Matching numbers for substitution in Perl - regex

I have this little script:
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";
The expected output would be
But instead, I get
The last one is fine, but I cannot fathom why the regex gives me the string start for $1 on this case.

Try this pattern
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";
I use here the branch reset feature (i.e. (?|...()...|...()...)) that allows to put several capturing groups in a single reference ( $1 here ). So, you avoid using a second replacement to trim a zero from the left of the capture.
To remove all from the begining before the number, I use :
.*? # all characters zero or more times
# ( ? -> make the * quantifier lazy to match as less as possible)
_? # an optional underscore
Note that you can ensure that you have only 2 digits adding a lookahead to check if there is not a digit that follows:
(?!\d) means not followed by a digit.

The problem here is that your substitution regex does not cover the whole string, so only part of the string is substituted. But you are using a rather complex solution for a simple problem.
It seems that what you want is to read two digits from the string, and then add .txt to the end of it. So why not just do that?
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
for (#list) {
if (/(\d{2})/) {
$_ = "$1.txt";
To overcome the leading zero effect, you can force a conversion to a number by adding zero to it:
$_ = 0+$1 . ".txt";

I would modify your regular expression. Try using this code:
my #list = ('R3_05_foo.txt','T3_12_foo_bar.txt','01.txt');
foreach (#list) {
print $_ . "\n";

The problem is that the first part in your s/// matches, what you think it does, but that the second part isn't replacing what you think it should. s/// will only replace what was previously matched. Thus to replace something like T3_ you will have to match that too.


Regular expression to match exactly and only n times

If I have the lines:
I want to match them by the number of times a repeating subunit (cactt) occurs. In other words, if I ask for n repeats, I want matches that contain n and ONLY n instances of the pattern.
My initial attempt was implemented in perl and looks like this:
print "matches with $_ CACTT's\n";
my $pattern = "^(.*?CACTT.+?){$_}(?!.*?CACTT).*\$";
my #grep_matches = grep(/$pattern/, #matching);
print "$_\n" for #grep_matches;
my #copy = #grep_matches;
my $squashed = #copy;
print "number of rows total: $squashed\n";
for (2...6) {
#matching contains the strings from 1, 2, and 3 in an array.
the for loop is set from integers 2-6 because I have a separate regex that works to forbid duplicate occurrences of the pattern.
This loop ALMOST works except that for n=2, matches containing 3 occurrences of the "cactt" pattern are returned. In fact, for any string containing n+1 matches (where n>=2), lines with n+1 occurrences are also returned by the match. I though the negative lookahead could prevent this behavior in perl. If anyone could give me thoughts, I would be appreciative.
Also, I have thought of getting a count per line and separating them by count; I dislike the approach because it requires two steps when one should accomplish what I want.
I would be okay with a:
foreach (#matches) { $_ =~ /$pattern/; push(#selected_by_n, $1);}
The regex seems like it should be similar, but for whatever reason in practice the results differ dramatically.
Thanks in advance!
Your code is sort of strange. This regex
my $pattern = "^(.*?CACTT.+?){$_}(?!.*?CACTT).*\$";
..tries to match first beginning of string ^, then a minimal match of any character .*?, followed by your sequence CACTT, followed by a minimal match (but slightly different from .*?) .+?. And you want to match these $_ times. You assume $_ will be correct when calling the sub (this is bad). Then you have a look-ahead assumption that wants to make sure that there is no minimal match of any char .*? followed by your sequence, followed by any char of any length followed by end of line $.
First off, this is always redundant: ^.*. Beginning of line anchor followed by any character any number of times. This actually makes the anchor useless. Same goes for .*$. Why? Because any match that will occur, will occur anyway at the first possible time. And .*$ matches exactly the same thing that the empty string does: Anything.
For example: the regex /^.*?foo.*?$/ matches exactly the same thing as /foo/. (Excluding cases of multiline matching with strings that contain newlines).
In your case, if you want to count the occurrences of a string inside a string, you can just match them like this:
my $count = () = $str =~ /CACTT/gi;
This code:
my #copy = #grep_matches;
my $squashed = #copy;
Is completely redundant. You can just do my $squashed = #grep_matches. It makes little to no sense to first copy the array.
This code:
Does the same as this: MATCHER("foo") or MATCHER(3.1415926536). You are not using the subroutine argument, you are ignoring it, and relying on the fact that $_ is global and visible inside the sub. What you want to do is
my $number = shift; # shift argument from #_
Now you have encapsulated the code and all is well.
What you want to do in your case, I assume, is to count the occurrences of the substring inside your strings, then report them. I would do something like this
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %data;
while (<DATA>) {
my $count = () = /cactt/gi; # count number of matches
push #{ $data{$count} }, $_; # store count and original
print Dumper \%data;
This will print
$VAR1 = {
'2' => [
'3' => [
'1' => [
This is just to demonstrate how to create the data structure. You can now access the strings in the order of matches. For example:
for (#$data{3}) { # print strings with 3 matches
Would you just do something like this:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $n=2;
my $match_line_cnt=0;
my $line_cnt=0;
while (<DATA>) {
my $m_cnt = () = /cactt/g;
if ($m_cnt>=$n){
print "total lines: $line_cnt\n";
print "matched lines: $match_line_cnt\n";
print "squashed: ",$line_cnt-$match_line_cnt;
total lines: 3
matched lines: 2
squashed: 1
I think you're unintentionally asking two seperate questions.
If you want to directly capture the number of times a pattern matches in a string, this one liner is all you need.
$string = 'aslkdfjcacttlaksdjcacttlaksjdfcacttlskjdf';
$pattern = qr/cactt/;
print $count = () = $string =~ m/$pattern/g;
-> 3
That last line is as if you had written $count = #junk = $string =~ m/$pattern/g; but without needing an intermediate array variable. () = is the null list assignment and it throws away whatever is assigned to it just like scalar undef = throws away its right hand side. But, the null list assignment still returns the number of things thrown away when its left hand side is in scalar context. It returns an empty list in list context.
If you want to match strings that only contain some number of pattern matches, then you want to stop matching once too many are found. If the string is large (like a document) then you would waste a lot of time counting past n.
Try this.
sub matcher {
my ($string, $pattern, $n) = #_;
my $c = 0;
while ($string =~ m/$pattern/g) {
return if $c > $n;
return $c == $n ? 1 : ();
Now there is one more option but if you call it over and over again it gets inefficient. You can build a custom regex that matches only n times on the fly. If you only build this once however, it's just fine and speedy. I think this is what you originally had in mind.
$regex = qr/^(?:(?:(?!$pattern).)*$pattern){$n}(?:(?!$pattern).)*$/;
I'll leave the rest of that one to you. Check for n > 1 etc. The key is understanding how to use lookahead. You have to match all the NOT THINGS before you try to match THING.

