No exe file created after installing spyder 2.2.1 - failed-installation

Just finished installing spyder 2.2.1, but i got no .exe file. I only have .bat file. running the .bat does start spyder, but the lack of .exe makes me think the installation process went wrong somewhere.
Any help?

(Spyder dev here) No, there is no problem at all. Spyder is not built as an executable in Windows because it's based on Python too (which is an interpreted, not a compiled language).
Note: By the way, Spyder 2.1 is too old (and now unmaintained). Please refer to our downloads page to install the most recent version (which right now is 2.2.1).


Global name 'col2im_6d_cython' is not defined, CS231n

I'm following CS231n and met a problem when doing assignment2: ConvolutionalNetworks: global name 'col2im_6d_cython' is not defined.
I think the problem was due to a failure in importing functions from im2col_cython.pyx, which used cython.
I've installed Xcode 7.3.1, as shown below, but the problem was still not solved.
I'm running the ipynb files in Jupyter from Anaconda. There is a related discussion on reddit, but unfortunately the solution here was for Windows, not Mac OS X.
Thank you for your time.
I wanted to add my input as a comment but didn't have enough reputation points to do so.
The issue was resolved for me when I closed the jupyter notebook and opened it again. I compiled the cython extension after I got the import error and probably have to relaunch it when the .so file is available.
I solved this with 2 easy steps:
In the terminal, run python build_ext --inplace in the cs231n directory.
Then reopen the notebook (if necessary, shutdown the notebook, the open it again);
Ps.: I tried this through the notebook using !python ./cs231n/ build_ext --inplace as well. It does not work! You have to that outside the notebook, using the terminal.
I had this problem recently. I googled it a lot and also tried un-/-reinstall Anaconda. However it does work further. So I used "which python" to figure out which python's been using. And it turns out that the python included in Anakonda directory is used as default. I then tried the python2.7 in my macOS, which is located in /usr/bin/python2.7. Although I got a couple of warnings, but now it works likes charm. Perhaps it's kind of version problem. Solved in macOS Sierra 10.12.4.
I compared the two compiling results, as it shows that the include files are totally different. The one in Anaconda includes all header files in python3.6. Instead we need here corresponding header files in python2.7(I suppose). As the red circles point out.
enter image description here
Supported by python 3 onwards. Go to and change the line
virtualenv .env
virtualenv -p python3 .env and run the setup again as explained in assignment1 setup..
Works well after that..
It occurred to me as well.
My problem:
I saw that the extention file that is created is named "im2col_cython.cp37-win_amd64.pyd" and the import is looking for im2col_cython alone, so I changed the file name to "im2col_cython.pyd" and ran the setup script again.
Now when I ran the code in the notebook it found the module but it said that the dll was compiled with a different python version. I use Anaconda envs and it turns out that since I ran the setup script from the cmd, it used a different python version than the one of the environment. I deleted the created files from the cs231n directory (im2col_cython.cp37-win_amd64.pyd and im2col_cython.c) and ran the setup script again, this time from the env Anaconda Prompt and it worked.
remove already created files (the .c and .pyd files)
run the setup
script from the environment prompt (not plain cmd)
change the .pyd
file name into im2col_cython.pyd

pyinstaller 3.2 build pyqt4/python2.7 to onefile exe, can not run missing msvcr100.dll?

