Intro to C++: Sorting code - c++

I am studying for a final exam that is scheduled today. My question is, what does the do-while(swap) statement do here? Is swap set to "true" by default?
My understanding of this code is that it iterates at least once for each pass of the sort. The inner for loop carries the crucial code and does all the swaps in the pass. For example, array[count] is copied into temp, array[count+1] is copied into array[count] and array[count] is copied into array[count+1]. If the two elements are swapped, the bool swap is set to true. The outer loop keeps iterating until it finds the swap flag false.
void sortArray(int array[], int size)
int size;
bool swap;
swap = false;
for(int count = 0; count < (size -1); count++)
if(array[count] > array[count+1])
temp = array[count];
array[count] = array[count+1];
array[count+1] = temp;
swap = true;

Swap is used to check if algorithm is still sorting or not. If swap is false, it means that array is already sorted and algorithm can be finished.
By default (in the beginning of each iteration of do-while loop) swap is set to false and it's change to true only if swap was made (it means that array elements weren't in correct order).

Swap variable is used to determine end of algorithm.If array is sorted, no swap occurs and swap variable will be false, hence end of sorting.
Default value of swap variable is undefined, but it doesnt matter, since you assign it as false in each iteration before processing array from beggining

while-do is used to execute for loop until no elements in the array should be swapped. If no swaps occurred during the for loop, than all elements are sorted. But, if during the execution of the inner loop two elements were swapped, the array is scanned again to check if the result array is sorted.


My code won't print when submitted for codecheck even though it compiles without error

I've been assigned this question for my lab (and yes I understand there will be backlash because it's homework). I've been working on this question for a couple of days to no avail and I feel like I'm missing something glaringly obvious.
My code:
int processSuitors(vector<int>& currentSuitors, list<int>& rekt)
int sizeSuitors = currentSuitors.size();
int eliminated = 2;
while(sizeSuitors != 1)
currentSuitors.erase(currentSuitors.begin() + eliminated);
if(eliminated > sizeSuitors)
eliminated -= sizeSuitors;
return currentSuitors[0];
In an ancient land, the beautiful princess Eve had many suitors. She decided on the following procedure to determine which suitor she would marry. First, all of the suitors would be lined up one after the other and be assigned numbers. The first suitor would be number 1, the second number 2, and so on up to the last suitor, number n. Starting at the first suitor she would then count three suitors down the line (because of the three letters in her name) and the third suitor would be eliminated from winning her hand and he would be removed from the line. Eve would then continue, counting three more suitors and eliminating every third suitor. When she reached the end of the line she would continue counting from the beginning.
Write a function named processSuitors that takes as arguments an STL vector of type int containing the suitors, and an STL list of type int that will collect all the suitors that are eliminated. The function returns an int storing the position a suitor should stand in to marry the princess if there are n suitors. The function that calls processSuitors will send the vector already filled with n suitors (1, 2, 3... n), and an empty list that needs to be filled with the position number of the suitors that were eliminated, in the order they were eliminated.
Restrictions: You may not create any containers (no arrays, no vectors, etc.); you need to use the vector and the list that are passed as parameters.
Use ONLY the following STL functions:
vector::operator[ ]
The adjacent files are hidden since we are to rely on what is given. Any clean-up of my code would be extremely appreciated as well.
What do you think of this solution.
Keep another vector that marks whether an index in your currentSuitors vector has been removed. Then have a helper function that will always find the next free index.
Instead of trying to reduce currentSuitors, you just keep marking elements in the taken list.
size_t findNextFreeSlot(const vector<bool>& taken, size_t pos)
// increment to the next candidate position
pos = (pos + 1) % taken.size();
// search for the first free slot
for (size_t i = 0; i < taken.size(); i++)
if (taken[pos] == false)
return next;
pos = (pos + 1) % taken.size();
// assert(false); // we should never get here as long as there's one free slot index in taken
return -1;
int processSuitors(vector<int>& currentSuitors, list<int>& rekt)
size_t len = currentSuitors.size();
vector<bool> taken(len); // keep a vector of eliminated indices from current
size_t index = len; // initialize one past the last valid element
size_t eliminated = 0;
if (len == 0)
return -1;
while (eliminated < (len-1))
// advance the index three times to the next "untaken" index
index = findNextFreeSlot(taken, index);
index = findNextFreeSlot(taken, index);
index = findNextFreeSlot(taken, index);
taken[index] = true; // claim this index as taken
rekt.push_back(currentSuitors[index]); // add the value at this index to the eliminated list
index = findNextFreeSlot(taken, index); // find the last free index
return currentSuitors[index];