Extracting specific values from a Perl regex

I want to use a Perl regex to extract certain values from file names.
They have the following (valid) names:
From the above I would like to extract the first 3 digits (always guaranteed to be 3), and the last part of the string, after the last _ (which is either off, or (m orp) followed by 3 digits). So the first thing I would be extracting are 3 digits, the second a string.
And I came out with the following method (I realise this might be not the most optimal/nicest one):
my $marker = '^testImrr[a-zA-z_]+\d{3}_(off|(m|p)\d{3})$';
if ($str =~ m/$marker/)
print "1=$1 2=$2";
Where only $1 has a valid result (namely the last bit of info I want), but $2 turns out empty. Any ideas on how to get those 3 digits in the middle?
You were almost there.
Just :
- capture the three digits by adding parenthesis around: (\d{3})
- don't capture m|p by adding ?: after the parenthesis before it ((?:m|p)), or by using [mp] instead:
And you'll get :
1=001 2=off
1=000 2=m030
1=231 2=p030
You can capture both at once, e.g with
if ($str =~ /(\d{3})_(off|(?:m|p)\d{3})$/ ) {
print "1=$1, 2=$2".$/;
You example has two capture groups as well (off|(m|p)\d{3} and m|p). In case of you first filename, for the second capture group nothing is catched due to matching the other branch. For non-capturing groups use (?:yourgroup).
There's really no need for regular expressions when a simple split and substr will suffice:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
my #fields = split(/_/);
my $digits = substr($fields[1], -3);
print "1=$digits 2=$fields[2]\n";
1=001 2=off
1=000 2=m030
1=231 2=p030

How to match a string which starts with either a new line or after a comma?

