404 on a simple template view - strange - django

I have a django app set up consisting of ListViews, TemplateViews etc..
So, I just added a small templateview to it like so:
class TermsTemplateView(TemplateView):
template_name = "terms.html"
url(r'^terms/$', TermsTemplateView.as_view(), name='terms'),
and in terms.html, I am using for linking:
Terms & Conditions
For some strange reason, I keep getting 404 on localhost/terms as follows:
404: No <model_name> found matching the query
I am baffled why this is happening all of a sudden. I have the same set up for "about", "thanks", "contact" pages, and they seem to display it with no problems.
..and the worst part is, if I modify the urls.py like so:
url(r'^/terms/$', TermsTemplateView.as_view(), name='terms'),
and then go to - the page seems to be there.. I am surprised why this is so :(
Any help would enlighten me!

The / at the end is the culprit of your problems. localhost/terms doesn't match '^terms/$' regular expression, localhost/terms/ does.
You can make / at the end optional by using ?:
url(r'^terms/?$', TermsTemplateView.as_view(), name='terms'),
UPD: Note that there is a better solution to the problem, APPEND_SLASH:
When set to True, if the request URL does not match any of the
patterns in the URLconf and it doesn’t end in a slash, an HTTP
redirect is issued to the same URL with a slash appended.
Also see:
Why would you need a slash at the end of a URL?
django - url with automatic slash adding
Append Slashes to URLs in Django


Urlpatterns: category/subcategory/article-slug

re_path(r'^.*/.*/<slug:slug>/$', Single.as_view(), name="single"),
Here I'm trying to organize the following pattern: category/subcategory/article-slug. Category and subcategory are not identifying anything in this case. Only slug is meaningful.
Now I try:
And get this:
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/progr/django/1/
Using the URLconf defined in articles_project.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
^.*/.*/<slug:slug>/$ [name='single']
The current path, progr/django/1/, didn’t match any of these.
You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.
What can I do to resolve this?
You are mixing the path and re_path functions, re_path has no path converters and only uses regex, hence when you write <slug:slug> that literally means a url having that exact string there, instead you want to capture the pattern [-a-zA-Z0-9_]+ (which is the pattern Django uses for a slug). Also using .* in your pattern will likely cause you problems, as it can match / too and likely cause some of your other urls to be never used, instead you might want to use [^/]*. So you likely want to change your pattern to:
re_path(r'^[^/]*/[^/]*/(?P<slug>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/$', Single.as_view(), name="single"),
This still feels a little problematic to me as it matches two arbitrary patterns and doesn't capture and pass them to the view, you might in fact simply want to shift to using path and capture these patterns too:
from django.urls import path
path('<str:some_string1>/<str:some_string2>/<slug:slug>/', Single.as_view(), name="single"),

Django - issue with APPEND_SLASH and POST requests

I am using Django 1.10, and my goal now is to make urls available both with and without trailing slash. To do this, I added slash to all my URLs in the URLConf files, and then set APPEND_SLASH variable value to True (well, this is the default value).
Now the problem is that external POST requests (which I can't control) yield the following error:
You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn't end in a slash and
you have APPEND_SLASH set. Django can't redirect to the slash URL
while maintaining POST data. Change your form to point to (note the trailing slash), or set APPEND_SLASH=False in your Django settings.
They mention this in Django doc, and yet after hours of surfing the net, I can't figure out how to address this issue.
I've also come across this question, but the proposed solution doesn't seem acceptable to me. It says I have to make the users call my URLs only with trailing slash. While I know that in other languages (C# for example) it is possible to enable both options
It seems weird to me that you want to support both cases. Ideally you would want to redirect from non slash to slash(or the other way around if you want that) on the server level (nginx/apache/whatever you use) before the request hits Django.
Just choose a strategy and stick to it, so add the trailing slash to your form and never look back. :)
It's important to be consistent. https://www.branded3.com/blog/urls-trailing-slash-seo/
If the urls are used for APIs or the SEO is not important to you, you can consider both with slash and without slash by adding "/?". In django 3.X:
from django.urls import re_path
re_path(r'^query/?$', 'search.views.query'),
re_path(r'^add/?$', 'search.views.add'),
In Restframework routers:
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
class CustomDefaultRouter(DefaultRouter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.trailing_slash = '/?'
router = CustomDefaultRouter()
router.register('link', ViewSet, basename='link')

Django url dispatcher page not found

i am trying to define a url pattern in django urls.py like
when i am typing http://myhost.com/networking in my address bar to go to networking page
i am getting 404 error and a slash '/' automatically added to the address bar like
help me out what i am doing wrong?
You probably aren't including your urlconf correctly. The behavior you're seeing is because of APPEND_SLASH is set to True by default when Django can't resolve the url.
Either set Append_Slash to false which is true by default or use your url description like given below which redirect url with slash to desired view.
Seems your Apache server or some Django middleware is adding trailing slashes. You can either correct that, or the better way is you can use the following url pattern:

Django named routes not working with django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to

Having an issue with django's named routes. Django keeps raising the NoReverseMatch error when called as follows:
urlpatterns += patterns('django.views.generic.simple',
# tutorials
url(r'^tutorials/?$', 'redirect_to', {'url':'/tutorials/markers/'}, name='tutorials'),
(r'^tutorials/markers/?$', 'direct_to_template', {'template': 'page_tutorials_markers.html'}),
# in template:
It looks pretty self-explanatory, yet I can't figure out why this route isn't being recognized as having a named route.
Reverse match tends to fail when you have optional characters. How will Django know whether to add the trailing slash or not?
I would recommend you remove the question mark, to enforce that the URLs end in a slash, and rely on the CommonMiddleware class to add the slashes as necessary.

URL Patterns in Django - Different Combinations

I'm finding it hard to understand what exactly is passed to the patterns method in Django.
You see, I usually have my urls.py as:
urlspatterns = patterns('example.views',
Then in func_to_call I would get everything I want from the request object by using request.path. However on a second take, it's really quite horrific that I'm ignoring Django's slickness for such a longer, less clean way of parsing - the reason being I don't understand what to do!
Let's say you have 3 servers you're putting your Django application on, all of which have a domain name and some variation like server1/djangoApplicationName/queryparams, server2/application/djangoApplicationName and server3/queryparams. What will the urlpattern get passed? The whole url? Everything after the domain name?
The URLconf regex sees only the path portion of the URL, with the initial forward-slash stripped. Query parameters are not matched by the URLconf, you access those via request.GET in your view. So you might write a pattern like this:
urlpatterns = patterns('myapp.views',
url(r'^myapp/something/$', 'something_view_func')
The documentation has more examples and details.