Front to back rendering vs shaders swapping - opengl

Lets consider such situation.
The scene contains given objects: ABCDE
Where order from camera (from nearest to farthest)
And objects AC use shader1,ED shader 2,B shader3
Objects AC use shame shader but different texture.
Now what to deal with such situation?
Render everything from front to back (5 swaps)
Render by shader group which are sorted(3 shaders swaps).
Marge all shader programs to one(1 swap).
Does instructions like glUniform,glBindTexture etc. to change value in already in use program cause overhead?

There is no one answer to this question. Does changing OpenGL state "cause overhead"? Of course they do; nothing is free. The question is whether the overhead caused by state change will be worse than the less effective depth test support.
That cannot be answered, because the answer depends on how much overdraw there is, how costly your fragment shaders are, how many state changes a particular sequence of draw calls will require, and numerous other intangibles that cannot be known beforehand.
That's why profiling before optimization is important.

Profile, profile and even more profile :)
I would like to add one thing though:
In your situation you can use idea of a rendering queue. It is some sort of manager for drawing objects. Instead of drawing an object you call renderQueue.add(myObject). Then, when you add() all the needed objects you can call renderQueue.renderAll(). This method can handle all the sorting (by the distance, by the shader, by material, etc) and that way it can be more useful when profiling (and then changing the way you render).
Of course this is only a rough idea.


glUniform vs. single draw call performance

Suppose I have many meshes I'd like to render. I have two choices:
Bake transforms and colors for each mesh into a VBO and render with a single draw call.
Use glUniform for transforms and colors and use many draw calls (but still a single VBO)
Assuming the scene changes very little between frames, which method tends to be better?
There are more than those two choices. At least one more comes to mind:
Use attributes for transforms and colors and use many draw calls.
Choice 3 is similar to choice 2, but setting attributes (using calls like glVertexAttrib4f) is mostly faster than setting uniforms. The efficiency of setting uniforms is highly platform dependent. But they're generally not intended to be modified very frequently. They are called uniform for a reason. :)
That being said, choice 1 might be the best for your use case where the transforms/colors change rarely. If you're not doing this yet, you could try keeping the attributes that are modified in a separate VBO (with usage GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW), and the attributes that remain constant in their own VBO (with usage GL_STATIC_DRAW). Then make the necessary updates to the dynamic buffer with glBufferSubData.
The reality is that there are no simple rules to predict what is going to perform best. It will depend on the size of your data and draw calls, how frequent and large the data changes are, and also very much on the platform you run on. If you want to be confident that you're using the most efficient solution, you need to implement all of them, and start benchmarking.
Generally, option 1 (minimize number of draw calls) is the best advice. There are a couple of caveats:
I have seen performance fall off a cliff when using very large VBOs on at least one mobile device (assuming relevant for opengl-es tag). The explanation (from the vendor) involved internal buffers exceeding a certain size.
If putting all the information which would otherwise be conveyed with uniforms into vertex attributes significantly increases the size of the vertex buffer, the price you pay (in perhaps costly memory reads) of reading redundant information (because it doesn't really vary per vertex) might negate the savings of using fewer draw calls.
As always the best (but tiresome) advice is to test (I know this is particularly hard developing for mobile where there are many potential implementations your code could be running on). Try to keep your pipeline/toolchain flexible enough that you can easily try out and compare different options.

OpenGL Bind same program again

Does OpenGL check whether the program I want to bind is already bound? Or do I have to do this myself?
I want to switch shaders depending on whether the object has a normal map.
Binding a different GLSL program every time you draw an object would definitely be inefficient. FBOs and GLSL programs have some of the highest validation cost of all object types. Any smart implementation is going to know when you bind the same program and avoid any of that extra work, but state caching to avoid redundant binds is still useful.
However, real performance gains are possible if you sort all draws in such a way that opaque objects without normal maps are all drawn together and then opaque objects with them are drawn together. Opaque geometry does not have a strict order dependence, so you can minimize shader changes doing something like that. That is what you should be aiming at, rather than trying to minimize redundant binds (which the driver probably already does).

