Input same value in few sequential array elements - c++

so I found this:
std::fill_n(array, 100, value);
but I suspect it might not be what I'm looking for. I have an appay *pointer and need to put same value in few sequential elements fast, because they are pixels, and there's lots of them.
So I use:
sometimes there's
but the first case is most crucial. One additional "+" is not a problem, I know, but when I use SDL's function to fill screen black (or other), it works kind of fast, and I don't know how it is optimized.
So if I need to costumly input same value in few neighbour elements of array, is there some cool trick.
Maybe some cast to (Uint64) and <<32 to place 2 same values in 2 integers trick?
Okey, sorry I didn't explained what this is for from the start.
So I render voxel object and sometimes after rotation there is spots on screen inside the object, where no pixel is drown, because I drow only kind of outer layer of object. And I want to do smoothing by basically stretching object by one pixel to the right. So while im putting pixel, I need to put one just like him to his right.

If you want to fill 100 (or even 1000) unsigned int elements, then you can choose any method you want, be it std::fill_n, or for loop - the number is so small you won't see the difference, even if you do this operation very often.
However, if you want to set values for a bigger array, say, 8k x 8k texture with pixels composed of 4 unsigned color components, then there is a short comparison of the methods you can use:
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdint>
int main(){
long unsigned const size = 8192 * 8192 * 4;
unsigned* arr = new unsigned[size];
clock_t t1 = clock();
memset(arr, 0, size*sizeof(unsigned));
clock_t t2 = clock();
std::fill_n(arr, size, 123);
clock_t t3 = clock();
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
*(arr + i) = 123;
clock_t t4 = clock();
int64_t val = 123;
val = val << 32 | 132;
for(int i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i)
*(int64_t*)(arr + i * 2) = val;
clock_t t5 = clock();
std::cout << "memset = " << t2 - t1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "std::fill_n = " << t3 - t2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "for 32 = " << t4 - t3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "for 64 = " << t5 - t4 << std::endl;
delete arr;
return 0;
1. memset
This function is used here only to show you how fast zeroing your array could be, in comparison to other methods. It's the fastest solution, but only usable when you want to set every byte to the same value (especially useful with 0 and 0xFF in your case, I guess).
2. std::fill_n and for loop with 32-bit value
std::fill_n looks to be the slowest of the solutions, and it is even slightly slower than the for solution with 32-bit values.
3. for loop with 64-bit value ON 64-bit SYSTEM
I guess this is the solution you could go for, since it wins this competition. However, if your machine were 32-bit, then I would expect the results to be comparable to the loop with 32-bit values (depends on the compiler and processor), since processor will handle one 64-bit value as two 32-bit values.

Yes, you can use one 64-bit variable to put a value into two (or more) 32-bit (or smaller) consecutive elements. There are many ifs. Obviously you should be on 64 bit patform, and you should know how your platform handle alignment.
Somethin like this:
uint32_t val = ...;
uint64_t val2 = val;
(val2 <<= 32) |= val;
for (uint32_t* p = ...; ...)
*(uint64_t*) p = val2;
You can use similar techniques with greater effect, if you use SSE.


How to zero a vector<bool>?

I have a vector<bool> and I'd like to zero it out. I need the size to stay the same.
The normal approach is to iterate over all the elements and reset them. However, vector<bool> is a specially optimized container that, depending on implementation, may store only one bit per element. Is there a way to take advantage of this to clear the whole thing efficiently?
bitset, the fixed-length variant, has the set function. Does vector<bool> have something similar?
There seem to be a lot of guesses but very few facts in the answers that have been posted so far, so perhaps it would be worthwhile to do a little testing.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
int seed(std::vector<bool> &b) {
for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
b[i] = ((rand() & 1) != 0);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
if (b[i])
return count;
int main() {
std::vector<bool> bools(1024 * 1024 * 32);
int count1= seed(bools);
clock_t start = clock();
bools.assign(bools.size(), false);
double using_assign = double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
int count2 = seed(bools);
start = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < bools.size(); i++)
bools[i] = false;
double using_loop = double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
int count3 = seed(bools);
start = clock();
size_t size = bools.size();
double using_clear = double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
int count4 = seed(bools);
start = clock();
std::fill(bools.begin(), bools.end(), false);
double using_fill = double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "Time using assign: " << using_assign << "\n";
std::cout << "Time using loop: " << using_loop << "\n";
std::cout << "Time using clear: " << using_clear << "\n";
std::cout << "Time using fill: " << using_fill << "\n";
std::cout << "Ignore: " << count1 << "\t" << count2 << "\t" << count3 << "\t" << count4 << "\n";
So this creates a vector, sets some randomly selected bits in it, counts them, and clears them (and repeats). The setting/counting/printing is done to ensure that even with aggressive optimization, the compiler can't/won't optimize out our code to clear the vector.
