Styling Google Map in Android - android-maps-v2

I think I know the answer to this, but can we style a Google Map v2? By style, I mean like using the Google Maps API Styled Map Wizard ( that can be used to pull JSON styling data for the JavaScript API.
Google seems to have pulled it off for Ingress, so hoping there's a way. I can't seem to find a way so I suspect Google is using inside knowledge for Ingress. Anyone know for sure?

To style your map, call GoogleMap.setMapStyle() passing a MapStyleOptions object that contains your style declarations in JSON format. You can load the JSON from a raw resource or a string,in you mapReady() function ... so after ading he json call your map ready function will almost look like
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
mMap = googleMap;
try {
// Customise the styling of the base map using a JSON object defined
// in a raw resource file.
boolean success = mMap.setMapStyle(
this, R.raw.style_json));
if (!success) {
Log.e("MapsActivityRaw", "Style parsing failed.");
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
Log.e("MapsActivityRaw", "Can't find style.", e);
Define a raw resource in /res/raw/style_json.json, containing the JSON style declaration for night-mode styling
You could get the json from the following Link

Yes, now u can declare a Json object to style ur map with GoogleMap.setMapStyle() function. Check the docs.

As per the Google Geo developer advocate Mano Marks, Ingress doesn't use Google Maps and at the current moment, unlike the Javascript API, Android API (via Google Play services) doesn't support styled maps although it does support titles (see TilesProvider etc).
I am hoping they bring the styled maps to Android (Google Play services) soon.

Google just released it a new google maps styling API:

Use Maps Platform Styling Wizard to export standard styles json, you could also validate your style with import option as well -


How to extract Markup relation with Teamcenter C++ API?

In Teamcenter I have a dataset that contains two inner datasets:
A "Good ds" dataset with an External Proxy relation.
A "Bad ds" dataset with Markup(s) relation
I'm trying to enumerate server content using the Teamcenter C++ API. The object for the "Good ds" dataset is returned as expected by call to get_IMAN_external_object_link() from the Teamcenter::Soa::Client::Model::Dataset class.
How could I get an object for the "Bad ds" dataset with Markup relation?
Documentation for the API is very poor. I've tried each of these methods in the Dataset class that returns a ModelObjectVector but with no luck:
Teamcenter server version is 10.1 (20130604.00).
I believe you need to write a custom SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) API to to fulfill this particular need.
You to have the BMIDE (Business Modeler IDE). In it you need to create a new BMIDE template and setup the project appropriately.
Go to Advanced mode -> Extensions tab-> **Code -> Libraries -> create new SOA library (names may be inaccurate).
Now add custom service. Write ITK (Integrated Toolkit) code to fetch the information you need.
Then install this template to Teamcenter through TEM (Teamcenter Environment Manager).
Now you can call this API through your Client whether it is RAC (Remote Access Client) or any UI Client.
Let me know if something is not clear.
Alternatively, you can look for methods that exist for all the ModelObjects. You should look for a Relation Property and fetch the target from it using the API whose return type should be ModelObject/array of ModelObject (I don't know what exactly to look for).

How to use Openlayer refresh strategy with django-olwidget?

I would like to have "realtime" like map.
My main question is:
How to use django-olwidget with openlayers OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh?
Do I need to start back "from scratch" to use manually openlayers?
With django-olwidget, the data is on the web page so the args which define data-source, protocol.
My "second" question is about which format should I choose...
geoJSON? kml? other?
Can those formats contain openlayers point specific "style" specifications like:
{'graphic_name': 'square', 'point_radius': 10, 'fill_color': "#ABBAAB', 'stroke_color':'#BAABBA'}.
I already overriden the default map template olwidget/multi_layer_map.html to access my map object in JS. I think it should be rather simple to apply a js function on each data layers before passing it to the map.
Thanx in advance.
PS: I'm french speaker.
PS2: I asked this question as a feature request on github:
If you're going to use regularly-refreshing data (without refreshing the page) and serialization formats like geoJSON and KML, django-olwidget won't help you very much out of the box. You might find it easier just to use OpenLayers from scratch.
But if you really wanted to use django-olwidget, here's what I would do:
Subclass olwidget.InfoLayer to create a new vector layer type that uses a network-native format like geoJSON or KML to acquire its data.
Add a corresponding python subclass to be able to use it with Django forms or whatever the use case is. You'll probably need to specify things like the URL from which the map will poll its data.
This is a lot of work beyond writing for OpenLayers directly. The advantages would be that you would get easy Django form integration with the same map.
As to which serialization format to use: I'm partial to JSON flavors over XML flavors such as KML, but it really doesn't matter much -- Django and OpenLayers both speak both fluently.
About the styling,you should take a look at the StyleMap[1] where you can set style properties according to attributes.
For the main question, I’m sorry I don’t know django-olwidget…
1 -

REST service returning "useful" information for demos

I am looking for a REST service that I could use in demo code. I'd like the service:
To take at least one parameter (as a request parameter, or XML POSTed as the body of the HTTP request).
To return the result as XML (not JSON).
To be accessible anonymously (I'll call the service in sample code, so I don't want to put my key in the code, or request users to get a key).
When the Twitter API supported XML (not just JSON), I was typically using their search API. But really anything mainstream enough, easy enough to understand will do (information about zip code, weather for a city…).
If you are using .Net, why don't you just create a tiny MVC application that has a controller that exposes a method that returns some sort of formatted XML? That way you can run the whole thing locally.
You know, I think you can use Google Maps API without a key. I created a test project a couple of days ago. Here is a .Net code snippet (only included so that you can see how I am calling the service):
private static string GetString(Uri requestUri)
var output = string.Empty;
var response = WebRequest.Create(requestUri).GetResponse();
var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
if (stream != null)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
output = reader.ReadToEnd();
return output;
I pass in a uri with a url:{0},{1}&destination={2},{3}&sensor=false
Where {0},{1} are the first lat/long, and {2},{3} are the second. I am not attaching a key to this and it worked for testing. My method returns a string that later I handle like so:
var response = XDocument.Parse(GetString(request));
which gives me back xml. Again, I still recommend just creating your own web app and then deploying it somewhere publicly accessible (either in a LAN or on the web), but if you just need a web service to return XML you can use that.
The Yahoo! Weather API can be used for this. It takes a location as a request parameter and returns the weather forecast for that location as XML. It also returns weather information as HTML, which you could display as-is to the user. You can see an example of this below. Also make sure that you respect the term of use described at the bottom of the Weather API documentation page.