Should I sort by buffer use when rendering?

I'm designing the sorting part of my rendering engine. I know that changing the render target, shader program, texture bindings, and more are expensive and therefore one should sort the draw order based on them to reduce state changes. However, what about sorting based on what index buffer is bound, and which vertex buffers are used for attributes?
I'm confused about these because VAOs are mandatory and they encapsulate all of that state. So should I peek behind the scenes of vertex array objects (VAOs), see what state they set and sort based on it? Or should I just not care in what order VAOs are called?
This is what confuses me so much about vertex array objects. It makes sense to me to not be switching which buffers are in use over and over and yet VAOs just seem to force one to not care about that.
Is there a general vague or not agreed on order on which to sort stuff for rendering/game engines?
I know that binding a buffer simply changes some global state but surely it must be beneficial to the hardware to draw from the same buffer multiple times, maybe some small cache coherency?
While VAOs are mandated in GL 3.1 without GL_ARB_compatibility or core 3.2+, you do not have to use them the way they are intended... that is to say, you can bind a single VAO for the duration of your application's lifetime and continue to bind and unbind VBOs, etc. the traditional way if this somehow makes your life easier. Valve is famous for advocating doing this in their presentation on porting the Source engine from D3D to GL... I tend to disagree with them on some points though. A lot of things that they mention in their presentation make me cringe as someone who has years of experience with both D3D and OpenGL; they are making suggestions on how to port something to an API they have a minimal working knowledge of.
Getting back to your performance concern though, there can be validation overhead for changing bound resources frequently, so it is actually more than just "simply changing a global state." All GL commands have to do validation in order to determine if they need to set an error state. They will validate your input parameters (which is pretty trivial), as well as the state of any resource the command needs to use (this can be complicated).
Other types of GL objects like FBOs, textures and GLSL programs have more rigorous validation and more complicated memory dependencies than buffer objects and vertex arrays do. Swapping a vertex pointer should be cheaper in the grand scheme of things than most other kinds of object bindings, especially since a lot of stuff can be deferred by an implementation until you actually issue a glDrawElements (...) command.
Nevertheless, the best way to tackle this problem is just to increase reuse of vertex buffers. Object reuse is pretty high to begin with for vertex buffers, if you have 200 instances of the same opaque model in a scene you can potentially draw all 200 of them back-to-back and never have to change a vertex pointer. Materials tend to change far more frequently than actual vertex buffers, and so you would generally sort your drawing first and foremost by material (sub-sorted by associated states like opaque/translucent, texture(s), shader(s), etc.). You can add another level to batch sorting to draw all batches that share the same vertex data after they have been sorted by material. The ultimate goal is usually to minimize the number of draw commands necessary to complete your frame, and using priority/hierarchy-based sorting with emphasis on material often delivers the best results.
Furthermore, if you can fit multiple LODs of your model into a single vertex buffer, instead of swapping between different vertex buffers sometimes you can just draw different sets of indices or even just a different range of indices from a single index buffer. In a very similar way, texture swapping pressure can be alleviated by using packed texture atlases / sprite sheets instead of a single texture object for each texture.
You can definitely squeeze out some performance by reducing the number of changes to vertex array state, but the takeaway message here is that vertex array state is pretty cheap compared to a lot of other states that change frequently. If you can quickly implement a secondary sort to reduce vertex state changes then go for it, but I would not invest a lot of time in anything more sophisticated unless you know it is a bottleneck. Prioritize texture, shader and framebuffer state first as a general rule.

which is the most optimal and correct way to drawing many different dynamic 3D models (they are animated and change every frame)

