How to make a fast dictionary that contains another dictionary? - c++

I have a map<size_t, set<size_t>>, which, for better performance, I'm actually representing as a lexicographically-sorted vector<pair<size_t, vector<size_t>>>.
What I need is a set<T> with fast insertion times (removal doesn't matter), where T is the data type above, so that I can check for duplicates (my program runs until there are no more unique T's being generated.).
So far, switching from set to unordered_set has turned out to be quite beneficial (it makes my program run > 25% faster), but even now, inserting T still seems to be one of the main bottlenecks.
The maximum number of integers in a given T is around ~1000, and each integer is also <= ~1000, so the numbers are quite small (but there are thousands of these T's being generated).
What I have already tried:
Using unsigned short. It actually decreases performance slightly.
Using Google's btree::btree_map.
It's actually much slower because I have to work around the iterator invalidation.
(I have to copy the keys, and I think that's why it turned out slow. It was at least twice as slow.)
Using a different hash function. I haven't found any measurable difference as long as I use something reasonable, so it seems like this can't be improved.
What I have not tried:
Storing "fingerprints"/hashes instead of the actual sets.
This sounds like the perfect solution, except that the fingerprinting function needs to be fast, and I need to be extremely confident that collisions won't happen, or they'll screw up my program.
(It's a deterministic program that needs exact results; collisions render it useless.)
Storing the data in some other compact, CPU-friendly way.
I'm not sure how beneficial this would be, because it might involve copying around data, and most of the performance I've gained so far is by (cleverly) avoiding copying data in many situations.
What else can I do to improve the speed, if anything?

I am under the impression that you have 3 different problems here:
you need the T itself to be relatively compact and easy to move around
you need to quickly check whether a T is a possible duplicate of an already existing one
you finally need to quickly insert the new T in whatever data structure you have to check for duplicates
Regarding T itself, it is not yet as compact as it could be. You could probably use a single std::vector<size_t> to represent it:
N pairs
N Indexes
N "Ids" of I elements each
all that can be linearized:
[N, I(0), ..., I(N-1),
R(0) = Size(Id(0)), Id(0, 0), ... , Id(0, R(0)-1),
R(1) = ... ]
and this way you have a single chunk of memory.
Note: depending on the access pattern you may have to tweak it, specifically if you need random access to any ID.
Regarding the possibility of duplicates, a hash-map seems indeed quite appropriate. You will need a good hash function, but with a single array of size_t (or unsigned short if you can, it is smaller), you can just pick MurmurHash or CityHash or SipHash. They all are blazing fast and do their damnest to produce good quality hash (not cryptographic ones, emphasis is on speed).
Now, the question is when is it slow when checking for duplicates.
If you spend too much time checking for non-existing duplicates because the hash-map is too big, you might want to invest in a Bloom Filter in front of it.
Otherwise, check your hash function to make sure that it is really fast and has a low collision rate and your hash-map implementation to make sure it only ever computes the hash once.
Regarding insertion speed. Normally a hash-map, specifically if well-balanced and pre-sized, should have one of the quickest insertion. Make sure you move data into it and do not copy it; if you cannot move, it might be worth using a shared_ptr to limit the cost of copying.

Don't be afraid of collisions, use cryptographic hash. But choose a fast one. 256 bit collision is MUCH less probable than hardware error. Sun used it to deduplicate blocks in ZFS. ZFS uses SHA256. Probably you can use less secure hash. If it takes $1000000 to find one collision hash isn't secure but one collision don't seem to drop your performance. Many collisions would cost many $1000000. You can use something like (unordered) multimap<SHA, T> to deal with collisions. By the way, ANY hash table suffer from collisions (or takes too many memory), so ordered map (rbtree in gcc) or btree_map has better guaranteed time. Also hash table can be DOSed via hash collisions. Probably a secret salt can solve this problem. It is due to table size is much less than number of possible hashes.

