Storing Time Series in AWS DynamoDb - amazon-web-services

I would like to store 1M+ different time series in Amazon's DynamoDb database. Each time series will have about 50K data points. A data point is comprised of a timestamp and a value.
The application will add new data points to time series frequently (all the time) and will retrieve (usually the whole time series) time series from time to time, for analytics.
How should I structure the database? Should I create a separate table for each timeseries? Or should I put all data points in one table?

Assuming your data is immutable and given the size, you may want to consider Amazon Redshift; it's written for petabyte-sized reporting solutions.
In Dynamo, I can think of a few viable designs. In the first, you could use one table, with a compound hash/range key (both strings). The hash key would be the time series name, the range key would be the timestamp as an ISO8601 string (which has the pleasant property that alphabetical ordering is also chronological ordering), and there would be an extra attribute on each item; a 'value'. This gives you the abilty to select everything from a time series (Query on hashKey equality) and a subset of a time series (Query on hashKey equality and rangeKey BETWEEN clause). However, your main problem is the "hotspot" problem: internally, Dynamo will partition your data by hashKey, and will disperse your ProvisionedReadCapacity over all your partitions. So you may have 1000 KB of reads a second, but if you have 100 partitions, then you have only 10 KB a second for each partition, and reading all data from a single time series (single hashKey) will only hit one partition. So you may think your 1000 KB of reads gives you 1 MB a second, but if you have 10 MB stored it might take you much longer to read it, as your single partition will throttle you much more heavily.
On the upside, DynamoDB has an extremely high but costly upper-bound on scaling; if you wanted you could pay for 100,000 Read Capacity units, and have sub-second response times on all of that data.
Another theoretical design would be to store every time series in a separate table, but I don't think DynamoDB is meant to scale to millions of tables, so this is probably a no-go.
You could try and spread out your time series across 10 tables where "highly read" data goes in table 1, "almost never read data" in table 10, and all other data somewhere in between. This would let you "game" the provisioned throughput / partition throttling rules, but at a high degree of complexity in your design. Overall, it's probably not worth it; where do you new time series? How do you remember where they all are? How do you move a time series?
I think DynamoDB supports some internal "bursting" on these kinds of reads from my own experience, and it's possible my numbers are off, and you will get adequete performance. However my verdict is to look into Redshift.

How about dripping each time series into JSON or similar and store in S3. At most you'd need a lookup from somewhere like Dynamo.
You still may need redshift to process your inputs.


AWS Athena partition fetch all paths

Recently, I've experienced an issue with AWS Athena when there is quite high number of partitions.
The old version had a database and tables with only 1 partition level, say id=x. Let's take one table; for example, where we store payment parameters per id (product), and there are not plenty of IDs. Assume its around 1000-5000. Now while querying that table with passing id number on where clause like ".. where id = 10". The queries were returned pretty fast actually. Assume we update the data twice a day.
Lately, we've been thinking to add another partition level for day like, "../id=x/dt=yyyy-mm-dd/..". This means that partition number grows xID times per day if a month passes and if we have 3000 IDs, we'd approximately get 3000x30=90000 partitions a month. Thus, a rapid grow in number of partitions.
On, say 3 months old data (~270k partitions), we'd like to see a query like the following would return in at most 20 seconds or so.
select count(*) from db.table where id = x and dt = 'yyyy-mm-dd'
This takes like a minute.
The Real Case
It turns out Athena first fetches the all partitions (metadata) and s3 paths (regardless the usage of where clause) and then filter those s3 paths that you would like to see on where condition. The first part (fetching all s3 paths by partitions lasts long proportionally to the number of partitions)
The more partitions you have, the slower the query executed.
Intuitively, I expected that Athena fetches only s3 paths stated on where clause, I mean this would be the one way of magic of the partitioning. Maybe it fetches all paths
Does anybody know a work around, or do we use Athena in a wrong way ?
Should Athena be used only with small number of partitions ?
In order to clarify the statement above, I add a piece from support mail.
from Support
You mentioned that your new system has 360000 which is a huge number.
So when you are doing select * from <partitioned table>, Athena first download all partition metadata and searched S3 path mapped with
those partitions. This process of fetching data for each partition
lead to longer time in query execution.
An issue opened on AWS forums. The linked issue raised on aws forums is here.
This is impossible to properly answer without knowing the amount of data, what file formats, and how many files we're talking about.
TL; DR I suspect you have partitions with thousands of files and that the bottleneck is listing and reading them all.
For any data set that grows over time you should have a temporal partitioning, on date or even time, depending on query patterns. If you should have partitioning on other properties depends on a lot of factors and in the end it often turns out that not partitioning is better. Not always, but often.
Using reasonably sized (~100 MB) Parquet can in many cases be more effective than partitioning. The reason is that partitioning increases the number of prefixes that have to be listed on S3, and the number of files that have to be read. A single 100 MB Parquet file can be more efficient than ten 10 MB files in many cases.
When Athena executes a query it will first load partitions from Glue. Glue supports limited filtering on partitions, and will help a bit in pruning the list of partitions – so to the best of my knowledge it's not true that Athena reads all partition metadata.
When it has the partitions it will issue LIST operations to the partition locations to gather the files that are involved in the query – in other words, Athena won't list every partition location, just the ones in partitions selected for the query. This may still be a large number, and these list operations are definitely a bottleneck. It becomes especially bad if there is more than 1000 files in a partition because that's the page size of S3's list operations, and multiple requests will have to be made sequentially.
With all files listed Athena will generate a list of splits, which may or may not equal the list of files – some file formats are splittable, and if files are big enough they are split and processed in parallel.
Only after all of that work is done the actual query processing starts. Depending on the total number of splits and the amount of available capacity in the Athena cluster your query will be allocated resources and start executing.
If your data was in Parquet format, and there was one or a few files per partition, the count query in your question should run in a second or less. Parquet has enough metadata in the files that a count query doesn't have to read the data, just the file footer. It's hard to get any query to run in less than a second due to the multiple steps involved, but a query hitting a single partition should run quickly.
Since it takes two minutes I suspect you have hundreds of files per partition, if not thousands, and your bottleneck is that it takes too much time to run all the list and get operations in S3.

