a dynamic library, I would need to write a base class which allows me to get an instance of the wanted class and its functions through polymorphism, as described here.
However to do so there must be some class factory functions available in the API, but there are no such functions in any tcmalloc files. Moreover I would also need to load the tcmalloc library with dlopen(), which is not recommended according to the install note:
...loading a malloc-replacement library via dlopen is
asking for trouble in any case: some data will be allocated with one malloc, some with another.
So clearly accessing the extensions through the typical way as mentioned above is not an option. I can get away with using the C versions as declared in malloc_extensions_c.h but just wonder if there is any better solution.
I managed to load the malloc extensions via some 'hack', which is not as clean as I would prefer, but it gets the job done. Here is the (temporary) solution for those who are interested in.
First, most of these malloc extension functions are similar to static functions in a way that they are mostly called on the current instance only, e.g. to call the GetMemoryReleaseRate() function on the current process you just call MallocExtension::instance()->GetMemoryReleaseRate(). Therefore we don't need to create a base class and get an instance of MallocExtension class to call these functions.
For the example above, I'd just create a standalone function getMemoryReleaseRate() which simply calls the required function when it gets called, as below:
This function can be inserted directly to a source file, e.g., or, if you prefer not to edit the tcmalloc source every time there is a new version, added to your makefile, to be attached to the source file when it is compiled.
Now in your code, you can call the MallocExtension function via the 'facade' function you have created via dlsym(), e.g. as below:
typedef void (*getMemoryReleaseRate)();
((getMemoryReleaseRate)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getMemoryReleaseRate"))();
Simply including this header and doing MallocExtension::instance()->GetMemoryReleaseRate(); would work too. No need to modify tcmalloc for that.

Module and classes handling (dynamic linking)

Run into a bit of an issue, and I'm looking for the best solution concept/theory.
I have a system that needs to use objects. Each object that the system uses has a known interface, likely implemented as an abstract class. The interfaces are known at build time, and will not change. The exact implementation to be used will vary and I have no idea ahead of time what module will be providing it. The only guarantee is that they will provide the interface. The class name and module (DLL) come from a config file or may be changed programmatically.
Now, I have all that set up at the moment using a relatively simple system, set up something like so (rewritten pseudo-code, just to show the basics):
struct ClassID
Module * module;
int number;
class Module
HMODULE module;
function<void * (int)> * createfunc;
static Module * Load(String filename);
IObject * CreateClass(int number)
return createfunc(number);
class ModuleManager
bool LoadModule(String filename);
IObject * CreateClass(String classname)
ClassID class = AvailableClasses.find(classname);
return class.module->CreateObject(class.number);
vector<Module*> LoadedModules;
map<String, ClassID> AvailableClasses;
Modules have a few exported functions to give the number of classes they provide and the names/IDs of those, which are then stored. All classes derive from IObject, which has a virtual destructor, stores the source module and has some methods to get the class' ID, what interface it implements and such.
The only issue with this is each module has to be manually loaded somewhere (listed in the config file, at the moment). I would like to avoid doing this explicitly (outside of the ModuleManager, inside that I'm not really concerned as to how it's implemented).
I would like to have a similar system without having to handle loading the modules, just create an object and (once it's all set up) it magically appears.
I believe this is similar to what COM is intended to do, in some ways. I looked into the COM system briefly, but it appears to be overkill beyond belief. I only need the classes known within my system and don't need all the other features it handles, just implementations of interfaces coming from somewhere.
My other idea is to use the registry and keep a key with all the known/registered classes and their source modules and numbers, so I can just look them up and it will appear that Manager::CreateClass finds and makes the object magically. This seems like a viable solution, but I'm not sure if it's optimal or if I'm reinventing something.
So, after all that, my question is: How to handle this? Is there an existing technology, if not, how best to set it up myself? Are there any gotchas that I should be looking out for?
COM very likely is what you want. It is very broad but you don't need to use all the functionality. For example, you don't need to require participants to register GUIDs, you can define your own mechanism for creating instances of interfaces. There are a number of templates and other mechanisms to make it easy to create COM interfaces. What's more, since it is a standard, it is easy to document the requirements.
One very important thing to bear in mind is that importing/exporting C++ objects requires all participants to be using the same compiler. If you think that ever could be a problem to you then you should use COM. If you are happy to accept that restriction then you can carry on as you are.
I don't know if any technology exists to do this.
I do know that I worked with a system very similar to this. We used XML files to describe the various classes that different modules made available. Our equivalent of ModuleManager would parse the xml files to determine what to create for the user at run time based on the class name they provided and the configuration of the system. (Requesting an object that implemented interface 'I' could give back any of objects 'A', 'B' or 'C' depending on how the system was configured.)
The big gotcha we found was that the system was very brittle and at times hard to debug/understand. Just reading through the code, it was often near impossible to see what concrete class was being instantiated. We also found that maintaining the XML created more bugs and overhead than expected.
If I was to do this again, I would keep the design pattern of exposing classes from DLL's through interfaces, but I would not try to build a central registry of classes, nor would I derive everything from a base class such as IObject.
I would instead make each module responsible for exposing its own factory functions(s) to instantiate objects.

