Proper way to manage shaders in OpenGL - opengl

I'm writing code in C++ to deal with the usual 3D stuff - models, materials, lights, etc. However, I'm finding that for anything to work, it needs to know about the shader. EG, to set uniform variables for a material, you need to know their handles from the shader; to load a mesh into memory, you need to know handles to different in locations.
I've ended up having models, materials, etc. each have a handle to the shader so they can do things like glUniform1f(shader->getKdLocation(),kd), but this kind of hot potato seems like bad design to me. I've seen tutorials where uniforms and ins and outs are hardcoded in the shader (eg layout = 0) and then just bound with glUniform1f(0,kd),. However, this means the rest of my code will only function with my specially laid out shaders and therefore seems like a suboptimal solution. Also, I don't think you can do this for subroutines, which makes this an inconsistent option.
It seems like a choice between everything getting a shader reference and in some cases being unable to even properly instantiate without one (eg meshes) OR hardcoding numbers in more places and having to deal with the problems that follow with hardcoding.
I should be able to have these models, lights, etc. live/operate independently and only "work" when I set a shader for the scene, but I can't seem to find a solid way to do this. My bottom line question is what is the best practice for handling shaders? I'm okay if it doesn't solve all my problems, I just want to know what a good design decision(s) is and why.

The problem is your engine architecture,or it's lack.In many game engines game objects are divided into several categories like Mesh object which takes care of geometry (vertex buffers etc),Material objects(responsible for the appearance of the mesh object).In such a design the material is usually an entity which contains info for the uniforms that being passed into shaders during rendering.Such a design allows a good amount of flexibility as you can reuse,reassign different materials between different renderable objects.So for the starter you can set specific shader program to specific material type so each time a mesh is drawn, its materials interacts with the shader program passing in all needed uniforms.
I would suggest you to take a look at open source OpenGL engine to get an idea how it works.

I had the same concern with regards to loose association between the uniform specification on the client and the actual uniform location as laid out in the shader.
One tact you can take is to use glGetUniformLocation to determine the location of a uniform variable based on its name. It may still not be perfect, but it's probably the best you can do.
// Old way:
GLfloat myfloat = ...;
glUniform1f(0, myfloat); // Hope that myfloat was supposed to go at location 0...
// Slightly better...
GLfloat myfloat = ...;
GLint location = glGetUniformLocation(myprogram, "myfloat");
glUniform1f(location, myfloat); // We know that a uniform with name "myfloat" goes at this location
Some extra work with glGetActiveUniform would also allow you to make sure that "myfloat" has the type/size/etc that you had expected.


OpenGL per-mesh material (shader)

So, I'm working on a simple game-engine with C++ and OpenGL 4. Right now I'm struggling with rendering imported models.
I'm using the FBX sdk to import fbx models using a very naive approach: basically I visit each node of the fbx and append the mesh data to a single big structure that is later used for rendering. However I want to be able to specify a different fragment shader for each material used by the model (for example a different shader for a car rims and lights).
As a reference, UE4 has a material system that allows the user to define a simple shader using a blueprint-like editor.
I would like to apply a similar concept to my engine, allowing to create a material object that specifies a piece of fragment shader code and a set of textures to use.
The problems I'm facing are:
It is clear that I must separate the draw calls for each model part that uses a different material, since I cannot swap program in the middle of a draw call (can I?): at this point, is it better to have a separate vao/vbo/ebo for each part or a single one and keep track of where a part ends and the next one begins? (I guess this is the best option)
Is it a good practice to pre-compile just the shader fragment and attach it to the current program on the fly (i.e. glAttach + glLinkProgram + glUseProgram) or is it better to pre-link an entire program for each material, considering that the vertex shader is always the same?
No, you cannot change the program in the middle of a draw call. There are different opinions and tests on how the GPU will perform based on the layout of your data. My experience is that, if you are not going to modify your meshes data after you upload them the first time, the most efficent way is to have a single VAO, with two VBO: one for indices and one for the rest of the data. When issuing draw calls, you offset the indexes buffer based on the mesh data (which you should keep track of), as well as offseting the configuration of the shader attributes. This approach allows for a more cache-friendly and efficent memory access, as the block of memory will be contigous. However, as I mentioned, there are cases where this wont be the most efficent approach (althought I believe it will be still efficent enough). It depends on your hardware and driver.
Precompile and link all your programs before launching the render loop. Its the most efficent approach
As an extra, I would recommend you to look into the UBER shaders technique. This methodology is based on creating a shader for different possible inputs, and create a set of defines or sub-routines architecture which allows you to compile different versions of the same shader (for instance, you might have a model with a normal texture and you will probably want to apply bump mapping, but other models might not have this texture, so executing the exact same shader will result in undefined behaviour or crash).