I found the results interesting, to say the least. First the result with VC++:
Time using assign: 0.141
Time using loop: 0.068
Time using clear: 0.141
Time using fill: 0.087
Ignore: 16777216 16777216 16777216 16777216
So, with VC++, the fastest method is what you'd probably initially think of as the most naive -- a loop that assigns to each individual item. With g++, the results are just a tad different though:
Time using assign: 0.002
Time using loop: 0.08
Time using clear: 0.002
Time using fill: 0.001
Ignore: 16777216 16777216 16777216 16777216
Here, the loop is (by far) the slowest method (and the others are basically tied -- the 1 ms difference in speed isn't really repeatable).
For what it's worth, in spite of this part of the test showing up as much faster with g++, the overall times were within 1% of each other (4.944 seconds for VC++, 4.915 seconds for g++).
v.assign(v.size(), false);
Have a look at this link:
Or the following
std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 0)
You are out of luck. std::vector<bool> is a specialization that apparently does not even guarantee contiguous memory or random access iterators (or even forward?!), at least based on my reading of cppreference -- decoding the standard would be the next step.
So write implementation specific code, pray and use some standard zeroing technique, or do not use the type. I vote 3.
The recieved wisdom is that it was a mistake, and may become deprecated. Use a different container if possible. And definitely do not mess around with the internal guts, or rely on its packing. Check if you have dynamic bitset in your std library mayhap, or roll your own wrapper around std::vector<unsigned char>.
I ran into this as a performance issue recently. I hadn't tried looking for answers on the web but did find that using assignment with the constructor was 10x faster using g++ O3 (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2. I found this question because I was looking to avoid the additional malloc. Looks like the assign is optimized as well as the constructor and about twice as good in my benchmark.
unsigned sz = v.size(); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii != sz; ++ii) v[ii] = false;
v = std::vector(sz, false); // 10x faster
v.assign(sz, false); > // 20x faster
So, I wouldn't say to shy away from using the specialization of vector<bool>; just be very cognizant of the bit vector representation.
Use the std::vector<bool>::assign method, which is provided for this purpose.
If an implementation is specific for bool, then assign, most likely, also implemented appropriately.
If you're able to switch from vector<bool> to a custom bit vector representation, then you can use a representation designed specifically for fast clear operations, and get some potentially quite significant speedups (although not without tradeoffs).
The trick is to use integers per bit vector entry and a single 'rolling threshold' value that determines which entries actually then evaluate to true.
You can then clear the bit vector by just increasing the single threshold value, without touching the rest of the data (until the threshold overflows).
A more complete write up about this, and some example code, can be found here.
It seems that one nice option hasn't been mentioned yet:
auto size = v.size();
The STL implementer will supposedly have picked the most efficient means of zeroising, so we don't even need to know which particular method that might be. And this works with real vectors as well (think templates), not just the std::vector<bool> monstrosity.
There can be a minuscule added advantage for reused buffers in loops (e.g. sieves, whatever), where you simply resize to whatever will be needed for the current round, instead of to the original size.
As an alternative to std::vector<bool>, check out boost::dynamic_bitset ( You can zero one (ie, set each element to false) out by calling the reset() member function.
Like clearing, say, std::vector<int>, reset on a boost::dynamic_bitset can also compile down to a memset, whereas you probably won't get that with std::vector<bool>. For example, see

C hack for storing a bit that takes 1 bit space?

I have a long list of numbers between 0 and 67600. Now I want to store them using an array that is 67600 elements long. An element is set to 1 if a number was in the set and it is set to 0 if the number is not in the set. ie. each time I need only 1bit information for storing the presence of a number. Is there any hack in C/C++ that helps me achieve this?
In C++ you can use std::vector<bool> if the size is dynamic (it's a special case of std::vector, see this) otherwise there is std::bitset (prefer std::bitset if possible.) There is also boost::dynamic_bitset if you need to set/change the size at runtime. You can find info on it here, it is pretty cool!
In C (and C++) you can manually implement this with bitwise operators. A good summary of common operations is here. One thing I want to mention is its a good idea to use unsigned integers when you are doing bit operations. << and >> are undefined when shifting negative integers. You will need to allocate arrays of some integral type like uint32_t. If you want to store N bits, it will take N/32 of these uint32_ts. Bit i is stored in the i % 32'th bit of the i / 32'th uint32_t. You may want to use a differently sized integral type depending on your architecture and other constraints. Note: prefer using an existing implementation (e.g. as described in the first paragraph for C++, search Google for C solutions) over rolling your own (unless you specifically want to, in which case I suggest learning more about binary/bit manipulation from elsewhere before tackling this.) This kind of thing has been done to death and there are "good" solutions.
There are a number of tricks that will maybe only consume one bit: e.g. arrays of bitfields (applicable in C as well), but whether less space gets used is up to compiler. See this link.
