JFolder: :folder: Path is not a folder. Path: - joomla2.5

I'm receiving the following error JFolder: :folder: Path is not a folder. Path: (with no path) when i create a menu item based off a K2 item. Its a fresh install with only k2, Gantry Framework (with throws the same error on install), a template installed, and a few items created...
As you see from the tag its Joomla! version 2.5.14. The PHP allow_url_fopen setting is disabled. This setting must be enabled for the updater to work.
(this is because i'm using Yahoo Small Business and from my understanding they don't allow customization of php settings and i'll never use them again after my year is up).
I've seen the issues on temp and logs and they are both ./logs or ./tmp
The template also looks pretty messed up but works fine on another site i have.
Other than that its all pretty new. Anyone have a work around or fixes for what i'd doing?

Switch to a host that is set up to run Joomla. All of your errors are server configuration related.


How to harmonize github pages for project with http-server?

Github pages (https://docs.github.com/en/pages) is an amazing tool for documenting your git hub project.
However, I am having a little trouble trying to use http-server (https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-server) to preview/debug my pages.
I'm trying to use the myproject/docs folder as my Github docs web page. My file structure looks something like "myproject/docs/pages/sometopic/somepage.html".
I can reference other pages in the project with something like "/myproject/pages/sometopic/somepage.html"
Note the leading "/" and the absence of the "docs" folder in the path.
If I try to use something like html-server to preview/debug my pages all of the links are broken as html-server does not strip out the "/docs" part of the url.
Is there a way I can configure either html-server and/or Github pages so that they use the same references?
I've tried using relative references (e.g. pages/sometopic/somepage.html and ../../../index.html but either Github pages and/or the frameworks I'm using do not consistently recognize them).
I can't use relative links because that seems to break jquery (version 1.11.3).
This was quite easily done by adding a logical link and then launching the http-server from the appropriate location relative to the logical link.
Link was created like this:
mklink /D fhir-to-omop ..\..\docs

Default documents in web.xml not being respected (developer/stand-alone server)

For some reason, when browsing to URL that ends in a folder (ex. //localhost:8500/website/directory/), index.cfm is not loading and instead a 404 error page is returned. I have confirmed that the ...\web-inf\web.xml file is being used by modifying filter-mappings to enable the display of .htm and .txt files. In fact, none of the files in the welcome-file-list section are being used even if they exist which leads me to believe that there is something wrong with this section of the web.xml file.
The web.xml files are as follows:
Both files contain the same XML listed below.
<welcome-file-list id="WelcomeFileList_1034013110672">
I have just recently patched to Update 6, but I believe that the problem was always there from the initial install. Please note that this is the development stand-alone server.
Has anyone already solved this or have any ideas on how to proceed other than re-installing CF10 and using IIS?
Late to the party, IMO there are two possible reasons that i can think of for this issue
Either your have additional mapping like "/" in place which is taking over servletcontainer's builtin default servlet who is the one responsible for going to the right root path
your folder name is something which CF already have a mapping for e.g. /flashservices/gateway/, CFFormGateway, cfform-internal, WSRPProducer, JSDebugServlet, flex2gateway
I think sharing your web.xml could have helped pin point the issue here.
I had this issue recently and it was a case-sensitivity issue in Tomcat (despite this being a ColdFusion 10 install on Windows).
My default index.cfm would load when I navigated to but as soon as I went to, I got a 404. The folder was named mySite in Windows. As soon as I changed my URL to it began working.

