Weka - Measuring testing time - weka

I'm using Weka 3.6.8 to carry out some machine learning and I'm want to find the 'time taken to test model on training/testing data'. When I test a predictive model on evaluation data, this parameter seems to be missing. Has this feature been removed from Weka or is it just a setting I'm missing? All I seem to be able to find is the time taken to build the actual predictive model. (I've also checked the Weka Manual but can't find anything)
Thanks in advance

That feature was added to 3.7.7, you need to upgrade. You should be able to get this data by running the test on the command line with the -T parameter.


Tensorflow runs "Running per image evaluation" indefinitly

I am running my first tensorflow job (object detection training) right now, using the tensorflow API. I am using the ssd mobilenet network from the modelzoo. I used the >>ssd_mobilenet_v1_0.75_depth_quantized_300x300_coco14_sync.config<< as a config-file and as a fine tune checkpoint the >>ssd_mobilenet_v1_0.75_depth_300x300_coco14_sync_2018_07_03<< checkpoint.
I started my training with the following command:
python object_detection/model_main.py \
--pipeline_config_path=${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
--model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \
--num_train_steps=${NUM_TRAIN_STEPS} \
--sample_1_of_n_eval_examples=$SAMPLE_1_OF_N_EVAL_EXAMPLES \
No coming to my problem, I hope the community can help me with. I trained the network over night and it trained for 1400 steps and then started evaluating per image, which was running the entire night. Next morning I saw, that network only evaluated and the training was still at 1400 steps. You can see part of the console output in the image below.
Console output from evaluation
I tried to take control by using the eval config parameter in the config file.
eval_config: {
metrics_set: "coco_detection_metrics"
use_moving_averages: false
num_examples: 5000
I added max_evals = 1, because the documentation says that I can limit the evaluation like this. I also changend eval_interval_secs = 3600 because I only wanted one eval every hour. Both options had no effect.
I also tried other config-files from the modelzoo, with no luck. I searched google for hours, only to find answers which told me to change the parameters I already changed. So I am coming to stackoverflow to find help in this Matter.
Can anybody help me, maybe hat the same experience? Thanks in advance for all your help!
Environment information
$ pip freeze | grep tensor
$ python -V
Python 2.7.12
I figured out a solution for the problem. The problem with tensorflow 1.10 and after is, that you can not set checkpoint steps or checkpoint secs in the config file like before. By default tensorflow 1.10 and after saves a checkpoint every 10 min. If your hardware is not fast enough and you need more then 10 min for evaluation, you are stuck in a loop.
So to change the time steps or training steps till a new checkpoint is safed (which triggers the evaluation), you have to navigate to the model_main.py in the following folder:
Once you opened model_main.py, navigate to line 62. Here you will find
config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir)
To trigger the checkpoint save after 2500 steps for example, change the entry to this:
config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir,save_checkpoints_steps=2500).
Now the model is saved every 2500 steps and afterwards an evaluation is done.
There are multiple parameters you can pass through this option. You can find a documentation here:
From Line 231 to 294 you can see the parameters and documentation.
I hope I can help you with this and you don't have to look for an answer as long as I did.
Could it be that evaluation takes more than 10 minutes in your case? It could be that since 10 minutes is the default interval for making evaluation, it keeps evaluating.
Unfortunately, the current API doesn't easily support altering the time interval for evaluation.
By default, evaluation happens after every checkpoint saving, which by default is set to 10 minutes.
Therefore you can change the time for saving a checkpoint by specifying save_checkpoint_secs or save_checkpoint_steps as an input to the instance of MonitoredSession (or MonitoredTrainingSession). Unfortunately and best to my knowledge, these parameters are not available to be set as flags to model_main.py or from the config file. Therefore, you can either change their value by hard coding, or exporting them out so that they will be available.
An alternative way, without changing the frequency of saving a checkpoint, is modifying the evaluation frequency which is specified as throttle_secs to tf.estimator.EvalSpec.
See my explanation here as to how to export this parameter to model_main.py.

Is tf.py_func allowed at online prediction time?

Is tf.py_func allowed at online prediction time?
If yes any examples of how to use it?
Does the answer change if I need to install additional pip packages?
My use-case: I work with text, I need to do word stemming (using porter stemmer), I know how to do it using python, tensorflow doesn't have Ops for that. I would like to use the same text processing at training and prediction time - thus I would like to encode it all into a tensorflow graph.
https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/py_func comes with known limitations and I would like to know if it will work during training and online prediction before I invest more time into it.
Unfortunately, no. Py_func can not be restored from a saved model. However, since your use case involves pre-processing, just invoke the py_func explicitly in all three (train, eval, serving) input functions. This won't work if the py_func is in the middle of your graph, but for stemming, it should work just fine.

Why Classification model in weka predicting all instances as one class?

I have built a classification model using weka.I have two classes namely {spam,non-spam} After applying stringtowordvector filter, I get 10000 attributes for 19000 records. Then I am using liblinear library to build model which gives me F-score as follows:
When I use same model to predict new instances, it predict all of them as spam.
Also, when I try to use test set same as training set, It predict all of them as spam too. I am mentally exhausted to find the problem.Any help will be appreciated.
I get it also wrong every so often. Then I watch this video to remind myself how it's done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tggs3Bd3ojQ where Prof Witten, one of the Weka Developers/Architects shows how to use the FilteredClassifier (which in turn is configured to load the StringToWordVector Filter) on the training-dataset and the test-set correctly.
This is shown for weka 3.6, weka 3.7. might be slightly different.
What does ZeroR give you? If it's close to 100%, you know that any classification algorithm should be not too far off either.
Why do you optimize for F-Measure? Just asking. I have never used this and don't know much about it. (I would optimize for the "Precision" metric assuming you have much more Spam than Nonspam).

AnthillPro - CCTray integration

Does anyone know if you can use CCTray (or an equivalent) with AnthillPro? I'm not finding a lot of documentation and am new to using AHP.
You should be able to use CCTray type tools with AnthillPro. You would need to create a custom report to generate the XML though.
Shoot me an email at eric#urbancode.com I may be able to write this later in the week.
Otherwise, you could experiment with report writing.
You can find the cc xml format here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CI/Multiple+Project+Summary+Reporting+Standard
Example AP report code that iterates over each build workflow and spits out data about the latest build is here: https://bugs.urbancode.com/browse/AHPSCRIPTS-13
The "Recent Build Life Activity (RSS)" report that I think ships with the product would give you an XML example.

Cross Validation in libsvm

I'm using libsvm library in my project and have recently discovered that it provides out-of-the-box cross validation.
I'm checking the documentation and it says clearly that I have to call svm-train with -n switch to use CV feature
When I call it with -v switch I cannot get a model file which is needed by svm-predict.
Implementing Support Vector Machine from scratch is beyond the scope of my project, so I'd rather fix this one if it is broken or ask the community for support.
Can anybody help with that?
Here's the link to the library, implemented in C and C++, and here is the paper that describes how to use it.
Cause libsvm use cv only for parameter selection.
From libsvm FAQ:
Q: After doing cross validation, why there is no model file outputted ?
Cross validation is used for selecting good parameters. After finding them, you want to re-train the whole data without the -v option.
If you are going to use cv for estimating quality of classifier on your data you should implement external cross validation by splitting data, train on some part and test on other.
It's been a while since I used libsvm so I don't think I have the answer you're looking, but if you run the cross-validation and are satisfied with the results, running lib-svm with the same parameters without the -v will yield the same model.