Please note that whatever you do, you will almost surely never be able to use exactly N bits to store N bits of information - your computer very likely can't allocate less than 8 bits: if you want 7 bits you'll have to waste 1 bit, and if you want 9 you will have to take 16 bits and waste 7 of them. Even if your computer (CPU + RAM etc.) could "operate" on single bits, if you're running in an OS with malloc/new it would not be sane for your allocator to track data to such a small precision due to overhead. That last qualification was pretty silly - you won't find an architecture in use that allows you to operate on less than 8 bits at a time I imagine :)
You should use std::bitset.
std::bitset functions like an array of bool (actually like std::array, since it copies by value), but only uses 1 bit of storage for each element.
Another option is vector<bool>, which I don't recommend because:
It uses slower pointer indirection and heap memory to enable resizing, which you don't need.
That type is often maligned by standards-purists because it claims to be a standard container, but fails to adhere to the definition of a standard container*.
*For example, a standard-conforming function could expect &container.front() to produce a pointer to the first element of any container type, which fails with std::vector<bool>. Perhaps a nitpick for your usage case, but still worth knowing about.
There is in fact! std::vector<bool> has a specialization for this:
See the doc, it stores it as efficiently as possible.
Edit: as somebody else said, std::bitset is also available:
If you want to write it in C, have an array of char that is 67601 bits in length (67601/8 = 8451) and then turn on/off the appropriate bit for each value.
Others have given the right idea. Here's my own implementation of a bitsarr, or 'array' of bits. An unsigned char is one byte, so it's essentially an array of unsigned chars that stores information in individual bits. I added the option of storing TWO or FOUR bit values in addition to ONE bit values, because those both divide 8 (the size of a byte), and would be useful if you want to store a huge number of integers that will range from 0-3 or 0-15.
When setting and getting, the math is done in the functions, so you can just give it an index as if it were a normal array--it knows where to look.
Also, it's the user's responsibility to not pass a value to set that's too large, or it will screw up other values. It could be modified so that overflow loops back around to 0, but that would just make it more convoluted, so I decided to trust myself.
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BYTE 8
typedef enum {ONE=1, TWO=2, FOUR=4} numbits;
typedef struct bitsarr{
unsigned char* buckets;
numbits n;
} bitsarr;
bitsarr new_bitsarr(int size, numbits n)
int b = sizeof(unsigned char)*BYTE;
int numbuckets = (size*n + b - 1)/b;
bitsarr ret;
ret.buckets = malloc(sizeof(ret.buckets)*numbuckets);
ret.n = n;
return ret;
void bitsarr_delete(bitsarr xp)
void bitsarr_set(bitsarr *xp, int index, int value)
int buckdex, innerdex;
buckdex = index/(BYTE/xp->n);
innerdex = index%(BYTE/xp->n);
xp->buckets[buckdex] = (value << innerdex*xp->n) | ((~(((1 << xp->n) - 1) << innerdex*xp->n)) & xp->buckets[buckdex]);
//longer version
/*unsigned int width, width_in_place, zeros, old, newbits, new;
width = (1 << xp->n) - 1;
width_in_place = width << innerdex*xp->n;
zeros = ~width_in_place;
old = xp->buckets[buckdex];
old = old & zeros;
newbits = value << innerdex*xp->n;
new = newbits | old;
xp->buckets[buckdex] = new; */
int bitsarr_get(bitsarr *xp, int index)
int buckdex, innerdex;
buckdex = index/(BYTE/xp->n);
innerdex = index%(BYTE/xp->n);
return ((((1 << xp->n) - 1) << innerdex*xp->n) & (xp->buckets[buckdex])) >> innerdex*xp->n;
//longer version
/*unsigned int width = (1 << xp->n) - 1;
unsigned int width_in_place = width << innerdex*xp->n;
unsigned int val = xp->buckets[buckdex];
unsigned int retshifted = width_in_place & val;
unsigned int ret = retshifted >> innerdex*xp->n;
return ret; */
int main()
bitsarr x = new_bitsarr(100, FOUR);
for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
bitsarr_set(&x, i, i);
for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
printf("%d\n", bitsarr_get(&x, i));
for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
bitsarr_set(&x, i, 15-i);
for(int i = 0; i<16; i++)
printf("%d\n", bitsarr_get(&x, i));

Efficient index bound check and double to int cast

Consider the following code snippet
double *x, *id;
int i, n; // = vector size
// allocate and zero x
// set id to 0:n-1
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
long iid = (long)id[i];
if(iid>=0 && iid<n && (double)iid==id[i]){
x[iid] = 1;
} else break;
The code uses values in vector id of type double as indices into vector x. In order for the indices to be valid I verify that they are greater than or equal to 0, less than vector size n, and that doubles stored in id are in fact integers. In this example id stores integers from 1 to n, so all vectors are accessed linearly and branch prediction of the if statement should always work.
