Vim [compile and] run shortcut - c++

Basically what I want is a keyboard shortcut in vim that lets me [compile and] run the currently being edited C, C++ or Python program. In psuedocode:
when a shortcut key is pressed:
if current_extension == 'c' then
shell: gcc this_filename.c -o this_filename_without_extension
if retcode == 0 then shell: ./this_filename_without_extension
else if current_extension == 'cpp' then
shell: g++ this_filename.cpp -o this_filename_without_extension
if retcode == 0 then shell: ./this_filename_without_extension
else if current_extension == 'py' then
shell: python
end if
end key
I realise I might be asking a bit much but would love it if this was possible!

Something like this would work. Just create filetype autocmd that map <F4> or whatever you want to save and compile and run the program. It uses exec to build the string and uses shellescape to escape the file name.
autocmd filetype python nnoremap <F4> :w <bar> exec '!python '.shellescape('%')<CR>
autocmd filetype c nnoremap <F4> :w <bar> exec '!gcc '.shellescape('%').' -o '.shellescape('%:r').' && ./'.shellescape('%:r')<CR>
autocmd filetype cpp nnoremap <F4> :w <bar> exec '!g++ '.shellescape('%').' -o '.shellescape('%:r').' && ./'.shellescape('%:r')<CR>
% is the current buffer filename. %:r is the buffer filename without extension seems to do more than what you want. For a simpler solution you could also just add the following to your vimrc
au BufEnter *.cpp set makeprg=g++\ -g\ %\ -o\ %<
au BufEnter *.c set makeprg=gcc\ -g\ %\ -o\ %<
au BufEnter *.py set makeprg=python\ %
au BufEnter *.[rR] set makeprg=Rscript\ %
map <F5> :call CompileGcc()<CR>
func! CompileGcc()
exec "w"
silent make