You can also:
1) use short ints
2) reinterpret your array as an array of something like uint64_t for fast comparison (+some trailing elements), or even reinterpret it as an array of 128-bit values (or 256-bit, depending on your CPU) and compare via SSE. This should push your performance to memory speed limit.
From my experience SSE works fast with aligned memory access only. uint64_t comparison probably needs alignment for speed too, so you have to allocate memory manually with proper alignment (allocate more and skip first bytes). tcmalloc is 16 byte-aligned, uint64_t-ready. It is strange that you have to copy keys in btree, you can avoid it using shared_ptr. With fast comparisons and slow hash btree or std::map may turn out to be faster than hash table. I guess any hash is slower than memory. You can also calculate hash via SSE and probably find a library that does it.
PS I strongly recommend you to use profiler if you don't yet. Please tell % of time your program spend to insert, compare in insert and calculate hash.


Removing large number of strings from a huge list

I have a large list of strings stored in one huge memory block (usually there is 100k+ or even 1M+ of them). These are actually hashes, so the alphabet of the strings is limited to A-F0-9 and each string is exactly 32 bytes long (so its stored 'compressed'). I will call this list the main list from now on.
I want to be able to remove items from the main list. This will be usually done in bulks, so i get a large list (about 100 to 10k usually) of hashes which i need to find in this list and remove them. At the end of this operation there cannot be any empty blocks in the large memory block, so i need to take that into account. It is not guaranteed that all of the items will be in the main list, but none will be there multiple times. No rellocation can be done, the main block will always stay the same size.
The naive approach of iterating through the main list and checking if given hash shall be removed of course works, but is a bit slow. Also there is a bit too much moving of small memory blocks, because every time when a hash is flagged for removal i rewrite it with the last element of the main list, thus satisfying the condition of no empty blocks. This of course creates thousands of small memcpy's which in turn slow the thing down more because i get tons of cache misses.
Is there a better approach?
Some important notes:
the main list is not sorted and i cannot waste time sorting it, this
is a limitation imposed by the whole project and rewriting it so the
list is always sorted is not an option (it might not even be
memory is not really a problem, but the less is used the better
i can use STL, but not boost
Okay, here's what I'd do if I absolutely had to optimize the hell out of this.
I'm assuming order doesn't matter, which seems to be the case as you (IIUC) remove items by swapping them with the last item.
Store 128 bit integers (however you represent them, either your compiler supports them natively or you use a small array of 32/64 bit integers) instead of 32-char strings. See my comment on the question.
Roll my own hash set of 128 bit integers. Note that you can optimize a lot here if you're willing to think a bit, make some assumption, and get down 'n dirty. Some notes:
You only need to store the hashes themselves (for collision resolution), and a bit or two of metadata to identify deleted/unused slots. Have a look at what existing hash tables do if you're unsure how to guarantee correctness. I figure it's even simpler if you only ever delete (not add) after building the hash set. Though I think you could even do without that metadata if you had a value that's not a valid hash to denote empty slots, but this way removal is easier (just flip a bit, instead of overwriting 128 bit).
You don't need a hash function, as your inputs are already integers. You just need to do what every hash tables does anyway: Take the hashes modulo 2^n to derive an index that's not freaking huge. Choose n such that the load factor (the percentage of table entries used) is reasonable (< 2/3 seems standard). Choosing a power of makes the modulo operation cheaper (masking off bits via binary AND), and allows you to just do it on the lower 32 or 64 bit (ignoring the rest).
Choosing a collision resolution strategy is hard. I'd probably go with open addressing with linear probing, as first attempt. It may work badly, but if your input hashes are any good, this seems unlikely. There's also a probing scheme that factors in more and more of the bits you originally cut off, used by CPython's dict.
Now, this is a lot more work and maintenance burden than using off-the-shelf solutions. I wouldn't advise it unless this really is as performance-critical as it sounds in your description.
If C++11 is an option, and your compiler's unordered_set is any good, maybe you should just use it and save yourself most of the hassle (but be aware that this probably increases memory requirements). You still need to specialize std::hash and std::equal_to or operator==. Alternative supply your own Hash and KeyEqual for unordered_set, but that probably doesn't offer any benefit.
Two things might help. First, at least sort the list of items
to be removed; that way, you can use a binary search
(std::lower_bounds) on it. Second, keep two pointers:
a source and a destination. If the source points to something
not in the list to be removed, copy it to the destination, and
advance both. If the source points to something to be removed,
just advance the source pointer, without copying. There should
never be a reason to copy an entry more than once.

