The router of my application looks like this (it's CoffeeScript): () ->
#resource 'conversations', { path: '/' } ->
#resource 'conversation', { path: ':conversation_id' }
#route 'new'
So, in my app, I have paths like /new, /1, /2, etc.
I would like to detect a transition from /1 to /2 to make some initializations in my view (basically, put the focus on a textarea field). Unfortunately, as /1 and /2 use the same route, it seems nearly impossible to detect that transition.
I tried by using didInsertElement in the view (as described here) or by observing currentPath in the controller (as described here). It works fine if I go from /new to /1 (different routes) but not if I go from /1 to /2.
I found this gist suggesting to use the StateManager but it seems outdated (and I'm not sure it's really what I need).
What do you suggest me to do?
It seems that setupController is called every time so I decided to overload it like this:
App.ConversationRoute = Ember.Route.extend {
setupController: (controller, model) ->
controller.set 'model', model
# do something here?
And I want the init method in my view to be called:
App.ConversationView = Ember.View.extend {
init: ->
#$('form textarea').focus()
But I still can't figure out how to make these two things work together (it's a problem because I read that the controller is not supposed to know about the view).
Thank you for your help!
Use the didInsertElement view hook and an observer.
App.ConversationView = Ember.View.extend
didInsertElement: ->
modelChanged: (->
focusOnTextarea: ->
#$('form textarea').focus()
In the case of going from /1 to /2, the route and view are not changing. Ember does the least amount of work possible. There's no need to re-render the view, so it doesn't. But this tripped me up too, and I think it's a big gotcha.
Also, if you override init in your view, make sure to call #_super().
Note: the model hook is only called when landing on a page to deserialize the URL, not when transitioning from another page and changing the model instance.
Route#model is your friend here. It will receive a params hash containing information from the URL on every route change (even when changing just which instance of a class is being viewed) In your case,
App.ConversationRoute = Ember.Route.extend {
model: (params) ->
App.Conversation.find params.conversation_id
setupController: (controller, conversation) ->
// you have the correct Conversation object
The guides have more examples.
The didInsertElement method of the view is the best method if you need to instantiate something on your view. If you need to have the controller do something when the template loads, you can put the call in the setupController method of your route:
App.FirstRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller){
Here's a jsfiddle with a full example:
This will be called each time that route is loaded. Try the jsfidle. Click along to the second template and then use your browser's back button. The onload should fire again.
Also, fun fact, you can use the deactivate method as an unload, to do anything you need to that controller when the user navigates away from that route:
App.FirstRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
deactivate: function(){
One thing to note, (not directly related to your question) if you set the model on the controller in the setupController method, it will overwrite your controllers content property each time that route is loaded. To prevent this, put a conditional around the assignment:
setupController: function(controller, model) {
if (model && (!controller.content || Ember.keys(controller.content).length === 0)) {
controller.set('content', model);
I have an Emberjs app that has a search action that needs to be available from all routes. To accomplish this, I've defined the 'search' action in the application route like this:
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
search: function (query) {
this.transitionTo('search', { queryParams: { q: query } });
The 'q' querystring parameter is defined in the SearchController:
App.SearchController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
queryParams: ['q'],
q: ''
The search route calls a service that queries my database with the query parameter like this:
App.SearchRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function (params) {
return'activity', { query: params.q }),
I know that the model hook is not called on transtionTo, but when the user is already on the search page and wants to search again with a different query, I need to reload the search route with a new model.
Is using transitionTo in the application route the wrong approach in this case?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
I would add a named {{outlet}} in your Application template, wherever you want the search results to appear. Then, in your Application route, inside the renderTemplate hook, I would render the search results template into the new outlet, also specifying what controller it should use.
On the controller, you can create a computed property, which would detect changes in the query string (or however you want to supply the search results). This property (or properties) would then feed the data in your search results template.
More on rendering a template inside a route:
If you decide to go with putting the renderTemplate hook in Application route, you can set the Search controller's model (or whatever you want to call it) property from any route which needs to update the model on the search controller for it to display proper results:
this.controllerFor('search').set('model', model);
You can also create a Mixin, which would contain the renderTemplate hook, which you can include in any route you want to do your searches from. In the hook, you could send your route's model into the controller:
renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
this.render('search', {
into: 'search',
outlet: 'application',
controller: 'search',
model: model
Play around with some of these techniques. I'm sure I'm missing some details, but I think you can get them to work.
I am working on a mobile application with Ember. I want to make the user experience as good as possible and try to take into account that on mobile the connection is not always as good, that is why I want to utilize the loading routes with a loading spinner. Unfortunately in one case it is not behaving as I would expect:
In my Nested route Setup:
UserIndexRoute (=Profile)
On the UserRoute I only load a small version (=different model) of the user. In 95% of the cases this model is already loaded when I want to navigate there. And in the Subroutes (e.g. UserIndexRoute and UserFriendsRoute I only need the full user.