It's 2018 now, vim 8 has released for 2 years and shipped with all the mean stream Linux distributions and Mac OS X. But a lot of vim tutorials are still teaching people something ten years ago.
You can compile your C++/Java programs in vim as convenience as Sublime Text or NotePad++ with some dedicated plugins for Vim 8 or NeoVim.
For example, the AsyncRun plugin will allow you run shell commands in background and read output from quickfix window in realtime.
See the screen capture.
Just like compiling programs in IDEs, the compilation errors will be matched by errorformat and be highlighted and become selectable. You can navigate errors in the quickfix window or continue editing while compiling.
Quick setup
Copy & paste the lines below to your vimrc:
Plug 'skywind3000/asyncrun.vim'
" open quickfix window automatically when AsyncRun is executed
" set the quickfix window 6 lines height.
let g:asyncrun_open = 6
" ring the bell to notify you job finished
let g:asyncrun_bell = 1
" F10 to toggle quickfix window
nnoremap <F10> :call asyncrun#quickfix_toggle(6)<cr>
When you input “:AsyncRun echo hello ” in the command line:
see the capture here
You will see the realtime command output in the open quickfix window.
Compile and run a single file
Compiling a single file with AsyncRun is much simpler than Sublime Text’s build system. We can setup F9 for this:
noremap <silent> <F9> :AsyncRun gcc -Wall -O2 "$(VIM_FILEPATH)" -o "$(VIM_FILEDIR)/$(VIM_FILENOEXT)" <cr>
The macros in $(..) form will be expanded as the real file name or directory, and then we will have F5 to run the executable:
noremap <silent> <F5> :AsyncRun -raw -cwd=$(VIM_FILEDIR) "$(VIM_FILEDIR)/$(VIM_FILENOEXT)" <cr>
The double quotation mark is used to handle path names containing spaces. The option -cwd=$(VIM_FILEDIR) means running the file in the file's directory. The absolute path name $(VIM_FILEDIR)/$(VIM_FILENOEXT) is used because linux needs a ./ prefix to running executables in current directory, but windows doesn't . Using the absolute path name of the binary file can handle this crossing platform issue.
Another option -raw means the output will not be matched by vim's errorformat, and will be displayed in quickfix as what it is. Now you can compile your file with F9, check the compilation errors in quickfix window and press F5 to run the binary.
Build C/C++ Projects
No matter what build tool you are using, make or cmake, project building means acting to a group of files. It requires locating the project root directory. AsyncRun uses a simple method called root markers to identify the project root. The Project Root is identified as the nearest ancestor directory of the current file which contains one of these directories or files:
let g:asyncrun_rootmarks = ['.svn', '.git', '.root', '_darcs']
If none of the parent directories contains these root markers, the directory of the current file is used as the project root. This enables us to use either <root> or $(VIM_ROOT) to represent the project root. and F7 can be setup to build the current project:
noremap <silent> <F7> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> make <cr>
What if your current project is not in any git or subversion repository ? How to find out where is my project root ? The solution is very simple, just put an empty .root file in your project root, it will be located easily.
Let’s move on, setup F8 to run the current project:
noremap <silent> <F8> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> -raw make run <cr>
The project will run in its root directory. Of course, you need define the run rule in your own makefile. then remap F6 to test:
noremap <silent> <F6> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> -raw make test <cr>
If you are using cmake, F4 can be map to update your Makefile:
nnoremap <silent> <F4> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> cmake . <cr>
Due to the implementation of c runtime, if the process is running is a non-tty environment, all the data in stdout will be buffered until process exits. So, there must be a fflush(stdout) after your printf statement if you want to see the real-time output. or you can close the stdout buffer at the beginning by
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
At the mean time, if you are writing C++ code, a std::endl can be appended to the end of std::cout. It can force flush the stdout buffer. If you are developing on windows, AsyncRun can open a new cmd window for the child process:
nnoremap <silent> <F5> :AsyncRun -cwd=$(VIM_FILEDIR) -mode=4 "$(VIM_FILEDIR)/$(VIM_FILENOEXT)" <cr>
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> -mode=4 make run <cr>
Using the option -mode=4 on windows will open a new prompt window to run the command, just like running command line programs in Visual Studio. Finally, we have these key mappings below:
F4: update Makefile with cmake.
F5: run the single file
F6: run project test
F7: build project
F8: run project
F9: compile the single file
F10: toggle quickfix window
It is more like build system in NotePad++ and GEdit. If you are using cmake heavily, you can write a simple shell script located in ~/.vim/script/ to combine F4 and F7 together: it will update Makefile if CMakeList.txt has been changed, then exectute make.
Advanced usage
You can also define shell scripts in your dotfiles repository and execute the script with F3:
nnoremap <F3> :AsyncRun -cwd=<root> sh /path/to/your/dotfiles/script/ <cr>
The following shell environment variables are defined by AsyncRun:
$VIM_FILEPATH - File name of current buffer with full path
$VIM_FILENAME - File name of current buffer without path
$VIM_FILEDIR - Full path of current buffer without the file name
$VIM_FILEEXT - File extension of current buffer
$VIM_FILENOEXT - File name of current buffer without path and extension
$VIM_CWD - Current directory
$VIM_RELDIR - File path relativize to current directory
$VIM_RELNAME - File name relativize to current directory
$VIM_ROOT - Project root directory
$VIM_CWORD - Current word under cursor
$VIM_CFILE - Current filename under cursor
$VIM_GUI - Is running under gui ?
$VIM_VERSION - Value of v:version
$VIM_COLUMNS - How many columns in vim's screen
$VIM_LINES - How many lines in vim's screen
$VIM_SVRNAME - Value of v:servername for +clientserver usage
All the above environment variables can be used in your Using the external shell script file can do more complex work then a single command.
Grep symbols
Sometimes, If you don't have a well setup environment in you remote linux box, grep is the most cheap way to search symbol definition and references among sources. Now we will have F2 to search keyword under cursor:
if has('win32') || has('win64')
noremap <F2> :AsyncRun! -cwd=<root> grep -n -s -R <C-R><C-W> --include='*.h' --include='*.c*' '<root>' <cr>
noremap <F2> :AsyncRun! -cwd=<root> findstr /n /s /C:"<C-R><C-W>" "\%CD\%\*.h" "\%CD\%\*.c*" <cr>
The above script will run grep or findstr in your project root directory, and find symbols in only .c, .cpp and .h files. Now we move around the cursor and press F2, the symbol references in current project will be displayed in the quickfix window immediately.
This simple keymap is enough for most time. And you can improve this script to support more file types or other grep tools in your vimrc .
That’s the practical way to build/run C/C++ projects in Vim 8 or NeoVim. Just like Sublime Text’s build system and NotePad++’s NppExec.
No more outdated vim tutorials again, try something new.