Hash map optimised for lookup

I am looking for some map which has fixed keys (fixed during initialization) and that does faster look-up. It may not support adding/updating elements later. Is there some algorithm which looks the list of keys and formulates a function so that it is faster to look-up later. In my case, keys are strings.
Keys are not known at compile time. But during initialization time of the application. There wont be any further insertions later but there will be lots of look-ups. So I want look-ups to be optimized.
CMPH may be what you're looking for. Basically this is gperf without requiring the set at compile-time.
Though of course std::unordered_map as by C++11 might just do too, though possibly with a few collisions.
Since you lookup strings, for strings, a trie (any of the different trie flavours, crit-bit or whatever funky names they have) may also be worthwhile to look into, especially if you have many of them. There are a lot of free trie implementations freely available.
The advantage of tries is that they can index-compress strings, so they use less memory, which has a higher likelihood of having data in cache. Also the access pattern is less random, which is also cache-friendly. A hash table must store the value plus the hash, and indexes more or less randomly (not randomly, but unpredictably) into memory. A trie/trie-like structure ideally only needs one extra bit that distinguishes a key from its common prefix in each node.
(Note by the way that O(log(N)) may quite possibly be faster than O(1) in such a case, because big-O does not consider things like that.)
Note that these are distinct things: do you need an upper limit, do you need a fast typical rate, or do you need the fastest lookup ever, no questions asked? The last one will cost you, the first two ones may be conflicting goals.
You could attempt to create a perfect hash function based on the input (i.e. one that does not have collisions of the input set). This is a somehow-solved problem (e.g. this, this). However, they usually generate source code and may spend significant time generating the hash function.
A modification of this would be using a generic hash function (e.g. shift-multiply-add) and do a brute force search over suitable parameters.
This has to be traded off with the cost of a few string comparisons (which aren't that terribly expensive if you don't have to collate).
Another option is to use two distinct hash functions - this increases the cost of a single lookup but makes degradation slightly less likely than aliens stealing your clock cylces. It is rather unlikely that this would be a problem with typical strings and a decent hash function.
Try google-sparsehash:
An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation. 2 bits/entry overhead!
The SparseHash library contains several hash-map implementations, including
implementations that optimize for space or speed.
In a similar topic ((number of) items known at compile time) , I produced this one: Lookups on known set of integer keys. Low overhead, no need for perfect hash. Fortunately, it is in C ;-)

How fast is the code

I'm developing game. I store my game-objects in this map:
std::map<std::string, Object*> mObjects;
std::string is a key/name of object to find further in code. It's very easy to point some objects, like: mObjects["Player"] = .... But I'm afraid it's to slow due to allocation of std::string in each searching in that map. So I decided to use int as key in that map.
The first question: is that really would be faster?
And the second, I don't want to remove my current type of objects accesing, so I found the way: store crc string calculating as key. For example:
Object *getObject(std::string &key)
int checksum = GetCrc32(key);
return mObjects[checksum];
Object *temp = getOject("Player");
Or this is bad idea? For calculating crc I would use boost::crc. Or this is bad idea and calculating of checksum is much slower than searching in map with key type std::string?
Calculating a CRC is sure to be slower than any single comparison of strings, but you can expect to do about log2N comparisons before finding the key (e.g. 10 comparisons for 1000 keys), so it depends on the size of your map. CRC can also result in collisions, so it's error prone (you could detect collisions relatively easily detect, and possibly even handle them to get correct results anyway, but you'd have to be very careful to get it right).
You could try an unordered_map<> (possibly called hash_map) if your C++ environment provides one - it may or may not be faster but won't be sorted if you iterate. Hash maps are yet another compromise:
the time to hash is probably similar to the time for your CRC, but
afterwards they can often seek directly to the value instead of having to do the binary-tree walk in a normal map
they prebundle a bit of logic to handle collisions.
(Silly point, but if you can continue to use ints and they can be contiguous, then do remember that you can replace the lookup with an array which is much faster. If the integers aren't actually contiguous, but aren't particularly sparse, you could use a sparse index e.g. array of 10000 short ints that are indices into 1000 packed records).
Bottom line is if you care enough to ask, you should implement these alternatives and benchmark them to see which really works best with your particular application, and if they really make any tangible difference. Any of them can be best in certain circumstances, and if you don't care enough to seriously compare them then it clearly means any of them will do.
For the actual performance you need to profile the code and see it. But I would be tempted to use hash_map. Although its not part of the C++ standard library most of the popular implentations provide it. It provides very fast lookup.
The first question: is that really would be faster?
yes - you're comparing an int several times, vs comparing a potentially large map of strings of arbitrary length several times.
checksum: Or this is bad idea?
it's definitely not guaranteed to be unique. it's a bug waiting to bite.
what i'd do:
use multiple collections and embrace type safety:
// perhaps this simplifies things enough that t_player_id can be an int?
std::map<t_player_id, t_player> d_players;
std::map<t_ghoul_id, t_ghoul> d_ghouls;
std::map<t_carrot_id, t_carrot> d_carrots;
faster searches, more type safety. smaller collections. smaller allocations/resizes.... and on and on... if your app is very trivial, then this won't matter. use this approach going forward, and adjust after profiling/as needed for existing programs.
good luck
If you really want to know you have to profile your code and see how long does the function getObject take. Personally I use valgrind and KCachegrind to profile and render data on UNIX system.
I think using id would be faster. It's faster to compare int than string so...

