Service which provides interface-impelementation instead of data - web-services

Since a while now I'm implementing services whenever possible with ServiceStack (or WebAPI) instead of WCF.
What I want to do now is sending an interface (-name) to the server and get a class-implementation back. Maybe that's confusing, so I'll give you an example:
My service-client has multiple operations - like "check form":
The logic for checking this form is not implemented. What it has is an interface called IFormChecker with methods like NameIsValid(string firstName, string middleName, string lastName).
Instead of sending the whole form-data to the server for validation, the client will request the implementation of IFormChecker from the server.
I know that's possible with WCF, but I have no idea how to do that with ServiceStack.
If that's possible, what's the way to go? I checked the documentation, but I'm not really wiser.

It seams like there's no "magic trick" or anything.
I have to serialize/deserialize the class "old-fashion way".
If you're interested, here's the solution:
I created a "Root"-Interface, in this example it is IModule.
This IModule contains only 1 property, called Name.
It is a string and only there for convenience:
The IFormChecker from the example would be derived from this interface:
My client knows the value of this Name-property and of course the interface itself.
It will now fire the Name-value to the server, which will return the serialized class.
All I have to do is:
var module = ModuleImplementations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);
if(module == null) throw new SomeException();
return module.Serialize();
client-wise I can deserialize it and cast it to the interface. That's it.
Here's my ModuleSerialization-Class:
public static class ModuleSerialization
public static string Serialize(this IModule m)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(ms, m);
return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
public static T Deserialize<T>(string serialized) where T : class, IModule
var ba = Convert.FromBase64String(serialized);
using (var s = new MemoryStream(ba))
var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
return bf.Deserialize(s) as T;


How to get db data back via repository service with MVC and Moq

I need to retrieve data from the db, via a service, in order to test captured data for structural validity.
i.e. The db data specifies the sizes of parts of a captured concatenated string, (in a certain order), which I mock. So no worries there.
But I don't want to mock the service's data.
I want to actually retrieve the db data, which can change/vary vastly for different clients, and different scenarios, or be changed regularly.
So, changing the mocked data for each scenario is not feasible.
The Service implements an interface and also injects the Data Access Layer's interface.
I do set 'CallBase' as true, but I'm not getting db Data back.
Please help.
public interface I_PartDao
ExBool List(out List<GXL_PartSizes> _PartSizes);
public class GXL_PartSizes
public int? ID { get; set; }
public int? PartLength { get; set; }
public int? SortOrder { get; set; }
public GXL_PartSizes()
this.ID = null;
this.PartLength = null;
this.SortOrder = null;
// Service Layer
public interface I_PartBo
ExBool List(out List<GXL_PartSizes> _PartSizes);
public class PartBo : I_PartBo
// For the injection of the Dao services (Dao handles the Ado CRUD operations against MSSQL dbase)
private I_PartDao PartDao;
public PartBo(I_PartDao dao_Part)
this.PartDao = dao_Part ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("dao_Part");
public ExBool List(out List<GXL_PartSizes> _PartSizes)
return this.PartDao.List(out _PartSizes);
public class GXL_ConcatenatedStructures_Test
ExBool result = new ExBool(); // A class to handle error messages and statuses
private List<GXL_PartSizes> partSizes;
public void Test_Part_1_Length_matches_dbStructure_for_part1()
// Arrange
var mockService = new Mock<I_PartBo>();
// This is retrieved from the data posted back to the controller,..but for here and now, just a local populated strign var
var concatenatedString_part1 = "ABC";
// Act
//mockService.CallBase = true;
.Setup(x => x.List(out partSizes))
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(concatenatedString_part1, partSizes[0].PartLength);
I thought that there was a way to do what I wanted to, by using moq.
by just using the normal concrete classes, as per the usual (sans DI) way, The db data is retrieved.
NamespaceX.GLX_SetupDao dao = new NamespaceX.GLXSetupDao("data source=LAPTOP-a; Initial
Catalog=aaaa; Integrated Security=True;");
GLX_SetupBo boService = new GLX_SetupBo(dao);
result = boService.List(out List<GXL_PartSizes> sizes);