this is my map it really work you can update it to any language:
" <!----------------------------" gcc compile C files----------------------------------------!>
autocmd filetype c nnoremap <Leader>c :w <CR>:!gcc % -o %:r && ./%:r<CR>
" <!----------------------------" java compile files----------------------------------------!>
autocmd filetype java nnoremap <Leader>c :w <CR>:!javac % :r&& java %:r<CR>
" <!----------------------------" php compile files----------------------------------------!>
autocmd filetype php nnoremap <Leader>c :w <CR>:!clear && php %<CR>
now if you are ine one of those file in vim just do in normal mode:

I know I came here 7 years later. I tried the code of other answers and the result didn't satisfied me, so I tried this:
autocmd filetype cpp nnoremap <F9> :w<bar>term ++shell g++ %:p -o %:p:r && %:p:r<CR>
When F9 is pressed, it (like all the answers above) compiles and executes the current file. The output is displayed in a :terminal section splitted screen.
You can change the g++ command to run another language code.
It is saved in a gist, with another mapping to display the output, also in a splitted section, but in a new file, so you can save the output.
Hopefully it could help someone.

I wanted to find a shortcut too. But I didn't want to use autocmd for some reason. I used bash script. I was already using a bash script to compile and run my C/C++ codes. So, I thought, why don't I use a bash script and use it in fltplugin file for C and C++. I made two separate bash scripts. One for C and one for C++. Here is the script for C (For C++, it is also similar just change the compiler to clang++/g++,
std=c2x to std=c++20 and $filename.c to $filename.cpp),
if [ $2 ]; then
if [ $2 == "-v" ]; then
FLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c2x"
FLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c2x"
$compiler $FLAGS $filename.c -o $filename -lm
if [ $return_value -eq 0]; then
if [ $2 ]; then
if [ $2 == "-v" ]; then
valgrind ./$filename
rm $filename
echo "[process exited $return_value]"
rm $filename
Saved it as run. I made it executable for all users,
$ chmod 777 run
I moved it to my user bin directory.
$ mv run ~/bin
If you dont have a user bin directory, make on. Go to your home directory, and make a directory named bin.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir bin
Then move the run (or whatever name you gave to your script) file to the bin directory.
$ mv run ~/bin
Let's move on.
Then I made a c.vim file in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory. And add two new key remaps to the c.vim file.
nnoremap <F9> :vertical bo term run %:r<CR>
# This will run my code with valgrind
nnoremap <F2> :vertical bo term run %:r -v<CR>
Here are some screen shots,
Clicking F9 shows me the output screen in a vim buffer,
Clicking F2 shows me the output using valgrind in a vim buffer
You can do same for C++, just make a cpp.vim file in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory. And make another run file (like run_cpp), save it in your user bin(~/bin) file. Make some custom key bindings, and you are good to go.


Compiling a C++ program in Vim

I am using Ubuntu 16.04, with Vim
Can't find a way to compile and run my C++ program in Vim.
I have appended this to my vimrc file
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :!clear;gcc % -o %:r && ./%:r<CR>
from this question: How do I run a C program from VIM?
But it isn't working - my program doesnt seem to compile when I press F8.
Any help would be appreciated.
You should have gone for the vim way of doing things. In particular in C++.
Calling g++ from :! instead of :make is really counter-productive (:h quickfix).
Follow this path instead: (1), unless you are under windows with the poorly configured make from MingW, in which case, follow this path:
(1) If you want a mapping, it would be something like:
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :update<cr>:make %<<cr>
You can simply create a makefile and then add
nmap <F8> :make!<CR>:cw<CR> to your vimrc file