Need to store string as id for objects in some fast data structure

I'm implementing a session store for a web-server. Keys are string
and stored objects are pointers. I tried using map but need something
faster. I will look up an object 5-20 times
as frequent than insert.
I tried using hash-map but failed. I felt like I got more constraints than more free time.
I'm coding c/c++ under Linux.
I don't want to commit to boost, since my web server is going to outlive boost. :)
This is a highly relevant question since the hardware (ssd disk) is
changing rapidly. What was the right solution will not be in 2 years.
I was going to suggest a map, but I see you have already ruled this out.
I tried using map but need something
These are the std::map performance bounds courtesy of the Wikipedia page:
Searching for an element takes O(log n) time
Inserting a new element takes O(log n) time
Incrementing/decrementing an iterator takes O(log n) time
Iterating through every element of a map takes O(n) time
Removing a single map element takes O(log n) time
Copying an entire map takes O(n log n) time.
How have you measured and determined that a map is not optimised sufficiently for you? It's quite possible that any bottlenecks you are seeing are in other parts of the code, and a map is perfectly adequate.
The above bounds seem like they would fit within all but the most stringent scalability requirements.
The type of data structure that will be used will be determined by the data you want to access. Some questions you should ask:
How many items will be in the session store? 50? 100000? 10000000000?
How large is each item in the store (byte size)?
What kind of string input is used for the key? ASCII-7? UTF-8? UCS2?
Hash tables generally perform very well for look ups. You can optimize them heavily for speed by writing them yourself (and yes, you can resize the table). Suggestions to improve performance with hash tables:
Choose a good hash function! this will have preferably even distribution among your hash table and will not be time intensive to compute (this will depend on the format of the key input).
Make sure that if you are using buckets to not exceed a length of 6. If you do exceed 6 buckets then your hash function probably isn't distributing evenly enough. A bucket length of < 3 is preferable.
Watch out for how you allocate your objects. If at all possible, try to allocate them near each other in memory to take advantage of locality of reference. If you need to, write your own sub-allocator/heap manager. Also keep to aligned boundaries for better access speeds (aligned is processor/bus dependent so you'll have to determine if you want to target a particular processor type).
BTrees are also very good and in general perform well. (Someone can insert info about btrees here).
I'd recommend looking at the data you are storing and making sure that the data is as small as possible. use shorts, unsigned char, bit fields as necessary. There are other additional ways to squeeze out improved performance as well such as allocating your string data at the end of your struct at the same time that you allocate the struct. i.e.
struct foo {
int a;
char my_string[0]; // allocate an instance of foo to be
// sizeof(int) + sizeof(your string data) etc
You may also find that implementing your own string compare routine can actually boost performance dramatically, however this will depend upon your input data.
It is possible to make your own. But you shouldn't have any problems with boost or std::tr1::unordered_map.
A ternary trie may be faster than a hash map for a smaller number of elements.

Fast container for setting bits in a sparse domain, and iterating (C++)?