For n=1e8 the code takes 0.21s on my computer. Since it seems to me it is a computationally light-weight loop, I expect it to be memory bandwidth bounded. Based on the benchmarked memory bandwidth I expect it to run in 0.15s. I calculate the memory footprint as 8 bytes per id value, and 16 bytes per x value (it needs to be both written, and read from memory since I assume SSE streaming is not used). So a total of 24 bytes per vector entry.
The questions:
Am I wrong saying that this code should be memory bandwidth bounded, and that it can be improved?
If not, do you know a way in which I could improve the performance so that it works with the speed of the memory?
Or maybe everything is fine and I can not easily improve it otherwise than running it in parallel?
Changing the type of id is not an option - it must be double. Also, in the general case id and x have different sizes and must be kept as separate arrays - they come from different parts of the program. In short, I wonder if it is possible to write the bound checks and the type cast/integer validation in a more efficient manner.
For convenience, the entire code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static struct timeval tb, te;
void tic()
gettimeofday(&tb, NULL);
void toc(const char *idtxt)
long s,u;
gettimeofday(&te, NULL);
printf("%-30s%10li.%.6li\n", idtxt,
(s*1000000+u)/1000000, (s*1000000+u)%1000000);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double *x = NULL;
double *id = NULL;
int i, n;
// vector size is a command line parameter
n = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("x size %i\n", n);
// not included in timing in MATLAB
x = calloc(sizeof(double),n);
memset(x, 0, sizeof(double)*n);
// create index vector
id = malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
for(i=0; i<n; i++) id[i] = i;
toc("id = 1:n");
// use id to index x and set all entries to 4
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
long iid = (long)id[i];
if(iid>=0 && iid<n && (double)iid==id[i]){
x[iid] = 1;
} else break;
toc("x(id) = 1");
EDIT: Disregard if you can't split the arrays!
I think it can be improved by taking advantage of a common cache concept. You can either make data accesses close in time or location. With tight for-loops, you can achieve a better data hit-rate by shaping your data structures like your for-loop. In this case, you access two different arrays, usually the same indices in each array. Your machine is loading chunks of both arrays each iteration through that loop. To increase the use of each load, create a structure to hold an element of each array, and create a single array with that struct:
struct my_arrays
double x;
int id;
struct my_arrays* arr = malloc(sizeof(my_arrays)*n);
Now, each time you load data into cache, you'll hit everything you load because the arrays are close together.
EDIT: Since your intent is to check for an integer value, and you make the explicit assumption that the values are small enough to be represented precisely in a double with no loss of precision, then I think your comparison is fine.
My previous answer had a reference to beware comparing large doubles after implicit casting, and I referenced this:
What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?
It might be worth considering examination of double type representation.
For example, the following code shows how to compare a double number greater than 1 to 999:
bool check(double x)
double d;
uint32_t y[2];
d = x;
bool answer;
uint32_t exp = (y[1] >> 20) & 0x3ff;
uint32_t fraction1 = y[1] << (13 + exp); // upper bits of fractiona part
uint32_t fraction2 = y[0]; // lower 32 bits of fractional part
if (fraction2 != 0 || fraction1 != 0)
answer = false;
else if (exp > 8)
answer = false;
else if (exp == 8)
answer = (y[1] < 0x408f3800); // this is the representation of 999
answer = true;
return answer;
This looks like much code, but it might be vectorized easily (using e.g. SSE), and if your bound is a power of 2, it might simplify the code further.

C++ Array vs vector

when using C++ vector, time spent is 718 milliseconds,
while when I use Array, time is almost 0 milliseconds.
Why so much performance difference?
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
const int size = 10000;
clock_t start, end;
start = clock();
vector<int> v(size*size);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
v[i*size+j] = 1;
end = clock();
cout<< (end - start)
<<" milliseconds."<<endl; // 718 milliseconds
int f = 0;
start = clock();
int arr[size*size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
arr[i*size+j] = 1;
end = clock();
cout<< ( end - start)
<<" milliseconds."<<endl; // 0 milliseconds
return 0;
Your array arr is allocated on the stack, i.e., the compiler has calculated the necessary space at compile time. At the beginning of the method, the compiler will insert an assembler statement like
sub esp, 10000*10000*sizeof(int)
which means the stack pointer (esp) is decreased by 10000 * 10000 * sizeof(int) bytes to make room for an array of 100002 integers. This operation is almost instant.
The vector is heap allocated and heap allocation is much more expensive. When the vector allocates the required memory, it has to ask the operating system for a contiguous chunk of memory and the operating system will have to perform significant work to find this chunk of memory.
As Andreas says in the comments, all your time is spent in this line:
vector<int> v(size*size);
Accessing the vector inside the loop is just as fast as for the array.
For an additional overview see e.g.
[What and where are the stack and heap?