Can't run a linkage script through VIM

Hello, I wrote a bash script that compile several cpp's and object files
in g++. My goal is to run the script in vim by :!, but
it doesn't works within vim, only when I'm outside.
In addition I wanted to why using % in a script
doesn't give me the current file, but gives an error
the script:
# Search for the main module and remove the ext.
delimain=`grep main *.cpp | cut -d. -f1`
# Checks if there are also object files
if [ -f ./*.o ]; then
g++ -g *.cpp *.o -o $delimain.exe
# If There are only cpp file
g++ -g *.cpp -o $delimain.exe
RE your comment
I'm using ubuntu 13.10 alias: alias link 'sh ~/bin/lin_script %'
You should not invoke a shell script with an explicit interpreter; the #!/bin/bash first line tells the shell already which interpreter to use. You're obviously a beginner in Bash; try to read some introductions to gain a better understanding.
Aliases won't work in Vim because they are only defined in an interactive shell, but the commands launched from Vim usually are launched in a non-interactive shell (because this is faster and comes with less unnecessary stuff).
The alias is interpreted by the shell, but the % symbol is special to Vim. The two are not the same. See my other answer how to pass a filename to the script.
You're right that % is automatically expanded when supplied to an Ex command inside Vim, but this does not apply to external scripts. What you have to do is pass the current file when invoking the external script, and in there reference the command-line argument:
Inside Vim:
:! %
In your script:
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
delimain=`grep ...

running an executable in its own working directory

I added a button to my gvim toolbar which runs a .sh file. The .sh file runs scons to build my c++ application in the /build subdirectory and runs it. The problem is that when the application is running, its current working directory is the folder that contains the .sh file (not the applications /build subdirectory)! So how do I run a built c++ applications executable (linux) from a .sh file, so that its working directory would be the folder which contains executable?
cd $(dirname "$0")
Note, you need ./exec_test, not exec_test unless the directory is actually already in PATH
Here's an example of something similar (I don't use scons.)
I add my toolbar icon with:
:amenu ToolBar.mytool :!/home/me/code/misc/ "%"
For me, when I click this, vim runs the script in the same working directory as vim. contains:
set -e
# You should see the name of your file.
# It might just be "my_file.c"
echo "$1"
# This will tell you where your script is current cd'd to.
# `cd` to where the file passed on the command line is:
cd "$(dirname "$1")"
# Look for "CMakeLists.txt"
# You only need this loop if your build file / program might be up a few directories.
# My stuff tends to be:
# / - project root
# CMakeLists.txt
# src/
# foo.c
# bar.c
while true; do
# We found it.
if [[ -e "CMakeLists.txt" ]]; then
# We didn't find it. If we're at the root, just abort.
if [[ "`pwd -P`" = "/" ]]; then
echo "Couldn't find CMakeLists.txt." >&2
exit 1
cd ..
# I do builds in a separate directory.
cd build && make
You'd replace CMakeLists.txt with SConstruct, and the last cd build && make with scons, or something appropriate to scons.


