How to set multiple animations in cocos2d-x - c++

I'm currently starting with cocos2d-x to build games for blackberry/android/iOS.
I have the png and plist for the animations of a character created with texturepacker. I load them with CCSpriteBatchNode and CCSpriteFrameCache then I use a function created by me that loads all frames into an array of frames, then create a CCAnimation object and store the CCAnimate object created with the animation (code is more clear) the thing is that I have a function that detect touches and it is supposed to cycle through all animations, but it always crashes.
here is some code (this goes in the init()):
_batchNode = CCSpriteBatchNode::create("Character/girl.png");
_cache = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache();
_character = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("girlneutral1.png");
_character->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width * 0.1, winSize.height * 0.5));
_batchNode->addChild(_character, 1);
createAnimation(0, "girlpush", 8, 0.15f);
createAnimation(1, "girlneutral", 4, 0.3f);
createAnimation(2, "girlcrash", 12, 0.3f);
createAnimation(3, "girljump", 12, 0.2f);
createAnimation(4, "girltrick", 12, 0.3f);
_character->runAction(CCRepeatForever::create( _charanimation[3]));
the function that loads the animations (_charanimation[] is just an array of CCAnimate):
void HelloWorld::createAnimation(int a, CCString animation_name, int frames, float delay)
CCArray* animframes = CCArray::createWithCapacity(frames);
char str[100] = {0};
for(int i = 1; i <= frames; i++)
sprintf(str, "%s%d.png", animation_name.getCString(), i);
CCSpriteFrame* frame = _cache->spriteFrameByName( str );
_charanimation[a] = CCAnimate::create(CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(animframes, delay));
and I get the animation to work (the one I set with runAction()) but if I try to change the animation, for example, when I touch the screen:
void HelloWorld::ccTouchesBegan(cocos2d::CCSet* touches, cocos2d::CCEvent* event)
_character->runAction( CCRepeatForever::create(_charanimation[action]));
char str[100];
sprintf(str, "Animation: %d", action);
it crashes... I don't know if I am doing it wrong, if anyone could help, I will appreciate.
If I change the animation in runAction() it shows the animation correctly, but I can't change ingame with touches.
by the way, this is the error I get in console:
cocos2d-x debug info Assert failed: reference count should greater than 0
In function retain -- ..\..\cocoa\CCObject.cpp:92 m_uReference > 0 -- assertion failed

Its because the CCAnimate object you have created is autorelease object and you are not retaining the object. Autorelease objects will be deleted automatically if they are not retained, either explicitly or by some other object.
While adding to array You can do
CCAnimate *animate = CCAnimate::create(CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(animframes, delay));
_charanimation[a] = animate;
do not forget to release all the objects in the array when everything is over
Instead of using the simple C or C++ array you can use Cocos2d's CCArray which retains the object once it is added to the array.
For Example: (The memory handling is similar to Objective-C)
_charanimation = new CCArray();
//To add object to array
_charanimation->addObject(object); //This will retain the object
//To get an object
//To remove object
_charanimation->removeObjectAtIndex(index); //This will release object
_charanimation->removeObject(object); //This will release object
//Dont forget delete array later
delete (_charanimation);
You can refer this link for more on CCArray


