Select multiple cells in same column using UltraWinGrid - infragistics

In the grid I have to select multiple cells in same column only. Should not allow user to select the cells from difference columns.
I have tried below code.
Private Sub grdTransactions_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) _
Handles grdTransactions.InitializeLayout
e.Layout.Override.CellClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellClickAction.CellSelect
End Sub
Private Sub grdTransactions_AfterSelectChange(sender As Object, _
e As AfterSelectChangeEventArgs) Handles grdTransactions.AfterSelectChange
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Override.SelectTypeCell = UltraWinGrid.SelectType.Single
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Override.SelectTypeCol = UltraWinGrid.SelectType.Single
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Override.SelectTypeCell = UltraWinGrid.SelectType.Extended
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Override.SelectTypeCol = UltraWinGrid.SelectType.Single
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Override.MultiCellSelectionMode = MultiCellSelectionMode.Default
Me.grdTransactions.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Override.MaxSelectedCells = 100
End Sub
The above code allow select cell from difference column. Tell me where I am wrong?

Maybe one possible approach to solve this task, could be if you are using ultraGrid1_BeforeSelectChange() event. For example:
private void ultraGrid1_BeforeSelectChange(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeSelectChangeEventArgs e)
if (e.NewSelections.Cells.OfType<UltraGridCell>().First().Column.Key != e.NewSelections.Cells.OfType<UltraGridCell>().Last().Column.Key)
e.Cancel = true;


Kotlin: Problem with List Filter by Multiple Conditions

I'm trying to match two lists to another. In one list are items of crypto trades, the other contains so called candlesticks, which represents a price of crypto asset for one minute. A candlestick is limited by open time and close time. One trade item belongs exactly to one candlestick set. So I step through the trades list an for each item I apply a filter of two conditions. Unfortunately the filter returns no matching data. When I compare the trades data with candlestick items manually, I get a match. Here is the code of the data filter.
TradesDbHandler(dbConnector).use { dbHandler ->
val rowsInTime = dbHandler.readTimeframe(startTime, buffer)
rowsInTime.distinctBy { it.symbol }.forEach {
val symbolFilter = rowsInTime.filter { row -> row.symbol == it.symbol }
val symbolMinTime = symbolFilter.minByOrNull { it.time }
val symbolMaxTime = symbolFilter.maxByOrNull { it.time }
val tempKlines = binanceClient.getCandleSticks( symbolMaxTime!!.symbol,
symbolMaxTime!!.time ) {
log(">>> $it")
val klines = mutableListOf<KlineRow>()
klines.plusElement(tempKlines.filter { row ->
(row.opentime <= it.time) &&
(row.closetime >= it.time) })
The code was not the problem but the data. Therefore no matches could be found. Thread can be closed.

How to get all rows containing (or equaling) a particular ID from an HBase table?

I have a method which select the row whose rowkey contains the parameter passed into.
HTable table = new HTable(Bytes.toBytes(objectsTableName), connection);
public List<ObjectId> lookUp(String partialId) {
if (partialId.matches("[a-fA-F0-9]+")) {
// create a regular expression from partialId, which can
//match any rowkey that contains partialId as a substring,
//and then get all the row with the specified rowkey
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"query must be done with hexadecimal values only");
I don't know how to finish code above.
I just know the following code can get the row with specified rowkey in Hbase.
String rowkey = "123";
Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rowkey));
Result result = table.get(get);
You can use RowFilter filter with RegexStringComparator to do that. Or, if it is just to fetch the rows which match a given substring you can use RowFilter with SubstringComparator. This is how you use HBase filters :
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
HTable table = new HTable(conf, "demo");
Scan s = new Scan();
Filter f = new RowFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new SubstringComparator("abc"));
ResultScanner rs = table.getScanner(s);
for(Result r : rs){
System.out.println("RowKey : " + Bytes.toString(r.getRow()));
//rest of your logic
The above piece of code will give you all the rows which contain abc as a part of their rowkeys.

Hide UltragridRow that has no visible child rows after applying RowFilter

So, I am setting the DataSource of my BindingSource to the DefaultViewManager of a DataSet that has a DataRelation. I then set my BindingSource as the UltraGrid's DataSource before applying a RowFilter to the the "SalesOrderSublines" DataView.
public void RefreshData()
var dataset = DataService.GetMillWorkOrders()
bindingSource1.DataSource = dataset.DefaultViewManager;
ultraGridSequences.SetDataBinding(bindingSource1, "", true, true);
var dvm = bindingSource1.DataSource as DataViewManager;
dvm.DataViewSettings["SalesOrderSublines"].RowFilter = "LINE_NO = 2;
public static DataSet GetMillWorkOrders()
DataSet ds = OracleHelper.ExecuteDataset(_connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, SQL.GET_WORK_ORDERS);
ds.Tables[0].TableName = "WorkOrders";
ds.Tables[1].TableName = "SalesOrderSublines";
var dr = new DataRelation("WorkOrderSublines", ds.Tables["WorkOrders"].Columns["WORK_ORDER"], ds.Tables["SalesOrderSublines"].Columns["WORK_ORDER"]);
return ds;
Then, as the UltraGridRows are initializing I want to hide any parent row ("WorkOrders") that has no visible child rows ("WorkOrderSublines") because of my RowFilter.
private void ultraGridSequences_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.Band.Key != "WorkOrders") return;
e.Row.Hidden = e.Row.ChildBands["WorkOrderSublines"].Rows.VisibleRowCount == 0;
Although the RowFilter does work properly on the rows in the "WorkOrderSublines" band the VisibleRowCount of the band is still greater than zero and so the parent row is never hidden. My guess is that I want to look for something other than the VisibleRowCount of the ChildBand to determine if the top-level row should be hidden, but I'm stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.
Instead of relying on VisibleRowCount you could simply compare the count of child row filtered vs total count.
void ultraGridSequences_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.Band.Key != "WorkOrders") return;
var sublinesBand = e.Row.ChildBands["WorkOrderSublines"]
e.Row.Hidden = sublinesBand.Rows.Count(row => row.IsFilteredOut) ==
Should be fine performance-wise so long as we're not talking huge amounts of records?
Using the Filtering within the Grid may be an option rather than using the filtering in the DataSource. The following resources have more details on implementing this:

How to disable automatic creation SeriesCollection in Excel Chart

I have already this code
Excel::_ApplicationPtr app("Excel.Application");
app->Visible[0] = false;
Excel::_WorkbookPtr book = app->Workbooks->Add();
Excel::_WorksheetPtr sheet = book->Worksheets->Item[1];
RangePtr pRange = sheet->Cells;
RangePtr pCell;
pCell = pRange->Item[1][1]; // A1
pCell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[1][2]; // B1
pCell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[1][3]; // C1
pCell->Value2 = "10";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][1]; // A2
pCell->Value2 = "3";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][2]; // B2
Cell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][3]; // C2
pCell->Value2 = "20";
and next
Excel::RangePtr pBeginRange = pRange->Item[1][1];
Excel::RangePtr pEndRange = pRange->Item[5][9];
Excel::RangePtr pTotalRange = sheet->Range[(Excel::Range *)pBeginRange][(Excel::Range *)pEndRange];
_ChartPtr pChart2 = book->Charts->Add();
pChart2->ChartType = xlBubble3DEffect;
pChart2->SetSourceData((Excel::Range *)pTotalRange, (long)Excel::xlColumns);
How to disable automatic creation SeriesCollection in Excel Chart. I want to set the ranges manually. In the automatic creation all SeriesCollection has XValues in the first column. But I needn't it.
I've come across the same issue as well. From experimentation I think the following is happening:
When you create a new chart in VBA using the following code
Dim chSheet As Chart
Set chSheet = Charts.Add
Excel, trying to be helpful I bet, automatically looks at which ever worksheet your cursor had selected when you executed your code from the developer window and searches for the nearest dataset it thinks could be a range of values for the graph. This is then automatically populated in the graph. The only way around it I've found so far is to execute the following code to delete all series objects in the series collection object on the chart immediately after having created it. Touch counter intuitive but it works...
Public Sub DeleteChartSeries(chartSheet As Chart)
'Shorter but perhaps less clean way of writing the code compared to below
Do Until chartSheet.SeriesCollection.Count = 0
'With chartSheet
' Do Until .seriesCollection.Count = 0
' .seriesCollection(1).Delete
' Loop
'End With
End Sub
Just hit a workaround: First move the cursor somewhere outside the UsedRange, then create the Chart: Won't do auto-detection. Then move back.
In other words, the following code works for me (Excel 2007):
' Assume src As Range (proposed source data for the chart) in the ActiveSheet.
' put the cursor somewhere outside the UsedRange to avoid Excel's
' 'helpful' auto detection.
Dim ur As Range
Set ur = src.Worksheet.UsedRange
ur.Cells(1, ur.Columns.Count).Offset(0, 2).Select
Dim crt As Chart
Set crt = src.Worksheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart
' ^ does NOT do auto-detection.
Probably can't prevent it being created, but you can delete it immediately after creating the chart, then create you own series as required.
Set Chrt = wb.Charts.Add()

Using Conversion Studio by To-Increase to import Notes into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Currently, I'm using Conversion Studio to bring in a CSV file and store the contents in an AX table. This part is working. I have a block defined and the fields are correctly mapped.
The CSV file contains several comments columns, such as Comments-1, Comments-2, etc. There are a fixed number of these. The public comments are labeled as Comments-1...5, and the private comments are labeled as Private-Comment-1...5.
The desired result would be to bring the data into the AX table (as is currently working) and either concatenate the comment fields or store them as separate comments into the DocuRef table as internal or external notes.
Would it not require just setting up a new block in the Conversion Studio project that I already have setup? Can you point me to a resource that maybe shows a similar procedure or how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
After chasing the rabbit down the deepest of rabbit holes, I discovered that the easiest way to do this is like so:
Override the onEntityCommit method of your Document Handler (that extends AppDataDocumentHandler), like so:
AppEntityAction onEntityCommit(AppDocumentBlock documentBlock, AppBlock fromBlock, AppEntity toEntity)
AppEntityAction ret;
int64 recId; // Should point to the record currently being imported into CMCTRS
ret = super(documentBlock, fromBlock, toEntity);
recId = toEntity.getRecord().recId;
// Do whatever you need to do with the recId now
return ret;
Here is my method to insert the notes, in case you need that too:
private static boolean insertNote(RefTableId _tableId, int64 _docuRefId, str _note, str _name, boolean _isPublic)
DocuRef docuRef;
boolean insertResult = false;
if (_docuRefId)
docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext();
docuRef.RefTableId = _tableId;
docuRef.RefRecId = _docuRefId;
docuRef.TypeId = 'Note';
docuRef.Name = _name;
docuRef.Notes = _note;
docuRef.Restriction = (_isPublic) ? DocuRestriction::External : DocuRestriction::Internal;
insertResult = true;
error("Could not insert " + ((_isPublic) ? "public" : "private") + " comment:\n\n\t\"" + _note + "\"");
return insertResult;