I am linux newbie, but I finally decided to try one, I recently installed openSUSE. On windows 7 I used Visual Studio for c/c++ programming. I tried to find any IDE under linux, tried KDevelop but didn't like it, so i decided to try to setup VIM to be my source code editor.
Firstly I needed to find some auto completion. I read some things about GCCSense and clang_complete but for now installing those things is a bit complicated for me, so I settled for omnicpp and ctags.
I downloaded omnicpp and put those files in ~/.vim folder, I installed ctags. My .vimrc looks like this:
set number
" --- OmniCppComplete ---
" -- required --
set nocp " non vi compatible mode
filetype plugin on " enable plugins
" -- optional --
" auto close options when exiting insert mode
autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif
set completeopt=menu,menuone
" -- configs --
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot = 1 " autocomplete with .
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow = 1 " autocomplete with ->
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 1 " autocomplete with ::
let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 2 " select first item (but don't insert)
let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch = 2 " search namespaces in this and included files
let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1 " show function prototype (i.e. parameters) in popup window
" -- ctags --
" map F8 to generate ctags for current folder:
map <F8> :!/usr/bin/ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR>
" add current directory's generated tags file to available tags
set tags=./tags,tags,/home/andrzej/vim/commontags
So to try it I made simple .c file
struct str
int aaa;
int main()
str *wsk;
return 0;
I press F8 when I am not in input mode, it should generate tag file in place when .c file is located (map :!/usr/bin/ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .) but no such file is generated. What I am doing wrong?
Neither vim nor gvim change the current directory for you by default. Therefore, commands will be executed in the current working directory of your environment. In short, if you ran:
cd / && vi ~/prog/c/file.c
you would have the same "problem" with vi that you're having in gvim. That's why I used absolute paths in the binding I showed in my comment. Using autochdir is a reasonable solution, if that's the behavior you're expecting.
The problem seems to be the + characters. I'd suggest placing your ctags arguments into ~/.ctags:
$ echo -e "--c++-kinds=+p\n--fields=+iaS\n--extras=+q" > ~/.ctags
$ cat ~/.ctags
Then change your mapping to:
map <F8> :!/usr/bin/ctags -R<CR>
Otherwise, you can escape the '+' characters:
map <F8> :!/usr/bin/ctags -R --c\+\+-kinds=\+p --fields=\+iaS --extra=\+q .<CR>
Anyone seen or referenced this?
Shot from the hip (Read: untested and unverified) Try CD'ing to the current dir.
map <F8> :cd %:p:h <Bar> :!/usr/bin/ctags -R --c\+\+-kinds=\+p --fields=\+iaS --extra=\+q .<CR>
Ok, thanks for all your answers, I found where the source of the problem is. When I run VIM from terminal F8 works fine, when I type !pwd it shows the directory where my .c file is (ex. ~/prog/C), but when I use GvIM and I open the same .c file and type !pwd it shows ~/dokumenty, so I think the problem lies somewhere in VIM/GVIM. I wonder why GVIM doesen't recognize the folder, no matter what file I open?
I added set autochdir to my .vimrc and now everything works fine, the problem is solved, but I would be grateful if someone could answer me, why everything was working when i run VIM from terminal(even when autochdir was turned off) but it didn't work for GVIM.

compile directly from vim

I'd like to compile cpp file w/o turning off vi.
I know the :!g++ file.cpp but I prefer :make so I added this line in .vimrc file
au FileType C set makeprg=gcc\ %
au FileType Cpp set makeprg=g++\ %
but I keep getting
"make: ***** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.** "message.
can anyone tell me what is wrong with my setting?
I use to compile successfully with the option above.
You need the substitution there, try something like:
set makeprg=gmake\ %:r.o
Oh, this assumes that you've got:
a (M|m)akefile in the directory, or
default SUFFIX rules are available for your environment (which it looks like there aren't)
Check for the default by entering:
make -n <my_file>.o
and see if that gives you something sensible.
If there is a makefile in another location you can add the -f option to point at the makefile, for example:
set makeprg=gmake\ -f\ ../some_other_dir/makefile\ %:r.o
BTW For learning about make, and especially gmake, I'd suggest having a look at the excellent book "Managing Projects with GNU Make" (sanitised Amazon link).
I should change C,Cpp into c,cpp, then it works fine.
thank you all, especially Rob Wells, your answer helped me a lot. thank you.
I think it's much easier if you write a Makefile and put it where vi can find it. I'm not sure if you actually use vi (I've only used Vim), but when there is a Makefile compiling should be as easy as writing :make (no set makeprg needed).
It can be easily achieved by the use of key maps.
First open up your vimrc file and these lines to the file,
autocmd filetype cpp nnoremap <F4> :!g++ % -ggdb -o %:r <CR>
autocmd filetype cpp nnoremap<F5> :!g++ % -ggdb -o %:r && ./%:r <CR>
The first line maps the key F4 to compiling the file. The second line maps the key F5 to compile and run.
If you use gdb frequently then this may also come handy.
autocmd filetype cpp nnoremap<F10> :!g++ % -ggdb -o %:r && gdb -tui %:r <CR>
This line maps the key F10 to compile and start gdb
Hope this helps.
I recommend a vim plugin called SingleCompile instead of what you have done:
First of all, just make the bloody make file. Every tool out there is expecting to work with make and if your compilations are that simple it takes about 30 seconds to write a make file that compiles all c and cpp files into an executable.
Second, if you refuse to use a make file then try
:help system
That should give you enough info to come up with your own command similar to this
:com Mymake call system("g++ ".expand("%"))