Gradle Jetty plugin locking files

Is there a way to fix the file locking issue caused by jetty entirely from gradle?
Some clarification:
When using the Gradle Jetty plugin by running gradle jettyRun, jetty causes the static resource files (html, css, js, etc.) to be locked when using Windows.
You can see a description of the problem in Files locked on Windows.
The same article also describes how you can fix that. Basically you have to either:
Disable the use of file mapped buffer
Not use NIO at all.
Both things require to add some jetty specific configuration files to the project, which I do not want to do - the jetty plugin is used only for convenience, and maintaining configuration for it does not feel right.
I do not need NIO for testing on the local machine, so any solution works.
For now, I picked the option at which you set useFileMappedBuffer to false. This is how to do it:
Specify a path to your webdefault.xml like
[jettyRun, jettyRunWar,jettyStop]*.with {
//other configs
webDefaultXml = file("${project.webAppDir}/WEB-INF/jetty-webdefault.xml")
Get file from the latest 6.1.x distribution of jetty. The plugin seems to support only jetty 6. You can localte it at jetty-6.1.26\etc\webdefault.xml. Obviously, you have to place it at the path specified at the previous step.
Change the default servlet init parameter useFileMappedBuffer to false
I will research the option of using embeded jetty insted of the plugin.
I found a plugin that seem to be a better alternative:
Does not lock your files and support hot deployment (even something Gretty call "fast reload")
Gretty 1.2.0 uses Jetty 9.2.9.v20150224. Jetty plugin provided by Gradle 2.2.1 uses Jetty 6.1.25.
same task is used jettyRun (or more simply run).
"Press any key to stop the server". Jetty plugin required CTRL+C then Y.
From what I can tell, the documentation seem to be awesome (Gradle's not so much)
A bit more bloated code to setup the buildscript's classpath dependency or apply plugin directly from URL (see doc)
Gretty crash unless you explicitly apply plugin: 'war' (Jetty plugin extends the War plugin)
Kiril answered his own question, many thanks. You should follow Kiril's instructions and this will help you find the appropriate webdefault.xml.
To find out what version of Jetty is started by Gradle, execute
gradle jettyRun -i
And you'll see something like this:
Tmp directory = determined at runtime
Web defaults = org/mortbay/jetty/webapp/webdefault.xml
Web overrides = none
Webapp directory = C:\dev\my-project\src\main\webapp
Starting jetty 6.1.25 ...
It took me a while to find a copy of Jetty 6.1.25 as it is no longer listed on the Jetty download page (not even in the archive section!).
You can then grab the appropriate copy of webdefault.xml from here, adjusting the version number as appropriate for your needs:

Really confused about installing PHP Modules

I need to add http://us3.php.net/xsl this module to my PHP but I'm really confused how I actually do this? It says in install from that link 'PHP 5 includes the XSL extension by default and can be enabled by adding the argument --with-xsl[=DIR] to your configure line. DIR is the libxslt installation directory.' But unsure where these files would be? I have a VPS and access to WHM Cpanel, can I do this from there? I came across the software and install module bit in WHM but get the feeling that's not what I want...
Go to WHM -> Software -> EasyApache (Apache Update)
On the EasyApache page, choose Start customizing based on profile now, and after a couple screens, choose Exhaustive Options List. Select the modules you want to install, XSL in your case, and proceed to recompile.
You need to compile PHP manually, if you want any modules that you don't currently have. There are plenty of tutorials how to do it, for example if you have Apache 2 as a webserver, then follow this page on php.net: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.unix.apache2.php
When you compile PHP, one of the commands to do is
in which you can (and most webhostings do) supply many many arguments, which say which modules you want to have installed and what features PHP can use. It may look like this:
./configure '--prefix=/usr/local/php' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/lib' '--with-apxs' '--with-iconv=/usr/local/php' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--with-mysql' '--with-pgsql=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/postgresql-build' '--enable-cgi' '--with-gd' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local/php' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-tiff-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-curl=/usr/local/php' '--with-mcal=/usr/local/php' '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/php' '--with-mhash=/usr/local/php' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/php' '--with-imap=../imap-2002d' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-expat-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-gettext=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom-xslt=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom-exslt=/usr/local/php' '--with-xslt-sablot=/usr/local/php' '--with-mime-magic=/usr/local/php/etc/magic.mime' '--with-mssql=/usr/local/php' '--with-fbsql=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/frontbase-build/Library/FrontBase' '--with-ming=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/ming-build' '--enable-xslt' '--with-ldap' '--with-xml' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-iodbc=/usr' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dbase' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-exif' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-mbstring'
it this example there are a lot of enabled modules. You can also see what "configure line" was used to compile your current version of PHP in phpinfo (it's right at the top, third line).

Why does my web-app work offline in Firefox, but not on iPad?

I recently wrote a few scripts for Javascript which I am trying to run as a native app on my iPad in offline mode.
The scripts do nothing complex, simply run off a bunch of prompts and generate a document.write() based on the information the user has entered.
So I set up my own little website to host the scripts on and went about setting up an application cache. I am new to this sort of thing however from what I gather, I have followed instructions correctly. To set up my app cache, I did the following:
Added the following two lines to my .htaccess file:
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
AddType text/manifest .manifest
Made a new file called "generator.manifest", which has the following lines:
And added in to my generator.html file:
Apart from a few functions used to prompt some iOS features, all I have in my generator.html file is this:
along with the other stock standard html tags.
That is my appcache setup. The generator.manifest file is in the exact same directory as the generator.html file.
When I enter Firefox and go to my site, I can run the script, allow it to cache files for offline usage (Firefox comes up with a prompt), and then run the script in offline mode.
HOWEVER, whenever I try to do this on my iPad (4.2.1), I simply get the error: "Generator could not be opened because it is not connected to the Internet."
Where have I gone wrong? Can someone help me fix this please?
A huge thanks in advance,
You might look at this answer. iOS does seem to have some issues. I found that I had to power cycle my iPad (in addition to clearing open Safari's) before it would recognize the appcache.