Cocos 2dx game increasing in memory every time a scene transition occurs

I am making a cocos 2dx game. But each time the memory increases with every level transition. For debugging purposes I am calling the same scene again and again on touch event. Each level is generated by changing the parameters for the folowing code. Initially I thought that the memory was increasing because there were more objects in the higher levels, but even when calling the same level, memory occupied is increasing.
#include "GameScene.h"
#include "MainMenuScene.h"
#include "GameOverScene.h"
#include "Levels.h"
#define COCOS2D_DEBUG 1
float theta=0;
int r=0;
int levelNo=0;
int controlable=0; // flag to check if user can controll the ball or not
int rMax=0; // max radius of circle
float objectTime; // stores the inverse of speed
int secondCount=0; // second han value in the timer
int minuteCount=0; //minute hand clock in the timer
float obstacleSpeed=0;
Label *timer;
Scene* GameScene::createScene(int level)
// 'scene' is an autorelease object
auto scene = Scene::create();
// 'layer' is an autorelease object
rMax=levels[levelNo].ringCount * 15; //setting various parameters
obstacleSpeed =levels[levelNo].obstacleSpeed;
secondCount=0; minuteCount=0;
auto layer = GameScene::create();
// add layer as a child to scene
// return the scene
return scene;
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool GameScene::init()
// 1. super init first
if ( !Layer::init() )
return false;
visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(GameScene::onTouchBegan, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
goal = DrawNode::create();
goal->drawDot(Vec2(visibleSize.width/2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height/2 + origin.y), 5, Color4F(100,0,0,1));
this->addChild(goal,1); // drawing the goal
rotationPoint = Node::create();
rotationPoint->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height/2 + origin.y);
this->addChild(rotationPoint, 2);
//Setting the exit button
auto exitLabel = Label::createWithTTF("Exit","fonts/Marker Felt.ttf",10);
//setting the clock
timer = Label::createWithTTF("00:00","fonts/Marker Felt.ttf",10);
this->schedule(schedule_selector(GameScene::updateClock),1.0f); //scedule to call upDateClock function every 1.0 sec
obstacleRotationPoint = Node::create();
obstacleRotationPoint->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height/2 + origin.y);
this->addChild(obstacleRotationPoint, 3);
float theta=0;
snake[0] = DrawNode::create();
// fixedPoint->addChild(snake[0]);
//loop to draw the concentric circles
pathNode = DrawNode::create();
return true;
bool GameScene::onTouchBegan(cocos2d::Touch *touch, cocos2d::Event *event)
{ // check if exit button region was clicked
auto scene = GameScene::createScene(levelNo);
return true;
//function updates every frame
void GameScene::update(float dt){
The last part in the init function where I need to add pathNode is increasing my memory requirement everytime I transition a scene. I believe I am releasing everything in my destructor.
First of all, I don't recommend using global variables, which you have on top of your file (especially timer label). You should keep everything in class.
Second, you should check whether destructor is called in the first place.
Third, you can also try using some "Loading" screen between two levels and clean all unused textures like this:
Fourth, I'd recommend to not recreate GameScene at all, but create function like restartLevel() and loadLevel() and just remove unnecessary stuff there and load new one.

VTK - update vtkPolyData in renderWindow without blocking interaction

I use VTK to display a point cloud and update it in a loop.
The windows can be interacted by mouse for the first time I display the cloud, if I want to update the cloud, I have to press 'q' and the Window will display updated cloud. However, although the cloud is updated and shown in the window correctly, I lost control of the window (i.e. cannot use mouse to move or rotate the point cloud in the window).
Following is my minimum code that recreates the issue.
I have a Visualization class to handle this, its initialization list:
, vertices(vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New())
, pointsPolyData(vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New())
, mapper(vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper>::New())
, actor(vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor>::New())
, renderer(vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New())
, renderWindow(vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New())
, renderWindowInteractor(vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New())
Here is the init function:
void Visualization::init(const cv::Mat &point_cloud){
noPoints = point_cloud.cols * point_cloud.rows;
// Preallocate memory
// Copy
int element_stripe = sizeof(float) * point_cloud.channels();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < noPoints; i++)
float x =<cv::Vec3f>(i)[0];
float y =<cv::Vec3f>(i)[1];
float z =<cv::Vec3f>(i)[2];
vtkIdType pid[1] = {i};
points->SetPoint(i, x, y, z);
vertices->InsertNextCell(1, pid);
// Push data to polydata
// Set visualization pipeline
isPipelineInit = true;
Here is the display function:
void Visualization::display(const cv::Mat &point_cloud){
// Copy
int element_stripe = sizeof(float) * point_cloud.channels();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < noPoints; i++)
points->SetPoint(i, (float*)( + i*element_stripe));
I also have a function that run an infinite loop in a thread:
void Visualization::run()
while (1) // infinite while loop
// Update m_clouds and display
As mirni remind me that 'q' key essentially quit current renderWindow, what I see later on is actually from the display function rather then the init. In the display I didn't call renderWindowInteractor->Start() and therefore I cannot interact with the window. However, the renderWindowInteractor->Start() stuck my current thread and therefore I cannot continue my program and update my vtkPolyData.
I guess the question then becomes:
How shall I display and update at the same time?
Shall I do it in different thread, so one for display and another for update?
The answer to your question is: You just update the data and call vtkRenderWindow::Render() method. VTK rendering pipeline discovers by itself that data has changed and that it needs to update.
Your code really needs to be redesigned -- it makes more sense to update the visualization when the data changed (only once), rather than keep probing the data "has anything changed?" (every millisecond).
Also, normally you don't need a separate thread for VTK visualization pipeline. Keep it simple:
Don't make the visualization object a thread. (What if you have 100 objects? Will you create 100 separate threads one for each of then?).
Get rid of the infinite loop.
Rename the display(...) method to
void Visualization::update(const cv::Mat &point_cloud);
make it public and call it from outside whenever data changes by any means that fit your scenario (callback? Qt signal? message? ...). Make sure to keep the vtkRenderWindow::Render() call at the end.
You may want to consider copying the data from cv::Mat struct directly, using the raw pointer to the point data exposed by vtkPoints::GetVoidPointer(int) and do a memcopy instead of the for loop, but don't do this until you have things in place and your measurements show the need for optimization. (Premature optimization is the root...)
vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Start() starts an event loop and hijacks the thread as you found out. Instead of Start() just call Initialize() to enable interactor but let the control flow go on.

