Set a variable as the ID of a clicked div, then modify that variable to select a different div - replace

I have multiple images and when I click on one I want the code to set that specific images ID ("image_select_1") as a variable. I then want to modify that variable by removing the text "select" (with underscores on either side of it) from the middle of it so the variable becomes "image1". Then use that variable to target a different DIV and fade it in. Here the is the code I have however it's of course, not working.
var foo;
$('.game_selection_image').click(function() {
foo = $(this).attr("id");
foo = foo.replace("_select_","");
$("#" + foo).fadeIn(500);
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you :)

Watch your variables
$("div.game_selection_image").click(function(e) {
var foo = $(this).attr("id");
foo = foo.replace("_select_","");
$('#' + foo).fadeIn(500);


Simple relative cell referencing in google code

I have made this virtual inventory with buttons that copy and paste values to various sheets for different types of reports. The code might not be optimal I am not much of a programmer but I'm trying my best. now I have the same button in multiple places and I want it to copy values in cells relative to the position of the button itself but I am not sure how to reference a cell in a relative manner in the getRange fucntion.
here is the code:
function Go() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet ();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var destSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Fiche");
var lastRow = destSheet.getLastRow();
var source = ss.getRange ('(rowid-3)(colid)');
var checkbox = sheet.getRange (3,3);
var destColumn = ss.getRange ('B10').getValues ();
source.copyTo(destSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1,1), {contentsOnly: true});
if (checkbox.getValue() == 'vrai' ) {
var source = ss.getRange ('B9');
source.copyTo(destSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, destColumn), {contentsOnly: true});
source.copyTo(destSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 2), {contentsOnly: true});
else {
var nombre = ss.getRange ('D5').getValues() ;
destSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, destColumn).setValue(nombre);
destSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 2).setValue(nombre)
I want all (B10),(B9), etc. format cells to be replaced with relative cell positons. I have tried with (colID)(rowID) but it doesn't seem to work
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to retrieve the cell coordinate when a button on Spreadsheet is clicked.
Modification points:
Unfortunately, in the current stage, when a button on Spreadsheet is clicked, there are no methods for directly retrieving the information where button is clicked.
So when you want to use the button on Spreadsheet, if you want to retrieve the information, it is required to prepare each script for each button. But I thought that this might be different from the direction you expect.
In this answer, in order to retrieve the information where the button is clicked, I would like to propose the following 2 patterns as the workarounds. In these patterns, the event object is used. By this, the information of the button can be retrieved. This is used.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, a cell is used as the button using the simple trigger of OnSelectionChange. When the cell "B3" is used as the button like above image, the script is as follows.
Sample script:
In this script, for example, when you want to use the cell "B3" of "Sheet1" as the button, please set "B3" to buttonRanges. And, set sheet.getSheetName() != "Sheet1". When when you want to use the cell "B3" and "B4" as the button, please set "B3" and "B4" to buttonRanges.
function onSelectionChange(e) {
const range = e.range;
const sheet = range.getSheet();
const buttonRanges = ["B3"];
if (sheet.getSheetName() != "Sheet1" || !buttonRanges.includes(range.getA1Notation())) return;
const row = range.getRow(); // This is the row number.
const column = range.getColumn(); // This is the column number.
In this case, when the cell "B3" is clicked, this script is run. And row and column are the row and column number of the cell.
Because the cell is used as the button, you can put the value to the cell.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, a checkbox is used as the button using the OnEdit trigger. When the cell "B3" is used as the button like above image, the script is as follows.
Sample script:
In this script, for example, when you want to use the cell "B3" of "Sheet1" as the button, please set "B3" to buttonRanges. And, set sheet.getSheetName() != "Sheet1". When when you want to use the cell "B3" and "B4" as the button, please set "B3" and "B4" to buttonRanges.
function onEdit(e) {
const range = e.range;
const sheet = range.getSheet();
const buttonRanges = ["B3"];
if (sheet.getSheetName() != "Sheet1" || !buttonRanges.includes(range.getA1Notation()) || !range.isChecked()) return;
const row = range.getRow(); // This is the row number.
const column = range.getColumn(); // This is the column number.
In this case, when the checkbox is checked, the script is run. When the checkbox is unchecked, the script is not run.
Because the checkbox is used as the button, you cannot see the text in the cell.
Simple Triggers
Event Objects
Related question
Button change text display every after click
This question is for achieving the switching button.

How to target dynamically UI elements created with common.js with Appcelerator?