vector size remaining static after pushback() calls for powerset function

I wrote the following function, as an implementation of this algorithm/approach, to generate the power-set (set of all subsets) of a given string:
vector<string> getAllSubsets(string a, vector<string> allSubsets)
if(a.length() == 1)
// Base case,
else {
vector<string> temp = getAllSubsets(a.substr(0,a.length()-1),allSubsets);
vector<string> with_n = temp;
vector<string> without_n = temp;
for(int i = 0;i < temp.size()-1;i++)
allSubsets.push_back(with_n[i] + a[a.length()-1]);
return allSubsets;
however, someone appears to be going wrong: the size of temp and allSubsets remains static from recursive call to recursive call, when they should be increasing due to the push_back() calls. is there any reason why this would take place?
It's because you have an off-by-one error. Because this occurs in your next-to-base case, you are never inserting any entries.
Since the first invalid index is temp.size(), i < temp.size() means that you will always have a valid index. Subtracting 1 means that you are missing the last element of the vector.
It's worth noting that passing allSubsets in as a parameter is kinda silly because it's always empty. This kind of algorithm simply doesn't require a second parameter. And secondly, you could be more efficient using hash sets that can perform deduplication for you simply and quickly.

Bubble sort algorithm not working

I am in the process of creating a C++/SFML game engine. Every "entity" in the game has a pointer to it stored in a static vector in the Entity class, called entityRenderList. This vector is sorted by the Bubble Sort algorithm on each iteration of the game loop so that the sprites are drawn in the correct order.
Whenever an entity is deleted, it replaces its pointer in the vector with a NULL pointer. My algorithm should, by default, cause any NULL pointers it finds to be sorted to the back of the vector, where they are subsequently removed.
Here is the code for the sorting algorithm:
bool Entity::depthSortFunction(Entity* a, Entity* b)
if (b==NULL) return false; //any NULL values are moved to the back
if (a==NULL) return true;
else return (a->depth_) < (b->depth_);
void Entity::sortEntityRenderList()
if (entityRenderList.size()>1) {
//Any NULL values are brought to the top to be stripped off.
bool passMade=false;
Entity* temp;
int n=entityRenderList.size()-1;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
for(int j=0; j<n-1; j++)
//then swap them
temp = entityRenderList[j+1];
entityRenderList[j+1] = entityRenderList[j];
entityRenderList[j] = temp;
//and then notify the entities of the change
if (entityRenderList[j]!=NULL) {entityRenderList[j]->renderListID=j;}
if (entityRenderList[j+1]!=NULL) {entityRenderList[j+1]->renderListID=j+1;}
//std::cout<<"Swapping entries "<<j<<" and "<<j+1<<"...\n";
if (!passMade) {
break; //then it is sorted, as we have not needed to modify the array.
//Now, we strip off any NULL values from the top.
while (!entityRenderList.empty() && entityRenderList.back()==NULL) {
entityRenderList.pop_back(); //strip off last one
What should be happening is that any NULL pointers are removed from the vector on each run of the algorithm. However, this is not the case, and any NULL pointers stay right where they are, and appear to not be sorted at all.
NB: The passMade boolean is there so that if a pass of the array is made and no swaps were made, the algorithm stops.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: The sorting algorithm code is slightly modified from here.
There is a bug in the j loop limit. For example, if the list has 10 elements, n is 9, n-1 is 8, and the largest value of j is 7. The loop can exchange elements 7 and 8 of a 10 element list. It cannot exchange the last pair, elements 8 and 9.
As suggested by a comment, it would be better and simpler to use a library sort that is already tested and working. Rather than adjust the renderListID fields as you go along, you could do them all in a single pass through the list at the end. If you do it after popping the NULL elements, you would not need to test for NULL in that loop.
for(int i=0; i<entityRenderList.size(); i++)