My string is $tables="newdb1.table1:100,db2.table2:90,db1.table1:90". My search string is db1.table1 and my aim is to extract the value after : (i.e 90 in this case).
I am using:
if ($tables =~ /db1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $1; }
but the problem is it is matching newdb1.table1:100 and printing 100.
Can you please give my a regular expression to match a string which either starts with a newline or has comma before it.
Use word boundaries:
if ($tables =~ /\bdb1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $1; }
here __^^
if ($tables =~ /(^|,)db1.table1:(\d+)/) { print $2; }
To answer your exact question, that is to match just after the start of the string or a comma, you want a positive look-behind assertion. You may be tempted to write a pattern of
but that may fail with an error of
Variable length lookbehind not implemented in regex m/(?<=^|,)db1\.table1:(\d+)/ ...
So hold the regex engine’s hand a bit by making the alternatives equal in length—tricky to do in the general case but workable here.
While we are locking it down, let’s be sure to bracket the end with a look-ahead assertion.
while ($tables =~ /(?<=^d|,)db1\.table1:(\d+)(?=,|$)/g) {
print "[$1]\n";
You could also use \b for a regex word boundary, which has the same output.
while ($tables =~ /\bdb1\.table1:(\d+)(?=,|$)/g) {
print "[$1]\n";
For the most natural solution, follow the rule of thumb proposed by Randal Schwartz, author of Learning Perl. Use capturing when you know what you want to keep and split when you know what you want to throw away. In your case you have a mixture: you want to discard the comma separators, and you want to keep the digits after the colon for a certain table. Write that as
for (split /\s*,\s*/, $tables) { # / to fix Stack Overflow highlighting
if (my($value) = /^db1\.table1:(\d+)$/) {
print "[$value]\n";

Regular Expressions: querystring parameters matching

I'm trying to learn something about regular expressions.
Here is what I'm going to match:
My expression should "grabs" abc123 and def456.
And now just an example about what I'm not going to match ("question mark" is missing):
Well, I built the following expression:
But that doesn't work.
Could you help me to understand what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I made other tests.
I'm trying to fix the previous version with something like this:
Let me explain my idea:
Must start with /parent/child:
Following group is optional
(?: ... )?
The previous optional group must starts with ? or /?
Optional parameters (I grab values if specified parameters are part of querystring)
End of line
Any advice?
My solution must be based just on regular expressions.
Just for example, I previously wrote the following one:
And that works pretty nice.
But it matches the following input too:
How could I modify the expression in order to not match the previous string?
You didn't specify a language so I'll just usre Perl. So basically instead of matching everything, I just matched exactly what I thought you needed. Correct me if I am wrong please.
while ($subject =~ m/(?<==)\w+?(?=&|\W|$)/g) {
# matched text = $&
(?<= # Assert that the regex below can be matched, with the match ending at this position (positive lookbehind)
= # Match the character “=” literally
\\w # Match a single character that is a “word character” (letters, digits, and underscores)
+? # Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy)
(?= # Assert that the regex below can be matched, starting at this position (positive lookahead)
# Match either the regular expression below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails)
& # Match the character “&” literally
| # Or match regular expression number 2 below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails)
\\W # Match a single character that is a “non-word character”
| # Or match regular expression number 3 below (the entire group fails if this one fails to match)
\$ # Assert position at the end of the string (or before the line break at the end of the string, if any)
This regex will work as long as you know what your parameter names are going to be and you're sure that they won't change.
Whilst regex is not the best solution for this (the above code examples will be far more efficient, as string functions are way faster than regexes) this will work if you need a regex solution with up to 3 parameters. Out of interest, why must the solution use only regex?
In any case, this regex will match the following strings:
It will now only match those containing query string parameters, and put them into capture groups for you.
What language are you using to process your matches?
If you are using preg_match with PHP, you can get the whole match as well as capture groups in an array with
preg_match($regex, $string, $matches);
Then you can access the whole match with $matches[0] and the rest with $matches[1], $matches[2], etc.
If you want to add additional parameters you'll also need to add them in the regex too, and add additional parts to get your data. For example, if you had
The regex will become
This will become a bit more tedious to maintain as you add more parameters, though.
You can optionally include ^ $ at the start and end if the multi-line flag is enabled. If you also need to match the whole lines without query strings, wrap this whole regex in a non-capture group (including ^ $) and add
to the end.
You're not escaping the /s in your regex for starters and using {1} for a single repetition of something is unnecessary; you only use those when you want more than one repetition or a range of repetitions.
And part of what you're trying to do is simply not a good use of a regex. I'll show you an easier way to deal with that: you want to use something like split and put the information into a hash that you can check the contents of later. Because you didn't specify a language, I'm just going to use Perl for my example, but every language I know with regexes also has easy access to hashes and something like split, so this should be easy enough to port:
# I picked an example to show how this works.
my $route = '/parent/child/?first=123&second=345&third=678';
my %params; # I'm going to put those URL parameters in this hash.
# Perl has a way to let me avoid escaping the /s, but I wanted an example that
# works in other languages too.
if ($route =~ m/\/parent\/child\/\?(.*)/) { # Use the regex for this part
print "Matched route.\n";
# But NOT for this part.
my $query = $1; # $1 is a Perl thing. It contains what (.*) matched above.
my #items = split '&', $query; # Each item is something like param=123
foreach my $item (#items) {
my ($param, $value) = split '=', $item;
$params{$param} = $value; # Put the parameters in a hash for easy access.
print "$param set to $value \n";
# Now you can check the parameter values and do whatever you need to with them.
# And you can add new parameters whenever you want, etc.
if ($params{'first'} eq '123') {
# Do whatever
My solution:
/(?:\w+/)* match /parent/child/ or /parent/
(?:\w+)?\?(?:\w+=\w+(?:&\w+=\w+)*)? match child?firstparam=abc123 or ?firstparam=abc123 or ?
\w+ match text like child
..|) match nothing(empty)
If you need only query string, pattern would reduce such as:
If you want to get every parameter from query string, this is a Ruby sample:
re = /\/(?:\w+\/)*(?:\w+)?\?(\w+=\w+(?:&\w+=\w+)*)/
s = '/parent/child?secondparam=def456&firstparam=abc123&thirdparam=ghi789'
if m = s.match(re)
query_str = m[1] # now, you can 100% trust this string
query_str.scan(/(\w+)=(\w+)/) do |param,value| #grab parameter
printf("%s, %s\n", param, value)
secondparam, def456
firstparam, abc123
thirdparam, ghi789
This script will help you.
First, i check, is there any symbol like ?.
Then, i kill first part of line (left from ?).
Next, i split line by &, where each value splitted by =.
my $r = q"/parent/child
for my $string(split /\n/, $r){
if (index($string,'?')!=-1){
substr($string, 0, index($string,'?')+1,"");
#say "string = ".$string;
if (index($string,'=')!=-1){
my #params = map{$_ = [split /=/, $_];}split/\&/, $string;
say "$_->[0] === $_->[1]" for (#params);
say "######next########";
#print "there is no params!"
#say "there is no params!";