bad access with array of sprites

I am populating an NSMutableArray with CCSprites and adding them to the current layer which is added to a scene. When i try to access the elements of the array I get a bad access error
sprites = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]autorelease];
int j = 0;
for (int i=0; i<[sprites count]; i++)
sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"intro%d.png",j]];
sprite.position = ccp(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2+(i*HEIGHT));
[sprites addObject:sprite];
for (int i = 0; i<[sprites count]; i++)
[self addChild:[sprites objectAtIndex:i]];
[self scheduleUpdate];
return self;
This is done in the init method and sprites and sprite are declared in the header file. Inside the update method, I have
sprite = [sprites objectAtIndex:1];
sprite.position = ccpAdd(sprite.position, ccp(0,dy));
CCSprite* spr = [sprites objectAtIndex:2];
spr.position = ccpAdd(spr.position, ccp(0,dy));
When control is passed to the update method, I get a bad access. I would be glad if anyone could help me
This is happening because you created an autorelease object, that you then try to access later in your update code. The sprites array has a retain count of zero (since it is autorelease), and gets deallocated, you then try to access it, and get a bad-access error.
To fix, you should not make the sprites array an autorelease object. Since you plan on using the object later on in your code, you should keep it retained (by not adding the autorelease). You should also then make sure to release the array in the (whatever the parent object that is operating on the array)'s dealloc method.
- ( void ) dealloc {
[ sprites release ];
[ super dealloc ];
You should retain the sprites array (make certain you release it in your object's dealloc). Since it is autoreleasable, during the cycle from your init to your update method, it gets released.
Also (strange) , if your code is as shown, sprites.count is 0 when you start your first loop. You wont get much in there :).
The others are right (the autorelease call is the culprit - you should just remove it and then release the array in the dealloc method of the scene).
Also note that [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]autorelease] has the same effect as [NSMutableArray array] (for your scenario, though, this is not what you need).