Determine read capacity unit for an Amazon DynamoDB table

How to determine read capacity unit for a table when get query returns different number of items in each api call(eg:- one get query returns 50 items , another get query returns 500 items from the same table )
Its all about averages.
If your average fluctuates significantly over some time period e.g. over the course of a day, you can use autoscaling.
If your table doesn't see enough requests to have a stable average throughput, you probably don't need to worry too much. Give yourself some breathing room but also keep in mind that DynamoDB allows bursting so you don't need to be too exact over time.
Also consider how your data is distributed and the relative temperatures of your data in your table. Read and write throughput gets spread across all partitions equally, meaning cold partitions get an equal read throughput as hot partitions. It is always the goal to structure your data so that it is evenly distributed and equal temperature.

Is there any real sense in uniform distributed partition keys for small applications using DynamoDB?

Amazon DynamoDB doc is focused on partition key uniform distribution is the most important point in creating correct db architecture.
From the other hand, when things come to real numbers, you can find that your app will never go out of one partition. That is, according to doc:
partition calculation formula is
( readCapacityUnits / 3,000 ) + ( writeCapacityUnits / 1,000 ) = initialPartitions (rounded up)
So you need more than 1000 writes per second demand (for 1 kb data) to go out from one partition. But according to my calculation for the most of small application you don't even need default 5 writes per second - 1 is enough. (To be precise you can go out of one partition if your data excesses 10Gb but it's also a big number).
The question becomes more important when you realize that creating of any additional indexes requires additional writes per second allocation.
Just imagine, I have some data related to particular user, for example, "posts".
I create "posts" data table and then according to Amazon guidelines I choose the next key format:
partition: id, // post id like uuid
sort: // don't need it
Since there is no any two posts having the same id we don't need sort key here. But then you realize that the most common operation you have is requesting a list of posts for a particular user. So you need to create secondary index like:
partition: userId,
sort: id // post id
But every secondary index requires additional read/write units so the cost of such decision is doubled!
From the other hand, keeping in mind that you have only one partition, you could already have such primary key:
partition: userId
sort: id // post id
That works fine for your purposes and doesn't double your cost.
So the question is: have I missed something? May be partition key is much more effective than sort one even inside one partition?
Addition: you may say "ok, now having userId as partition key for posts is ok but when you have 100000 users in your app you'll run into troubles with scaling". But in reality the trouble can be only for some "transition" case - when you have only a few partitions with a group of active users posts all in one partition and inactive ones in the other one. If you have thousands of users it's natural that you have a lot of users with active posts, the impact of one user is negligible and statistically their posts are evenly distributed between a lot of partitions due to big numbers.
I think its absolutely fine if you make sure you wont exceed partition limits by increasing RCU/WCU or by growth of your data. Moreover, best practices says
If the table will fit entirely into a single partition (taking into consideration growth of your data over time), and if your application's read and write throughput requirements do not exceed the read and write capabilities of a single partition, then your application should not encounter any unexpected throttling as a result of partitioning.

Why Amazon Redshift UNLOAD performance is much better for fresh data?