After all the comments about performance optimizations and compiler settings, I did some measurements this morning. I had to set size=3000 so I did my measurements with roughly a tenth of the original entries. All measurements performed on a 2.66 GHz Xeon:
With debug settings in Visual Studio 2008 (no optimization, runtime checks, and debug runtime) the vector test took 920 ms compared to 0 ms for the array test.
98,48 % of the total time was spent in vector::operator[], i.e., the time was indeed spent on the runtime checks.
With full optimization, the vector test needed 56 ms (with a tenth of the original number of entries) compared to 0 ms for the array.
The vector ctor required 61,72 % of the total application running time.
So I guess everybody is right depending on the compiler settings used. The OP's timing suggests an optimized build or an STL without runtime checks.
As always, the morale is: profile first, optimize second.
If you are compiling this with a Microsoft compiler, to make it a fair comparison you need to switch off iterator security checks and iterator debugging, by defining _SECURE_SCL=0 and _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0.
Secondly, the constructor you are using initialises each vector value with zero, and you are not memsetting the array to zero before filling it. So you are traversing the vector twice.
vector<int> v;
To get a fair comparison I think something like the following should be suitable:
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
int main()
static size_t const size = 7e6;
timeval start, end;
int sum;
gettimeofday(&start, 0);
std::vector<int> v(size, 1);
sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
gettimeofday(&end, 0);
std::cout << "= vector =" << std::endl
<< "(" << end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec
<< " s, " << end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec
<< " us)" << std::endl
<< "sum = " << sum << std::endl << std::endl;
gettimeofday(&start, 0);
int * const arr = new int[size];
std::fill(arr, arr + size, 1);
sum = std::accumulate(arr, arr + size, 0);
delete [] arr;
gettimeofday(&end, 0);
std::cout << "= Simple array =" << std::endl
<< "(" << end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec
<< " s, " << end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec
<< " us)" << std::endl
<< "sum = " << sum << std::endl << std::endl;
In both cases, dynamic allocation and deallocation is performed, as well as accesses to elements.
On my Linux box:
$ g++ -O2 foo.cpp
$ ./a.out
= vector =
(0 s, 21085 us)
sum = 7000000
= Simple array =
(0 s, 21148 us)
sum = 7000000
Both the std::vector<> and array cases have comparable performance. The point is that std::vector<> can be just as fast as a simple array if your code is structured appropriately.
On a related note switching off optimization makes a huge difference in this case:
$ g++ foo.cpp
$ ./a.out
= vector =
(0 s, 120357 us)
sum = 7000000
= Simple array =
(0 s, 60569 us)
sum = 7000000
Many of the optimization assertions made by folks like Neil and jalf are entirely correct.
EDIT: Corrected code to force vector destruction to be included in time measurement.
Change assignment to eg. arr[i*size+j] = i*j, or some other non-constant expression. I think compiler optimizes away whole loop, as assigned values are never used, or replaces array with some precalculated values, so that loop isn't even executed and you get 0 milliseconds.
Having changed 1 to i*j, i get the same timings for both vector and array, unless pass -O1 flag to gcc, then in both cases I get 0 milliseconds.
So, first of all, double-check whether your loops are actually executed.
You are probably using VC++, in which case by default standard library components perform many checks at run-time (e.g whether index is in range). These checks can be turned off by defining some macros as 0 (I think _SECURE_SCL).
Another thing is that I can't even run your code as is: the automatic array is way too large for the stack. When I make it global, then with MingW 3.5 the times I get are 627 ms for the vector and 26875 ms (!!) for the array, which indicates there are really big problems with an array of this size.
As to this particular operation (filling with value 1), you could use the vector's constructor:
std::vector<int> v(size * size, 1);
and the fill algorithm for the array:
std::fill(arr, arr + size * size, 1);
Two things. One, operator[] is much slower for vector. Two, vector in most implementations will behave weird at times when you add in one element at a time. I don't mean just that it allocates more memory but it does some genuinely bizarre things at times.
The first one is the main issue. For a mere million bytes, even reallocating the memory a dozen times should not take long (it won't do it on every added element).
In my experiments, preallocating doesn't change its slowness much. When the contents are actual objects it basically grinds to a halt if you try to do something simple like sort it.
Conclusion, don't use stl or mfc vectors for anything large or computation heavy. They are implemented poorly/slowly and cause lots of memory fragmentation.
When you declare the array, it lives in the stack (or in static memory zone), which it's very fast, but can't increase its size.
When you declare the vector, it assign dynamic memory, which it's not so fast, but is more flexible in the memory allocation, so you can change the size and not dimension it to the maximum size.
When profiling code, make sure you are comparing similar things.
vector<int> v(size*size);
initializes each element in the vector,
int arr[size*size];
doesn't. Try
int arr[size * size];
memset( arr, 0, size * size );
and measure again...