Why can't I match a substring which may appear 0 or 1 time using /(subpattern)?/

The original string is like this:
checksession ok:6178 avg:479 avgnet:480 MaxTime:18081 fail1:19
The last part "fail1:19" may appear 0 or 1 time. And I tried to match the number after "fail1:", which is 19, using this:
($reg_suc, $reg_fail) = ($1, $2) if $line =~ /^checksession\s+ok:(\d+).*(fail1:(\d+))?/;
It doesn't work. The $2 variable is empty even if the "fail1:19" does exist. If I delete the "?", it can match only if the "fail1:19" part exists. The $2 variable will be "fail1:19". But if the "fail1:19" part doesn't exist, $1 and $2 neither match. This is incorrect.
How can I rewrite this pattern to capture the 2 number correctly? That means when the "fail1:19" part exist, two numbers will be recorded, and when it doesn't exit, only the number after "ok:" will be recorded.
First, the number in fail field would end in $3, as those variables are filled according to opening parentheses. Second, as codaddict shows, the .* construct in RE is hungry, so it will eat even the fail... part. Third, you can avoid numbered variables like this:
my $line = "checksession ok:6178 avg:479 avgnet:480 MaxTime:18081 fail1:19";
if(my ($reg_suc, $reg_fail, $addend)
= $line =~ /^checksession\s+ok:(\d+).*?(fail1:(\d+))?$/
) {
warn "$reg_suc\n$reg_fail\n$addend\n";
Try the regex:
Ideone Link
Changes made:
.* in the middle has been made
non-greedy and
$ (end anchor) has been added.
As a result of above changes .*? will try to consume as little as possible and the end anchor forces the regex to match till the end of the string, matching fail1:number if present.
I think this is one of the few cases where a split is actually more robust than a regex:
$bar[0]="checksession ok:6178 avg:479 avgnet:480 MaxTime:18081 fail1:19";
$bar[1]="checksession ok:6178 avg:479 avgnet:480 MaxTime:18081";
for $line (#bar){
(#fields) = split/ /,$line;
$reg_suc = $fields[1];
$reg_fail = $fields[5];
print "$reg_suc $reg_fail\n";
I try to avoid the non-greedy modifier. It often bites back. Kudos for suggesting split, but I'd go a step further:
my %rec = split /\s+|:/, ( $line =~ /^checksession (.*)/ )[0];
print "$rec{ok} $rec{fail1}\n";