where should we use GDALAllRegister() when implementing a class - mfc

I'm implementing a class named FilesWorkFlow. It's task is to open a file dialog and then if the file's extention is geotiff, some other member functions will be implemented to work with it. As you know before working with GDAL files , you have to call GDALAllRegister() so I need to call this function somewhere in the class that all of the member functions will suppose GDAL drivers as registered. Where should I call it?

The documentation for GDALAllRegister states:
This function should generally be called once at the beginning of the application.
Given that requirement I assume there's nothing wrong with calling it from your CWinApp::InitInstance override.
As an alternative you can encapsulate the GDAL functionality into a Singleton and use Lazy Initialization.


What is the proper way to include pybind11 embedded module at user class (as part of singleton class)

I have a Linux C++ dynamic library, which is required to pass a compound structure to python, and receive result structure from python to be transferred up to caller application.
To get the python interpreter "alive" after library API function returns back to caller application, I decided to use singleton class (using getInstance...)
For C/Python API I'm (trying to...) using pybind11 embedded module mechanism
Question is how to connect the embedded module within the singleton class, simply meaning how to invoke it from there (also with passed arguments)?
Looked at "calling-embedded-function-in-class-method-using-pybind11", but it don't answer my question
Seems I found the answer
Although I'm working on a Linux project, I find this link:Embedding Python in a C++ project with Visual Studio, with its sample project, very educational,
and looking back at pybind11 embedded documentation, section 13.4 at the PDF, shows it is simply to do so:
Include "py::module" member at C++ class which would be initialized with py::module::import("module_name");
and then call the C'tor etc. using it
such as:
// class member
py::module mModule;
mModule = py::module::import("module_name");
mModule .attr("initialize").call(mArg1, mArg2);
Since this is a singleton class within a library, rather than regular example of main(), for the interpreter lifetime, I find it better to use:
//call py code...
and then call
py::finalize_interpreter(); at the destruction of this instance
rather than, regular py::scoped_interpreter guard{}; which finishes its lifetime at the end of the scope

Split functionalities of an application into plugins with Qt

Pretty much like the title says, I want to split some parts of my Qt application into plugins, so I
can add new functionalities at runtime. Ideally, plugins would be compiled separately and put into a
dedicated path for plugins; when the application launches, installed extensions are automatically
loaded, or can be reloaded at the user request at any time.
I should mention that the objects I want to put into plugins are not QObjects, but if it can make
the solution simpler it's acceptable that they inherit from QObject.
How can I do that? I want the simplest solution that's portable and doesn't require anything else
than Qt (no external dependencies).
Although I answer my own question, I'm more than interested to hear others'!
For a start, you need to have a common interface among your plugins. Here's an example:
class MyPlugin
virtual ~MyPlugin() {} // Needs to be virtual. Important!
// Put here your method(s)
virtual void frobnicate() = 0;
Do not name your interface like this, though. If your plugins represent video codecs, name it
"VideoCodec", for example. Some prefer to put an "I" before interfaces' name (e.g. IVideoCodec).
Also, some people would tell you to have public methods calling protected virtuals, but that's not
strictly necessary there.
Why an interface? That's because it's the only way the application can use plugins without knowing
the classes themselves beforehand. This means that because the application doesn't know the
classes, the plugin must allow creating the plugin component via a factory. In fact, the only
required function to declare is a factory function that creates a fresh instance of the "plugin".
This factory function could be declared as such:
extern "C" std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> MyPlugin_new();
(You need extern "C", otherwise you'll get trouble with QLibrary because of C++ name mangling ―
see below)
The factory function need not be without parameters, but the parameters must make sense for all types
of plugins. This could be a hashtable or a file containing general configuration information, or
even better, an interface for a configuration object, for instance.
Now the loading part. The easiest way is to use a QDirIterator initialized to the plugin
directory, iterate through all files and try to load them. Something along the lines of...
void load_plugins_from_path(const QString &plugin_dir)
QDirIterator it(plugin_dir, QDir::Files, QDir::Readable);
while (it.hasNext()) {
(it's written like it's a function, but it should be a method)
Do not try in any way to filter the files by extension or by using the QDir::Executable flag: this
will needlessly reduce the portability of the program―each OSes have their own file extensions, and QDir::Executable only work on unices (probably because there's no exec bit on Windows).
Here, the method load_plugins_from_path just loads plugins from one given path; the caller may
invoke that method over the elements of a list containing all the paths to search for plugins, for
example. try_load_plugin may be defined like this:
void try_load_plugin(const QString &filename)
QLibrary lib(filename);
auto factory = reinterpret_cast<decltype (MyPlugin_new) *>(lib.resolve("MyPlugin_new"));
if (factory) {
std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> plugin(factory());
// Do something with "plugin", e.g. store in a std::vector
decltype is used on MyPlugin_new so we doesn't have to specify its type
(std::unique_ptr<MyPlugin> (*)()) and using it with auto will save you the trouble of changing
the code more than it needs to be, should you change the signature of MyPlugin_new.
This method just tries to load a file as a library (whether it's a valid library file or not!) and
attempts to resolve the required function, returning nullptr if either we're not dealing with a
valid library file or the requested symbol (our function) didn't exist. Note that because we do the
search directly in a dynamic library, we must know the exact name of the entity in that library.
Because C++ mangles names, and that mangling is dependent on the implementation, the only sensible
thing is to use extern "C" functions. Don't worry though: extern "C" will only prevent
overloading of that function, but otherwise all C++ can be used inside of that function. Also, even
though the factory function is not inside any namespace, it won't collide with other factory
functions in other libraries, because we use explicit linking; that way, we can have
MyPlugin_new from plugin A and MyPlugin_new from plugin B, and they will live at separate
Finally, if your set of plugins is too diverse to be expressed by one interface, one solution is to
simply define (possibly) multiple factories inside of your plugins, each returning a pointer to a
different kind of interface.
Qt already has a class called QPluginLoader that does what you're trying to achieve.