How hard would it be to write this shader? Multipoint shadow lighting

So, I have a simple project right now. Basically its just a bunch of cuboids that are all axis alligned... so it has really simple geometry.
Anyway I am considering adding a better shader to it. Currently I am using the "flat shader" that is a stock shader in GLShaderManager. It is coloring everything with a flat color. However I would love if I could build a shader like the following.
Basically I want a shader that has an array of point lights at various positions with varying intensities.
Probably defined like this.
struct Light {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float intensity;
Light Lighting[20];
And basically based on the level geometry and lights, I would love to simulate basic lighting and shadows, also it would be cool to have a circle under the player (like the player is actually their).
How hard would this be to make? How would I pass it my level geometry and light array. (note even though each cuboid is its own QUADS batch it will be easy to make any kind of variable that stores the data).
I am using Glew, GLTools, GLShaderManager, GLBatch, visual studio 2010, probably whatever "GSHL".
If you could just let me know how complicated a shader like this would be let me know. Also if it is easy to find a shader that works like this online if you could link it.
Also what are the difference between the two types of shaders? (Vertex, and fragment).
I would say it's relatively simple, but the thing about modern GL is that the initial learning curve is quite steep. At first it seems like you have to roll up your sleeves and learn how to do everything (essentially true) but later, it starts to seem like it made things easier than ever before with much more predictable behaviors since you're in the driver's seat.
One of the first things you want to learn to do is understand how to specify attributes from CPU to GPU. For attributes which don't vary on a per-vertex or per-fragment basis such as your light positions and intensities, you want uniform attributes. Check out examples utilizing the glUniform* functions to see how to do this. This will allow you to then experiment, passing values from the CPU side to the GPU side and then seeing how they affect the shader to accelerate your learning.
After that, it's worth learning how direct lighting is computed given a ray bouncing off a surface with phong shading, separating ambient, diffuse, and specular terms.
Later you might even want to store this light data into an environment map. That'll give you the ability to use as many lights as you want without affecting the speed of the shader.
About vertex vs. fragment shaders, vertex shaders compute things on a vertex-by-vertex basis, including data for the fragment shader to then use. The fragment shader is kind of like a pixel shader (in HLSL, it's actually just called a 'pixel shader'). It deals with rasterizing what's in between those vertices and is operating on a pixel-by-pixel basis (however with some potential overdraw). Often for lighting, the real heart of the logic will be in the fragment shader, while the vertex shader serves as an intermediary step to compute all the relevant values for the fragment shader to interpolate and use. The vertex shader is part of the 3D geometry pipeline, while the fragment shader is part of 2D rasterization.
It shouldn't take too long or be too hard to get the hang of this, but you want to approach this kind of slowly and in babysteps. There's a lot of setup work involved in establishing a lighting/shading pipeline for your software with the precise characteristics you want, and for the final work, you want to kind of plan ahead. So it's good to establish a separate scrap project and start experimenting away to figure out how things work.