Counting down in for-loops

I believe (from some research reading) that counting down in for-loops is actually more efficient and faster in runtime. My full software code is C++
I currently have this:
for (i=0; i<domain; ++i) {
my 'i' is unsigned resgister int,
also 'domain' is unsigned int
in the for-loop i is used for going through an array, e.g.
array[i] = do stuff
converting this to count down messes up the expected/correct output of my routine.
I can imagine the answer being quite trivial, but I can't get my head round it.
UPDATE: 'do stuff' does not depend on previous or later iteration. The calculations within the for-loop are independant for that iteration of i. (I hope that makes sense).
UPDATE: To achieve a runtime speedup with my for-loop, do I count down and if so remove the unsigned part when delcaring my int, or what other method?
Please help.
There is only one correct method of looping backwards using an unsigned counter:
for( i = n; i-- > 0; )
// Use i as normal here
There's a trick here, for the last loop iteration you will have i = 1 at the top of the loop, i-- > 0 passes because 1 > 0, then i = 0 in the loop body. On the next iteration i-- > 0 fails because i == 0, so it doesn't matter that the postfix decrement rolled over the counter.
Very non obvious I know.
I'm guessing your backward for loop looks like this:
for (i = domain - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
In that case, because i is unsigned, it will always be greater than or equal to zero. When you decrement an unsigned variable that is equal to zero, it will wrap around to a very large number. The solution is either to make i signed, or change the condition in the for loop like this:
for (i = domain - 1; i >= 0 && i < domain; --i) {
Or count from domain to 1 rather than from domain - 1 to 0:
for (i = domain; i >= 1; --i) {
array[i - 1] = ...; // notice you have to subtract 1 from i inside the loop now
This is not an answer to your problem, because you don't seem to have a problem.
This kind of optimization is completely irrelevant and should be left to the compiler (if done at all).
Have you profiled your program to check that your for-loop is a bottleneck? If not, then you do not need to spend time worrying about this. Even more so, having "i" as a "register" int, as you write, makes no real sense from a performance standpoint.
Even without knowing your problem domain, I can guarantee you that both the reverse-looping technique and the "register" int counter will have negligible impact on your program's performance. Remember, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil".
That said, better spent optimization time would be on thinking about the overall program structure, data structures and algorithms used, resource utilization, etc.
Checking to see if a number is zero can be quicker or more efficient than a comparison. But this is the sort of micro-optimization you really shouldn't worry about - a few clock cycles will be greatly dwarfed by just about any other perf issue.
On x86:
dec eax
jnz Foo
Instead of:
inc eax
cmp eax, 15
jl Foo
It has nothing to do with counting up or down. What can be faster is counting toward zero. Michael's answer shows why — x86 gives you a comparison with zero as an implicit side effect of many instructions, so after you adjust your counter, you just branch based on the result instead of doing an explicit comparison. (Maybe other architectures do that, too; I don't know.)
Borland's Pascal compilers are notorious for performing that optimization. The compiler transforms this code:
for i := x to y do
into an internal representation more akin to this:
tmp := Succ(y - x);
i := x;
while tmp > 0 do begin
(I say notorious not because the optimization affects the outcome of the loop, but because the debugger displays the counter variable incorrectly. When the programmer inspects i, the debugger may display the value of tmp instead, causing no end of confusion and panic for programmers who think their loops are running backward.)
The idea is that even with the extra Inc or Dec instruction, it's still a net win, in terms of running time, over doing an explicit comparison. Whether you can actually notice that difference is up for debate.
But note that the conversion is something the compiler would do automatically, based on whether it deemed the transformation worthwhile. The compiler is usually better at optimizing code than you are, so don't spend too much effort competing with it.
Anyway, you asked about C++, not Pascal. C++ "for" loops aren't quite as easy to apply that optimization to as Pascal "for" loops are because the bounds of Pascal's loops are always fully calculated before the loop runs, whereas C++ loops sometimes depend on the stopping condition and the loop contents. C++ compilers need to do some amount of static analysis to determine whether any given loop could fit the requirements for the kind of transformation Pascal loops qualify for unconditionally. If the C++ compiler does the analysis, then it could do a similar transformation.
There's nothing stopping you from writing your loops that way on your own:
for (unsigned i = 0, tmp = domain; tmp > 0; ++i, --tmp)
array[i] = do stuff
Doing that might make your code run faster. Like I said before, though, you probably won't notice. The bigger cost you pay by manually arranging your loops like that is that your code no longer follows established idioms. Your loop is a perfectly ordinary "for" loop, but it no longer looks like one — it has two variables, they're counting in opposite directions, and one of them isn't even used in the loop body — so anyone reading your code (including you, a week, a month, or a year from now when you've forgotten the "optimization" you were hoping to achieve) will need to spend extra effort proving to himself or herself that the loop is indeed an ordinary loop in disguise.