Mocking Test : How-to refactor legacy singleton used in static

Well, I'm looking for the best way to refactor a (huge) legacy code-base and introducing some tests in it..There was no test framework. (yeah, I mean not at all)
It was an JEE 5 application. The goal is to revamp that in JEE7
Let me introduce a quick overview .
The end-users (those of them who are authorized) are free to evolve , configure many aspect of the application behavior by setting in the UI a bunch of preferences.
Theses are stored in an SQL table for the main part (the rest in some xml and properties files).
To fulfill this requirement, there is an #Startup object dedicated to build a sort-of huge map with all key-values.
Then all across the code base when a use case needs to adapt it's processing it checks the current value of the parameter(s) needed to its task.
A real case is that the app has to do a few operations on images;
For instance, Class ImgProcessing has to create thumbnail of a picture via this method :
Optional<Path> generateThumb_fromPath(Path origImg);
for this the method generateThumb_fromPath, calls Thumbnailer,
which uses a generic ImageProcessingHelper,
which holds a few set of generic image related tools and methods,
and specially an static method returning the wished dimensions of the thumbnail to be generated based on the original image constraints and some thumbnail preferences (keys = "THUMBNAIL_WIDTH" and "THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT").
These preferences are the user wishes for what size a thumbnail should have.
So far so good, nothing special.
Now the dark side of this :
The original JEE5 config loader is an bad old fashioned infamous singleton pattern as :
OldBadConfig {
private static OldBadConfig instance ;
public static getInstance(){
// create, initialize and populate our big preferences' map
return instance;
Then all across the whole code-base these preferences are used. In my refactoring effort I've already done using #Inject for injecting the singleton object.
But in static utilities ( no injection point available ) you have lots of this nasty calls :
OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)
(Briefly I will explain that I use testNg + Mockito, I don't think the tools are relevant here, it seems to be more about an original terrible design,
but if I HAVE to change my toolbox (Junit or whatever) I will. But again I don't think the tooling is the root problem here. )
Trying to refactor the image part and make it test-friendly., I want to do this test with cut = instance of my Class Under Test:
public void firstTest(){
Optional<Path> op = cut.generateThumb_fromPath(targetPath);
// ..assertThatTheThumbnailWasCreated........
So in a few words ,
the execution flow will be like :
class under test --> some business implementation --> someutilities --> static_global_app_preference ---> other_class-othermethod.finalizingProcessing,
then return to the caller.
My testing effort halts here. How to mock the static_global_app_preference ?
How can I refactor the static_global_app_preference part from
*OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)*
to something mockable where I could mock like :
Mockito.when(gloablConf.getPreference("THUMBNAIL_WIDTH", anyString)).thenReturn("32");
I've spent quite a time reading boks, blog posts etc all saying
'(these kind of) Singleton is EVIL'. You should NOT do that !
I think we all agree , thanks.
But what about a real word and effective solution to such really trivial, common tasks?
I can not add the singleton instance (or the preferences'map ) as parameters (because as it is already spread all across the code-base it will pollute all and every classes and methods . For instance in the exposed use case, it will pollute 5 methods in 4 classes just for one, poor, miserable, access to a parameter.
It's really not feasible.
So far I tried to refactor OldBadConfig class in two part : one with all initialization/write stuff,
and the other with only the read parts. that way I can at least make this a real JEE #Singleton and benefits from concurrent access once the startup is over and the configuration all loaded.
Then I tried to make this SharedGlobalConf accessible via a factory, called like :
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf= (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
then gloablConf.getPreference(key, defaultValue); is accessible.
It seems to be a little better than the original bottleneck, but didn't help at all for the testing part.
I thought the factory will ease everything but nothing like that comes out.
So there is my question :
For myself, I can split the OldBadConfig to an startup artefact doing the init and refesh, and to an SharedGlobalConf which is a JEE7 pure Singleton,
Then, as for the legacy use case described here, How Can I make this reasonably mock-able ? Real word solutions are all welcomed.
Thanks sharing your wisdom and skills !
I will like to share my own answer.
Let's say we got these classes after the initial large OldBadConfig class was splitted :
#Startup AppConfigPopulator in charge of loading all information and populating the kind-of internal cache,
which is now a distinct SharedGlobalConf object. The populator is the only one in charge of feeding the SharedGlobalConf via :
public SharedGlobalConf sharedGlobalConf() {
if (sharedGlobalConf.isDirty()) {
return sharedGlobalConf;