As title,
Build successful, but the exe can't run. can not found msvcr100.dll.
I can put msvcr100.dll with exe in the same dir, the exe can run.
But I just want only one exe file.
Anyone know how to do?
Has solved. This is a bug of pyinstaller3.2, the new in the git has solved this bug. Down the newest source in the github, erverything works fine.
Has solved. This is a bug of pyinstaller3.2, the new one in the git has solved this bug. Down the newest source in the GitHub, everything works fine.
This is correct, I cant tell you how much that answer helped me out. I have been trying to build a single exe Exploit to execute on Windows XP with-out it crashing for my OSCP Labs/Exam. I followed so many tutorials and nothing seems to work. I was able to build the EXE but could not get it to run under a single EXE.
If anyone who reads this is getting "This Program cannot be run in DOS mode" try running it from another machine with the same build (Windows XP). There is not much info out there on how to solve that from a Reverse Shell on a End Of Life Operating System using an EXE exploit built with Pyinstaller. (Lots of Trial and Error and determination)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (or some other version depending on python version) is needed in any case, python27.dll requires it
I was also receiving an error about msvcr100.dll when ran from the GUI on my build machine(WinXP SP2). This is corrected in the 3.3 Dev version on GitHub.
I installed the C++ 2008 Package but this didn't solve my problem when I re-built the EXE, the 3.3 Dev Pyinstaller was the solution.
What I did was:
Zip down the Dev version of Pyinstaller 3.3 Dev(GitHub) is the newest for 11/14/16 that I could tell. Make sure you have Python 2.7.x (I used 2.7.11) and pywin32 installed that matches (Python 2.7.x) version. (And it does matter if its 64-bit or 32-bit) Use the to install Pyinstaller, make sure you do not have a previous version already installed, if so use pip or etc. to remove. I installed with pip first and this was my whole issue.
I was able to get all of my 32-bit Single EXE Exploits to run on 64-bit/32-bit Windows machines up to Windows 10.
Once that is completed, make sure Pyinstaller is in your $PATH and follow the standard tutorials on creating a --onefile EXE. Copy to your Windows Target machine and it should work with-out error. I did not need to pull any dependencies over but you may have to include some with the --hidden command. Its greatly detailed in the Pyinstaller documentation on how to include hidden .dlls
If this still doesn't work for you try using py2exe. Its a little more complicated but it your determined you will figure it out.
If you have code written in python 2.x.x and 3.x.x you can have multiple environments of Python and have Pyinstaller installed in each. This is in the documentation as well.
Thank you jim ying. Your 2 sentence answer was exactly what I needed.

Can't run Spyder or .py(w) scripts with Windows 10

Can't open Spyder2 in Windows 10.0 (# 10240): the icon just appears briefly. Python 2.7.10 and Spyder 2.3.1 were loaded with Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit). The python console works fine - but I can't get my *.py or *.pyw files running. There is probably some message in the Python console when attemtping to open Spyder, but I don't know how to capture it.
First, one correction: the problem was with starting Spyder, not running .py or .pyw files. Anyway, things work all right now after de-installing Spyder and Python, and reinstalling the Python(x,y) package (instead of Anaconda's). Then, when starting Spyder from the Python(x,y)start window, it behaves normally.

Installing anaconda to use with windows

I am lost in the installation process of installing anaconda on windows.
I've installed the windows 32bit package (I'm running windows 7 x64)
I have anaconda in the start menu and I can open the python console and use scipy.stats.t.interval(), the function I am interested in.
However, how do I go about including this in another python program? I think it's something like adding it to the path. For instance, I have the scipy.stats.t.interval() function call in my other python file which I run through cygwin via python However it returns the error:
from scipy.stats import t
ImportError: No module named scipy.stats
I think it might be a change of path / add to path issue, but I'm not sure how to fix it :/. While I try to fix it, I figure I will post for help here.
well you might have two installations of python, one inside the anaconda package, and other which you might have installed earlier. try doing :
which python
from CygWin console.
If it returns:
then it is definitely a add-to-path problem.
to fix it for CygWin,
you have to add the python installation from anaconda to the path.
try this fromn CygWin:
and then doing:
which python
should give you:
and then it will work.

Python 32 or 64 on 64 bit Windows 7? How will this effect installing easy_install?

I wrote some python code on my mac and how I have to transfer it over to a windows computer. This is frustrating beyond words. I installed Python 2.7 x32, then I uninstalled it, then I installed Python 2.7 x64. My python script depends on xlrd and xlwt, and some other downloaded modules. I would like to install those using easy_install or pip or any way that is easy for somebody who doesn't know too much about the really intricate workings of a computer. As of now, if I do this:
C:\Windows\System32> python
I get:
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
Would someone suggest a next move for me?
I did a bunch of google-ing and stackoverflow-ing and seem to have landed here, I'm not sure how to download something from here. For example, how would I download Pip, and also, which one would I download?
People say that a person should download and install this, how would I do that?
I'm familiar with terminal, what would I type into cmd?
The reason that I things were not going well for me was because I was using a mixture of Python 2.7 (32-bit) and Python 2.7 (64-bit). After more researching I found that even though my Windows 7 was 64 bit, I didn't have to download the 64-bit python. In fact, the 32-bit python was more compatible with other programs. So I clicked around and uninstalled python and everything else that had the name 'Python' in it from my Add/Remove programs menu. This took about 10 minutes. Next, I downloaded the 32-bit Python 2.7. After this, all of the packages that I download, I made sure that they were 32-bit and not 64-bit.
Also, very important, I went to my 'Environment Variables' (google how to get there) and added the directory of where Python27 was installed. To do this you can follow this guide. The last thing that I did was add ;.PY to the end of PATHEXT.