I need a fast container with only two operations. Inserting keys on from a very sparse domain (all 32bit integers, and approx. 100 are set at a given time), and iterating over the inserted keys. It should deal with a lot of insertions which hit the same entries (like, 500k, but only 100 different ones).
Currently, I'm using a std::set (only insert and the iterating interface), which is decent, but still not fast enough. std::unordered_set was twice as slow, same for the Google Hash Maps. I wonder what data structure is optimized for this case?
Depending on the distribution of the input, you might be able to get some improvement without changing the structure.
If you tend to get a lot of runs of a single value, then you can probably speed up insertions by keeping a record of the last value you inserted, and don't bother doing the insertion if it matches. It costs an extra comparison per input, but saves a lookup for each element in a run beyond the first. So it could improve things no matter what data structure you're using, depending on the frequency of repeats and the relative cost of comparison vs insertion.
If you don't get runs, but you tend to find that values aren't evenly distributed, then a splay tree makes accessing the most commonly-used elements cheaper. It works by creating a deliberately-unbalanced tree with the frequent elements near the top, like a Huffman code.
I'm not sure I understand "a lot of insertions which hit the same entries". Do you mean that there are only 100 values which are ever members, but 500k mostly-duplicate operations which insert one of those 100 values?
If so, then I'd guess that the fastest container would be to generate a collision-free hash over those 100 values, then maintain an array (or vector) of flags (int or bit, according to what works out fastest on your architecture).
I leave generating the hash as an exercise for the reader, since it's something that I'm aware exists as a technique, but I've never looked into it myself. The point is to get a fast hash over as small a range as possible, such that for each n, m in your 100 values, hash(n) != hash(m).
So insertion looks like array[hash(value)] = 1;, deletion looks like array[hash(value)] = 0; (although you don't need that), and to enumerate you run over the array, and for each set value at index n, inverse_hash(n) is in your collection. For a small range you can easily maintain a lookup table to perform the inverse hash, or instead of scanning the whole array looking for set flags, you can run over the 100 potentially-in values checking each in turn.
Sorry if I've misunderstood the situation and this is useless to you. And to be honest, it's not very much faster than a regular hashtable, since realistically for 100 values you can easily size the table such that there will be few or no collisions, without using so much memory as to blow your caches.
For an in-use set expected to be this small, a non-bucketed hash table might be OK. If you can live with an occasional expansion operation, grow it in powers of 2 if it gets more than 70% full. Cuckoo hashing has been discussed on Stackoverflow before and might also be a good approach for a set this small. If you really need to optimise for speed, you can implement the hashing function and lookup in assembler - on linear data structures this will be very simple so the coding and maintenance effort for an assembler implementation shouldn't be unduly hard to maintain.
You might want to consider implementing a HashTree using a base 10 hash function at each level instead of a binary hash function. You could either make it non-bucketed, in which case your performance would be deterministic (log10) or adjust your bucket size based on your expected distribution so that you only have a couple of keys/bucket.
A randomized data structure might be perfect for your job. Take a look at the skip list – though I don't know any decend C++ implementation of it. I intended to submit one to Boost but never got around to do it.
Maybe a set with a b-tree (instead of binary tree) as internal data structure. I found this article on codeproject which implements this.
Note that while inserting into a hash table is fast, iterating over it isn't particularly fast, since you need to iterate over the entire array.
Which operation is slow for you? Do you do more insertions or more iteration?
How much memory do you have? 32-bits take "only" 4GB/8 bytes, which comes to 512MB, not much for a high-end server. That would make your insertions O(1). But that could make the iteration slow. Although skipping all words with only zeroes would optimize away most iterations. If your 100 numbers are in a relatively small range, you can optimize even further by keeping the minimum and maximum around.
I know this is just brute force, but sometimes brute force is good enough.
Since no one has explicitly mentioned it, have you thought about memory locality? A really great data structure with an algorithm for insertion that causes a page fault will do you no good. In fact a data structure with an insert that merely causes a cache miss would likely be really bad for perf.
Have you made sure a naive unordered set of elements packed in a fixed array with a simple swap to front when an insert collisides is too slow? Its a simple experiment that might show you have memory locality issues rather than algorithmic issues.