Cocos2d Kobold2d reorderChildren doesn't order CCSprites properly

I am having an issue in Kobold2d-Cocos2d regarding the layering of CCSprite objects.
All of my code works fine, except that a certain tile (a CCSprite), held in an array, is supposed to always be on top. The code has an array of references to CCSprites (Tile) and goes along all the tiles swapping them with each other. So element 0 and 1 switch (in the array and on screen using a moveTo), then the new element 1 and 2 switch, then the new element 2 and 3 switch etc...
The idea is the Tile at the start of the chain leapfrogs to the front of the line!
I always want that first tile to stay on top, but it isn't. It only does sometimes (when it's above the other Tile it's switching places with on the screen, implying it was added later)
Here's the CCScene code in question:
//reference first CCSprite in array -works
Tile *firstTile = [tileArray objectAtIndex:(int)[[[selTracker oldSelectionArray] objectAtIndex:0]element]];
//How much time should be spend leapfrogging each two tiles broken up over 1 second.
float intervalTime = .75/(float)[[selTracker oldSelectionArray] count];
//Will use this to count each tile set we leapfrog
float currentPass = 0;
//TODO: destroy this wrapper class that holds number, use NSNumber. Fine for now.
SimpCoord *lastCord;
//Make moving sprite higher than all others. DOESN'T WORK?
[self reorderChild:firstTile z:100];
//Loop through all the tiles that were selected
for (SimpCoord *coord in [selTracker oldSelectionArray])
if (lastCord)
//Queue each tile to leapfrog with our moving tile
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(switchTilesFuncWrapper:)])
NSArray *argArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[lastCord element]],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[coord element]],
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:(intervalTime)], nil];
[self performSelector:#selector(switchTilesFuncWrapper:) withObject:argArray afterDelay:((currentPass) * intervalTime)];
lastCord = coord;
That calls the following code by the way that actually swaps the two Tiles (I excluded the function wrapper middleman I needed for multiple arguments):
(In case it makes it easier to understand, rather than use a 2d array to hold all my tiles I just only draw 10 per line, hence the tileCoordsByElement method - but that shouldn't be important)
// Switch two tiles on the screen and in the holder array
// onlySwitchArray pass in true to only swap tiles in organization array
// but provide no animation.
- (void) switchTiles:(NSNumber*)elePosVal secPos:(NSNumber*)elePos2Val timeToSwitch:(NSNumber*)time
float switchTime = [time floatValue];
int elePos = [elePosVal intValue];
int elePos2 = [elePos2Val intValue];
Tile *tmpTile = [tileArray objectAtIndex:elePos];
Tile *tmpTile2 = [tileArray objectAtIndex:elePos2];
//Move actual tiles on screen
//Move Tile is elePos (1) to elePos2
int curCol = 0;
int curRow = 0;
[self tileCoordsByElement:elePos2 x:&curRow y:&curCol];
CCSequence *tmpTile1_Seq = [CCSequence actions:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:switchTime position:ccp((curRow-1)*tmpTile.width + tmpTile.width/2,
(curCol-1)*tmpTile.height + tmpTile.height/2)], nil];
[tmpTile runAction:[CCRepeat actionWithAction:tmpTile1_Seq times:1]];
//Move Tile that is elePos2 to elePos(1)
[self tileCoordsByElement:elePos x:&curRow y:&curCol];
CCSequence *tmpTile1_Seq2 = [CCSequence actions:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:switchTime position:ccp((curRow-1)*tmpTile.width + tmpTile.width/2,
(curCol-1)*tmpTile.height + tmpTile.height/2)], nil];
[tmpTile2 runAction:[CCRepeat actionWithAction:tmpTile1_Seq2 times:1]];
//Swap tiles in array second
[tileArray replaceObjectAtIndex:elePos withObject:tmpTile2];
[tileArray replaceObjectAtIndex:elePos2 withObject:tmpTile];
I'm aware some things I'm doing aren't exactly efficient and if it's not relevant I don't really want to focus to heavily on them. This is just a learning exercise for me - I just honestly don't understand why the origional Tile won't stay on top.
I've tried every resource or example I possibly can find for answers (sample included code, tutorials online, terrible book I bought, random somewhat related stackoverflow articles) and I'm getting nothing :\
In case it matters this is how I origionally added my sprites to the scene:
//Set up A CCSpriteBatchNode to load in pList/pngs of images
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache]
nodeBasicImages = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"zAtl_BasicImages_64.png" capacity:100];
//Initialize array used to track tiles in scene
tileArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i<100; i++)
Tile *tmpTile = [[Tile alloc] init];
[tileArray addObject:tmpTile];
[self reorderChild:tmpTile z:-1];
Note: I checked and the zOrder on both Tiles is correct on the line before the MoveTo animation begins.
I added my sprites not to my layer, but to an image node because I was using a Sprite Atlas. So I was trying to access sprites that weren't even there. - I'm a new user so going to have to wait 8 hours until I can close. Peace. Why it didn't throw an error I'll never know.

Adding bullets yield OpenGL error 0x0503 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]

I am trying to build up my first game with cocos2d. I am trying to insert bullets. when I get this error. The problem is it only occurs when a player fires not for enemy sprites. When this error occurs no only the position of player swaps with another and back also the bullet is destroyed after hitting two targets.
OpenGL error 0x0503 in -[EAGLView swapBuffers]
my weapon class has the following bullet implementation
if([self.bulletsArray count] <= ([self.numberOfBulletsPerFire intValue]*[self.numberOfBulletsOnScreen intValue]))
for (int i =0; i< [self.numberOfBulletsPerFire intValue]; i++) {
BulletClass *bullet = [[Bullet alloc]initWithPosition:position Direction:direction strength:self.weaponLevel spriteArray:spriteArray enemyArray:enemyArray base:base];
[self.bulletsArray addObject:bullet];
[self addChild:bullet];
[bullet release];bullet = nil;
in BulletClass i have the init method as :
strength:(NSNumber *)strength
spriteArray:(NSMutableArray *)sprites
enemyArray:(NSMutableArray *)enemyArray
base:(CCSprite *)base{
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.base = base;
self.strength = strength;
self.movementDirection = direction;
self.spriteArray = sprites;
self.enemyArray = enemyArray;
self.velocity = 200/1;
self.bullet.position = position;
[self addChild:self.bullet z:2];
return self;
can anyone help me out here..
There are a few issues here that may be contributing to your problems.
First, while not a bug but more of a performance thing, you should not place counts and other object methods like intValue in your conditions, as this slows down the program. Define a local variable just before your loops that equals this number, and then use that variable in the loop so the software doesn't have count the same array or extract the same value over and over again every time it loops.
More importantly, I do not see anywhere that you are using a sprite frame cache (sprite batch), and if you are using sprite arrays that are very large where your array counts are high and manipulating and drawing these sprites many times as is typically requested by bullet operations, you could be adding a lot of burden to OpenGL unnecessarily, perhaps creating the buffer error you saw.
You should use a cocos sprite batch for your sprite arrays and give this another try; at the very least it will vastly improve the program's performance for bullet operations.