private void refreshSharedGlobalConf() {
In all components (by that I mean all Classes holding valid injection points) you just do your classic
#Inject private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;
For static utilities that can not do #Inject, we got an SharedGlobalConfFactory which handles the shared data to everything in a one-liner :
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
That way our old code base can be smoothly upgraded : #Inject in all valid components, And the (too many) old utilities that we can not reasonably rewrite them all in this refactoring step can get these
*OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)*
,simply replaced by
(new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared().getPreference(key, defaultValue);
And we are test-compliant and mockable !
Proof of concept :
A really critical Business demands is modeled in this class :
public class Usage {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Usage.class);
private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;#Inject
private BusinessCase bc;public String doSomething(String argument) {
logger.debug(" >>doSomething on {}", argument);
// do something using bc
Object importantBusinessDecision = bc.checks(argument);
logger.debug(" >>importantBusinessDecision :: {}", importantBusinessDecision);
if (globalConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")) {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: TRUE");
// Do it !
return "Done_SO";
} else {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: FALSE -> another");
// Do it another way
String resultStatus = importantBusinessDecision +"-"+ StaticHelper.anotherWay(importantBusinessDecision);
logger.debug(" >> resultStatus " + resultStatus);
return "Done_another_way " + resultStatus;
public void err() {
private void xx() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" WTF !!!");
To get it's job done , we need a hand from our old companion StaticHelper :
class StaticHelper {
public static String anotherWay(Object importantBusinessDecision) {// System.out.println("zz #anotherWay on "+importantBusinessDecision);
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
String avar = gloablConf.getParamValue("deeperParam", "deeperValue");
//compute the importantBusinessDecision based on avar
return avar;
Usage of this =
#Named public class Usage {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Usage.class);
private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;
private BusinessCase bc;
public String doSomething(String argument) {
logger.debug(" >>doSomething on {}", argument);
// do something using bc
Object importantBusinessDecision = bc.checks(argument);
logger.debug(" >>importantBusinessDecision :: {}", importantBusinessDecision);
if (globalConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")) {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: TRUE");
// Do it !
return "Done_SO";
} else {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: FALSE -> another");
// Do it another way
String resultStatus = importantBusinessDecision +"-"+ StaticHelper.anotherWay(importantBusinessDecision);
logger.debug(" >> resultStatus " + resultStatus);
return "Done_another_way " + resultStatus;
public void err() {
private void xx() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" WTF !!!");
As you see the old shared key/value holder is still used every where but this time, we can test
public class TestingAgainstOldBadStaticSingleton {
private final Boolean boolFlagParam;
private final String deepParam;
private final String decisionParam;
private final String argument;
private final String expected;
#Factory(dataProvider = "tdpOne")
public TestingAgainstOldBadStaticSingleton(String argument, Boolean boolFlagParam, String deepParam, String decisionParam, String expected) {
this.argument = argument;
this.boolFlagParam = boolFlagParam;
this.deepParam = deepParam;
this.decisionParam = decisionParam;
this.expected = expected;
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
BusinessCase bc = (new BusinessCase());
Usage cut = new Usage();
public void testDoSomething() {
String result = cut.doSomething(argument);
assertEquals(result, this.expected);
public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(gloablConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")).thenReturn(this.boolFlagParam);
Mockito.when(gloablConf.getParamValue("deeperParam", "deeperValue")).thenReturn(this.deepParam);
#DataProvider(name = "tdpOne")
public static Object[][] testDatasProvider() {
return new Object[][]{
{"**AF-argument1**", false, "AF", "DEC1", "Done_another_way DEC1-AF"},
{"**AT-argument2**", true, "AT", "DEC2", "Done_SO"},
{"**BF-Argument3**", false, "BF", "DEC3", "Done_another_way DEC3-BF"},
{"**BT-Argument4**", true, "BT", "DEC4", "Done_SO"}};
The test is with TestNG and Mockito : it shows how we don't need to do the complex stuff (reading the sql table, the xml files etc..) but simply mock different set of values targeting just our sole business case. (if a nice fellow would accept to translate in other frameworks for those interested...)
As for the initial request was about the design allowing to reasonably refactor a -huge- existing code-base away from the 'static singleton anti-pattern' , while introducing tests and mocks I assume this a quite valid answer.
Will like to hear about your opinion and BETTER alternatives