Putting all code of a module behind 1 interface. Good idea or not?

I have several modules (mainly C) that need to be redesigned (using C++). Currently, the main problems are:
many parts of the application rely on the functions of the module
some parts of the application might want to overrule the behavior of the module
I was thinking about the following approach:
redesign the module so that it has a clear modern class structure (using interfaces, inheritence, STL containers, ...)
writing a global module interface class that can be used to access any functionality of the module
writing an implementation of this interface that simply maps the interface methods to the correct methods of the correct class in the interface
Other modules in the application that currently directly use the C functions of the module, should be passed [an implementation of] this interface. That way, if the application wants to alter the behavior of one of the functions of the module, it simply inherits from this default implementation and overrules any function that it wants.
An example:
Suppose I completely redesign my module so that I have classes like: Book, Page, Cover, Author, ... All these classes have lots of different methods.
I make a global interface, called ILibraryAccessor, with lots of pure virtual methods
I make a default implementation, called DefaultLibraryAccessor, than simply forwards all methods to the correct method of the correct class, e.g.
DefaultLibraryAccessor::printBook(book) calls book->print()
DefaultLibraryAccessor::getPage(book,10) calls book->getPage(10)
DefaultLibraryAccessor::printPage(page) calls page->print()
Suppose my application has 3 kinds of windows
The first one allows all functionality and as an application I want to allow that
The second one also allows all functionality (internally), but from the application I want to prevent printing separate pages
The third one also allows all functionality (internally), but from the application I want to prevent printing certain kinds of books
When constructing the window, the application passes an implementation of ILibraryAccessor to the window
The first window will get the DefaultLibraryAccessor, allowing everything
I will pass a special MyLibraryAccessor to the second window, and in MyLibraryAccessor, I will overrule the printPage method and let it fail
I will pass a special AnotherLibraryAccessor to the third window, and in AnotherLibraryAccessor, I will overrule the printBook method and check the type of book before I will call book->print().
The advantage of this approach is that, as shown in the example, an application can overrule any method it wants to overrule. The disadvantage is that I get a rather big interface, and the class-structure is completely lost for all modules that wants to access this other module.
Good idea or not?
You could represent the class structure with nested interfaces. E.g. instead of DefaultLibraryAccessor::printBook(book), have DefaultLibraryAccessor::Book::print(book). Otherwise it looks like a good design to me.
Maybe look at the design pattern called "Facade". Use one facade per module. Your approach seems good.
ILibraryAccessor sounds like a known anti-pattern, the "god class".
Your individual windows are probably better off inheriting and overriding at Book/Page/Cover/Author level.
The only thing I'd worry about is a loss of granularity, partly addressed by suszterpatt previously. Your implementations might end up being rather heavyweight and inflexible. If you're sure that you can predict the future use of the module at this point then the design is probably ok.
It occurs to me that you might want to keep the interface fine-grained, but find some way of injecting this kind of display-specific behaviour rather than trying to incorporate it at top level.
If you have n number of methods in your interface class, And there are m number of behaviors per each method, you get m*(nC1 + nC2 + nC3 + ... + nCn) Implementations of your interface (I hope I got my math right :) ). Compare this with the m*n implementations you need if you were to have a single interface per function. And this method has added flexibility which is more important. So, no - I don't think a single interface would do. But you don't have to be extreme about it.
EDIT: I am sure the math is wrong. :(