I am using Alloy and normally target an element in ui.xml with the contoller easily:
<Label id ="block1">
$.block1.backgroundColor = "red";
But how can I target UI elements that are created within the controller filer (outside the function that creates the elements)? In particular, how can I later and dynamically set the background color of block2 to "green" when the elements are created by the for loop?
$.block2.backgroundColor = "green"; does not work as the element is not in the .xml file
function createBlocks(){
for (i=0;i<=27;i++){
var block = Ti.UI.createLabel({
id: "block"+ i,
backgroundColor: "red",
text: i,
width: 10,
left: 2 + (10 * i),
The block elements you are creating only life under that name inside the loop. You either need to store them in an array or use $.hammerListStats.children ot access them.
So either create an empty array before the loop var elements = [], use elements.push(block) inside the loop and use elements[0].text=... to change the text.
Or just use $.hammerListStats.children[0].text = ... to access them. This works fine as long as you don't have any other components inside $.hammerListStats or if you know their position you just add the value to it.
Elsewhere in your code you should be able to do something like this...
var i = 1;
var mytext = $["block"+ i].text;

Sitecore, moving item takes multiple tries

I have a saving event handler in Sitecore where when the date of an item changes (from say 8/7/2014 to 9/7/2014) I want it to be moved into another folder.
It currently somewhat does that, but only if I change the date twice.
If I go from 8/7/2014 > 9/6/2014 it does nothing. If I then change the same item's date to 9/7/2014 it moves it into the correct folder.
If I debug the code it follows the exact same path both times .. anyone have a reason as to why this might be happening?
One of the other problems was that the saving handler was running twice, once with the new date value, once with the old. Changing to the saved handler worked much better because I only have access to the newly saved values, not the old and new values.
Since there were a few comments asking for it, here's the working code to move and item from folder parent to parent > year > month. Keep in mind this is using glassmapper so it would be slightly different if not using glass mapper.
protected void MoveItemToMonthDateFolder<T>(T scItem, Func<T, DateTime> dateSelector, Models.Item parentFolder) where T : Models.Item
var date = dateSelector(scItem);
if (!parentFolder.Children.Any(x => x.Name.Contains(date.Year.ToString())))
var yearFolder = sitecoreService.Create(parentFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Year.ToString() });
var monthFolder = sitecoreService.Create(yearFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Month.ToString() });
sitecoreService.Move(scItem, monthFolder);
var yearFolder = parentFolder.Children.First(x => x.Name.Equals(date.Year.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
var monthFolder = yearFolder.Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(date.Month.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (monthFolder == null)
monthFolder = sitecoreService.Create(yearFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Month.ToString() });
sitecoreService.Move(scItem, monthFolder);

Ember context passed to a view

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong about sending action from parentView to one of its children view:
I've made a PhotoUploadView used to resize and then upload images; it adds canvas drawing the resized image in a div inside its template:
<div class="img-list">
//here the canvas will be added
The action "saveImages" in this view, acts like this:
var list = this.$('.img-list');
$.each(list.children(), function(index, value) {
//here the code to save
But this action is not called directly; because I need to save not only the images but also some records (an offer record and many products records, children of the offer; the images are associated to the product record);
So I have the action "save" on the parentView that is like this:
//save records {
newProducts.forEach(function(product, indexP) {
product.set('offer', savedOffer); {
//save photos by cycling the PhotoUploadViews that are inside ProductViews that are inside the mainView
this.get('childViews').forEach(function(view, index) {
if (index >= 4) { //the childView from the 4th are the ProductViews
var productId = view.get('product').get('id');
var folder = 'offer-' + controller.get('model').get('id') + '/product-' + productId + '/';
view.get('childViews')[0].send('saveImages', folder, productId); //the first childView of a ProductView is the UploadView
Well, this works and save the images correctly when you add images to an existing offer with existing product; but when you are creating a new offer, it fails since the folder will becone "offer-undefined/product-undefined" because of course you must wait the records to be saved in order to get their ID;
So I'm trying now to move the send action into the .then callback of product save:
var childViews = this.get('childViews'); //the childView starting from the 4th are the productsViews {
newProducts.forEach(function(product, indexP) {
product.set('offer', savedOffer); {
var currentPview = (childViews[4 + indexP]); //get the productView associated with the current product
var productId = savedProduct.get('id');
var folder = 'offer-' + savedOffer.get('id') + '/product-' + productId + '/';
currentPview.get('_childViews')[2].send('saveImages', folder, productId); //the object at index 2 of _childViews array is the photoUploadView
Here, the folder is built correctly but after sending action, the saveImages action crashes saying that list is undefined; trying to log the value of "this" inside "saveImages" I can see that also its value is undefined; Someone can please explain why calling the action from one point, it works, and calling it inside the .then callback of product save it doesn't?
I also would like to understand why in the first case I can do
to get the PhotoUploadView, but in the second I must do
since using get('childViews) it doesn't work anymore; What is the difference between childViews and _childViews? And why _childViews has more elements than childView?

I can not change the name of my opacity.Its change.Its change?

Would anyone know how to change the name of the menu opacity to a name of my choice in Slice?
This can be done with the .name function of dat.gui.
gui.add(volume, 'opacity').name('Transparency');
That's a dat.gui question and not really related to XTK. Basically you have to create a wrapper object:
var settings = {
transparency: 1.0
transparency would be your new name.
Then, you define the controller using the settings object
var opacityController = lhgui.add(settings, 'transparency', 0, 1);
And in the callback, adjust the XTK opacity value:
opacityController.onChange(function() {
mesh.opacity = settings.transparency;