Create a Partial Stub in Microsoft Moles

I am pulling my hair out with this one. I have looked and cannot find a simple, clear example of creating and using a partial stub with Microsoft Moles. Maybe I'm missing somethimg, or have my code architected poorly, but I can't seem to get this to work.
Here's my class (simplified):
public class AccountService : IAccountService {
private readonly webServiceProxy IExternalWebServiceProxy;
public AccountService(IExternalWebServiceProxy webServiceProxy) {
this.webServiceProxy = webServiceProxy;
public List<AccountModel> GetAccounts(string customerId) {
var returnList = new List<AccountModel>();
var xmlResponse = webServiceProxy.GetAllCustomerAccounts(customerId);
var accountNodes = xmlResponse.SelectNodes("//AccountNodes");
if (accountNodes != null)
foreach (XmlNode node in accountNodes)
var account = this.MapAccountFromXml(node);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.AccountNumber))
return returnList;
public AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
if (!IsValidAccount(node) {
return null;
// This performs a lot of XML manipulation getting nodes based on attributes
// and mapping them to the various properties of the AccountModel. It's messy
// and I didn't want it inline with the other code.
return populatedAccountModel;
public bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
var taxSelectValue = node.SelectSingleNode("//FORMAT/Field[#taxSelect='1']").First().Value;
var accountStatus = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityDate = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityValue = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
return taxSelectValue != string.Empty && taxSelectValue != "0" && (accountStatusValue != "CL" || (maturityDate.Year >= DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year));
What I want to do is test my GetAccounts() method. I can stub out the IExternalWebServiceProxy call and return fake XML, but I have internal calls happening in my service since my GetAccounts() method calls MapAccountFromXml() which in turn calls IsValidAccount().
Perhaps the solution is to not worry about breaking out the long and involved MapAccountFromXml() and IsValidAccount() code and just put them inline into the GetAccount() call, but I would rather leave them broken out for code readability.
I have my Moles assembly created, and know I can create a stub version of my class like this
var stubWebService = SIExternalWebServiceProxy {
GetAllCustomerAccounts = delegate {
return SomeHelper.GetFakeXmlDocument();
var stubAccountService = new SAccountService() { callsBase = true; }
My problem is I don't know how to then override the internal calls to MapAccountFromXml and IsValidAccount and I don't want my Unit Test to be testing thos methods, I'd like to isolate GetAccounts for the test. I read somewhere the methods need to be virtual to be overriden in a partial stub, but could not find anything that then showed how to create a stub that overrides a few methods while calling the base for the one I want to test.
Peer put me on the right track, thank you.
It turned out that what I was looking for is called Detours in Moles. Rather than stub an interface using
var stubAccountService = new SIAccountService();
what I needed to do was create an instance of my AccountService and then detour all calls to the methods I wanted to mock, like this
var accountService = new AccountService();
MAccountService.AllInstances.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate {
return new AccountModel();
The MAccountService is provided by Moles when you Mole your assembly. The only missing piece to this is that for this to work you need to add the following attribute to your test method:
This worked for me locally, but in the end I had trouble getting TFS to do automated builds
I just stumbled on another way of doing this, while looking at Rhino Mocks. If the methods in the class being mocked are virtual then you can override them in the mock, like this:
var accountService = new SAccountService();
accountService.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate
return new AccountModel();
Now I can call
and when accountService makes its call to MapAccountFromXml it will be caught by the stub and processed as I deem necessary. No messing with HostType and it works like a charm.
To test methods in you class in issolation you do this with moles by making a mole for the IsValidAccount and MapAccountFromXml methods. Or make a stub implementation with stubs where you let the stub call the orriginal methode using base. Or what I think is a nicer solution, make a test class which overrides the methods you do want to stub (this is the same what a stub would do, except you see all what is happening in your own code):
public class TestHelperAccountService : AccountService {
public override AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
return new AccountModel(){
public override bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
return true;
This way you can do your test for the GetAccount method on your TestHelperAccountService class where you GetAccount method runs in full issolation. You can do the same for the methods like MapAccountFromXml to test them seperatly.