(Did you notice that my code above used unsigned variables with no danger of wrapping around at zero? Using two separate variables allows that.)
Three things to take away from all this:
Let the optimizer do its job; on the whole it's better at it than you are.
Make ordinary code look ordinary so that the special code doesn't have to compete to get attention from people reviewing, debugging, or maintaining it.
Don't do anything fancy in the name of performance until testing and profiling show it to be necessary.
If you have a decent compiler, it will optimize "counting up" just as effectively as "counting down". Just try a few benchmarks and you'll see.
So you "read" that couting down is more efficient? I find this very difficult to believe unless you show me some profiler results and the code. I can buy it under some circumstances, but in the general case, no. Seems to me like this is a classic case of premature optimization.
Your comment about "register int i" is also very telling. Nowadays, the compiler always knows better than you how to allocate registers. Don't bother using using the register keyword unless you have profiled your code.
When you're looping through data structures of any sort, cache misses have a far bigger impact than the direction you're going. Concern yourself with the bigger picture of memory layout and algorithm structure instead of trivial micro-optimisations.
You may try the following, which compiler will optimize very efficiently:
#define for_range(_type, _param, _A1, _B1) \
for (_type _param = _A1, _finish = _B1,\
_step = static_cast<_type>(2*(((int)_finish)>(int)_param)-1),\
_stop = static_cast<_type>(((int)_finish)+(int)_step); _param != _stop; \
_param = static_cast<_type>(((int)_param)+(int)_step))
Now you can use it:
for_range (unsigned, i, 10,0)
cout << "backwards i: " << i << endl;
for_range (char, c, 'z','a')
cout << c << endl;
enum Count { zero, one, two, three };
for_range (Count, c, three, zero)
cout << "backwards: " << c << endl;
You may iterate in any direction:
for_range (Count, c, zero, three)
cout << "forward: " << c << endl;
The loop
for_range (unsigned,i,b,a)
// body of the loop
will produce the following code:
mov esi,b
; body of the loop
dec esi
cmp esi,a-1
jne L1
Hard to say with information given but... reverse your array, and count down?
Jeremy Ruten rightly pointed out that using an unsigned loop counter is dangerous. It's also unnecessary, as far as I can tell.
Others have also pointed out the dangers of premature optimization. They're absolutely right.
With that said, here is a style I used when programming embedded systems many years ago, when every byte and every cycle did count for something. These forms were useful for me on the particular CPUs and compilers that I was using, but your mileage may vary.
// Start out pointing to the last elem in array
pointer_to_array_elem_type p = array + (domain - 1);
for (int i = domain - 1; --i >= 0 ; ) {
*p-- = (... whatever ...)
This form takes advantage of the condition flag that is set on some processors after arithmetical operations -- on some architectures, the decrement and testing for the branch condition can be combined into a single instruction. Note that using predecrement (--i) is the key here -- using postdecrement (i--) would not have worked as well.
// Start out pointing *beyond* the last elem in array
pointer_to_array_elem_type p = array + domain;
for (pointer_to_array_type p = array + domain; p - domain > 0 ; ) {
*(--p) = (... whatever ...)
This second form takes advantage of pointer (address) arithmetic. I rarely see the form (pointer - int) these days (for good reason), but the language guarantees that when you subtract an int from a pointer, the pointer is decremented by (int * sizeof (*pointer)).
I'll emphasize again that whether these forms are a win for you depends on the CPU and compiler that you're using. They served me well on Motorola 6809 and 68000 architectures.
In some later arm cores, decrement and compare takes only a single instruction. This makes decrementing loops more efficient than incrementing ones.
I don't know why there isn't an increment-compare instruction also.
I'm surprised that this post was voted -1 when it's a true issue.
Everyone here is focusing on performance. There is actually a logical reason to iterate towards zero that can result in cleaner code.
Iterating over the last element first is convenient when you delete invalid elements by swapping with the end of the array. For bad elements not adjacent to the end we can swap into the end position, decrease the end bound of the array, and keep iterating. If you were to iterate toward the end then swapping with the end could result in swapping bad for bad. By iterating end to 0 we know that the element at the end of the array has already been proven valid for this iteration.
For further explanation...
You delete bad elements by swapping with one end of the array and changing the array bounds to exclude the bad elements.
Then obviously:
You would swap with a good element i.e. one that has already been tested in this iteration.
So this implies:
If we iterate away from the variable bound then elements between the variable bound and the current iteration pointer have been proven good. Whether the iteration pointer gets ++ or -- doesn't matter. What matters is that we're iterating away from the variable bound so we know that the elements adjacent to it are good.
So finally:
Iterating towards 0 allows us to use only one variable to represent the array bounds. Whether this matters is a personal decision between you and your compiler.