Forcing webservice to return JSON

I have an web service that I'm using for a web application which returns a either XML or JSON data to me, depending on the function I call. This has been working well thus far, but I've run into a problem. I want to create an "export" link on my page that will download a JSON file. The link is formatted very simply:
Export This Item
As you might imagine, this should export item 2. So far so good, yes?
Problem is that since I'm not specifically requesting that the accepted content type is JSON, absolutely refuses to send back anything but XML, which just isn't appropriate for this situation. The code is essentially as follows:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public Item ExportItem(int itemId)
Context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=export.json"); //Makes it a download
return GetExportItem(itemId);
Despite my specifying the ResponseFormat as JSON, I always get back XML unless I request this method via AJAX (using Google Web Toolkit, BTW):
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, "mywebserviceaddress/ExportFunc");
builder.setHeader("Content-type","application/json; charset=utf-8");
builder.sendRequest("{\"itemId\":2}", new RequestCallback(){...});
That's great, but AJAX won't give me a download dialog. Is there any way to force to give me back JSON, regardless of how the data is requested? It would seem to me that not having a manual override for this behavior is a gross design oversight.
First off, let me say that I think that womp's answer is probably the better way to go long term (Convert to WCF), but deostroll led me to the answer that I'll be using for the immediate future. Also, it should be noted that this seems to work primarily because I wanted just a download, may not work as well in all situations. In any case, here's the code that I ended up using to get the result I wanted:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public void ExportItem(int itemId)
Item item = GetExportItem(itemId);
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string str = js.Serialize(item);
Context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
Context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=export.json");
Context.Response.AddHeader("content-length", str.Length.ToString());
Please note the return type of void (which means that your WDSL will be next to useless for this function). Returning anything will screw up the response that is being hand-built. web services are SOAP-based web services. They'll always return XML. The Ajax libraries came along and the ScriptMethod stuff was introduced, but it doesn't change the underlying concept of it.
There's a couple things you can do.
WebMethods are borderline obsolete with the introduction of WCF. You might consider migrating your web services to WCF, in which you'll have much greater control over the output format.
If you don't want to do that, you can manually serialize the result of your webservice calls into JSON, and the service will wrap that in a SOAP header. You would then need to strip out the SOAP stuff.
Here are two forums threads for your reference:
I have no clear idea. They say on concentrating on setting the content type to application/json. I haven't worked with wcf before, but I think you can make use of the Response object.
Set the content type on the response object. Do a response.write passing your json data as string and then do a response.end.
Just thought I'd throw this out there since it wasn't mentioned previously... if you use WebServices with ASP.NET 3.5, JSON is the default return format. It also comes along with JSON serializer so you can stop using the JavascriptSerializer.
This article on Rick Strahl's blog talks about the strongly-typed conversion you can do between server side classes and JSON objects from the client.
I've recently completed a project using this new JSON stuff in .NET 3.5, and I'm extremely impressed with the performance. Maybe it's worth a look...

Online JSONP converter/wrapper

I would like to fetch a source of file and wrap it within JSONP.
For example, I want to retrieve pets.txt as text from a host I don't own. I want to do that by using nothing but client-side JavaScript.
I'm looking for online service which can convert anything to JSONP.
Yahoo Query Language is one of them.*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D""&format=json&callback=grab
This works if URL is not blocked by robots.txt. YQL have respect to robots.txt. I can't fetch because it blocked via robots.txt.*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D""&format=json&callback=grab
"forbidden":"robots.txt for the domain disallows crawling for url:"
So I'm looking for another solutions.
I built
It's unstable and slower than YQL, but it doesn't care about robots.txt.
Here's another one, much faster, built on DigitalOcean & CloudFlare, utilizing caching et al:
Nononono. No. Just please; no. That is not JSONP, it is javascript that executes a function with an object as its parameter that contains more javascript. Aaah!
This is JSON because it's just one object:
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
This is JSONP because it's just one object passed through a function; if you go to http://somesite/get_some_object?jsonp=grab, the server will return:
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
This is not JSON at all. It's just Javascript:
And this? Javascript code stored inside a string (ouch!) inside an object passed to a function that should evaluate the string (but it might or might not):
grab({"body": "alert(\"Hello!\");\n"});
Look at all those semicolons and backslashes! I get nightmares from this kind of stuff. It's like a badly written Lisp macro because it's much more complicated than it needs to (and should!) be. Instead, define a function called grab in your code:
function grab(message) {
and then use JSONP to have the server return:
grab({body: "Hello!"});
Don't let the server decide how to run your web page Instead, let your web page decide how to run the web page and just have the server fill in the blanks.
As for an online service that does this? I don't know of any, sorry
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but nobody will use something like this. Nobody is going to trust your service to always execute as it should and output expected JavaScript code. You see Yahoo doing it because people trust Yahoo, but they will not trust you.