What I want to achieve is that the UserRoute with its template is directly rendered when navigating to e.g. UserIndexRoute and then in the outlet for the Index part I want the UserLoadingView to be rendered. But the rendering always waits for all promises to be resolved and the UserLoadingView is never shown.
How can I force Ember to render the UserRoute and then the UserLoadingView in the outlet until the UserIndexRoute Model is resolved?
How I implemented it:
afterModel: function(model, transition){
var _this = this,
params = Ember.get(transition, 'params.user');
this.get('store').find('user', params.user_id).then(function(user){
_this.transitionTo('user.profile', user);
Don't use the index route for fetching the full model, just use it as a means for redirection.
Do something like this:
UserFooIndexRoute (=Profile) (Naming is up to you)
Then hook up your index route to fetch the full model and transition to FooIndex when it's completed getting the model, this depends on it being a route with a dynamic segment (:id).
App.UserIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
redirect: function(){
var self = this;
self.transitionTo('user.fooIndex', model);
If it isn't like that you can do just transition to the other route after the transition and page has finished rendering.
App.UserIndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
redirect: function(model, transition) {
var self = this;
transition.then(function(){'afterRender', function(){
You can read more about the transition promise, and afterRender here Ember transition & rendering complete event
I have a route that loads all my models, and a nested route that allows the user to add a new model. {
this.resource("foo", {path: "/foo"}, function() {
this.route("add", {path: "/add"});
My add template looks like this (very basic)
{{input value=wat}}
Here is the linkTo from my index template
{{#linkTo 'foo.add'}}Add A New Model{{/linkTo}}
When I click the add button I simply create the model using $.ajax and transition back to the list route. All works great, until I click the "add" link again.
When the add route loads up the template from above the 2nd time it still shows the "wat" value I entered previously. I was hoping it would not persist any state as each time I "add" a new model it should be unaware of any previous model data.
How can I achieve this with ember 1.1.2+
The approach I took was to reset each element in the setupController method of the route (as this is invoked each time you load the controller).
App.FooAddRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
var parentId = 1;
return Ember.Object.create({'bar': parentId});
setupController: function(controller, model) {
this._super(controller, model);
controller.set('bazz', '');
The quick and dirty answer is you want to use a model on the route. If you didn't, you'd have to manually blank out the values on the controller. Ember builds up singleton controllers. This generally is super convenient and very performant.
Singleton controllers keep state. The best way to keep them stateless is to have them backed by a model (return an empty object from the model hook, and don't have the values defined on the controller). By returning something from the model hook it will use an ObjectController (or you'll need to update your code to use an ObjectController on your controller). Then all values will be proxied to the model instead of being stored on the controller.
my question is a little bit general. What is the best concept for route and controller with findQuery in ember.
I have api with data filtering. Data request is executed by'dataModel', {"q": JSON.stringify({"filters": filters})});
after that I show them in table view. The filter is updated by form views in a template.
My current solution:
Form views set controller parameters and a button call action from controller. Controller action loads parameter, executes findQuery and set('content',data).
In most cases I saw concept with a defining model: function() .. in the Route and setupController: function(controller, model) with controller.set('content',model). I like this "set" because 'content' is RecordArray (not PromiseArray) and I can easily use that for datatables and another JavaScript plugins. I think my solution isn't good.
I think your concept is correct, I have been using the following flow:
In your router: {
this.resource('search', { path: '/query/:filters' });
App.SearchRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return'dataModel', {"q": JSON.stringify({"filters": params.filters})});
In your html, just bind the action which will lead to the new Search Route,
something like below :
<button {{action "doSearch"}}>Search</button>
In your controller:
App.SearchController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
doSearch: function() {
var query = buildYourQueryObject();
this.transitionToRoute("search", query);
Upon clicking on the button, the app will transition into your search route, and "query" will be serialized and sent into the Route, and the Route.model() will attempt to be populated based on the serialized parameters provided.
Note: The code has been simplified, you might need to add more stuff in order to make it work
Is it considered Ember.js best practice to keep model interactions -- creation, say -- in the route, or the controller?
An example: the following CoffeeScript works fine, and also works if the 'save' logic is moved into a controller. Is one practice preferred over the other, and if so, why?
App.UsersNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
setupController: (controller, model) ->
controller.set('content', model)
events: {
save: (user) ->
user.on "didCreate", #, () ->
#transitionTo '', user
In general, if an action affects state just in a particular controller, or the model that that controller fronts, then you should handle it in the controller. If it affects broader application state (i.e. another controller), or results in a route transition, or should be handled by different logic based on the state of the app, it should be handled in the router.