How to use Refunds and Adjustments via SDK (QBFC)? - qbfc

I have been integrating my application with QuickBooks using the SDK QBFC. I have invoices working successfully. The issue I have come across and am struggling to find recources for is with credits. When sending the request to create an invoice with a negative value I get this message:
"Transaction amount must be positive."
I have tried using using the quantity as a negative and rate hoping it would work out the amount as a negative but then I got this:
"You can't use negative rates on inventory items, use neg quantity instead"
So, I have come to the realization that I need to use the Refunds and Adjustments in QuickBooks and cannot find any examples to follow.

I have worked this out. Using the same structure you would to create the request for an invoice but replace:
Dim invAdd As IInvoiceAdd
Set invAdd = msgSetRq.AppendInvoiceAddRq
Dim refundAdd As ICreditMemoAdd
Set refundAdd = msgSetRq.AppendCreditMemoAddRq


Regex to extract multiple pieces across multiple lines

I am working on making basic Zabbix items for Wazuh. Its not to replace Wazuh, but our techs live in Zabbix and this provides an alert in Zabbix so techs can know something and can go check to Wazuh.
The issue is that Wazuh alerts are multi-line alerts and we need 2 pieces of information.
From the example below, we would like to get:
(level 10) -> 'High amount of POST requests in a small period of time (likely bot).'
I use the following regex:
([\r\n].*?)(?:=?\r|\n)(.*?(?:(level 10.*)).*)
This will match on level 10 and then I can use group 1 to get the host name (server). But I am unable to get the second part. I can create an item for each level of rule (1-10 for example) and can get host name. But I can not get the alert itself. I read that I need to create individual items for each pience but what I found is that Zabbix does not always grab right piece from alert. Maybe alert 10 is one item captured but host name is from another log entry.
Is there a way to capture all of these in one item using regex in Zabbix?
Thank you. I appreciate all your help.
** Alert 1646336311.8104996: - web,appsec,attack,pci_dss_6.5,pci_dss_11.4,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SA.11,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.6,tsc_CC7.1,tsc_CC8.1,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,
2022 Mar 03 19:38:31 (server) any->/var/log/nginx/access.log
Rule: 31533 (level 10) -> 'High amount of POST requests in a small period of time (likely bot).'
If I understand correctly, you can use Javascript in Preprocessing:
value1 = value.replace(/.*1.*/g,'Mobile"')
value2 = value.replace(/.*2.*/g,'Mobile"')
finishvalue = value1.concat(value2);

How to specify the currency for GoogleFinance historical data

I'm having a problem using Google Finance historical data. I need to know the price a particular stock had on a particular date (Usually within the last month).
The problem is, when I use a URL such as I get different results depending on where I issue the query from.
At home I'm in Argentina and my production server is in the US... when I run the query locally I get the prices in AR$, but when run from the server I get USD (Which is what I actually need).
I tried using a X-Forwared-For header but didn't make a difference...
Ideally I'd like to send an extra parameter (something like cur=USD) to explicitly ask for USD... is there such a thing?
I use, currency conversion along with the price of the stock.
For Example:
Then I format the cells, rows, columns with prices to local currency(i.e. SEK) as mentioned in the link: Format Numbers in excel.
You could add other parameters such as date as mentioned in below link:
Get exchange rate on a specific date from GoogleFinance

No Shipping Options Available - OpenCart 1.5.6

I'm attempting to set up an OpenCart store for a client.
I'm getting the following error on the shipping page.
"Warning: No Shipping options are available. Please contact us for assistance!"
Research suggests that this error happens when there is a mismatch between the weight-class for the store and for the plugin, or something similar.
I've tried every combination of configuration settings that I can think of without result.
I'm not familiar enough with OpenCart to debug this issue. Where do I need to start looking?
Firstly you have to enable the shipping status and the values from admin panel shipping tab.After that you can get it in the front end.
My troubleshooting procedure:
The store weight UOM had been set to ounces.
The Fedex plugin doesn't support ounces as a weight UOM.
Nothing works.
The store weight UOM was changed to LBS.
Nothing works.
The package size was set to FedEx 10 KG Box
The Fedex plugin can't convert from Lbs to KG on the fly.
The package size was changed to "Fedex Box", without a weight class
Some products now working, all shipping estimates are WAY high.
When changing the default UOM for the store, no existing weights are converted in to the new units, although any weights stored without a unit are now read as being in the new unit.
This meant that the fedex system was trying to pull prices for items that "weighed" hundred of ounces (which it should have been able to do, even though those weights were incorrect.)
I updated the weights on all products to be in line with their unit of measure
At this point, the plugin was working for most, but not all, products, with reasonable accuracy.
I changed the plugin settings from List Rate to Account rate.
Now everything works.
To simplify - The fedex shipping plugin in opencart 1.5.6 will only work if:
All the products in the system have their weights stored in the same UOM.
That UOM is either pounds or kilograms (not ounces!)
A geozone is set, and a zip code is supplied(zip codes are important!)
The package size matches the unit of measure for the weight (no mixing kilograms and pounds!)
The product weights are actually correct
The account in question has a rate for a package of the indicated size
Hopefully someone else will find this helpful.
Ive been through this problem as well and I haven't yet fixed it completely.
But in my particular problem, I had a syntax error in the XML retrieved by the Fedex server after the cURL request.
Printing the $response variable I could find some good hints about some of the problems, for example, commas (,) instead of dots (.) to refer to decimal numbers and decimal numbers where it was expecting an integer.
So var_dump($response) could help some people find their specific issues.

Get Lowest Offers for Entire Inventory on Amazon

We are just getting started with MWS. We'd like to be able to use the lowest offers on each product to help calculate our price. There is an API to GetLowestOfferListForSku but that only returns a single sku and there is a throttle limit which would make it so we'd have to take several days to get all the data.
Does anybody know a way to get that data for multiple products in a single request?
You can fetch data on up to 20 SKUs using GetLowestOfferListingsForSKU by adding a SellerSKUList.SellerSKU.n parameter for each product (where n is a number from 1 to 20). The request looks something like this:
Here's some relevant documentation which explains this:
You might also find the MWS scratchpad helpful for testing:

Is there a limit to how long a filename URL statement can be?

I am on design number three I think now of a program that submits a series of stock tickers and metrics to Yahoo Finance. I don't need to go into too much total about what it does as I have got most of it up and running now apart from one remaining issue.
The Yahoo Finance site lists about 2700 stock tickers on the NASDAQ alone. I anticipated that submitting all of these in one filename URL statement might fall over for some reason, so set an initial string length of 500 tickers and built some nested macros to iterate through in 500 ticker blocks until everything I wanted had been extracted.
However during development of the code it seems that if I build a string with any more than about 200 tickers in I get an error telling me that SSL Support cannot be run and the code falls over.
Does anyone have any idea why this is? In ideal world I would like to be able to do this code in one pass where all 2700 stock tickers are pulled down. If this isn't possible if someone could explain why not that would be great.