I wonder why unloading from a big table (>100 bln rows) when selecting by a column, which is NOT a sort key or a part of sort key, is immensely faster for newly added data. How Redshift understands that it is time to stop sequential scan in the second scenario?
Time the query spent executing. 39m 37.02s:
UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM production.some_table WHERE daytime BETWEEN
\\'2017-01-15\\' AND \\'2017-01-16\\'') TO ...
Time the query spent executing. 23.01s :
UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM production.some_table WHERE daytime BETWEEN
\\'2017-06-24\\' AND \\'2017-06-25\\'') TO ...
Amazon Redshift uses zone maps to identify the minimum and maximum value stored in each 1MB block on disk. Each block only stores data related to a single column (eg daytime).
If the SORTKEY is not set to daytime, then the data is unsorted and any particular date could appear in many different blocks. If SORTKEY is used, then a particular date will only appear in a minimum number of blocks.
Your second query possibly executes faster, even without a SORTKEY, because you are querying data that was probably added recently and is therefore all stored together in just a few blocks. The historical data might be spread in many blocks because a VACUUM probably reordered the data based upon the correct SORTKEY. In fact, if you did a VACUUM now, you might find that your second query becomes slower.

What's the difference between BatchGetItem and Query in DynamoDB?

I've been going through AWS DynamoDB docs and, for the life of me, cannot figure out what's the core difference between batchGetItem() and Query(). Both retrieve items based on primary keys from tables and indexes. The only difference is in the size of the items retrieved but that doesn't seem like a ground breaking difference. Both also support conditional updates.
In what cases should I use batchGetItem over Query and vice-versa?
There’s an important distinction that is missing from the other answers:
Query requires a partition key
BatchGetItems requires a primary key
Query is only useful if the items you want to get happen to share a partition (hash) key, and you must provide this value. Furthermore, you have to provide the exact value; you can’t do any partial matching against the partition key. From there you can specify an additional (and potentially partial/conditional) value for the sort key to reduce the amount of data read, and further reduce the output with a FilterExpression. This is great, but it has the big limitation that you can’t get data that lives outside a single partition.
BatchGetItems is the flip side of this. You can get data across many partitions (and even across multiple tables), but you have to know the full and exact primary key: that is, both the partition (hash) key and any sort (range). It’s literally like calling GetItem multiple times in a single operation. You don’t have the partial-searching and filtering options of Query, but you’re not limited to a single partition either.
As per the official documentation:
For BatchGetItem, each item in the batch is read separately, so DynamoDB first rounds up the size of each item to the next 4 KB and then calculates the total size. The result is not necessarily the same as the total size of all the items. For example, if BatchGetItem reads a 1.5 KB item and a 6.5 KB item, DynamoDB will calculate the size as 12 KB (4 KB + 8 KB), not 8 KB (1.5 KB + 6.5 KB).
For Query, all items returned are treated as a single read operation. As a result, DynamoDB computes the total size of all items and then rounds up to the next 4 KB boundary. For example, suppose your query returns 10 items whose combined size is 40.8 KB. DynamoDB rounds the item size for the operation to 44 KB. If a query returns 1500 items of 64 bytes each, the cumulative size is 96 KB.
You should use BatchGetItem if you need to retrieve many items with little HTTP overhead when compared to GetItem.
A BatchGetItem costs the same as calling GetItem for each individual item. However, it can be faster since you are making fewer network requests.
In a nutshell:
BatchGetItem works on tables and uses the hash key to identify the items you want to retrieve. You can get up to 16MB or 100 items in a response
Query works on tables, local secondary indexes and global secondary indexes. You can get at most 1MB of data in a response. The biggest difference is that query support filter expressions, which means that you can request data and DDB will filter it server side for you.
You can probably achieve the same thing if you want using any of these if you really want to, but rule of the thumb is you do a BatchGet when you need to bulk dump stuff from DDB and you query when you need to narrow down what you want to retrieve (and you want dynamo to do the heavy lifting filtering the data for you).
DynamoDB stores values in two kinds of keys: a single key, called a partition key, like "jupiter"; or a compound partition and range key, like "jupiter"/"planetInfo", "jupiter"/"moon001" and "jupiter"/"moon002".
A BatchGet helps you fetch the values for a large number of keys at the same time. This assumes that you know the full key(s) for each item you want to fetch. So you can do a BatchGet("jupiter", "satrun", "neptune") if you have only partition keys, or BatchGet(["jupiter","planetInfo"], ["satrun","planetInfo"], ["neptune", "planetInfo"]) if you're using partition + range keys. Each item is charged independently and the cost is same as individual gets, it's just that the results are batched and the call saves time (not money).
A Query on the other hand, works only inside a partition + range key combo and helps you find items and keys that you don't necessarily know. If you wanted to count Jupiter's moons, you'd do a Query(select(COUNT), partitionKey: "jupiter", rangeKeyCondition: "startsWith:'moon'"). Or if you wanted the fetch moons no. 7 to 15 you'd do Query(select(ALL), partitionKey: "jupiter", rangeKeyCondition: "BETWEEN:'moon007'-'moon015'"). Here you're charged based on the size of the data items read by the query, irrespective of how many there are.
Adding an important difference. Query supports Consistent Reads, while BatchGetITem does not.
BatchGetITem Can use Consistent Reads through TableKeysAndAttributes
Thanks #colmlg for the information.