I need to know how I can render many different 3D models, which change their geometry to each frame (are animated models), don't repeat models and textures.
I carry all models and for each created an "object" model class.
What is the most optimal way to render them?
To use 1 VBO for each 3D model
To use a single VBO for all models (to be all different, I do not see this option possible)
I work with OpenGL 3.x or higher, C++ on Windows.
TL; DR - there's no silver bullet when it comes to rendering performance
Why is that? That depends on the complicated process that gets your data, converts it, pushes it to GPU and then makes pixels on the screen flicker. So, instead of "one best way", a few of guideliness appeared that might usually improve the performance.
Keep all the necessary data on the GPU (because the closer to the screen, the shorter way electrons have to go :))
Send as little data to GPU between frames as possible
Don't sync needlessly between CPU and GPU (that's like trying to run two high speed trains on parallel tracks, but insisting on slowing them down to the point where you can pass something through the window every once in a while),
Now, it's obvious that if you want to have a model that will change, you can't have the cake and eat it. You have to made tradeoffs. Simply put, dynamic objects will never render as fast as static ones. So, what should you do?
Hint GPU about the data usage (GL_STREAM_DRAW or GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) - that should guarantee optimal memory arrangement.
Don't use interleaved buffers to mix static vertex attributes with dynamic ones - if you divide the memory, you can batch-update the geometry leaving texture coordinates intact, for example.
Try to do as much as you can purely on the GPU - with compute shaders and transform feedback, it might well be possible to store whole animation data as a buffer itself and calculate it on GPU, avoiding expensive syncs.
And last but not least, always carefully measure the impact of your change on performance. Going blindly won't help. Measure accurately and thoroughly (even stuff like shader compilation time might matter sometimes!). Then, even if you go by trial-and-error, there's a hope you'll get somewhere.
And to address one of your points in particular; whether it's one large VBO and a few smaller ones doesn't really matter, but a huge one might have problems in fitting in memory. You can still update parts of it, and what matters most is the memory arrangement inside of it.

OpenGL: recommended way of making lots of edits to VBO

This question comes in two (mostly) independent parts
My current setup is that I have a lot of Objects in gamespace. Each has a VBO assigned to it, which holds Vertex Attribute data for each vertex. If the Object wants to change its vertex data (position etc) it does so in an internal array and then call glBufferSubDataARB to update the version in the GPU.
Now I understand that this is a horrible thing to do and so I am looking for alternatives. One that presents itself is to have some managing thing that has a large VBO in the beginning and Objects can request space from it, and edit points in it. This drops the overhead of loading VBOs but comes with a large energy/time expenditure in creating and debugging such a beast (basically an entire memory management system).
My question (part (a)) is if this is the "best" method for doing this, or if there is something better that I have not thought of.
Such a system should allow easy addition/removal of vertices and editing them, as fast as possible.
Part (b) is about some simple actions taken on every object, ie those of rotation and translation. At the moment I am moving each vertex (ouch), but this must have a better option. I am considering uploading rotation and translation matrices to my shader to do there. This seems fine, but I am slightly worried about the overhead of changing uniform variables. Would it ultimately be to my advantage to do this? How fast is changing uniform variables?
Last time I checked the preferred way to do buffer updates was orphaning.
Basically, whenever you want to update your buffered data, you call glBindBuffer on your buffer, which invalidates the current content of the buffer, and then you write your new data with glMapBuffer / glBufferSubdata.
Use a single big VBO for your static data is indeed a good idea. You must take care of the maximum allowed VBO size, and split your static data into multiple VBOs if necessary. But this is probably an over-optimization in most cases (i.e. "I wouldn't bother").
Data which is updated frequently should be grouped in the same VBO (with usage = GL_STREAM_DRAW), and you shall use orphaning to update that.
Unfortunately, the actual performance of this stuff varies on different implementations. This guy made some tests on an actual game, it may be worth reading.
For the second part of your question, obviously using uniforms is the way to do it. Yes there is some (little) overhead, but it's sure 1000 times better than streaming all your data at every frame.