What version of OpenGL comes with Visual Studio 2012 Express? - opengl

How do you install GLUT and OpenGL in Visual Studio 2012? explains that the OpenGL headers and libraries come with VS2012. How do I determine which versions of the OpenGL standard are supported by these libraries? I recently purchased the 8th Edition of the OpenGL redbook which is based on OpenGL 4.3. Will I be able to run and compile these examples with VS2012 Express?

OpenGL implementation is brought to you by your graphics card driver, not by your OS (except really old stuff). When you install the GPU driver, appropriate library (such as nvogl32.dll on my PC with NVidia card) is placed in your System32/SysWOW64 folder.
To actually acess the functions in the driver, you need a loader library (such as GLload or GLEW) that will ask the driver dll nicely where do the functions reside. You can also do it manually, but it's extremely cumbersome.

You can access the opengl version in runtime via:
after opening a gl context. Other usefull information about this gl call here


glGenVertexArrays not available in c++

As i have already programmed with opengl on java I tried to switch to c++ using Visual Studio 2015 Community
I currently have opengl version 4.5 installed (cout << glGetString(GL_VERSION))
I normally have included all libraries I need for programming but for some reason there is no "glGenVertexArrays" and "glGenBufferArrays" available
Could it be that I forgot a library?
On windows, the default header files and libs do only support OpenGL 1.1. When you want to use a higher version, you have to load the extensions manually or use an extension loading library like glew (which I would recommend).

inquiry about OpenGL32.dll version's issue using EGL 1.4

I’m a C++ application developer on Windows system. I’m developing an application using EGL 1.4 and OpenGL ES 2.0.
In a certain kind of a OpenGL32.DLL version, I found that a PVR error message occurred. The versions of OpenGL32.DLL that cause this problem are 6.3.9600.16384 on Win8.1 and 4.0.1379.1. And the message says :
PVR Message
PVR: VFrame attempted to use one of these functions:
PVR: wglChoosePixelFormatARB
PVR: but they are not present on you machine.
This message appeared when I call eglChooseConfig() or eglGetConfigs() functions in EGL API to get system configs.
I think this problem occurred because OpenGL32.dll versions mentioned above don’t support wglChoosePixelFormatARB() function.
Most of versions that I tested worked well. List of working version is :
And list of not working version is :
6.3.9600.16384 (720kb)
To solve this problem, I want to include this dll file in my product for a commercial use. I want to know that distributing a working version of OpenGL32.dll is possible. And can you know me the list of OpenGL32.dll version without this error and license information about OpenGL32.dll?
The issue is not about the opengl32.dll (in fact its inner working hasn't changed since Windows NT-4 some 19 years ago). Your system is simply missing a graphics driver with full OpenGL support:
The graphics drivers that are installed by default on Windows (and Windows Update) have only a very limited, stripped down OpenGL support (in fact they hardly support GPU acceleration). To get proper, full OpenGL support you must download the driver package for your GPU from the GPU vendor's website and install it manually.
Using Windows standard, automatic driver installation and Windows Update will not give you proper OpenGL support.

Setting up modern OpenGL with Visual Studio 2013

I have been coding OpenGL for a while now using Java and LWJGL. However recently I decided that I would switch from Java to C++.
I managed to set up OpenGL with Visual Studio 2013, and had some fun with that. However I am used to using modern OpenGL (shaders, vbo's, vao's etc...), and I believe what I am looking for is OpenGL ES.
I have been using the GLFW library to create a window with OpenGL context, so how do I do this with OpenGL ES.
I tried adding the #define GLFW_INCLUDE_ES31 line to above the glfw3.h include, however then it cannot find the GLES3/gl31.h header file. I don't know how to obtain this file on my computer, because the GL/gl.h file was just on my computer by default.
Am I supposed to download it?
Apparently OpenGL ES is aimed at smartphones or less powerful devices, so I was wrong in thinking I wanted to use OpenGL ES. In that case, how can I use these newer functions within Visual Studio, and C++. At the moment I only seem to have access to OpenGL 1.1 functions.
You are lacking a loader (GLEW for example)
"just" add it to your project and you will be able to use the GL_ functions again

Where to get an up-to-date OpenGL32.lib?

this one drives me crazy. I've been searching for two days but cant find any answer.
I want to develop some things with OpenGL 3 (or newer) with Visual Studio 2010 / C++.
The header and libraries provided by Microsoft are way too old to support OpenGL 3, so I'm trying to find newer versions. I easily found the header file in the OpenGL registry (http://www.opengl.org/registry/) but I cant find the OpenGL32.lib anywhere. How am I supposed to link a program without it?
There isn't a newer OpenGL library for windows, and there won't be. They decided to stop at OpenGL 1.1 and even call it a legacy graphics.
However, you can use load opengl function, and that is how people get access to the latest opengl features.
You can also use GLEW library to get access to the opengl functions.

OpenGL in WIndows7

I want to write code in OpenGL using Visual Studio 2010 . Now on opening opengl.org , I am redirected to http://user.xmission.com/~nate/glut.html ; which presumes I am using WindowsXP and Visual Studio 6 . The instructions in this page http://user.xmission.com/~nate/glut/README-win32.txt dates back to 2001 , and not in current context .
Long story short, is there any tutorial which will help me to program with OpenGL in Windows 7 using Visual Studio 2010 .
Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my question . I am new to this , so please bear with me.
OpenGL development under Window-7 is the very same as it has been for Windows-NT 4, Windows 2k and Windows XP. All the tutorials remain valid.
You do not require a OpenGL SDK. Everything you need ships with your compiler. OpenGL is not a library, but an API implemented by the drivers. So make sure you download and install the most recent drivers directly from your GPU's vendor's homepage (don't use the drivers shipping with Windows, because those have only very limited support for OpenGL).
Since you surely want to use recent OpenGL functionality you should however get the GLEW library, which eases up the loading process for the so called "extensions" by several orders of magnitude; highly recommended. Then instead of the regular OpenGL header you include GL/glew.h and call glewInit() right after an OpenGL context has been made active.
Instead of the old, outdated, no longer maintained GLUT, you should use FreeGLUT or OpenGLUT; if using GLUT at all, because you'll hit its limitations very soon. I recommend using GLFW instead.
First of all, configure your project to link with opengl32.lib etc.:
OpenGL config in Visual Studio 2010.
Look at some NeHe tutorials http://nehe.gamedev.net/.
What about Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7 - I don't think there is some significant differences in API with previous versions of Visual Studio and Windows (at least for simple examples).
Also look at: OpenGL API Documentation Overview