Install package from local Zip w/ R - 'does not exist' - libcurl

I recently downloaded the libcurl package in .zip format into my downloads directory.
On R I click 'Install packages from local zip file'
I find my zip file and get the following error:
Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) :
cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Type")) :
cannot open compressed file 'libcurl/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory'

libcurl is not an R package. You need to install it on your machine with whatever system resources are appropriate. (The R package, RCurl does require that libcurl be present.)
You should probably edit the tags to include your OS and remove the zip, r and local tags, ... oh heck, I'll do the second part.


What is "no entry for app..." error in flatpak?

I installed elementary OS. I was trying to download apps with flatpak. I downloaded flatpakref files into "~/Downloads/flatpak/" directory. Then i wrote sudo flatpak install com.discordapp.Discord.flatpakref.
I got an error like this
error: No entry for app/com.discordapp.Discord/x86_64/stable in remote 'freedesktop' summary flatpak cache
Then i thought that the discord package is broken. I tried with Atom text editor.
Then i got this error
error: No entry for app/io.atom.Atom/x86_64/stable in remote 'freedesktop' summary flatpak cache.
I searched about the error but i couldn't find anything. What is this error and how can i fix this?

Shiny App ! LaTeX Error: File `unicode-math.sty' not found

I created a shiny app to generate a downloadable pdf report with knitr and rmarkdown.
I am able to generate the report in Rstudio, but when I attempt to do so from the app, I get this error:
2020-04-22T19:40:03.590795+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: cannot setup TLPDB in /home/shiny/texmf at /usr/bin/tlmgr line 5604.
2020-04-22T19:40:03.593636+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: Warning in system2("tlmgr", args, ...) :
2020-04-22T19:40:03.593638+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: running command ''tlmgr' search --file --global '/unicode-math.sty'' had status 2
2020-04-22T19:40:03.594869+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: ! LaTeX Error: File `unicode-math.sty' not found.
2020-04-22T19:40:03.594871+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]:
2020-04-22T19:40:03.594872+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: ! Emergency stop.
2020-04-22T19:40:03.594873+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: <read *>
2020-04-22T19:40:03.594873+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]:
2020-04-22T19:40:03.597624+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: Warning: Error in : LaTeX failed to compile /tmp/RtmpDEOSFT/fileca7f657fa3.tex. See for debugging tips. See fileca7f657fa3.log for more info.
2020-04-22T19:40:03.602043+00:00 shinyapps[2124372]: [No stack trace available]
The debugging tips suggested reinstalling tinytex so I tried that. I also downloaded unicode-math.sty individually to my shiny app folder and redeploying, but neither helped. Any suggestions?
I also faced the same issue and couldn't found the solution. Please use the below solution to resolve this problem.
Go to the folder where your tex packages are installed that would most probably be in C:\Users\vksharma\AppData\Roaming\TinyTeX\texmf-dist\tex\latex\unicode-math. Copy all the four files i.e.,
into your working directory. Then write the following code wherein you have rendered the markdown pdf:
tempsty <- file.path(tempdir(), "unicode-math.sty")
file.copy("unicode-math.sty", tempsty, overwrite = TRUE)
tempxesty <- file.path(tempdir(), "unicode-math-xetex.sty")
file.copy("unicode-math-xetex.sty", tempxesty, overwrite = TRUE)
tempxesty1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "unicode-math-table.tex")
file.copy("unicode-math-table.tex", tempxesty, overwrite = TRUE)
tempxesty2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "unicode-math-luatex.sty")
file.copy("unicode-math-luatex.sty", tempxesty, overwrite = TRUE)
What it does basically is copy these files from your working directory to the temporary directory of the shinyapps server and then while rendering the markdown, it searched for these packages and install them.
Happy Coding!

VMWare Player installation on NixOS

I downloaded the VMware-Player-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle file from:
Then I followed these instructions for installing it:
When I run:
sudo sh VMware-Player-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle
I get the following error:
[neo#nixos:~/Downloads]$ sudo sh
VMware-Player-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle [sudo] password for neo:
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
/tmp/vmis.tYIuh4/install/vmware-installer/vmware-installer: line 56:
/tmp/vmis.tYIuh4/install/vmware-installer/vmis-launcher: No such file
or directory
Did you check the MD5 or SHA hash of your download?
A corrupted download might cause this type of error.
You're trying to run an ELF binary file on NixOS and it cannot find the interpreter (which is actually located in the NixOS store). You'll need to patch the binary for NixOS. See the patch ELF wiki page.
The "No such file or directory" is a non-descriptive error referencing the interpreter.

Python cannot find file in current directory with PowerShell

I'm trying to set up a new coding environment for myself so that I may learn Python at home on Windows 10. I already installed Python 2.7 and I am able to run it in PowerShell using the python command. However, when I try to get it to run other files (namely it is getting an error
C:\Python27\python.exe: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I am in the same folder as on PowerShell and when I type ls, it appears on the screen. Most of the other questions I've seen on here were resolved by changing the environment variables in System to include python, but I have already done that. I am looking for anything else to try.

File1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file

Our organization is going to implement WIX for creating the installer. So i applied dark.exe to get WXS from the MSI. I am able to create the MSI using this the WXS. When i tried to install i am getting the following error.
Error 1334. The file 'File1.bmp' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file
i double checked and confirmed that the file is there inside the cab. Stucking badly with this error for a long time
If i am puttingthe cab outside the MSI then the installation is working.