testing entity mapping of NHibernate

i'm building some basic crud methods for my fluently mapped entities.
i just wanna know if there is a simple way to make the transaction to perform a rollback when i'm running the cud test methods ?
the code that being tested perform the commit inside
here is a create sample:
public int? Create(IIdentifiable entity)
int? newId = null;
using (ISession session = SessionFactoryProvider.NewSession)
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
object newObj = session.Save(entity);
newId = (int?)newObj;
return (int?)newId;
If you're using, there's an AutoRollback attribute in the contrib project. If you're open to using System.Transactions then you can create a new transaction before the session.Open() and session should autoenlist (unless you've set to not autoenlist). Then just abandon at the end.
I did something similar to this a (long) while ago:
public class TransactionalTest
public TransactionalTest()
Transaction.Current = new CommittableTransaction();
if (Transaction.Current != null &&
Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.Status !=
Then just have your test extend TransactionalTest. But, I think NUnit, MbUnit and all support transactional tests out of the box or with a contrib project.
Check FUBUMVC Contrib for a great NHibernate CRUD testing method.
Hmm, I don't think that it is a good idea to let your method create a session and perform transaction handling .... Unless that method is also a service boundary.
Suppose you want to create multiple entities in one and the same transaction, how are you going to handle that ?
For integration testing, I use a session decorator to auto commit and evict the entity. You could adapt it for your situation:
public class AutoCommitAndEvictSession : SessionDecorator {
public AutoCommitAndEvictSession(ISession session)
: base(session) { }
public override object Save(object obj) {
object result;
using (var tx = Session.BeginTransaction()) {
result = Session.Save(obj);
return result;
public override void Update(object obj) {
CommitAndEvict(base.Update, obj);
public override void Delete(object obj) {
CommitAndEvict(base.Delete, obj);
private void CommitAndEvict(Action<object> action, object entity) {
using (var tx = Session.BeginTransaction()) {
You can find more details on usage with examples here:

Alternative of using built-in object that implements IDictionary for a web method

I have a web application that uses the Web Service created in ASP.NET. In this, web service I want to pass an collection object of Key Value type (i.e. something like Hashtable or Dictionay).
But we cannot use objects that implements from IDictionary.
I do not want to create a serialized class in my web service.
Can anyone suggest me the best approach for this?
dev.e.loper is almost right. You can use a List<Pair>.
Alternatively, you can use List<KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.
MSDN Documentation:
I'm not totally clear on your question, but maybe you are needing something like this?
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public class SerializableDictionary<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, IXmlSerializable
public XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
var keySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TKey));
var valueSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TValue));
bool wasEmpty = reader.IsEmptyElement;
if (wasEmpty)
while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
var key = (TKey)keySerializer.Deserialize(reader);
var value = (TValue)valueSerializer.Deserialize(reader);
this.Add(key, value);
public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
var keySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TKey));
var valueSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TValue));
foreach (var key in this.Keys)
keySerializer.Serialize(writer, key);
TValue value = this[key];
valueSerializer.Serialize(writer, value);
You can inherit from KeyedCollection which is Serializable.
I solved this by using DictionaryEntry
The only difference is that Key is Object as well.
I basically have a Dictionary ToDictionary(DictionaryEntry[] entries) and a DictionaryEntry[] FromDictionary(Dictionary entries) static methods which are very light weight and end up getting me to the same place without having to make my own collection class.
The added benefit is that the XML which comes as a result is closer to that in which the WCF Web Services use by default! That means you can make this change now in your client code and be ready for WCF if you decide to move that way.
The result looks like this over JSON [{"Key": key1, "Value": value1}, {"Key": key2, "Value": value2}] exactly the same as it does over WCF by default.
You could try to use 2 arrays, 1 for keys and one for values, where the indexes of the arrays match up. Not the most ideal solution but a valid one. The internals of the webservice you can use IDictionary and just pass out the Keys and Values of that object.