What matters much more than whether you're increasing or decreasing your counter is whether or not you're going up memory or down memory. Most caches are optimized for going up memory, not down memory. Since memory access time is the bottleneck that most programs today face, this means that changing your program so that you go up memory can result in a performance boost even if this requires comparing your counter to a non-zero value. In some of my programs, I saw a significant improvement in performance by changing my code to go up memory instead of down it.
Skeptical? Here's the output that I got:
sum up = 705046256
sum down = 705046256
Ave. Up Memory = 4839 mus
Ave. Down Memory = 5552 mus
sum up = inf
sum down = inf
Ave. Up Memory = 18638 mus
Ave. Down Memory = 19053 mus
from running this program:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
template<class Iterator, typename T>
void FillWithRandomNumbers(Iterator start, Iterator one_past_end, T a, T b) {
std::random_device rnd_device;
std::mt19937 generator(rnd_device());
std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dist(a, b);
for (auto it = start; it != one_past_end; it++)
*it = dist(generator);
return ;
template<class Iterator>
void FillWithRandomNumbers(Iterator start, Iterator one_past_end, double a, double b) {
std::random_device rnd_device;
std::mt19937_64 generator(rnd_device());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(a, b);
for (auto it = start; it != one_past_end; it++)
*it = dist(generator);
return ;
template<class RAI, class T>
inline void sum_abs_up(RAI first, RAI one_past_last, T &total) {
T sum = 0;
auto it = first;
do {
sum += *it;
} while (it != one_past_last);
total += sum;
template<class RAI, class T>
inline void sum_abs_down(RAI first, RAI one_past_last, T &total) {
T sum = 0;
auto it = one_past_last;
do {
sum += *it;
} while (it != first);
total += sum;
template<class T> std::chrono::nanoseconds TimeDown(
std::vector<T> &vec, const std::vector<T> &vec_original,
std::size_t num_repititions, T &running_sum) {
std::chrono::nanoseconds total{0};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_repititions; i++) {
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
sum_abs_down(vec.begin(), vec.end(), running_sum);
total += std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time;
vec = vec_original;
return total;
template<class T> std::chrono::nanoseconds TimeUp(
std::vector<T> &vec, const std::vector<T> &vec_original,
std::size_t num_repititions, T &running_sum) {
std::chrono::nanoseconds total{0};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_repititions; i++) {
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
sum_abs_up(vec.begin(), vec.end(), running_sum);
total += std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time;
vec = vec_original;
return total;
int main() {
std::size_t num_repititions = 1 << 10;
typedef int ValueType;
auto lower = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
auto upper = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
std::vector<ValueType> vec(1 << 24);
FillWithRandomNumbers(vec.begin(), vec.end(), lower, upper);
const auto vec_original = vec;
ValueType sum_up = 0, sum_down = 0;
auto time_up = TimeUp(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_up).count();
auto time_down = TimeDown(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_down).count();
std::cout << "sum up = " << sum_up << '\n';
std::cout << "sum down = " << sum_down << '\n';
std::cout << "Ave. Up Memory = " << time_up/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus\n";
std::cout << "Ave. Down Memory = "<< time_down/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus"
<< std::endl;
typedef double ValueType;
auto lower = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
auto upper = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
std::vector<ValueType> vec(1 << 24);
FillWithRandomNumbers(vec.begin(), vec.end(), lower, upper);
const auto vec_original = vec;
ValueType sum_up = 0, sum_down = 0;
auto time_up = TimeUp(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_up).count();
auto time_down = TimeDown(vec, vec_original, num_repititions, sum_down).count();
std::cout << "sum up = " << sum_up << '\n';
std::cout << "sum down = " << sum_down << '\n';
std::cout << "Ave. Up Memory = " << time_up/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus\n";
std::cout << "Ave. Down Memory = "<< time_down/(num_repititions * 1000) << " mus"
<< std::endl;
return 0;
Both sum_abs_up and sum_abs_down do the same thing and are timed they same way with the only difference being that sum_abs_up goes up memory while sum_abs_down goes down memory. I even pass vec by reference so that both functions access the same memory locations. Nevertheless, sum_abs_up is consistently faster than sum_abs_down. Give it a run yourself (I compiled it with g++ -O3).
FYI vec_original is there for experimentation, to make it easy for me to change sum_abs_up and sum_abs_down in a way that makes them alter vec while not allowing these changes to affect future timings.
It's important to note how tight the loop that I'm timing is. If a loop's body is large then it likely won't matter whether its iterator goes up or down memory since the time it takes to execute the loop's body will likely completely dominate. Also, it's important to mention that with some rare loops, going down memory is sometimes faster than going up it. But even with such loops it's rarely ever the case that going up was always slower than going down (unlike loops that go up memory, which are very often always faster than the equivalent down-memory loops; a small handful of times they were even 40+% faster).
The point is, as a rule of thumb, if you have the option, if the loop's body is small, and if there's little difference between having your loop go up memory instead of down it, then you should go up memory.