bubble sort algorithm for loop statement warning

I saw a piece of bubble sort code and initially I thought the code is wrong. But after compile and run, it surprised me that it actually works. I want to know how come second statement in the first for loop is not a condition but an assignment. In addition, how come this code will not go into infinitely loop?
PS: It will generate an warning: "suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses]" complaining about the first for loop. Surprisingly it's not an error.
#include <iostream>
void bubblesort(int A[], int n)
for (bool sorted = false; sorted = !sorted; n--)
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
if (A[i-1] > A[i])
int tmp = 0;
tmp = A[i];
A[i] = A[i-1];
A[i-1] = tmp;
sorted = false;
int main()
int a[5] = {1,4,5,2,3};
bubblesort(a, 5);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
std::cout << a[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
The result of an assignment is the left operand, so the condition
sorted = !sorted
is using sorted as the condition after it's assigned a new value. The warning is there to give you a notice that using assignment as condition is sometimes not what you expected. You can use
(sorted = !sorted) == true
to silence the warning.
It's one of the quirks of C and C++ that they allow an assignment in the middle of a statement. Usually it's an error (= instead of ==) so a good compiler will warn you about it.
The value of such an expression is the same as the assigned value.
In this case it's a very tricky optimization; if the value was false it's reset to true and the loop continues, if it was true then it becomes false and the loop termination condition is met. I would never use this in code that anybody was expected to maintain.
An explanation for the code. Basically, if sorted ever is true before the condition the loop will stop.
1st loop: sorted is true
Within the second for loop, it basically checks if the array is sorted. If it isn't sorted -> false and the loop continues. If it is, sorted-> true and execution stops.
The comparision normally is as follows:
sorted != sorted
Of course, this does not make any sense. But instead, you have the following:
sorted = !sorted
By doing this, you just negate the condition for sorting, meaning that the array, which is unsorted, is assumed to be sorted. Then, if you traverse the complete array without making any swap, the left side of the assignment is taken as a condition (which in this case is true).

Vector push_back in while and for loops returns SIGABRT signal (signal 6) (C++)

I'm making a C++ game which requires me to initialize 36 numbers into a vector. You can't initialize a vector with an initializer list, so I've created a while loop to initialize it faster. I want to make it push back 4 of each number from 2 to 10, so I'm using an int named fourth to check if the number of the loop is a multiple of 4. If it is, it changes the number pushed back to the next number up. When I run it, though, I get SIGABRT. It must be a problem with fourth, though, because when I took it out, it didn't give the signal.
Here's the program:
for (int i; i < 36;) {
int fourth = 0;
if (fourth == 0) {
Please help!
You do not initialize i. Use for (int i = 0; i<36;). Also, a new variable forth is allocated on each iteration of the loop body. Thus the test fourth==0 will always yield false.
I want to make it push back 4 of each number from 2 to 10
I would use the most straight forward approach:
for (int value = 2; value <= 10; ++value)
for (int count = 0; count < 4; ++count)
The only optimization I would do is making sure that the capacity of the vector is sufficient before entering the loop. I would leave other optimizations to the compiler. My guess is, what you gain by omitting the inner loop, you lose by frequent modulo division.
You did not initialize i, and you are resetting fourth in every iteration. Also, with your for loop condition, I do not think it will do what you want.
I think this should work:
int fourth = 0;
for (int i = 2; i<=10;) {
if (fourth==0) {
I've been able to create a static array declaration and pass that array into the vector at initialization without issue. Pretty clean too:
const int initialValues[36] = {0,1,2...,35};
std::vector foo(initialValues);
Works with constants, but haven't tried it with non const arrays.