Web-GL : Multiple Fragment Shaders per Program

Does anyone know if it's possible to have multiple fragment shaders run serially in a single Web-GL "program"? I'm trying to replicate some code I have written in WPF using shader Effects. In the WPF program I would wrap an image with multiple borders and each border would have an Effect attached to it (allowing for multiple Effects to run serially on the same image).
I'm afraid you're probably going to have to clarify your question a bit, but I'll take a stab at answering anyway:
WebGL can support, effectively, as many different shaders as you want. (There are of course practical limits like available memory but you'd have to be trying pretty hard to bump into them by creating too many shaders.) In fact, most "real world" WebGL/OpenGL applications will use a combination of many different shaders to produce the final scene rendered to your screen. (A simple example: Water will usually be rendered with a different shader or set of shaders than the rest of the environment around it.)
When dispatching render commands only one shader program may be active at a time. The currently active program is specified by calling gl.useProgram(shaderProgram); after which any geometry drawn will be rendered with that program. If you want to render an effect that requires multiple different shaders you will need to group them by shader and draw each batch separately:
// Setup shader1 uniforms, bind the appropriate buffers, etc.
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, shader1VertexCount, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); // Draw geometry that uses shader1
// Setup shader2 uniforms, bind the appropriate buffers, etc.
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, shader2VertexCount, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); // Draw geometry that uses shader2
// And so on...
The other answers are on the right track. You'd either need to create the shader on the fly that applies all the effects in one shader or framebuffers and apply the effects one at a time. There's an example of the later here
WebGL Image Processing Continued
As Toji suggested, you might want to clarify your question. If I understand you correctly, you want to apply a set of post-processing effects to an image.
The simple answer to your question is: No, you can't use multiple fragment shaders with one vertex shader.
However, there are two ways to accomplish this: First, you can write everything in one fragment shader and combine them in the end. This depends on the effects you want to have!
Second, you can write multiple shader programs (one for each effect) and write your results to a fragment buffer object (render to texture). Each shader would get the results of the previous effect and apply the next one. This would be a bit more complicated, but it is the most flexible approach.
If you mean to run several shaders in a single render pass, like so (example pulled from thin air):
Vertex color
...each stage attached to a single WebGLProgram object, and each stage with its own main() function, then no, GLSL doesn't work this way.
GLSL works more like C/C++, where you have a single global main() function that acts as your program's entry point, and any arbitrary number of libraries attached to it. The four examples above could each be a separate "library," compiled on its own but linked together into a single program, and invoked by a single main() function, but they may not each define their own main() function, because such definitions in GLSL are shared across the entire program.
This unfortunately requires you to write separate main() functions (at a minimum) for every shader you intend to use, which leads to a lot of redundant programming, even if you plan to reuse the libraries themselves. That's why I ended up writing a glorified string mangler to manage my GLSL libraries for Jax; I'm not sure how useful the code will be outside of my framework, but you are certainly free to take a look at it, and make use of anything you find helpful. The relevant files are:
spec/javascripts/jax/ (tests and usage examples)
spec/javascripts/jax/shader/ (more tests and usage examples)
Good luck!

OpenGL 3.1-4.1 new and deprecated features

I've been working with OpenGL for about a year now, and have learned a lot of stuff. Unfortunatly the way I learned it was the old pre 3.x way, meaning immediate mode, default shaders, matrix stacks, etc. I more or less have an idea of what has changed from then to now by looking at the OpenGL specs, however I don't totally understand some of the new ways to do things.
From my understanding they got rid of matrix stacks, meaning you have to keep track of your own transformation matrices, which doesn't seem too complicated. They also got rid of immediate mode, meaning you now need to use VBOs or VAOs (never know which one, maybe both..) to send the pixel/normal/texture,etc. information to the shader program. I don't really get the way these objects works, I think you need to put all the info into them, and provide an ofset of some sort to show the separators between pixel,normal and texture coordinates. Could someone briefly explain how this actually works (or send me a link which explains it)? I tried wikipedia and googling it, but found myself still not quite understanding them.
Another point I would like to know more about are shaders, as I've never used them. I'm not going to ask how to code them or anything, just what needs to go in there and what opengl still does for you. More specifically, what would you need to do in the shaders to get a basic rendering program? I know you need to do all the ligthing calculations and use your matrices to calculate the real vertex position. But does opengl still take care of backface culling, line clipping, polygon filling and other lower level issues, or do you have to code them yourslef into the shaders (or don't they even belong in the shaders)?
Since immediate mode is deprecated doing a "hello triangle" application is a bit more involved. There is a good tutorial on modern OpenGL here:
You should read it thoroughly. Bear in mind that it doesn't use VAOs so you'll have to read about it somewhere else afterwards. VAOs don't change things much so you won't have to unlearn things from mentioned tutorial to use them.
And about your second question... Your vertex shader will be executed by OpenGL for every vertex. Your job is to calculate final position of the vertex and prepare data (like normals, light data...) to be sent to fragment shader, given the attributes of vertex and other data you send to shader (uniforms - you'll read about it in tutorial). Fragment shader will be executed per fragment and in fragment shader you are calculating the final color of each fragment.
You can see here:
that things like, glPolygonMode and glCullFace are still there.

Stacking Cg shaders

In my engine I load Cg shaders from pairs of vertex/pixel shader files. I would like to be able to stack shaders to combine them (lighting + material, etc.). Short of breaking up the shaders into separate functions and then creating a single shader script string from those, do you know of any good ways of stacking different shaders in Cg?
It sounds a little bit like what you want is similar to the dynamic shader linkage feature in DirectX 11? The interfaces feature of Cg lets you accomplish simlar things. It lets you reconfigure shaders so you can easily and cleanly do things like change the way lighting is calculated or change the material type.
For example, say you want to write a shader but need to be able to change the way lighting is calculated. You could define a Light interface which has a function that will calculate light somehow. Elsewhere you implement the Light interface as, for example, CoolLight and UberLight. At runtime you can specify which implementation of the Light interface should be used, in pretty much the same way that you specify other parameters.
To see if this is what you want I recommend looking the Cg user manual ( If you search for "Shared Parameters and Interfaces" there's a small example.