django, haystack, and pyelasticsearch best versions - django

Basically, I am getting a unreasonable amount of errors using these libraries:
The errors I get are:
From python2.7/site-packages/haystack/
index_queryset() got an unexpected keyword argument 'using'
I just remove this and it works locallay
raise MissingDependency("The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'pyelasticsearch'. Please refer to the documentation.")
This error occurs when pyelasticsearch fails to be imported. If I let it fail naturally:
from simplejson import JSONDecodeError
Which works in the python interpreter.
The errors seem to indicate that I am not using the intended versions of pyelasticsearch and haystack. What do I need to do to get this up and running?

There are two different python libraries for Elasticsearch out there. I switched from pyelasticsearch to elasticsearch and it worked.


No module named 'django.conf.urls.defaults'

I upgraded from django 3.2.5 to django 4.0.4.
I know that this 'django.conf.urls.defaults' must be deprecated.
My problem is that I don't get this error in the development environment but when I push to production, it shows the error. Why is this so???
Also I tried to locate the file so that I can change that line of code to the correct one but could find it's location. It's giving me this path which I can't see how to get to (/workspace/.heroku/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/conf/urls/
After trying all the possibles at my level , I had to revert to django 3.2.5

how do i fix "No module named 'win32api'" on python2.7

I am trying to import win32api in python 2.7.9. i did the "pip install pypiwin32" and made sure all the files were intalled correctly (i have the win32api.pyd under ${PYTHON_HOME}\Lib\site-packages\win32). i also tried coping the files from C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\win32. I also tried restarting my pc after each of these steps but nothing seems to work! i still get the error 'No module named 'win32api''
Well, turns out the answer is upgrading my python to 3.6.
python 2.7 seems to old to work with outside imports (I'm just guessing here, because its not the first time I'm having an import problem)
hope it helps :)

Django-Bleach or Just Bleach?

I've recently tried to implement Django-Bleach into my project, but I'm having an issue with an import library. I am currently running Python 3.6.2 and Django 1.11. When I try to define a django_bleach form in my, with the following statement:
from django_bleach.forms import BleachField
I am receiving the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django.utils.importlib'
I spent the better part of this afternoon researching this error and I have come to understand that the django.utils.importlib statement was deprecated in 1.9. However, I can't seem to determine a workaround for this problem. I did try the suggestion outlined in this issue but it didn't seem to make a difference. I still receive the error. Cannot import importlib
I'm also wondering if I should be using bleach instead of django-bleach as django-bleach doesn't seem to be updated since 2014. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help.
Package you are trying to use doesen't seem to be maintained.
Error you are facing is related to the line 7
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
If you are really into the following wrapper package you could fork/fix it and install your forked version instead
Ultimately wound up incorporating just bleach into my django installation. It appears django-bleach is no longer supported for Python 3. Using Bleach and incorporating it according to the documentation allowed me resolve this issue.

mvpa2.suite: Runtime warning and erro in Python 2.7.6

I just installed mvpa2 module on my ubuntu 14.04, Python 2.7.6. following the instruction at using sudo aptitude install python-mvpa2
Command import mvpa2 works well, but when I run from mvpa2.suite import * , I get the followin warning in my terminal:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module has been moved to cross_decomposition and will be removed in 0.16
"removed in 0.16", DeprecationWarning)
And also fallowing error:
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'rho'
Appreciate your help!
actually this warning comes from the import done by mdp, which PyMVPA optionally uses... you can safely ignore it (no upgrade of PyMVPA would help anyhow), because even if it gets completely removed, then mdp would simply skip that import and you would remain 'golden'.
That problem is due to an incompatibility of the python-mvpa2 and scikit-learn versions. You can check more details on that in this page, because depends on which scikit-learn version you have what will be the parameters to call a given function.
A short solution is to uninstall your python-mvpa2 and scikit-learn, and install them directly from their github repos:
I just did it and now the example doc/examples/ (for my case) is working perfectly.

Django Gramps no module named web.settings

I'm using Gramps 3.3.1 under Ubuntu 12.04 and trying to in Django Export/Import. The install is okay, but when I look at the installed addons, it says that it failed, with reason: "No module named web.settings".
I cann't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I'm assuming that it's this line in the python script:
import web.settings as default_settings
Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to get this data out and into a MySQL database, but I can't seem to.
When you run into an error where Python tells you "No module named blah" it really means it can't find "blah".
I would check your pythonpath and the filesystem permissions on the stuff in your path.
Your issue seems to be a known issue:
It's caused by not running Gramps from source, near as I can tell. It doesn't look like a Python Path issue, so much as the Gramps Django devs making assumptions where your Django settings would be (but I could be wrong).
As for Python Path, there's plenty of resources describing how to. The simplest way to check your Python path is to run echo $PYTHONPATH in a terminal. If you don't see it there, Python might not find it.