Using tcmalloc - How to load the malloc extensions properly?

In file gperftools-2.2.1/src/gperftools/malloc_extension.h, it reads:
// Extra extensions exported by some malloc implementations. These
// extensions are accessed through a virtual base class so an
// application can link against a malloc that does not implement these
// extensions, and it will get default versions that do nothing.
// NOTE FOR C USERS: If you wish to use this functionality from within
// a C program, see malloc_extension_c.h.
My question is how exactly can I access these extensions through a virtual base class?
Usually to load a class from a dynamic library, I would need to write a base class which allows me to get an instance of the wanted class and its functions through polymorphism, as described here.
However to do so there must be some class factory functions available in the API, but there are no such functions in any tcmalloc files. Moreover I would also need to load the tcmalloc library with dlopen(), which is not recommended according to the install note:
...loading a malloc-replacement library via dlopen is
asking for trouble in any case: some data will be allocated with one malloc, some with another.
So clearly accessing the extensions through the typical way as mentioned above is not an option. I can get away with using the C versions as declared in malloc_extensions_c.h but just wonder if there is any better solution.
I managed to load the malloc extensions via some 'hack', which is not as clean as I would prefer, but it gets the job done. Here is the (temporary) solution for those who are interested in.
First, most of these malloc extension functions are similar to static functions in a way that they are mostly called on the current instance only, e.g. to call the GetMemoryReleaseRate() function on the current process you just call MallocExtension::instance()->GetMemoryReleaseRate(). Therefore we don't need to create a base class and get an instance of MallocExtension class to call these functions.
For the example above, I'd just create a standalone function getMemoryReleaseRate() which simply calls the required function when it gets called, as below:
This function can be inserted directly to a source file, e.g. tcmalloc.cc, or, if you prefer not to edit the tcmalloc source every time there is a new version, added to your makefile, to be attached to the source file when it is compiled.
Now in your code, you can call the MallocExtension function via the 'facade' function you have created via dlsym(), e.g. as below:
typedef void (*getMemoryReleaseRate)();
((getMemoryReleaseRate)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "getMemoryReleaseRate"))();
Simply including this header and doing MallocExtension::instance()->GetMemoryReleaseRate(); would work too. No need to modify tcmalloc for that.

Calling C++ class from NSIS

I just want to know if there is any way to call a c++ class into our nsis script ?
NSIS can call functions in DLLs but the calling convention is somewhat limited and there's no direct support for classes. You will not be able to easily call class function.
You might be able to "hack" it by making extern "C" wrapper functions for every class member function, along with function that create and destroy instances of the class as necessary. You'd have to somehow passes something that represents the newly created instances back to NSIS, which then would pass it into the wrapper functions along with any necessary parameters/arguments.
Sounds like more trouble than it's worth...
In my opinion the easiest way to call your function will be to export it to dll and then call them from nsis using System::Call function.

Calling unexported functions in Win32 C++

How would I go about calling an unexported function in Win32 C++?
Calling unexported functions that are defined in the same module (DLL/EXE) as your code is easy: just call them like any other C++ function. Obviously this isn't what you're asking about. If you want to call unexported functions in a different module, you need to find out their addresses somehow.
One way to do this is to have the first module call an exported function in the second module which returns a function pointer. (Or: a struct containing function pointers, a pointer to an instance of a class, etc.) Think factory pattern.
Another way is to export a registration function from the first module and have the second module's initialization code call it, passing it pointers to unexported functions along with some sort of identifying info. (Better also have a corresponding unregistration function which is called before the second module is unloaded.)
Yet another way is to grovel through the debug symbols using dbghelp.dll. This would not be recommended for a real-world application because it would require distributing debug symbols and would be extremely slow, not to mention overly complex.
Additionally to bk1e's answer, there's still another method (not recommended as well).
Obtain the relative Adress of that function in the dll (e.g. via disassembly). This has to be done manually and before compiling.
In the program, you now have to obtain the startadress of the dll in memory (for example using an exported function and some calculation).
Now you can directly call that function using the relative Adress of the function + the startadress of the exported function.
I don't recommend this though. It works only on one defined version of that dll. Any recompile and the adress may change. Or that function may not be needed any more and gets deleted. There must be a reason, why this function is NOT exported. In general - you try to archive something the author of the library intentionally did not want you to do and that's "evil" most of the time.
You mentioned the ida-name. This name includes the startadress.
No two ways about it, you'll have to study the disassembly to figure out what gets pushed on the stack, and how it's used to determine the types.